November 11, 2022













November 11, 2022











November 11, 2022

Day 5, Decarbonization

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 5














November 11, 2022












November 11, 2022

Day 5, Decarbonization

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 5

Live from COP27 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at UN’s Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.  Click here for the full day-by-day program.

Register to participate online or in our physical hubs in Nairobi, Washington DC, and Stockholm here

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The best way to experience our broadcasts is with the help of our app. Download our app and join the dialogue: 📲 Apple App Store 📲 Google Play 🌐 Web app (browser version)

09:00 – 09:40 EET — Long duration energy storage: The piece of the puzzle to enable the energy transition

Long duration energy storage (LDES) is a critical piece of the puzzle to enable the energy transition. Launched at COP26, the LDES Council is made up of organisations that strive to accelerate energy decarbonisation at lowest cost to society by driving innovation, commercialisation, and deployment of long duration energy storage.


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Head of CleanTech, VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Julia Souder, Executive Director, LDES council, LDES Council;
  • Michael Geyer, Co-president LDES Council and EMEA manager Malta Inc, Malta Inc.;
  • Jonas Wallmander , CEO, Azelio;
  • Godart van Gendt , Expert Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company.

Organized by: 

10:00 – 11:00 EET — FMC session: Public-private collaboration to scale near zero heavy manufacturing

To confront the climate crisis, the world needs a range of clean energy technologies that are not yet available or cost-competitive in commercial markets. There is a narrow window between now and 2030 to demonstrate and commercialize innovative technologies so they are available for massive scale-up to enable net-zero emissions by 2050. This session will showcase tangible examples of public-private collaboration to scale transformation near zero technology to decarbonise heavy manufacturing. Launched at COP26 by US President Biden and the World Economic Forum, the First Movers Coalition is a flagship public-private partnership harnessing the purchasing power of top companies to decarbonise “hard to abate” industries.


  • Nathan Cooper, Strategic Climate Partnerships and COP Global Lead, World Economic Forum;
  • Martin Pei, Executive Vice President and CTO, SSAB;
  • Andrea Fuder, Chief Purchasing Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Volvo Group;
  • Abanti Sankaranarayanan, Chief Group Public Affairs and Sustainability Office and Group Executive Member, Mahindra Group;
  • FMC Government Partner Minister.

Organized by: 

10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.


  • Beatriz Machado Granziera, InternationalClimate Policy Advisor, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Yurshell Yanishey Rodriguez Hooker, Activist;
  • David Alberto Hernandez Palmar, Activist;
  • Dr Francisco Souza, Member of the Apurinã Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon and Managing Director, FSCIndigenous Foundation;
  • Diana Mori, Shipibo-Conibo indigenousrepresentative, AIDER;
  • Giancarlo Ramirez, Translator, AIDER;
  • Durwood Zaelke, President and Founder, InstituteFor Governance And Sustainable Development;
  • Marco Poggianella, Founder & CEOCEO and Founder;
  • Gustavo Guadagnini, Managing Director, Brazil, Good Food Institute;
  • Noora Firaq, Interim Executive Director & Operations Director, Climate Outreach;
  • Rocky Sanchez Tirona, Managing Director, FishForever, Rare;
  • Joydeep Gupta, South Asia Director The ThirdPole.

Organized by:

11:20 – 12:00 EET — Havbruk, Norway: Circular solution for sludge recycling in Norwegian fish farming

Already today 49% of the world production of food comes from our oceans, this will need to increase over time due to the possibility to increase the food production on land is limited. At the same time have we used our oceans as a dumping station that reduces our potential to use our oceans and primarily our coastal regions around the world for food production, eutrophication cased by to much nitrogen and phosphorus being poured out from farming, wastewater, industry etc. In Norway they have understood the challenges and the risk that their 2nd biggest industry is facing, the fishing industry will see a reduced capacity to use fish farming if they do not remove the fish sludge from the fjords. A network collaboration called ARAL in Norway has proven the potential to both collect the fish sludge but also extract the resources from it. Already today the methane can be extracted with a total potential of 2TW hour of energy if all fish sludge would be collected. But there is even more potential, the fish sludge contains also 9,000 tons of P that today is waste every year. This is more P than Sweden as nation imports as a food phosphate. Norway is the frontrunner in this, but the potential is huge all over the world, Norwegian salmon industry is only 2% of the world total fish farming. The situation is starting to be critical in Canada, Chile, Scotland, Lake Victoria etc.


  • Pär Larshans, Ragn-Sells


  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining, part of Ragn-Sells Group;
  • Anna Celsing, Head of sustainability, Alfa-Laval;
  • Ole Arthur Varge, Ragn-Sells Havbruk;
  • Jarle Rangnhildstveit, Lift-Up, part of Alfa-Laval;
  • Gerardo Marti, Novatech.

Organized by: 

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'

Moderator: Shamini Selvaratnam, Lead Sustainable Energy Partnerships, UNDP


  • Cassie Flynn, Strategic Advisor on Climate Change and Head of the Climate Promise, UNDP;
  • Freedom-Kai Phillips, Director, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress;
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson;
  • Oluwadabira Abiola-Awe, Ventures and Capital Campaign Associate, Student Energy;
  • Delphin Kaze, Founder and CEO, KAZE Green Economy;
  • Muhammad Shamsuddin Ibrahim, Co-Founder and team Lead, Break-Free From Plastic Awareness Initiative;
  • Dr. Pradeep Philip, Lead Partner, Deloitte Access Economics;
  • Pierre Gonthier, VP Legal Affairs, SAF+ Consortium;
  • Wendy Miles KC, Barrister, Twenty Essex;
  • Pierre Gonthier, VP Legal Affairs, SAF+ Consortium;
  • Khalida Bouzar, UN Assistant Secretary General, Assistant Administrator, and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP,

Organized by:

12:20 – 13:20 EET — The Potential of Carbon Finance to accelerate the energy transition

With the long-awaited adoption of the Article 6-rulebook at the Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26) in 2021, countries are now scaling up carbon market cooperation worldwide. It is clear that climate finance alone will not be enough to reach objectives of the Paris Agreement. In this context, carbon markets have an important role to play in mobilizing additional finance to mitigation activities and energy transitions around the world.

The first part of the side-event will share experiences from the early cooperation between Ghana and Sweden. Ghana and Sweden have the ambition to lead the way in the implementation of market-based cooperation under the Paris Agreement and will jointly be pioneering the way. The second part of the side-event will gather representatives from governments, organizations and companies that have started implementing Article 6. The discussion will focus on the overall potential of carbon markets, experiences so far and expectations on the role of market-based climate cooperation ahead.


  • Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Perspectives Climate Group

Expected speakers:

  • Sandra Lindström, Head of International Climate Cooperation, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Daniel Benefor, Deputy Director, Ghana Environmental Protection Agency;
  • Christophe McGlade, Head of the Energy Supply Unit, International Energy Agency;
  • Stephen Kansuk, Environment and Climate Change Specialist, UNDP.

Organized by: 

13:00–14:00 EET — Dino Talks VIII – Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Health

The “Dino Talks” series centers on how fossil fuel subsidies penetrate our world, further aggravates climate change, and creates unfair or uneven playing fields between the urgent choices society must make to build a climate friendly, sustainable world. This episode takes a look at fossil fuel subsidies and their role in driving harmful impacts on human health.


  • Nick Nuttall, Freelance Communications consultant & former Director of Communications and Outreach and Spokesperson for the UN Environment headquartered, Nairobi;
  • Boaz Paldi, UNDP Chief Creative Officer and recently launched the #DontChooseExtinction campaign.


  • Maria Neira, Director, Environment, Climate Change Health Department, World Health Organization;
  • Jeni Miller, Executive Director, Global Climate and Health Alliance;
  • Mohamed Eissa, Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues.

Organized by:

14:45–16:30 EET — We Can Do It! Decarbonizing Production

In this segment, we take a closer look at solutions to decarbonize our industries, reduce their impact on our environment, and ensure that we can secure our material needs while staying safely within the planetary boundaries.


  • Monica Bellgran, Professor in Industrial Production Management at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Umeå.
  • Alar Saluste, Member of the management board of OSA project company, Ragn-Sells Estonia;
  • Thomas Hörnfeldt, Vice President Sustainable Business and Public Affairs, SSAB;
  • Claes Kollberg, Co-Founder and CTO, CemVision;
  • Joakim Byström, CEO, Absolicon Solar Collector AB;
  • Patrik Lundström, CEO, Renewcell;
  • Andrea Fuder, Chief Purchasing Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Volvo Group.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Reaching net zero without using carbon offsets

In order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change we need to reach 1.5 degrees, this is non-negotiable. The first key milestone is the halving of emissions by 2030.

Enterprises play a major role in reducing emissions throughout their value chains. For this session we are joined by Ericsson, Normative, BT Group and Polestar, four leading companies who are committed and taking across the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook.


  • Johan Falck, CEO, and Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative.


  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Gabrielle Giner, Environmental Sustainability Principal, BT Group;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson.

Organized by: 


16:20 – 17:40 EET — The importance of system-thinking and circularity for decarbonisation

Emissions don’t only arise from our use of energy in buildings, in transport, for heating, but also from how we produce and use products and food. 45% of emissions come from the latter and the energy transition alone will not be able to tackle these. We need other solutions too. Systems thinking and a circular economy play a key role in developing these solutions.

This session will explore some of the ways in which companies from across sectors are beginning to integrate circular economy practices into their work:  the choices, challenges, and opportunities they uncover, the partnerships they need, and the considerations that arise in terms of scope 3 supply chain emissions accounting from circular economy activities.


  • Miranda Schnitger, Climate Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto;
  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Eija Hietavuo, VP Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Owain Giffiths, Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Alar Saluste, Ragn-Sells.

Organized by: 

16:30–17:00 EET — Defugo & Friends I

Welcome to the first episode of Defugo & Friends, where we’ll be taking a closer look at a land project in Mozambique that will deliver sustainable farming practices, healthy food, and clean energy.


  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo Technologies Pte Ltd.

Organized by:

17:00–18:00 EET — Let’s unlock energy efficiency today!

Energy efficiency has never been more relevant than now – with an ongoing energy crisis and the need to stay on course for the 1.5°C target, the industry needs to immediately respond and take action. While measures have been taken to change consumer behavior we also need to unlock the potential of energy efficiency in industries. Join us for insights from technology providers and policymakers on actions that the industry can take today to counter the energy crisis.


  • Brian Motherway, Head of the Energy Efficiency Division, International Energy Agency;
  • Morten Wierod, President of the Electrification Business Area, ABB;
  • Thomas Møller, President of the Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Michelle Billig Patron, Senior Director of Global Sustainability Policy, Microsoft;
  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Environment.

Organized by:

18:30–19:00 EET — Climate Dialogue: Stockholm Exergi

We Don’t Have Time is the world’s largest review platform for climate solutions. Our community sends climate love, Climate ideas, and Climate warnings to leaders, companies, and organizations to encourage them to step up their climate ambitions and deliver results. More and more companies choose to respond to the reviews and join the climate dialogue. Now you’ll meet one of them – and get to hear the live response to a climate warning!


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder and CEO, We Don't Have Time;
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi.

Organized by:

19:00–20:00 EET — Dragonfly's Den: Climate Solutions Pitch Contest

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.

Pitches by:

  • Ahmad Karnama, Founder and CEO, Spritju;
  • Alexandre Marc, CTO, H2YAM;
  • Hazel Akinyi, Managing Director - Africa, VAULTe Global;
  • Michelle Li, Founder, Clever Carbon.

Organized by:

19:50–20:30 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.

  • Caitlin Southwick, Executive Director, Ki Culture;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Environmental Warrior, Founder of SpiceWarriors;
  • Nikka Gerona,Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Lujain Romouzy, Activist & Scientist, Egypt;
  • Ismail Amr AboElMagd, Climate Champion, Egypt;
  • Christina Carlmark, Senior Sustainability Specialist & Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, Eco-Warrior and Representative for Kenya, We Don't Have Time;
  • Moby, Artist.

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COP27 Climate Hub Program – Nov 11

All times in Eastern European Time (EET) Find your local time zone here.

This broadcast is part of the COP27 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program. November 7November 8November 9November 10November 11November 12November 14November 15November 16November 17

Join us at our Stockholm, Nairobi and Washington DC hubs to watch it live.

09:00 – 09:40 EET — Long duration energy storage: The piece of the puzzle to enable the energy transition

Long duration energy storage (LDES) is a critical piece of the puzzle to enable the energy transition. Launched at COP26, the LDES Council is made up of organisations that strive to accelerate energy decarbonisation at lowest cost to society by driving innovation, commercialisation, and deployment of long duration energy storage.


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Head of CleanTech, VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Julia Souder, Executive Director, LDES council, LDES Council;
  • Michael Geyer, Co-president LDES Council and EMEA manager Malta Inc, Malta Inc.;
  • Jonas Wallmander , CEO, Azelio;
  • Godart van Gendt , Expert Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company.

Organized by: 

10:00 – 11:00 EET — FMC session: Public-private collaboration to scale near zero heavy manufacturing

To confront the climate crisis, the world needs a range of clean energy technologies that are not yet available or cost-competitive in commercial markets. There is a narrow window between now and 2030 to demonstrate and commercialize innovative technologies so they are available for massive scale-up to enable net-zero emissions by 2050. This session will showcase tangible examples of public-private collaboration to scale transformation near zero technology to decarbonise heavy manufacturing. Launched at COP26 by US President Biden and the World Economic Forum, the First Movers Coalition is a flagship public-private partnership harnessing the purchasing power of top companies to decarbonise “hard to abate” industries.


  • Nathan Cooper, Strategic Climate Partnerships and COP Global Lead, World Economic Forum;
  • Martin Pei, Executive Vice President and CTO, SSAB;
  • Andrea Fuder, Chief Purchasing Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Volvo Group;
  • Abanti Sankaranarayanan, Chief Group Public Affairs and Sustainability Office and Group Executive Member, Mahindra Group;
  • FMC Government Partner Minister.

Organized by: 

10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.


  • Beatriz Machado Granziera, InternationalClimate Policy Advisor, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Yurshell Yanishey Rodriguez Hooker, Activist;
  • David Alberto Hernandez Palmar, Activist;
  • Dr Francisco Souza, Member of the Apurinã Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon and Managing Director, FSCIndigenous Foundation;
  • Diana Mori, Shipibo-Conibo indigenousrepresentative, AIDER;
  • Giancarlo Ramirez, Translator, AIDER;
  • Durwood Zaelke, President and Founder, InstituteFor Governance And Sustainable Development;
  • Marco Poggianella, Founder & CEOCEO and Founder;
  • Gustavo Guadagnini, Managing Director, Brazil, Good Food Institute;
  • Noora Firaq, Interim Executive Director & Operations Director, Climate Outreach;
  • Rocky Sanchez Tirona, Managing Director, FishForever, Rare;
  • Joydeep Gupta, South Asia Director The ThirdPole.

Organized by:

11:20 – 12:00 EET — Havbruk, Norway: Circular solution for sludge recycling in Norwegian fish farming

Already today 49% of the world production of food comes from our oceans, this will need to increase over time due to the possibility to increase the food production on land is limited. At the same time have we used our oceans as a dumping station that reduces our potential to use our oceans and primarily our coastal regions around the world for food production, eutrophication cased by to much nitrogen and phosphorus being poured out from farming, wastewater, industry etc. In Norway they have understood the challenges and the risk that their 2nd biggest industry is facing, the fishing industry will see a reduced capacity to use fish farming if they do not remove the fish sludge from the fjords. A network collaboration called ARAL in Norway has proven the potential to both collect the fish sludge but also extract the resources from it. Already today the methane can be extracted with a total potential of 2TW hour of energy if all fish sludge would be collected. But there is even more potential, the fish sludge contains also 9,000 tons of P that today is waste every year. This is more P than Sweden as nation imports as a food phosphate. Norway is the frontrunner in this, but the potential is huge all over the world, Norwegian salmon industry is only 2% of the world total fish farming. The situation is starting to be critical in Canada, Chile, Scotland, Lake Victoria etc.


  • Pär Larshans, Ragn-Sells


  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining, part of Ragn-Sells Group;
  • Anna Celsing, Head of sustainability, Alfa-Laval;
  • Ole Arthur Varge, Ragn-Sells Havbruk;
  • Jarle Rangnhildstveit, Lift-Up, part of Alfa-Laval;
  • Gerardo Marti, Novatech.

Organized by: 

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'

Moderator: Shamini Selvaratnam, Lead Sustainable Energy Partnerships, UNDP


  • Cassie Flynn, Strategic Advisor on Climate Change and Head of the Climate Promise, UNDP;
  • Freedom-Kai Phillips, Director, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress;
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson;
  • Oluwadabira Abiola-Awe, Ventures and Capital Campaign Associate, Student Energy;
  • Delphin Kaze, Founder and CEO, KAZE Green Economy;
  • Muhammad Shamsuddin Ibrahim, Co-Founder and team Lead, Break-Free From Plastic Awareness Initiative;
  • Dr. Pradeep Philip, Lead Partner, Deloitte Access Economics;
  • Pierre Gonthier, VP Legal Affairs, SAF+ Consortium;
  • Wendy Miles KC, Barrister, Twenty Essex;
  • Pierre Gonthier, VP Legal Affairs, SAF+ Consortium;
  • Khalida Bouzar, UN Assistant Secretary General, Assistant Administrator, and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP,

Organized by:

12:20 – 13:20 EET — The Potential of Carbon Finance to accelerate the energy transition

With the long-awaited adoption of the Article 6-rulebook at the Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26) in 2021, countries are now scaling up carbon market cooperation worldwide. It is clear that climate finance alone will not be enough to reach objectives of the Paris Agreement. In this context, carbon markets have an important role to play in mobilizing additional finance to mitigation activities and energy transitions around the world.

The first part of the side-event will share experiences from the early cooperation between Ghana and Sweden. Ghana and Sweden have the ambition to lead the way in the implementation of market-based cooperation under the Paris Agreement and will jointly be pioneering the way. The second part of the side-event will gather representatives from governments, organizations and companies that have started implementing Article 6. The discussion will focus on the overall potential of carbon markets, experiences so far and expectations on the role of market-based climate cooperation ahead.


  • Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Perspectives Climate Group

Expected speakers:

  • Sandra Lindström, Head of International Climate Cooperation, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Daniel Benefor, Deputy Director, Ghana Environmental Protection Agency;
  • Christophe McGlade, Head of the Energy Supply Unit, International Energy Agency;
  • Stephen Kansuk, Environment and Climate Change Specialist, UNDP.

Organized by: 

13:00–14:00 EET — Dino Talks VIII – Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Health

The “Dino Talks” series centers on how fossil fuel subsidies penetrate our world, further aggravates climate change, and creates unfair or uneven playing fields between the urgent choices society must make to build a climate friendly, sustainable world. This episode takes a look at fossil fuel subsidies and their role in driving harmful impacts on human health.


  • Nick Nuttall, Freelance Communications consultant & former Director of Communications and Outreach and Spokesperson for the UN Environment headquartered, Nairobi;
  • Boaz Paldi, UNDP Chief Creative Officer and recently launched the #DontChooseExtinction campaign.


  • Maria Neira, Director, Environment, Climate Change Health Department, World Health Organization;
  • Jeni Miller, Executive Director, Global Climate and Health Alliance;
  • Mohamed Eissa, Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues.

Organized by:

14:45–16:30 EET — We Can Do It! Decarbonizing Production

In this segment, we take a closer look at solutions to decarbonize our industries, reduce their impact on our environment, and ensure that we can secure our material needs while staying safely within the planetary boundaries.


  • Monica Bellgran, Professor in Industrial Production Management at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Umeå.
  • Alar Saluste, Member of the management board of OSA project company, Ragn-Sells Estonia;
  • Thomas Hörnfeldt, Vice President Sustainable Business and Public Affairs, SSAB;
  • Claes Kollberg, Co-Founder and CTO, CemVision;
  • Joakim Byström, CEO, Absolicon Solar Collector AB;
  • Patrik Lundström, CEO, Renewcell;
  • Andrea Fuder, Chief Purchasing Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Volvo Group.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Reaching net zero without using carbon offsets

In order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change we need to reach 1.5 degrees, this is non-negotiable. The first key milestone is the halving of emissions by 2030.

Enterprises play a major role in reducing emissions throughout their value chains. For this session we are joined by Ericsson, Normative, BT Group and Polestar, four leading companies who are committed and taking across the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook.


  • Johan Falck, CEO, and Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative.


  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Gabrielle Giner, Environmental Sustainability Principal, BT Group;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson.

Organized by: 


16:20 – 17:40 EET — The importance of system-thinking and circularity for decarbonisation

Emissions don’t only arise from our use of energy in buildings, in transport, for heating, but also from how we produce and use products and food. 45% of emissions come from the latter and the energy transition alone will not be able to tackle these. We need other solutions too. Systems thinking and a circular economy play a key role in developing these solutions.

This session will explore some of the ways in which companies from across sectors are beginning to integrate circular economy practices into their work:  the choices, challenges, and opportunities they uncover, the partnerships they need, and the considerations that arise in terms of scope 3 supply chain emissions accounting from circular economy activities.


  • Miranda Schnitger, Climate Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto;
  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Eija Hietavuo, VP Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Owain Giffiths, Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Alar Saluste, Ragn-Sells.

Organized by: 

16:30–17:00 EET — Defugo & Friends I

Welcome to the first episode of Defugo & Friends, where we’ll be taking a closer look at a land project in Mozambique that will deliver sustainable farming practices, healthy food, and clean energy.


  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo Technologies Pte Ltd.

Organized by:

17:00–18:00 EET — Let’s unlock energy efficiency today!

Energy efficiency has never been more relevant than now – with an ongoing energy crisis and the need to stay on course for the 1.5°C target, the industry needs to immediately respond and take action. While measures have been taken to change consumer behavior we also need to unlock the potential of energy efficiency in industries. Join us for insights from technology providers and policymakers on actions that the industry can take today to counter the energy crisis.


  • Brian Motherway, Head of the Energy Efficiency Division, International Energy Agency;
  • Morten Wierod, President of the Electrification Business Area, ABB;
  • Thomas Møller, President of the Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Michelle Billig Patron, Senior Director of Global Sustainability Policy, Microsoft;
  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Environment.

Organized by:

18:30–19:00 EET — Climate Dialogue: Stockholm Exergi

We Don’t Have Time is the world’s largest review platform for climate solutions. Our community sends climate love, Climate ideas, and Climate warnings to leaders, companies, and organizations to encourage them to step up their climate ambitions and deliver results. More and more companies choose to respond to the reviews and join the climate dialogue. Now you’ll meet one of them – and get to hear the live response to a climate warning!


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder and CEO, We Don't Have Time;
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi.

Organized by:

19:00–20:00 EET — Dragonfly's Den: Climate Solutions Pitch Contest

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.

Pitches by:

  • Ahmad Karnama, Founder and CEO, Spritju;
  • Alexandre Marc, CTO, H2YAM;
  • Hazel Akinyi, Managing Director - Africa, VAULTe Global;
  • Michelle Li, Founder, Clever Carbon.

Organized by:

19:50–20:30 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.

  • Caitlin Southwick, Executive Director, Ki Culture;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Environmental Warrior, Founder of SpiceWarriors;
  • Nikka Gerona,Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Lujain Romouzy, Activist & Scientist, Egypt;
  • Ismail Amr AboElMagd, Climate Champion, Egypt;
  • Christina Carlmark, Senior Sustainability Specialist & Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, Eco-Warrior and Representative for Kenya, We Don't Have Time;
  • Moby, Artist.

Organized by:

Day 5, Decarbonization


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

Selected speakers

Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

Dr. Maria Neira

Director, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization

Dr Maria P. Neira was appointed Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland in September 2005. Prior to that, she was Vice-Minister of Health and President of the Spanish Food Safety Agency. She had previously held several senior positions in WHO. Dr Neira began her career as a medical coordinator working with refugees in the Salvador and Honduras for Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Dr Neira is a Spanish national, and a medical doctor by training. She specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases; and Public Health. Dr Neira has been awarded the Médaille de l'Ordre national du Mérite by the Government of France and is a member of the Academy of Medicine, Asturias, Spain. In 2019, Dr Neira was nominated as one of the world’s most influential people in climate policy, her work has been recognized in raising awareness on health, climate and air pollution.

Jeni Miller

Executive Director, Global Climate and Health Alliance

Dr. Jeni Miller is Executive Director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, where she coordinates the joint efforts of national, regional and international health organizations addressing climate change. The Alliance works to minimize the health impacts of climate change and to maximize the health benefits of climate solutions, through leadership, advocacy, policy, research, and engagement. On behalf of the Alliance, Dr. Miller co-chairs the WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health. In addition to her work at GCHA, Dr. Miller currently serves as Immediate-Past-Chair of the Environment Section of the American Public Health Association. She has two decades’ experience working on policy- and systems-change strategies to improve community environments for health, in leading initiatives addressing childhood asthma, childhood obesity, climate change, health equity, and healthy community redevelopment. Miller received her doctorate from the University of California – Berkeley.

Andrea Fuder

Chief Purchasing Officer Volvo Group and Member of the Volvo Group Executive Board

Andrea Fuder holds the position Chief Purchasing Officer of Volvo Group and is a Member of Volvo Group Executive Board. The purchasing team drives diversity as an enabler and sustainability as a prerequisite. Currently the team is focusing on a net zero-greenhouse gas supply network by 2040, circularity, human centricity, supply network resiliency and digitalization. Andrea strongly believes that partnerships, new business models, and technology are needed to shape the world we want to live in, for generations to come.

Patrik Lundström

CEO, Renewcell

As CEO of Renewcell, Patrik Lundström leads a path-breaking textile-to-textile recycling business aiming to make fashion circular globally. He has led the scale-up of Renewcell’s operations from demo to industrial scale with the opening of the world’s first commercial scale textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant, Renewcell 1 in Sundsvall, in 2022. Prior to joining Renewcell, Patrik worked for international corporations such as Royal DSM and General Electric.

Morten Wierod

President Electrification Business Area, ABB

Morten Wierod is the President of the Electrification Business Area as well as a member of the Group Executive Committee of ABB Ltd.

Thomas Møller

President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Thomas is Executive Vice President in Alfa Laval and President of the Energy Division. The Division is responsible for the end to end process for the products and technologies sold in the energy and process industries. The Division has a turnover of approximately 1,3 BEUR with an operating margin above 15% and 5000 employees. After finishing his Chemical Engineering studies at the Technology University of Denmark, Thomas joined an American company for 5 years working with sales and business development of separation technologies in 2002 he joined Alfa Laval and has had several positions focusing on sales, business development, strategy development and execution.

Mattias Frumerie

Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

Alexandre Marc


Alexandre is multidisciplinary engineering manager with over 15 years’ experience in the development, industrialization, and commercialization of propulsion systems. On behalf of multinational corporations and deeptech startups, he has successfully brought products to market in the robotics, aerospace, energy, aviation, and tech sectors. After leading projects and teams in the Americas, Asia, and Europe, he joined H2YAM to leverage his passion for business-based solutions to sustainability challenges and scale his impact. Alexandre holds a B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering, a M.Sc. in Systems Engineering, and a MBA in Entrepreneurship.

Hazel Akinyi

Managing Director -Africa, VAULTe Global

Hazel is a young woman raised in rural Kenya, who is passionate about Renewable Energy Access. She is on a mission to create sustainable communities using Networked electricity in Africa. Hazel believes that in order to achieve social equity, everyone in our forgotten communities must be given an equal opportunity and an enabling environment for growth.

Michelle Li

Founder, Clever Carbon

Michelle spent the majority of her career working in tech for companies like Salesforce and DocuSign but pivoted to climate work in 2020. She is now a TEDx and SXSW speaker on the topic of carbon literacy. Michelle is also the founder of Women and Climate, a virtual and in-person community creating a joyful and safe space for more women to learn and talk about climate.

Brian Motherway

Head of Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office, International Energy Agency

Dr. Brian Motherway is Head of the Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office at the International Energy Agency, overseeing a range of global programmes supporting energy efficiency and people-centred clean energy transitions. Prior to joining the IEA Brian was Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Caitlin Southwick

Executive Director Ki Culture

Caitlin is the Founder and Executive Director of Ki Culture and Sustainability in Conservation. She is a trained art conservator and has worked around the world, including at the Vatican Museums, The Getty Conservation Institute, The Uffizi Gallery, and Rapa Nui. She believes in the power of art and culture to communicate about climate and emphasizes tangible action and sustainable practice for the cultural sector.

Michelle Billig Patron

Senior Director of Global Sustainability Policy, Microsoft

Michelle Naomi (Billig) Patron is an energy policy expert who currently serves as the director of sustainability policy at Microsoft. From 2013 to 2015, she served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for energy and climate change on the U.S. National Security Staff.

Alar Saluste

OSA Project Manager

Project manager with experience in project development from R&D phase to engineering and construction. Experience in wastewater, circular economy (material reuse), Oil, Gas and Chemicals project management and development planning.

Claes Kollberg

CTO and Founder, CemVision

Cement plant manager in Europe and Africa, with world unique experience in climate cement, fossil free steel production and electrification.

Thomas Hörnfeldt

VP Sustainable Business & Public Affairs, SSAB

Thomas Hörnfeldt is VP, sustainability & public affairs, at SSAB. He has an MBA from Uppsala University and an MSc from KTH in Stockholm. He has vast experience in general management and sales, market intelligence, and sustainability. His career started at ABB, where he spent nearly 13 years in management positions in the metals industry.

Mohamed Eissa

Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students Association

Mohamed Eissa is a Medical Student and Global Health Advocate. He is the Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, of the International Federation of Medical Students Association


Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Selected speakers

Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

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Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

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Dr. Maria Neira

Director, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization

Dr Maria P. Neira was appointed Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland in September 2005. Prior to that, she was Vice-Minister of Health and President of the Spanish Food Safety Agency. She had previously held several senior positions in WHO. Dr Neira began her career as a medical coordinator working with refugees in the Salvador and Honduras for Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Dr Neira is a Spanish national, and a medical doctor by training. She specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases; and Public Health. Dr Neira has been awarded the Médaille de l'Ordre national du Mérite by the Government of France and is a member of the Academy of Medicine, Asturias, Spain. In 2019, Dr Neira was nominated as one of the world’s most influential people in climate policy, her work has been recognized in raising awareness on health, climate and air pollution.

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Jeni Miller

Executive Director, Global Climate and Health Alliance

Dr. Jeni Miller is Executive Director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, where she coordinates the joint efforts of national, regional and international health organizations addressing climate change. The Alliance works to minimize the health impacts of climate change and to maximize the health benefits of climate solutions, through leadership, advocacy, policy, research, and engagement. On behalf of the Alliance, Dr. Miller co-chairs the WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health. In addition to her work at GCHA, Dr. Miller currently serves as Immediate-Past-Chair of the Environment Section of the American Public Health Association. She has two decades’ experience working on policy- and systems-change strategies to improve community environments for health, in leading initiatives addressing childhood asthma, childhood obesity, climate change, health equity, and healthy community redevelopment. Miller received her doctorate from the University of California – Berkeley.

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Andrea Fuder

Chief Purchasing Officer Volvo Group and Member of the Volvo Group Executive Board

Andrea Fuder holds the position Chief Purchasing Officer of Volvo Group and is a Member of Volvo Group Executive Board. The purchasing team drives diversity as an enabler and sustainability as a prerequisite. Currently the team is focusing on a net zero-greenhouse gas supply network by 2040, circularity, human centricity, supply network resiliency and digitalization. Andrea strongly believes that partnerships, new business models, and technology are needed to shape the world we want to live in, for generations to come.

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Patrik Lundström

CEO, Renewcell

As CEO of Renewcell, Patrik Lundström leads a path-breaking textile-to-textile recycling business aiming to make fashion circular globally. He has led the scale-up of Renewcell’s operations from demo to industrial scale with the opening of the world’s first commercial scale textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant, Renewcell 1 in Sundsvall, in 2022. Prior to joining Renewcell, Patrik worked for international corporations such as Royal DSM and General Electric.

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Morten Wierod

President Electrification Business Area, ABB

Morten Wierod is the President of the Electrification Business Area as well as a member of the Group Executive Committee of ABB Ltd.

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Thomas Møller

President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Thomas is Executive Vice President in Alfa Laval and President of the Energy Division. The Division is responsible for the end to end process for the products and technologies sold in the energy and process industries. The Division has a turnover of approximately 1,3 BEUR with an operating margin above 15% and 5000 employees. After finishing his Chemical Engineering studies at the Technology University of Denmark, Thomas joined an American company for 5 years working with sales and business development of separation technologies in 2002 he joined Alfa Laval and has had several positions focusing on sales, business development, strategy development and execution.

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Mattias Frumerie

Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

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Alexandre Marc


Alexandre is multidisciplinary engineering manager with over 15 years’ experience in the development, industrialization, and commercialization of propulsion systems. On behalf of multinational corporations and deeptech startups, he has successfully brought products to market in the robotics, aerospace, energy, aviation, and tech sectors. After leading projects and teams in the Americas, Asia, and Europe, he joined H2YAM to leverage his passion for business-based solutions to sustainability challenges and scale his impact. Alexandre holds a B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering, a M.Sc. in Systems Engineering, and a MBA in Entrepreneurship.

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Hazel Akinyi

Managing Director -Africa, VAULTe Global

Hazel is a young woman raised in rural Kenya, who is passionate about Renewable Energy Access. She is on a mission to create sustainable communities using Networked electricity in Africa. Hazel believes that in order to achieve social equity, everyone in our forgotten communities must be given an equal opportunity and an enabling environment for growth.

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Michelle Li

Founder, Clever Carbon

Michelle spent the majority of her career working in tech for companies like Salesforce and DocuSign but pivoted to climate work in 2020. She is now a TEDx and SXSW speaker on the topic of carbon literacy. Michelle is also the founder of Women and Climate, a virtual and in-person community creating a joyful and safe space for more women to learn and talk about climate.

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Brian Motherway

Head of Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office, International Energy Agency

Dr. Brian Motherway is Head of the Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office at the International Energy Agency, overseeing a range of global programmes supporting energy efficiency and people-centred clean energy transitions. Prior to joining the IEA Brian was Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

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Caitlin Southwick

Executive Director Ki Culture

Caitlin is the Founder and Executive Director of Ki Culture and Sustainability in Conservation. She is a trained art conservator and has worked around the world, including at the Vatican Museums, The Getty Conservation Institute, The Uffizi Gallery, and Rapa Nui. She believes in the power of art and culture to communicate about climate and emphasizes tangible action and sustainable practice for the cultural sector.

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Michelle Billig Patron

Senior Director of Global Sustainability Policy, Microsoft

Michelle Naomi (Billig) Patron is an energy policy expert who currently serves as the director of sustainability policy at Microsoft. From 2013 to 2015, she served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for energy and climate change on the U.S. National Security Staff.

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Alar Saluste

OSA Project Manager

Project manager with experience in project development from R&D phase to engineering and construction. Experience in wastewater, circular economy (material reuse), Oil, Gas and Chemicals project management and development planning.

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Claes Kollberg

CTO and Founder, CemVision

Cement plant manager in Europe and Africa, with world unique experience in climate cement, fossil free steel production and electrification.

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Thomas Hörnfeldt

VP Sustainable Business & Public Affairs, SSAB

Thomas Hörnfeldt is VP, sustainability & public affairs, at SSAB. He has an MBA from Uppsala University and an MSc from KTH in Stockholm. He has vast experience in general management and sales, market intelligence, and sustainability. His career started at ABB, where he spent nearly 13 years in management positions in the metals industry.

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Mohamed Eissa

Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students Association

Mohamed Eissa is a Medical Student and Global Health Advocate. He is the Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, of the International Federation of Medical Students Association

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Day 5, Decarbonization


We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October, 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. Sustainability is at the heart of our company purpose, “Empowering an intelligent, sustainable, and connected world” and it is integrated into Ericsson’s strategy becoming an ever more fundamental part of creating business and societal value. Read more.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations’ Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The 1.5°C Business Playbook is a guideline for companies and organisations of all sizes to set a 1.5°C aligned strategy and move to action. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it is anchored in the latest science.

The Exponential Roadmap highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. It shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and wealth- within the planetary boundaries.

The SME Climate Hub is a global initiative that aims to mainstream climate action in the small to medium sized business community, and enable SMEs to build more resilient businesses through climate action. The initiative provides the tools and resources SMEs need to reduce their emissions and measure their progress towards net zero. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for small and medium sized businesses to join the United Nations global Race to Zero campaign.

Business Sweden is commissioned by the Government and the Swedish industry to help Swedish companies grow global sales and international companies invest and expand in Sweden. Read more.

The Global Commons Alliance (GCA) is a network of organizations working together to ensure that societies and the global economy thrive, sustained by healthy global commons, on a stable planet. Read more.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest media platform for climate action—with a mission to democratize knowledge about climate solutions and inspire and mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. The content of the We Don't Have Time media platform is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. The platform is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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