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We democratize knowledge about climate solutions to mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. Join us to accelerate your solutions and engage our community of policymakers, industry leaders, and climate influencers.


Registered users – professionals & influencers in 180 countries



200+ Million

Monthly social media reach

Social media statistics from Meltwater, X, Youtube, and We Don't Have Time.
Our partners reach millions through our global broadcasts.

Our partners

Join a growing community of more than 350 partners to connect with other climate leaders, give your climate action global attention, influence stakeholders in your value chain, build trust in your brand, and seize business opportunities in the green transition economy.

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What our partners say

“We are excited to be partnering with We Don’t Have Time because of the broad reach that it has.”

Gabrielle Ginér, Head of Environmental Sustainability, BT

“At a time when business must step up to the plate to help address the climate crisis, We Don't Have Time are doing fantastic work in ensuring that companies are held to account - and praised where deserved.”

Stuart Templar, Director, Global Sustainability at Volvo Cars

“The global goals can only be met if we work together, and our partnership with We Don’t Have Time is an important way to meet and engage with our target audience.”

Mary Gestrin, Head of Communications, Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Council

Plans and  Pricing

Partner with us, and start receiving benefits as a climate leader. Our partnership fees start at only €150 a month, and we offer discounts to climate startups and NGOs.

All partners commit to having honest intentions to accelerate climate action and must have a business model not dependent on fossil fuel interests. Furthermore, they promise to respond to climate reviews that gain at least 100 agrees on our platform.

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Verified Partner

Verify your public profile on We Don’t Have Time and access unlimited communication to our community. Accelerate your climate solutions on the global stage.
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per month incl. 2 year Verified Partner
Emissions Calculation

European Sustainability Reporting Standards compliant emission calculation. Billed once, upon calculation, and including a two-year Verified Partnership.
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Proactive Partner

Broadcast your climate solutions to our  global audience. Proactive monthly communication including airtime at our flagship broadcasts from international climate meetings.
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Schedule a meeting with us if you have questions regarding the partnership and it's options.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest media platform for climate action—with a mission to democratize knowledge about climate solutions and inspire and mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. The content of the We Don't Have Time media platform is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. The platform is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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