We Don't Have Time Terms of Use

Version: 2019-04-22

These Terms of Use apply to all use of WeDontHaveTime AB (publ)’s, reg. no. 559126-1994 (“WeDontHaveTime”, “we”, “us” or “our”) social network, including our web-site and mobile application. This means that you will be deemed to have accepted these terms if you use the network.

By joining our social network, you show that you want to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. You further subscribe to these fundamental principles, shared by each and every one in our network:

I acknowledge the fundamental importance of scientific knowledge and insti-tutions for humanity; that science must never be ignored in our collective efforts to create a better world, and I therefore acknowledge that human activity is a major cause of the climate crisis as long as there is well established scientific consensus about this.

1. Basic rules

We Don’t Have Time to wait; together we are the solution.

Our social network is a platform for user-generated content focused on the climate and the environment. The network is publicly available online and you must be aware that all content that you share on the network will be accessed by the public.

By joining and using our social network, you pledge to follow these basic rules of conduct on the network:

  • I will never incite violence, nor will I through hateful, willful or ignorant behaviour inspire or otherwise encourage acts of violence.
  • I will never engage in or share hateful and violent content, including racism, sexism, bi-, trans-, and homophobia, as well as bigotry towards cultural and religious practices.
  • I will not post pornographic content.
  • I will not use the network to attack, abuse, diminish, belittle or otherwise show contempt for other people.
  • I will show other people respect and always maintain good manners in conversations, debates and other forms of interaction.
  • I will be factual, on-topic, honest and sincere.
  • I will at all times adhere to applicable law.
  • I will be responsible for any activity on my user account and will maintain the confidentiality of my account information.
  • I will not be active on the platform in order to manipulate the purpose of a content or the social network.  
  • I will not transmit any data or information to the network that contains any viruses, trojans, Internet worms, malware, or that may otherwise damage or adversely affect the platform.

A central feature of the platform is the creation of campaigns intended to influence stakeholders in order to advance environmental causes. You are only allowed to receive money, goods, services, or in any other way be compensated for the creation of, or interaction with, campaigns that are fully in line with our fundamental principles and basic rules. If such compensation is given, the campaign shall be formulated and presented in such a way that it clearly states that marketing is involved (e.g. by naming the responsible party for the marketing and present that the campaign is part of a marketing).

2. Content

You are personally responsible for that all content that you post on our social network adheres to our fundamental principles and basic rules of conduct as set out above. You must thus ensure that such content is true and based upon, or originates from, reliable sources, that it is allowed according to applicable laws, rules, and regulations and that it does not breach any third party rights (including but not limited to third party intellectual property rights). We reserve the right (even if we do not have any corresponding obligation) to remove any of your content, including spam and disinformation, for any reason and without prior warning.

Any use of or reliance on any content on our social network is at your own risk and we encourage you to review any suspect content for accuracy. We do not generally monitor or control the content on our social network prior to publication, therefore if you come across content on the network that deviates from our fundamental principles or basic rules of conduct, please contact us.

We do not claim ownership over any content that you post on our social network. By submitting, posting or displaying content on the network, you do however grant us a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, store, copy, reproduce, adapt, distribute and publicly display the content. This license authorizes us and other users to make your content available to the rest of the world to create awareness regarding the climate and the environment.

3. Ownership

You may use our platform when you join our social network but please note that all right, title, and interest in and to the platform will remain the exclusive property of WeDontHaveTime. Furthermore, we reserve the right to freely use any feedback, comments or suggestions you provide us with as we see fit and without any obligation to you.

4. Your personal data

We safeguard your personal integrity and aim to always protect your personal data in the best way possible. Therefore, you can find complete information on how we handle personal data in our Privacy Policy.

5. Deletion or suspension of account

You can temporarily deactivate your account under settings or contacting us. If you want to permanently delete your account, please contact us. If you choose to delete your account please be aware that we will remove the account and delete or anonymise your content on our social network and there is no way for you to get it back.

If you do not adhere to these Terms of Use you will receive a personal warning. If your violation is particularly serious, or in case repeated warnings do not sufficiently improve your behaviour, you may be temporarily banned from using our social network. A permanent ban may be used for the more serious cases.

6. Our provision of the network

We are constantly working to improve our social network and may therefore at any time and without prior notice update, modify, delete or limit any part of our platform. We may sometimes also need to interrupt the availability of the platform, to perform services or otherwise. We will at no times be liable to you for any kind of damages resulting from the use of, or inability to use, our platform, unless such liability is set out in mandatory applicable law. We reserve the right to at any time cease to provide our network.

7. Amendments

We may amend these Terms of Use from time to time. If we do so, we will inform you in an appropriate manner. If you do not agree with the updated terms, please let us know that you want to delete your account. If you continue to use the network after the stated effective date of the updated Terms of Use you will be deemed to have accepted the terms. The date of the most recent update of the terms is given at the top of these terms.

8. Governing law and dispute resolution

Unless otherwise stipulated in mandatory applicable law, these Terms of Use shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with Swedish law and any dispute arising from the terms shall be resolved by a Swedish general court, with Stockholm District Court as the first instance.

9. Contact information

If you have any questions, complaints or claims, please contact us using the following contact information:

WeDontHaveTime AB
C/O Kivra: 559126-1994
106 31 Stockholm

E-mail: info@wedonthavetime.org

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© 2024 We Don't Have Time – All rights reserved.

We Don't Have Time is the world's largest media platform for climate action—with a mission to democratize knowledge about climate solutions and inspire and mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. The content of the We Don't Have Time media platform is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. The platform is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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