December 1-11, 2023













December 1-11, 2023











December 1-11, 2023

Future Voices - COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub

COP28 Climate Hub, Youth Hub















December 1-11, 2023












December 1-11, 2023

Future Voices - COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub

COP28 Climate Hub, Youth Hub


Are you under 30? Are you passionate about making a difference for the planet and the future for us all?

Our digital COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub brings together young people from all over the world to make their voices heard in our global broadcasts during the UN Climate Conference COP28 in Dubai.

We want to break down barriers to an arena that is hard to access, and create a “ticket” for COP28 for everyone under 30 years old to connect with people in power, from global leaders to decision-makers.

The hub will during each day of COP28  feature speakers and organizations exclusively curated for the youth audience during We Don’t Have Time’s COP28 broadcasts.

Register below on this page for more information.

December 2

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party - Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:15 GST — Food For a Better Future - Climate quiz 

Discussions and climate quiz, activities focusing on the future of food and the importance of incorporating more plant-based options into daily diets.

Speaker :

  • Michel Bracké, CEO, A Better Future AB

13:15–13:30 GST — Break

13:30–14:00 GST — Watch Party : Building a Global Movement in Support of Fossil Fuel Phase Out

14:00–15:00 GST — Keynote: Climate psychology: why do we do so little even if we know so much?


  • Per Espen Stoknes 

15:00–15:30 GST — Movie watching and discussion 

Activism and culture

15:30–16:00 GST — Summarize about Dec 2 - Youth Climate Stories 


  • Samira Ben Ali 
  • Mayowa Oniosun
  • Kenneth Nuwahoora

16:00–16:10 GST — Watch Party : Climate Feedback Loops - What They Are, Why They Matter, and What You Can Do

16:10–16:30 GST — Youth Hub in Broadcast

16:30–16:40 GST — AI Future Voices 

Open video + Invite people to join the campaign 

17:30–18:00 GST — Watch Party - The Daily Juice at COP28

18:00–19:00 GST — After Chat 


December 3

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party - Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST —Startups for Climate 


  • Abby Chebet, Co-founder, Virdismart Global and Lady's Heart Organization
  • Collins Manyasi, Vijii smart

13:00–13:30 GST — Watch Party - Women Leading the Fight Against Climate Change and Complex Crises in Asia

13:30–13:50 GST — Sharing Practices of Creating Peace Around the World 

13:50–14:30 GST — Discussion with Rufa Cagoca

Youth hub is joined by Rufa Cagoca - Guiam, Associate Professor at Mindanao University for Q&A after the Watchparty.

14:30–15:20 GST — Movie Watching Feedback Loops and Discussion

15:20–15:40 GST — Watch Party


  • Rohan Pandit, Executive director of Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action (SVYCA) 

15:40–16:00 GST — Let’s Connect & Form Collaboration 

16:00–16:20 GST — Watch Party - Climate Feedback Loops: What They Are, Why They Matter, and What You Can Do

16:20–16:30 GST — Youth Hub in Broadcast: Comments on Climate Feedback Loops

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:30–18:00 GST — The Daily Juice at COP28

18:00–19:00 GST — After Chat 


December 4

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST —Green Finance - Enabling Financing for Restoring and Enhancing Natural Ecosystems


  • Abby Chebet, Co-founder, Virdismart Global and Lady's Heart Organization
  • Marina Herias-Saenz, Callirius
  • Farzana Faruk Jhumu (moderator)

13:00–13:30 GST — Maandhis Organization


  • Abdirahman Nour Yusuf, Executive Director, Maandhis Organization

13:30–14:00 GST — Next Gen 

14:00–15:00 GST — Gender Equality & Climate


  • Lwendo Choongo
  • Khalaban Odaka Fedinand
  • Adriana García Goméz

15:00–15:30 GST — Watch Party: Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions

15:30–15:50 GST — Discussion:  What Other Policies Do We Like To Add?

15:50–16:10 GST — Watch Party: Youth Hub Climate Stories


  • Karan Kumar, Gender Activist
  • Nchima Enock Mwewa, Climate Justice Activist, Movement Builder & Climate Reality Leader

16:10–16:30 GST — Kiambu Universities Colleges Students Alumni Association

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:30–18:00 GST — After Chat with Linnea Claesson


December 5

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Graceful Youth Recovery Center, Kenya

We will speak about the work done by Graceful Youth Recovery Center in education, providing psychosocial support, addiction recovery, empower socially, economically and spiritually men and women in society


  • Nkatha Mwenda, Chairperson, Graceful Youth Recovery
  • John Linus (moderator)

13:00–14:00 GST — Watch Party: Science to Policy – How to Bridge the Gap Between Knowledge and Action


  • Sir David King Chair and Founder Climate Crisis Advisory Group
  • Prof. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, Founding Director, UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose

14:00–14:30 GST — Maandhis Organization


  • Abdirahman Nour Yusuf, Executive Director, Maandhis Organization
  • John Linus (moderator)

14:40–15:00 GST — The Global Sunrise Project

Video, Presentation and question about the Global Sunrise Project, a youth-led social enterprise, that creates positive impact media. Founded at 14 years old by award-winning Gen-Z filmmaker/photographer Kasha Sequoia Slavner, it uses its storytelling platform to conduct educational outreach, exhibitions, documentary screenings & workshops to empower youth civic engagement and action for the SDG's.


  • Maclean Mundalia (moderator)

15:10–16:00 GST — Watch Party & Follow-up Discussion

16:00–16:30 GST — Presentation & Questions to Elena-Alexandra Miron


  • Elena-Alexandra Miron, Romanian Youth Delegate, Romanian Youth Council
  • Maclean Mundalia (moderator)

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview with Katja Dörner, Mayor of Bonn

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 6

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentations from climate organizations

Presentations from some amazing organizations, working to engage youths into the climate movement: Reforesting 4 Peace & Earth Uprising share their work

13:00–13:30 GST — Watch Party: A Future Beyond Fossil Fuels in Africa

A session hosted by Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty.


  • Seble Samuel, Head of Africa Campaigns & Advocacy, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Erica Njuguna, Youth Climate Justice Organizer, Fridays for Future
  • Fadhel Kaboub, Senior Advisor, Power Shift Africa
  • Dean Bhekumuzi Bhebhe, Campaigns Lead, Power Shift Africa

14:10–15:00 GST — Watch Party: Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Mark Watts, Executive Director, C40 Cities
  • Martina Otto, Head of CCAC Secretariat, UNEP-convened Climate & Clean Air Coalition
  • Karin Wanngård, Mayor, Stockholm City
  • Lutz Wilgen, Acting Head, Design Management, Masdar City
  • Barbara Buffaloe, Mayor, City of Columbia, Missouri
  • David Radermacher, Vice President Sustainability & Climate, E.ON SE
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Sebastian Peck, Partner, KOMPAS VC
  • Alicia Argüello, Head of Sustainability, Hitachi Energy
  • Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director, European Commission

15:00–15:20 GST — Live questions from youth hub to Panelists in Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero

Youth hub able to engage in discussion with panelists from the session "Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero".


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

15:20–15:40 GST — Designing COP for the future


  • Fiona Pelham, Pavillion for the People

15:40–16:30 GST — Engaging the public with climate change: Communication & behaviour change


  • Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, Director, Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformation

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 8

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:15 GST — Keynote: Leadership for Sustainability, providing participatory tools.


  • May Rada Jutrakul, Program Manager & Learning Designer, Hyper Island
  • Emma Kroese (MSLS)

13:15–14:00 GST — Keynote: Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream


  • Professor Göran Finnveden, Professor, KTH

A rapid technological development is necessary but not sufficient for reaching climate goals. Also changes in consumption practises are needed. This is explored in our ongoing multi-disciplinary research program “Mistra Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream”. The presentation will include results on the potential of changes in consumption practises, synergies between health and climate impacts and the risks for indirect effects.

Göran Finnveden is a professor of Environmental strategic analysis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is also the program director for the Mistra Sustainable Consumption research program. He has a long experience of environmental research as well as advising policy makers and collaborations with businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

14:00–14:40 GST — Draw your desirable future

Interactive workshop to visualize the future

14:40–15:00 GST — Broadcast: Youth Hub Climate Stories

Listen to some really strong youth voices and hear their incredible contribution in the fight against climate change, when we are joining the main We Don't Have Time broadcast


  • Enock Mwewa Jr, Climate Justice Activist, Movement Builder & Climate Reality Leader from Zambia
  • Alice Gimbro Frisk & Axel Eriksson, youth representatives for Sweden in UNFCCC
  • Andreas Magnusson, climate activist and youth hub moderator

15:00–15:50 GST — Broadcast

Join us for this amazing session with youth focus, where youth gives their views on climate activism and what is needed to be done for the future.


  • Andreas Magnusson, Climate Activist and Head of Activism at LiveGreen Festivals & Academy
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Humanitarian and sustainability advocate from Kenya
  • Agustin Ocaña, Chairperson Global Youth Coalition and Reforesting 4 Peace
  • Anita Soina, Kenyan environmentalist, Climate Justice Activist
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate reality leader and advocacy champion from the Philippines

15:50–16:20 GST — A Better Future

Listen to presentations from some great organizations working for a better future.


  • Carolyn He, A sustainable Future

16:20–16:30 GST — KTH Action Centre

Listen to the work of KTH Actions Centre and strong connection with the Royal School of Technology

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 9

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentations & Questions: Oceans, Biodiversity & Youth


  • Global Youth Biodiversity Network
  • Daniel Braxton Owiti

13:00–13:40 GST — Keynote & Questions


  • Professor Jason Blackstock, Founder & CEO, How to Change the World

14:00–14:20 GST — Let's plant more trees together with the Youth Hub!


  • Flujensia Tindyebwa
  • Nuwahoora Kenneth
  • Dr Jibril Semakura Owomugisha, Founding Director, Million Trees International Organization Uganda's Representative to UN Decade on

14:50–15:00 GST — Unique Interview with Former Youth Activist, Julia Butterfly Hill

Listen to Julia Butterfly Hill, former youth activist, best known for having lived in a 1000-year-old California redwood tree for 738 days between 1997 and 1999.

15:00–15:30 GST — Get ready to be inspired by Pakistan

Join us in a great Q&A by Nelam Pari, a survivor of the enormous floodings in Pakistan and her work on National Youth Policy Dialogue in Pakistan


  • Nelam Pari

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 11

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentation & Questions Encouraging GenZ, Entreprenuers: Pathways and and policies


  • Tobias Bürger, Project Manager Bildung und Next Generation, Bertelsmann Stiftung working on the NextGen project
  • Tessa Breidenbrücker, Project Manager Next Generation

13:00–13:50 GST — Keynote: Nature-based Solutions for Carbon Neutral Cities

Our research concerns how we can design and shape city development to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions from cities and strive for net zero emissions. This presentation looks at how we can use nature in cities to help in reducing emissions, and using modelling we quantify how much nature-based solutions can contribute towards net zero emissions in 54 case study cities.

  • Dr. Jessica Page, urban and regional planning

14:00–14:40 GST — Keynote and questions: How Does Science Feed into COPs? On the Role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)Speaker

Arthur Petersen is a Professor at the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London (UCL). Prior to this he was a Scientific Adviser on environment and infrastructure policy within the Dutch Government. Most recently he served as Chief Scientist of the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2011–2014). Since 2001, he has served regularly as member of the Dutch government delegation to the IPCC


  • Professor Arthur Petersen, Professor of Science, Technology & Public Policy, University College London STEaPP

15:20–15:50 GST — Keynote & Questions: The Inner Development Goal Framework


  • Louise König, CEO The New Division

    Louise is the CEO of the Communication and Sustainability Agency, The New Division. The Swedish company behind the communicative language for the Sustainable Development Goals launched in 2015 by the United Nations. She has over 20 years of experience in international sustainable business development and communication. She has worked with several of the largest companies in Sweden, including IKEA, The Co-operative, Coop Sweden and Ramboll Management Consulting

16:00–16:30 GST — Youth Hub Finale  

Amazing line up when we are closing the youth hub. Listen to the stories of

  • Robert, 11 year old Climate Communicator and initiator for Children's Climate Championship
  • Nelam Pari, environment enthusiast from Pakistan and COO for SDGs Academy
  • Dickson Mutai, Youth hub leader and coordinator Kenya hub
  • Patrick Nyoks Africa Region Representative and Head of Kenya Chapter

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:25 GST — Watch Party: The journey of We Don't Have Time

17:25–18:15 GST — Watch party Grand finale: Negative and Positive Tipping points with high level speakers


  • Mattias Klum
  • Professor Richard Betts
  • Professor Laura Pereia
  • Sweta Chakraborty
  • Rebecka Carlsson  
  • Sara Nilsson Lööv

18:15–18:45 GST — Watch party: Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions - Youth as the most courageous advocates & the Climate Champions


  • Karim Ehab Salah, Race to Zero Fellow, Climate Champions Team
  • Reekelitsoe Molapo, Nonprofit Founder & Director, Conservation Music Lesotho
  • Ivo Wakounig, Future Energy Leader, World Energy Council
  • More speakers to be added


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Program of the Day

December 2

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party - Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:15 GST — Food For a Better Future - Climate quiz 

Discussions and climate quiz, activities focusing on the future of food and the importance of incorporating more plant-based options into daily diets.

Speaker :

  • Michel Bracké, CEO, A Better Future AB

13:15–13:30 GST — Break

13:30–14:00 GST — Watch Party : Building a Global Movement in Support of Fossil Fuel Phase Out

14:00–15:00 GST — Keynote: Climate psychology: why do we do so little even if we know so much?


  • Per Espen Stoknes 

15:00–15:30 GST — Movie watching and discussion 

Activism and culture

15:30–16:00 GST — Summarize about Dec 2 - Youth Climate Stories 


  • Samira Ben Ali 
  • Mayowa Oniosun
  • Kenneth Nuwahoora

16:00–16:10 GST — Watch Party : Climate Feedback Loops - What They Are, Why They Matter, and What You Can Do

16:10–16:30 GST — Youth Hub in Broadcast

16:30–16:40 GST — AI Future Voices 

Open video + Invite people to join the campaign 

17:30–18:00 GST — Watch Party - The Daily Juice at COP28

18:00–19:00 GST — After Chat 


December 3

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party - Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST —Startups for Climate 


  • Abby Chebet, Co-founder, Virdismart Global and Lady's Heart Organization
  • Collins Manyasi, Vijii smart

13:00–13:30 GST — Watch Party - Women Leading the Fight Against Climate Change and Complex Crises in Asia

13:30–13:50 GST — Sharing Practices of Creating Peace Around the World 

13:50–14:30 GST — Discussion with Rufa Cagoca

Youth hub is joined by Rufa Cagoca - Guiam, Associate Professor at Mindanao University for Q&A after the Watchparty.

14:30–15:20 GST — Movie Watching Feedback Loops and Discussion

15:20–15:40 GST — Watch Party


  • Rohan Pandit, Executive director of Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action (SVYCA) 

15:40–16:00 GST — Let’s Connect & Form Collaboration 

16:00–16:20 GST — Watch Party - Climate Feedback Loops: What They Are, Why They Matter, and What You Can Do

16:20–16:30 GST — Youth Hub in Broadcast: Comments on Climate Feedback Loops

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:30–18:00 GST — The Daily Juice at COP28

18:00–19:00 GST — After Chat 


December 4

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST —Green Finance - Enabling Financing for Restoring and Enhancing Natural Ecosystems


  • Abby Chebet, Co-founder, Virdismart Global and Lady's Heart Organization
  • Marina Herias-Saenz, Callirius
  • Farzana Faruk Jhumu (moderator)

13:00–13:30 GST — Maandhis Organization


  • Abdirahman Nour Yusuf, Executive Director, Maandhis Organization

13:30–14:00 GST — Next Gen 

14:00–15:00 GST — Gender Equality & Climate


  • Lwendo Choongo
  • Khalaban Odaka Fedinand
  • Adriana García Goméz

15:00–15:30 GST — Watch Party: Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions

15:30–15:50 GST — Discussion:  What Other Policies Do We Like To Add?

15:50–16:10 GST — Watch Party: Youth Hub Climate Stories


  • Karan Kumar, Gender Activist
  • Nchima Enock Mwewa, Climate Justice Activist, Movement Builder & Climate Reality Leader

16:10–16:30 GST — Kiambu Universities Colleges Students Alumni Association

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:30–18:00 GST — After Chat with Linnea Claesson


December 5

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Graceful Youth Recovery Center, Kenya

We will speak about the work done by Graceful Youth Recovery Center in education, providing psychosocial support, addiction recovery, empower socially, economically and spiritually men and women in society


  • Nkatha Mwenda, Chairperson, Graceful Youth Recovery
  • John Linus (moderator)

13:00–14:00 GST — Watch Party: Science to Policy – How to Bridge the Gap Between Knowledge and Action


  • Sir David King Chair and Founder Climate Crisis Advisory Group
  • Prof. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, Founding Director, UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose

14:00–14:30 GST — Maandhis Organization


  • Abdirahman Nour Yusuf, Executive Director, Maandhis Organization
  • John Linus (moderator)

14:40–15:00 GST — The Global Sunrise Project

Video, Presentation and question about the Global Sunrise Project, a youth-led social enterprise, that creates positive impact media. Founded at 14 years old by award-winning Gen-Z filmmaker/photographer Kasha Sequoia Slavner, it uses its storytelling platform to conduct educational outreach, exhibitions, documentary screenings & workshops to empower youth civic engagement and action for the SDG's.


  • Maclean Mundalia (moderator)

15:10–16:00 GST — Watch Party & Follow-up Discussion

16:00–16:30 GST — Presentation & Questions to Elena-Alexandra Miron


  • Elena-Alexandra Miron, Romanian Youth Delegate, Romanian Youth Council
  • Maclean Mundalia (moderator)

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview with Katja Dörner, Mayor of Bonn

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 6

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentations from climate organizations

Presentations from some amazing organizations, working to engage youths into the climate movement: Reforesting 4 Peace & Earth Uprising share their work

13:00–13:30 GST — Watch Party: A Future Beyond Fossil Fuels in Africa

A session hosted by Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty.


  • Seble Samuel, Head of Africa Campaigns & Advocacy, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Erica Njuguna, Youth Climate Justice Organizer, Fridays for Future
  • Fadhel Kaboub, Senior Advisor, Power Shift Africa
  • Dean Bhekumuzi Bhebhe, Campaigns Lead, Power Shift Africa

14:10–15:00 GST — Watch Party: Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Mark Watts, Executive Director, C40 Cities
  • Martina Otto, Head of CCAC Secretariat, UNEP-convened Climate & Clean Air Coalition
  • Karin Wanngård, Mayor, Stockholm City
  • Lutz Wilgen, Acting Head, Design Management, Masdar City
  • Barbara Buffaloe, Mayor, City of Columbia, Missouri
  • David Radermacher, Vice President Sustainability & Climate, E.ON SE
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Sebastian Peck, Partner, KOMPAS VC
  • Alicia Argüello, Head of Sustainability, Hitachi Energy
  • Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director, European Commission

15:00–15:20 GST — Live questions from youth hub to Panelists in Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero

Youth hub able to engage in discussion with panelists from the session "Accelerate Sustainable Cities to Reach Net Zero".


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

15:20–15:40 GST — Designing COP for the future


  • Fiona Pelham, Pavillion for the People

15:40–16:30 GST — Engaging the public with climate change: Communication & behaviour change


  • Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, Director, Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformation

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 8

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:15 GST — Keynote: Leadership for Sustainability, providing participatory tools.


  • May Rada Jutrakul, Program Manager & Learning Designer, Hyper Island
  • Emma Kroese (MSLS)

13:15–14:00 GST — Keynote: Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream


  • Professor Göran Finnveden, Professor, KTH

A rapid technological development is necessary but not sufficient for reaching climate goals. Also changes in consumption practises are needed. This is explored in our ongoing multi-disciplinary research program “Mistra Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream”. The presentation will include results on the potential of changes in consumption practises, synergies between health and climate impacts and the risks for indirect effects.

Göran Finnveden is a professor of Environmental strategic analysis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is also the program director for the Mistra Sustainable Consumption research program. He has a long experience of environmental research as well as advising policy makers and collaborations with businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

14:00–14:40 GST — Draw your desirable future

Interactive workshop to visualize the future

14:40–15:00 GST — Broadcast: Youth Hub Climate Stories

Listen to some really strong youth voices and hear their incredible contribution in the fight against climate change, when we are joining the main We Don't Have Time broadcast


  • Enock Mwewa Jr, Climate Justice Activist, Movement Builder & Climate Reality Leader from Zambia
  • Alice Gimbro Frisk & Axel Eriksson, youth representatives for Sweden in UNFCCC
  • Andreas Magnusson, climate activist and youth hub moderator

15:00–15:50 GST — Broadcast

Join us for this amazing session with youth focus, where youth gives their views on climate activism and what is needed to be done for the future.


  • Andreas Magnusson, Climate Activist and Head of Activism at LiveGreen Festivals & Academy
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Humanitarian and sustainability advocate from Kenya
  • Agustin Ocaña, Chairperson Global Youth Coalition and Reforesting 4 Peace
  • Anita Soina, Kenyan environmentalist, Climate Justice Activist
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate reality leader and advocacy champion from the Philippines

15:50–16:20 GST — A Better Future

Listen to presentations from some great organizations working for a better future.


  • Carolyn He, A sustainable Future

16:20–16:30 GST — KTH Action Centre

Listen to the work of KTH Actions Centre and strong connection with the Royal School of Technology

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 9

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentations & Questions: Oceans, Biodiversity & Youth


  • Global Youth Biodiversity Network
  • Daniel Braxton Owiti

13:00–13:40 GST — Keynote & Questions


  • Professor Jason Blackstock, Founder & CEO, How to Change the World

14:00–14:20 GST — Let's plant more trees together with the Youth Hub!


  • Flujensia Tindyebwa
  • Nuwahoora Kenneth
  • Dr Jibril Semakura Owomugisha, Founding Director, Million Trees International Organization Uganda's Representative to UN Decade on

14:50–15:00 GST — Unique Interview with Former Youth Activist, Julia Butterfly Hill

Listen to Julia Butterfly Hill, former youth activist, best known for having lived in a 1000-year-old California redwood tree for 738 days between 1997 and 1999.

15:00–15:30 GST — Get ready to be inspired by Pakistan

Join us in a great Q&A by Nelam Pari, a survivor of the enormous floodings in Pakistan and her work on National Youth Policy Dialogue in Pakistan


  • Nelam Pari

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:30 GST — Watch Party: Interview from COP28

17:30–18:30 GST — Youth Hub Broadcast

Questions and answers done by youth, interviewing delegates attending COP28.


December 11

12:00–19:00 GST — COP28 Youth Hub

12:00–12:30 GST — Watch Party: Opening - We Don’t Have Time Show 

12:30–13:00 GST — Presentation & Questions Encouraging GenZ, Entreprenuers: Pathways and and policies


  • Tobias Bürger, Project Manager Bildung und Next Generation, Bertelsmann Stiftung working on the NextGen project
  • Tessa Breidenbrücker, Project Manager Next Generation

13:00–13:50 GST — Keynote: Nature-based Solutions for Carbon Neutral Cities

Our research concerns how we can design and shape city development to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions from cities and strive for net zero emissions. This presentation looks at how we can use nature in cities to help in reducing emissions, and using modelling we quantify how much nature-based solutions can contribute towards net zero emissions in 54 case study cities.

  • Dr. Jessica Page, urban and regional planning

14:00–14:40 GST — Keynote and questions: How Does Science Feed into COPs? On the Role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)Speaker

Arthur Petersen is a Professor at the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London (UCL). Prior to this he was a Scientific Adviser on environment and infrastructure policy within the Dutch Government. Most recently he served as Chief Scientist of the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2011–2014). Since 2001, he has served regularly as member of the Dutch government delegation to the IPCC


  • Professor Arthur Petersen, Professor of Science, Technology & Public Policy, University College London STEaPP

15:20–15:50 GST — Keynote & Questions: The Inner Development Goal Framework


  • Louise König, CEO The New Division

    Louise is the CEO of the Communication and Sustainability Agency, The New Division. The Swedish company behind the communicative language for the Sustainable Development Goals launched in 2015 by the United Nations. She has over 20 years of experience in international sustainable business development and communication. She has worked with several of the largest companies in Sweden, including IKEA, The Co-operative, Coop Sweden and Ramboll Management Consulting

16:00–16:30 GST — Youth Hub Finale  

Amazing line up when we are closing the youth hub. Listen to the stories of

  • Robert, 11 year old Climate Communicator and initiator for Children's Climate Championship
  • Nelam Pari, environment enthusiast from Pakistan and COO for SDGs Academy
  • Dickson Mutai, Youth hub leader and coordinator Kenya hub
  • Patrick Nyoks Africa Region Representative and Head of Kenya Chapter

16:30–17:00 GST — Today at COP28, Wrap-up & Discussion

17:00–17:25 GST — Watch Party: The journey of We Don't Have Time

17:25–18:15 GST — Watch party Grand finale: Negative and Positive Tipping points with high level speakers


  • Mattias Klum
  • Professor Richard Betts
  • Professor Laura Pereia
  • Sweta Chakraborty
  • Rebecka Carlsson  
  • Sara Nilsson Lööv

18:15–18:45 GST — Watch party: Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions - Youth as the most courageous advocates & the Climate Champions


  • Karim Ehab Salah, Race to Zero Fellow, Climate Champions Team
  • Reekelitsoe Molapo, Nonprofit Founder & Director, Conservation Music Lesotho
  • Ivo Wakounig, Future Energy Leader, World Energy Council
  • More speakers to be added


Future Voices - COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub

Future Voices - COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub

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Future Voices - COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub


Program Highlights

  • 12:00 GST /  09:00 CET :
    Join us for specific sessions in the youth hub, with keynote speakers and a unique opportunity to ask questions to world researchers, forward thinking companies and startups and fellow young climate leaders. Program will be updated soon.  Register below to receive information when the program is out!  
  • 17:30 GST / 14:30 CET: The climate discussions continue as we kick off the COP28 after-broadcast gathering in the youth hub. Join our daily session alongside Youth4Planet, where we unpack the day's key topics. Don't miss this chance to engage, share your thoughts, and be part of the climate action conversation!

  • 18:00 GST - 18:30 GST / 15:00 CET - 15:30 CET :
    After chat and youth dialogue, summarizing the day of COP 28 with interesting guests

The Youth Hub is part of the COP28 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program of the broadcast. December 1December 2December 3December 4December 5December 6December 7December 8December 9December 10December 11

Give us your top question about COP28!

Use this youth4planet QR code to vote on questions we'll ask on your behalf to delegates in Dubai!

Maybe you want to know more about COP28, where it is being held, what COP is all about, or why it is the critical event of this decade?

Whatever your questions, use this QR code to ask! You can also follow this link.


We Don’t Have Time is a climate broadcaster and the world’s largest social media for climate solutions. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place, watch our broadcasts on demand, and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

We Don't Have Time will broadcast live from COP28 in our TV studio space located in proximity to where the COP plenary sessions are held, from December 1-11. Read more.

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