December 8, 2023













December 8, 2023











December 8, 2023

Day 8, Youth, Children, Education & Skills

COP28 Climate Hub – Day 8

We Don't Have Time
Race To Zero
Exponential Roadmap














December 8, 2023












December 8, 2023

Day 8, Youth, Children, Education & Skills

COP28 Climate Hub – Day 8

We Don't Have Time
Race To Zero
Exponential Roadmap

Live from COP28 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at the UN Climate Change Conference 2023 in Dubai, UAE. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, such as biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.  Click here for the full day-by-day program.

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December 8

Live now

12:00 GST / 9:00 CET — Welcome to the COP28 Climate Hub

Live from COP28 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at the UN Climate Change Conference 2023 in Dubai, UAE. Together with our partners, we will explore the challenges and solutions to the climate crisis. We will bring in company leaders, policy-makers, civil society leaders, and climate experts to talk about finance, policy, digitalization and nature-based solutions as we closely follow the negotiations on-site in Dubai. With our Future Voices Youth Empowerment Hub, we will also expand the opportunities for young individuals to influence global leaders and decision-makers at COP28.


  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Host, We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder & CEO, We Don't Have Time
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Risk and behavioral scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time
  • Jonas Roupé, Chairman, Cradlenet
  • Eva Karlsson, CEO, Houdini Sportswear
  • Eleanor Sharpston, Professor of Law, University of Cambridge
  • Kristin Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor, University of Iceland
  • Genaro Matías Godoy González, Contact Point, YOUNGO
  • Bryce Coon, Director of Education, EARTHDAY.ORG


13:00 GST / 10:00 CET — Solutions for Fast Climate Action – Tackling the Methane Problem

Methane is responsible for a third of total warming since the Industrial Revolution and is 86 times more powerful than CO2 at warming the atmosphere over a 20-year timeline. The fossil fuel, waste, and agriculture sectors are the main methane emitters from human activities.

So what can we do about this? How do we finance the solutions, and what are the hopes for progress during COP28?

Join us for a session with four expert panelists who will look at this issue from different perspectives.


  • Martina Otto, Head of CCAC Secretariat, UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition
  • Peter Dery, Director, Environment, Ministry of Environment, Ghana
  • Rachel Kyte, Co-chair, VCMI
  • Andrew Yatilman, Secretary for the Department of Environment, Climate and Emergency Management, Government of the Federated States of Micronesia


13:30 GST / 10:30 CET — Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions

Nature as a net zero policy solution  

There is no Paris Agreement without nature, and we cannot protect nature without policies that prevent destructive action - and enable protection. How do enabling policies help us to manage, protect and restore nature? In this session, you’ll hear about innovative policy solutions across land-use, food systems, oceans and more!


  • Loreley Picourt, Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform
  • Gustavo Guadagnini, CEO, The Good Food Institute Brazil
  • Lina Barrera, SVP, International Policy, Conservation International
  • Irene Espinola Campos, Global Head of Net Zero Carbon, Grupo Bimbo


14:00 GST / 11:00 CET — Fast, Fair, and Forever: Accelerating the Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

Youth Organizing for a Fossil Fuel Treaty

Fossil fuel production poses a significant threat to a healthy environment and a prosperous future for all. Join us as we bring together high-level speakers and experts to discuss how we can end fossil fuel expansion and begin an equitable global phase-out of coal, oil and gas, through international frameworks such as a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This session is part of a series that covers the threat that fossil fuels pose to the sustainable development goals, to the planet's biodiversity, and to our health, peace and security, while also exploring strategies for international cooperation to accelerate a just transition.


  • Nyombi Morris, Climate Activist, Earth Volunteers
  • Alexis Grefa, Kichwa Indigenous Activist
  • Laura Veronica Muñoz, Youth Organizer, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Saoi O'Connor, Youth Coordinator, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty


14:30 GST / 11:30 CET — Future Voices & Interviews from COP28

Join us for talks with movers and change-makers on how to collaborate on climate – and how to seize the opportunities as we transition to net zero.


  • Professor Francesco Corvaro, Special Envoy Climate Change, Italy
  • Agostino Inguscio, Director, UNDP Rome Centre


14:40 GST / 11:40 CET — Future Voices Youth Empowerment Hub at COP28

Welcome to Future Voices, a digital inclusive space for everyone under 30. Future Voices will allow youth to join COP28 from anywhere and participate in our global broadcasts. It will feature speakers and organizations exclusively curated for the young audience during We Don’t Have Time’s COP28 broadcasts.


  • Nchima Enock Mwewa Jr., Climate Justice Activist, Environment Savers of Zambia
  • Alice Gimbro Frisk, Youth representative, UNFCCC
  • Axel Eriksson, Youth representative, UNFCCC


15:00 GST / 12:00 CET — Delivering the Future Voices Pledge to World Leaders

Join us for talks with movers and change-makers on how to collaborate on climate – and how to seize the opportunities as we transition to net zero.


  • Geoffrey Mboya, Project Coordinator, Leaving A Legacy
  • Isaias Hernandez, Environmental Educator & Founder, QueerBrownVegan
  • Nikka Gerona, Member, YOUNGO
  • Anita Soina, Founder SpiceWarriors
  • Andreas Magnusson, Youth Hub Leader, COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub
  • ¨


15:50 GST / 12:50 CET — Meet the Changemakers

We Don't Have Time is thrilled to present Meet the Changemakers, our new series about innovative businesses shaping today the climate solutions of tomorrow. To showcase these solutions, from how they work, to how they’re contributing to climate action, we’ve joined forces with our partners and created a series that aims to put these change-making solutions at the forefront of people’s minds - from industry peers to customers.


  • Carl-Johan Liner, CEO, SaltX Technology AB
  • Jesper Wirén, CEO, Enjay Systems
  • Jenny Fredricsdotter, Circular Business Director, Renewcell
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director Sustainable Eating & Public Affairs, Oatly
  • More to be added


16:30 GST / 13:30 CET — Today at COP28, Wrap-up and Discussions

Together with experts and high-level guests, we look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight the main topics of tomorrow’s climate negotiations. 


  • Zubair Junjunia, Founder & CEO, ZNotes
  • Deborah Mukundwa, Climate and Peace defender, EU Youth Sounding Board
  • Mohamed Maray Elshikhi, Youth Engagement Mentor, Arab Youth4COP


17:00 GST / 14:00 CET — The Daily Juice at COP28

Join us for a 10-day interactive show featuring young reporters at the epicentre of the conference. We'll explore climate action, discuss innovative solutions, and spotlight young activists. Engaging, informative, and inspiring, this show is a must-watch for youth eager to learn about and to contribute to creating their sustainable future planet.


18:10 GST / 15:10 CET — Pioneer the Possible

18:10 GST / 15:10 CET — Driving Emission Reductions through Innovation

During this session, high level panellists will explore how to collaborate on designing and implementing the innovative business models, financial and policy and regulatory approaches which will drive the clean energy transition forward.

18:50 GST / 15:50 CET — The Global Automotive Stocktake

The course of the car industry from today until 2030 will play a key role in staying within the 1.5-degree limit of global warming. But the path we’re on will not get us to where we need to go. To get back on track, we need a roadmap. This is why Polestar created the Pathway Report, together with Rivian and Kearney.

19:30 GST / 16:30 CET — Global Solutions to Global Challenges - Large-Scale Electrification of Global Supply Chains

Global supply chains are one of the best use cases for large-scale electrification today. Companies share their experiences with innovative and efficient transport solutions and their potential to transform a sector facing low margins.

20:10 GST / 17:10 CET — Sustainable and Compliant Digitization within Construction – What Can the World Learn from the Nordics?

The Nordics are at the forefront when it comes to digitizing the construction and property sector. With simple and smart digital platforms, work and processes are structured to become more sustainable, productive, and compliant.

20:50 GST / 17:50 CET — Financing the Transformation of the Road Freight Sector

Financing the transformation of road freight will show how the sector is booming with opportunities and the world shifts to new transportation systems. With technology at the forefront, it is possible to tackle a 4 trillion dollar market and impact 8% of global CO2 emissions.

21:30 GST / 18:30 CET — How Do We Get Transport Buyers to Choose Sustainable Transports?

Financing the transformation of road freight will show how the sector is booming with opportunities and the world shifts to new transportation systems. With technology at the forefront, it is possible to tackle a 4 trillion dollar market and impact 8% of global CO2 emissions.

22:10 GST / 19:10 CET — Raising the Bar on Corporate Climate Ambition and Action while Tackling Systemic Challenges

UN’s latest Global Stocktake report shows that the world is simply not doing enough. Promises are not kept, commitments are watered down and there’s a general lack of urgency in the face of the climate crisis.

22:50 GST / 19:50 CET — Solving Long Wait Times in Port with Innovative Technologies

Ships can burn as much as 6% of fuel waiting in port and are emitting CO2. Depending on the industry segment, some ships might spend half their lifetime in ports due to complex port operations and waiting, emitting unnecessary and hazardous carbon emissions into the atmosphere.


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COP28 Climate Hub Program – Dec 8

All times in Gulf Standard Time (GST) and Central European Time (CET) Find your local time zone here.

This broadcast is part of the COP28 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program. December 1December 2December 3December 4December 5December 6December 7December 8December 9December 10December 11

December 8

12:00 GST / 9:00 CET — Welcome to the COP28 Climate Hub

Live from COP28 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at the UN Climate Change Conference 2023 in Dubai, UAE. Together with our partners, we will explore the challenges and solutions to the climate crisis. We will bring in company leaders, policy-makers, civil society leaders, and climate experts to talk about finance, policy, digitalization and nature-based solutions as we closely follow the negotiations on-site in Dubai. With our Future Voices Youth Empowerment Hub, we will also expand the opportunities for young individuals to influence global leaders and decision-makers at COP28.


  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Host, We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder & CEO, We Don't Have Time
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Risk and behavioral scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time
  • Jonas Roupé, Chairman, Cradlenet
  • Eva Karlsson, CEO, Houdini Sportswear
  • Eleanor Sharpston, Professor of Law, University of Cambridge
  • Kristin Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor, University of Iceland
  • Genaro Matías Godoy González, Contact Point, YOUNGO
  • Bryce Coon, Director of Education, EARTHDAY.ORG


13:00 GST / 10:00 CET — Solutions for Fast Climate Action – Tackling the Methane Problem

Methane is responsible for a third of total warming since the Industrial Revolution and is 86 times more powerful than CO2 at warming the atmosphere over a 20-year timeline. The fossil fuel, waste, and agriculture sectors are the main methane emitters from human activities.

So what can we do about this? How do we finance the solutions, and what are the hopes for progress during COP28?

Join us for a session with four expert panelists who will look at this issue from different perspectives.


  • Martina Otto, Head of CCAC Secretariat, UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition
  • Peter Dery, Director, Environment, Ministry of Environment, Ghana
  • Rachel Kyte, Co-chair, VCMI
  • Andrew Yatilman, Secretary for the Department of Environment, Climate and Emergency Management, Government of the Federated States of Micronesia


13:30 GST / 10:30 CET — Policy Incentives for Zero Emissions

Nature as a net zero policy solution  

There is no Paris Agreement without nature, and we cannot protect nature without policies that prevent destructive action - and enable protection. How do enabling policies help us to manage, protect and restore nature? In this session, you’ll hear about innovative policy solutions across land-use, food systems, oceans and more!


  • Loreley Picourt, Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform
  • Gustavo Guadagnini, CEO, The Good Food Institute Brazil
  • Lina Barrera, SVP, International Policy, Conservation International
  • Irene Espinola Campos, Global Head of Net Zero Carbon, Grupo Bimbo


14:00 GST / 11:00 CET — Fast, Fair, and Forever: Accelerating the Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

Youth Organizing for a Fossil Fuel Treaty

Fossil fuel production poses a significant threat to a healthy environment and a prosperous future for all. Join us as we bring together high-level speakers and experts to discuss how we can end fossil fuel expansion and begin an equitable global phase-out of coal, oil and gas, through international frameworks such as a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This session is part of a series that covers the threat that fossil fuels pose to the sustainable development goals, to the planet's biodiversity, and to our health, peace and security, while also exploring strategies for international cooperation to accelerate a just transition.


  • Nyombi Morris, Climate Activist, Earth Volunteers
  • Alexis Grefa, Kichwa Indigenous Activist
  • Laura Veronica Muñoz, Youth Organizer, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Saoi O'Connor, Youth Coordinator, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty


14:30 GST / 11:30 CET — Future Voices & Interviews from COP28

Join us for talks with movers and change-makers on how to collaborate on climate – and how to seize the opportunities as we transition to net zero.


  • Professor Francesco Corvaro, Special Envoy Climate Change, Italy
  • Agostino Inguscio, Director, UNDP Rome Centre


14:40 GST / 11:40 CET — Future Voices Youth Empowerment Hub at COP28

Welcome to Future Voices, a digital inclusive space for everyone under 30. Future Voices will allow youth to join COP28 from anywhere and participate in our global broadcasts. It will feature speakers and organizations exclusively curated for the young audience during We Don’t Have Time’s COP28 broadcasts.


  • Nchima Enock Mwewa Jr., Climate Justice Activist, Environment Savers of Zambia
  • Alice Gimbro Frisk, Youth representative, UNFCCC
  • Axel Eriksson, Youth representative, UNFCCC


15:00 GST / 12:00 CET — Delivering the Future Voices Pledge to World Leaders

Join us for talks with movers and change-makers on how to collaborate on climate – and how to seize the opportunities as we transition to net zero.


  • Geoffrey Mboya, Project Coordinator, Leaving A Legacy
  • Isaias Hernandez, Environmental Educator & Founder, QueerBrownVegan
  • Nikka Gerona, Member, YOUNGO
  • Anita Soina, Founder SpiceWarriors
  • Andreas Magnusson, Youth Hub Leader, COP28 Youth Empowerment Hub
  • ¨


15:50 GST / 12:50 CET — Meet the Changemakers

We Don't Have Time is thrilled to present Meet the Changemakers, our new series about innovative businesses shaping today the climate solutions of tomorrow. To showcase these solutions, from how they work, to how they’re contributing to climate action, we’ve joined forces with our partners and created a series that aims to put these change-making solutions at the forefront of people’s minds - from industry peers to customers.


  • Carl-Johan Liner, CEO, SaltX Technology AB
  • Jesper Wirén, CEO, Enjay Systems
  • Jenny Fredricsdotter, Circular Business Director, Renewcell
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director Sustainable Eating & Public Affairs, Oatly
  • More to be added


16:30 GST / 13:30 CET — Today at COP28, Wrap-up and Discussions

Together with experts and high-level guests, we look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight the main topics of tomorrow’s climate negotiations. 


  • Zubair Junjunia, Founder & CEO, ZNotes
  • Deborah Mukundwa, Climate and Peace defender, EU Youth Sounding Board
  • Mohamed Maray Elshikhi, Youth Engagement Mentor, Arab Youth4COP


17:00 GST / 14:00 CET — The Daily Juice at COP28

Join us for a 10-day interactive show featuring young reporters at the epicentre of the conference. We'll explore climate action, discuss innovative solutions, and spotlight young activists. Engaging, informative, and inspiring, this show is a must-watch for youth eager to learn about and to contribute to creating their sustainable future planet.


18:10 GST / 15:10 CET — Pioneer the Possible

18:10 GST / 15:10 CET — Driving Emission Reductions through Innovation

During this session, high level panellists will explore how to collaborate on designing and implementing the innovative business models, financial and policy and regulatory approaches which will drive the clean energy transition forward.

18:50 GST / 15:50 CET — The Global Automotive Stocktake

The course of the car industry from today until 2030 will play a key role in staying within the 1.5-degree limit of global warming. But the path we’re on will not get us to where we need to go. To get back on track, we need a roadmap. This is why Polestar created the Pathway Report, together with Rivian and Kearney.

19:30 GST / 16:30 CET — Global Solutions to Global Challenges - Large-Scale Electrification of Global Supply Chains

Global supply chains are one of the best use cases for large-scale electrification today. Companies share their experiences with innovative and efficient transport solutions and their potential to transform a sector facing low margins.

20:10 GST / 17:10 CET — Sustainable and Compliant Digitization within Construction – What Can the World Learn from the Nordics?

The Nordics are at the forefront when it comes to digitizing the construction and property sector. With simple and smart digital platforms, work and processes are structured to become more sustainable, productive, and compliant.

20:50 GST / 17:50 CET — Financing the Transformation of the Road Freight Sector

Financing the transformation of road freight will show how the sector is booming with opportunities and the world shifts to new transportation systems. With technology at the forefront, it is possible to tackle a 4 trillion dollar market and impact 8% of global CO2 emissions.

21:30 GST / 18:30 CET — How Do We Get Transport Buyers to Choose Sustainable Transports?

Financing the transformation of road freight will show how the sector is booming with opportunities and the world shifts to new transportation systems. With technology at the forefront, it is possible to tackle a 4 trillion dollar market and impact 8% of global CO2 emissions.

22:10 GST / 19:10 CET — Raising the Bar on Corporate Climate Ambition and Action while Tackling Systemic Challenges

UN’s latest Global Stocktake report shows that the world is simply not doing enough. Promises are not kept, commitments are watered down and there’s a general lack of urgency in the face of the climate crisis.

22:50 GST / 19:50 CET — Solving Long Wait Times in Port with Innovative Technologies

Ships can burn as much as 6% of fuel waiting in port and are emitting CO2. Depending on the industry segment, some ships might spend half their lifetime in ports due to complex port operations and waiting, emitting unnecessary and hazardous carbon emissions into the atmosphere.


Day 8, Youth, Children, Education & Skills


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

Ingmar Rentzhog


CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.


Martina Otto

Head of Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat, UNEP

Martina has over 25 years of experience in Environmental Policy and Programme Management, with a particular focus on energy, buildings, transport and sustainable cities, as well as partnership building. At the UN Environment Programme, she has served in different functions out of Paris and Nairobi, including in the Executive Office, heading UNEP’s work Transport, Bioenergy, Energy Policy, UNEP's work on on Cities and the Secretariat of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, and now heading the Secretariat of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

Peter Dery

Director, Environment, Ministry of Environment, Ghana

Dr Dery is a lawyer, a seasoned public Administrator, and a certified chartered environmentalist is the Director of the environment division of the Ministry of Environment,sc, tech & innovation where he has policy oversight on climate change, biodiversity, coastal management, waste, and air quality. He is co-chair of the CCAC and has supervised the integration of SLCPs including Methane into Ghana's NDCs.

Carl-Johan Linér

CEO, SaltX Technology AB

Carl-Johan Linér is the CEO of SaltX. Before this, he was working in the global production industry.

Jesper Wirén

CEO and Co-founder, Enjay

Jesper has been an entrepreneur within HVAC and energy recovery his entire life, building, running and selling companies. The latest, except for Enjay, is UVtech AB who developed and launched UV-technology as the first company in the world to restaurant ventilation.

Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

Jenny Fredricsdotter

Circular Business Director, Renewcell

Jenny Fredricsdotter has over twenty years of experience in the fashion industry, working with buying, production, and sourcing for companies like H&M and Gina Tricot in Europe and Asia. She studied Textile Economics at the Textile College of Fashion in Borås, Sweden, and has thereafter continued to study fashion sustainability, circular economy, and mindful consumption.

Rachel Kyte

Co-chair, VCMI

Rachel Kyte is a climate diplomat, dean, educator, multilateralist, activist focused on making finance work for climate action and justice. Time is not on our side. We can’t afford to waste time or money and need politics to be as good as our science. Previously, she was chief executive officer of Sustainable Energy for All, and special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. She was World Bank Group vice president and special envoy for climate change. In that role, she oversaw work on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance across the institutions of the World Bank Group, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's fund for the poorest; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); as well as the World Bank Institute and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. She previously served as World Bank vice president for sustainable development and was the International Finance Corporation's vice president for business advisory services and a member of IFC's management team.​

Loreley Picourt

Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform

Loreley Picourt is the Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform – an international network over 100 organisations working towards a better integration of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus into decision making. She is the focal point for the Marrakech Partnership-Global Climate Action on Ocean and Coastal Zones.

Gustavo Guadagnini

CEO, The Good Food Institute Brazil

Gus Guadagnini is the CEO of The Good Food Institute Brazil and works to develop the Alternative Protein sector. He is responsible for engaging many of the world’s leading meat and agricultural companies in this industry, besides scientists and governments throughout Latin America. With graduation in business from the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Gus became one of the most active advocates for alternative proteins and is considered a specialist in this industry’s development in Latin America. In 2020, he was pointed out by GQ magazine as one of the Brazilians on the list of “25 names that can save the world”.

Andreas Magnusson

Host, We Don't Have Time

Andreas Magnusson is a 19-year-old Swedish climate justice activist, organiser, host and speaker. He has organised with Fridays For Future Sweden since its beginning in 2018 and is now an experienced host and speaker specialised in youth inclusion, climate & sustainability. He is also Head of Activism at LiveGreen Festivals & Academy co-leading its work with transforming the Swedish music- and culture industry.

Jodi-Ann Wang

Policy Analyst, Grantham Institute, LSE

Jodi-Ann Wang works at the intersection of sustainable finance policy and climate justice at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and Environment at the London School of Economics. She works with governments and financial institutions on implementing the regulatory frameworks and actions needed to align financial flows with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Jodi-Ann is passionate about intergenerational justice, and serves as a member of the UN Expert Group on Resource Management, the Pan-Commonwealth Coordinator of the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network, and previously negotiated at the G20 as a Canadian youth delegate.

Andrew Yatilman

Secretary for the Department of Environment, Climate and Emergency Management, Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

Andrew Robert Yatilman serves as the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and. Emergency Management (DECEM) of the Federated States of Micronesia.

Irene Espinola Campos

Global Head of Net Zero Carbon, Grupo Bimbo

Leading the Net Zero Carbon strategy for Grupo Bimbo, with the challenge to take the company to Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050 becoming the first and only Mexican company in the food industry to join the Race to Zero Campaign with targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. She has led the renewable energy strategy in Grupo Bimbo worldwide, with the responsibility to make the company 100% renewable by 2025. In 2021 she created the Net Zero Carbon strategy that Grupo Bimbo will follow in the next 30 years with 16 initiatives along the value chain including Zero Carbon Mobility, Elimination of fossil fuels, Renewable Energy, Low Carbon Supply, Regenerative Agriculture and Forest Improvement.

Lina Barrera

SVP, International Policy, Conservation International

Lina Barrera leads Conservation International’s work to influence the design and implementation of public policies — both international and domestic — that catalyze large scale transformation to address the global climate, sustainability and biodiversity crises. Lina’s team works across the institution to develop sciencebased policy recommendations to ensure that nature and the critical benefits that it provides to humanity are built into public policies and funding priorities.

Nyombi Morris

Climate Activist, Earth Volunteers

Ugandan activist for climate justice and founder of Earth Volunteers, a nonprofit that brings young people together to conduct voluntary, grassroots climate action.

Geoffrey Mboya

Youth Advisor and Climate Activist

Geoffrey is a Youth Advisor for WeDon'tHaveTime and Climate Activist from low-lying land in Nairobi and has felt firsthand climate impacts in the form of environmental degradation around his neighbourhood. Inspired by his background, Geoffrey advocates for the connection between climate action and poverty. He speaks passionately and urgently about social justice, environmental protection, climate change, indigenous rights, and more, and isn’t afraid to call out corporate leaders and others who have contributed to our environmental crises. Despite the backlash he has received from, politicians, and even strangers, Geoffrey remains determined to continue his activism and bring about meaningful change.

Isaias Hernandez

Environmental Educator & Founder of QueerBrownVegan

Isaias Hernandez is an environmental justice educator and activist with years of experience in intersectional environmental work. Isaias works with businesses, institutions, and organizations to amplify and empower their environmental missions through science-based storytelling. Isaias is well-known in his field under the social moniker, QueerBrownVegan, his independent media platform with a global audience of over 150,000+ followers. Isaias attended the University of California Berkeley, earning his bachelor's in Environmental Science. Isaias has interviewed Vice President Kamala Harris and was featured on the digital cover of Vogue with Billie Eilish and on the Harvard-C-Change program as Climate Creators 2023 Program.

Nikka Gerona

Climate Advocate, YOUNGO

Nikka Gerona is a climate reality leader from the Philippines. She has been actively involved in various organizations locally and internationally. She has also been part of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she supports the graphics sub-unit to enhance digital outreach strategies and advocacy efforts. She was also selected to be part of the 37 youth leaders across 13 countries to be part of the Young People’s Action Team for UNICEF East Asia and Pacific.

Gustav Hasselskog

CEO, Candela Technology AB

Realising how energy inefficient and polluting traditional combustion engine boats were, Gustav started Candela with the mission to make an electric boat that had better performance than fossil fuel competitors. This mission has expanded from the leisure to commercial vessels, where the technology allows us to rethink public transportation, making it not only fossil fuel-free, but also cheaper for operators and more accessible for commuters than that provided by conventional vessels in operation today.

Zubair Junjunia

Founder & CEO, ZNotes

Zubair Junjunia is an award-winning social entrepreneur dedicated to ensuring fair and equal access to education globally. Having witnessed inequalities in education firsthand as well as its potential to influence social mobility, Zubair founded ZNotes at the age of 16 in Jeddah, an online learning platform that ensures all students have a level playing field when tackling high-stakes, school exams. This youth-led platform has reached over four million students in 190+ countries, providing them with high-quality resources and a peer support community. In recognition of his global work in education, Zubair received the Diana Legacy Award and was appointed UNDP & Samsung Generation17 Young Leader for ZNotes' impact on UN SDG4. Speaking on international stages, he was the first-ever youth moderator at the ECOSOC Youth Forum and became one of the youngest commencement speakers in the history of UCL in the 2023 Graduation Ceremony. He currently serves as the UK Youth Leader for the GPE.

Rose Kobusinge

Ambassador, IOM-AU Migration

Rose, a dedicated Migration, Environment, and Climate Change (MECC) Ambassador from Uganda, is at the forefront of leading climate action and rallying young people, policymakers, and diverse stakeholders to address the intersection of climate change and human mobility. Growing up amidst the challenges posed by the climate crisis, Rose is committed to amplifying Pan-African voices in climate action and collaborating with frontline communities, including climate migrants, refugees, and youth. Holding a master’s degree in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford, Rose is currently pursuing a doctorate in Sustainable Energy Futures in Refugee Settings at Coventry University. This academic journey equips her with a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge, and practical experience to address some of the 21st centuries socio-economic challenges. Beyond academia, Rose is a climate action educator and a migration4development.

Deborah Mukundwa

Climate and Peace defender, EU Youth Sounding Board

Mukundwa Deborah, author of "Whispers of the Savannah," is a climate and human rights defender, currently serving as a European Union Youth Sounding Board member advising on environment, education, and governance for EU external action. Chair and trainer at "I ACT Rwanda," providing capacity-building opportunities to youth on Climate action and just energy transition. With experience in advocacy and climate negotiation, she is currently an IYCDP_COP28 and actively participates in global forums, i.e., Global Shapers, YOUNGO; she is dedicated to amplifying underrepresented voices for an inclusive pursuit of sustainable development goals.

Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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Martina Otto

Head of Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat, UNEP

Martina has over 25 years of experience in Environmental Policy and Programme Management, with a particular focus on energy, buildings, transport and sustainable cities, as well as partnership building. At the UN Environment Programme, she has served in different functions out of Paris and Nairobi, including in the Executive Office, heading UNEP’s work Transport, Bioenergy, Energy Policy, UNEP's work on on Cities and the Secretariat of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, and now heading the Secretariat of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

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Peter Dery

Director, Environment, Ministry of Environment, Ghana

Dr Dery is a lawyer, a seasoned public Administrator, and a certified chartered environmentalist is the Director of the environment division of the Ministry of Environment,sc, tech & innovation where he has policy oversight on climate change, biodiversity, coastal management, waste, and air quality. He is co-chair of the CCAC and has supervised the integration of SLCPs including Methane into Ghana's NDCs.

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Carl-Johan Linér

CEO, SaltX Technology AB

Carl-Johan Linér is the CEO of SaltX. Before this, he was working in the global production industry.

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Jesper Wirén

CEO and Co-founder, Enjay

Jesper has been an entrepreneur within HVAC and energy recovery his entire life, building, running and selling companies. The latest, except for Enjay, is UVtech AB who developed and launched UV-technology as the first company in the world to restaurant ventilation.

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Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

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Jenny Fredricsdotter

Circular Business Director, Renewcell

Jenny Fredricsdotter has over twenty years of experience in the fashion industry, working with buying, production, and sourcing for companies like H&M and Gina Tricot in Europe and Asia. She studied Textile Economics at the Textile College of Fashion in Borås, Sweden, and has thereafter continued to study fashion sustainability, circular economy, and mindful consumption.

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Rachel Kyte

Co-chair, VCMI

Rachel Kyte is a climate diplomat, dean, educator, multilateralist, activist focused on making finance work for climate action and justice. Time is not on our side. We can’t afford to waste time or money and need politics to be as good as our science. Previously, she was chief executive officer of Sustainable Energy for All, and special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. She was World Bank Group vice president and special envoy for climate change. In that role, she oversaw work on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance across the institutions of the World Bank Group, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's fund for the poorest; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); as well as the World Bank Institute and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. She previously served as World Bank vice president for sustainable development and was the International Finance Corporation's vice president for business advisory services and a member of IFC's management team.​

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Loreley Picourt

Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform

Loreley Picourt is the Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform – an international network over 100 organisations working towards a better integration of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus into decision making. She is the focal point for the Marrakech Partnership-Global Climate Action on Ocean and Coastal Zones.

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Gustavo Guadagnini

CEO, The Good Food Institute Brazil

Gus Guadagnini is the CEO of The Good Food Institute Brazil and works to develop the Alternative Protein sector. He is responsible for engaging many of the world’s leading meat and agricultural companies in this industry, besides scientists and governments throughout Latin America. With graduation in business from the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Gus became one of the most active advocates for alternative proteins and is considered a specialist in this industry’s development in Latin America. In 2020, he was pointed out by GQ magazine as one of the Brazilians on the list of “25 names that can save the world”.

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Andreas Magnusson

Host, We Don't Have Time

Andreas Magnusson is a 19-year-old Swedish climate justice activist, organiser, host and speaker. He has organised with Fridays For Future Sweden since its beginning in 2018 and is now an experienced host and speaker specialised in youth inclusion, climate & sustainability. He is also Head of Activism at LiveGreen Festivals & Academy co-leading its work with transforming the Swedish music- and culture industry.

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Jodi-Ann Wang

Policy Analyst, Grantham Institute, LSE

Jodi-Ann Wang works at the intersection of sustainable finance policy and climate justice at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and Environment at the London School of Economics. She works with governments and financial institutions on implementing the regulatory frameworks and actions needed to align financial flows with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Jodi-Ann is passionate about intergenerational justice, and serves as a member of the UN Expert Group on Resource Management, the Pan-Commonwealth Coordinator of the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network, and previously negotiated at the G20 as a Canadian youth delegate.

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Andrew Yatilman

Secretary for the Department of Environment, Climate and Emergency Management, Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

Andrew Robert Yatilman serves as the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and. Emergency Management (DECEM) of the Federated States of Micronesia.

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Irene Espinola Campos

Global Head of Net Zero Carbon, Grupo Bimbo

Leading the Net Zero Carbon strategy for Grupo Bimbo, with the challenge to take the company to Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050 becoming the first and only Mexican company in the food industry to join the Race to Zero Campaign with targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. She has led the renewable energy strategy in Grupo Bimbo worldwide, with the responsibility to make the company 100% renewable by 2025. In 2021 she created the Net Zero Carbon strategy that Grupo Bimbo will follow in the next 30 years with 16 initiatives along the value chain including Zero Carbon Mobility, Elimination of fossil fuels, Renewable Energy, Low Carbon Supply, Regenerative Agriculture and Forest Improvement.

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Lina Barrera

SVP, International Policy, Conservation International

Lina Barrera leads Conservation International’s work to influence the design and implementation of public policies — both international and domestic — that catalyze large scale transformation to address the global climate, sustainability and biodiversity crises. Lina’s team works across the institution to develop sciencebased policy recommendations to ensure that nature and the critical benefits that it provides to humanity are built into public policies and funding priorities.

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Nyombi Morris

Climate Activist, Earth Volunteers

Ugandan activist for climate justice and founder of Earth Volunteers, a nonprofit that brings young people together to conduct voluntary, grassroots climate action.

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Geoffrey Mboya

Youth Advisor and Climate Activist

Geoffrey is a Youth Advisor for WeDon'tHaveTime and Climate Activist from low-lying land in Nairobi and has felt firsthand climate impacts in the form of environmental degradation around his neighbourhood. Inspired by his background, Geoffrey advocates for the connection between climate action and poverty. He speaks passionately and urgently about social justice, environmental protection, climate change, indigenous rights, and more, and isn’t afraid to call out corporate leaders and others who have contributed to our environmental crises. Despite the backlash he has received from, politicians, and even strangers, Geoffrey remains determined to continue his activism and bring about meaningful change.

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Isaias Hernandez

Environmental Educator & Founder of QueerBrownVegan

Isaias Hernandez is an environmental justice educator and activist with years of experience in intersectional environmental work. Isaias works with businesses, institutions, and organizations to amplify and empower their environmental missions through science-based storytelling. Isaias is well-known in his field under the social moniker, QueerBrownVegan, his independent media platform with a global audience of over 150,000+ followers. Isaias attended the University of California Berkeley, earning his bachelor's in Environmental Science. Isaias has interviewed Vice President Kamala Harris and was featured on the digital cover of Vogue with Billie Eilish and on the Harvard-C-Change program as Climate Creators 2023 Program. less
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Nikka Gerona

Climate Advocate, YOUNGO

Nikka Gerona is a climate reality leader from the Philippines. She has been actively involved in various organizations locally and internationally. She has also been part of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she supports the graphics sub-unit to enhance digital outreach strategies and advocacy efforts. She was also selected to be part of the 37 youth leaders across 13 countries to be part of the Young People’s Action Team for UNICEF East Asia and Pacific.

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Gustav Hasselskog

CEO, Candela Technology AB

Realising how energy inefficient and polluting traditional combustion engine boats were, Gustav started Candela with the mission to make an electric boat that had better performance than fossil fuel competitors. This mission has expanded from the leisure to commercial vessels, where the technology allows us to rethink public transportation, making it not only fossil fuel-free, but also cheaper for operators and more accessible for commuters than that provided by conventional vessels in operation today.

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Zubair Junjunia

Founder & CEO, ZNotes

Zubair Junjunia is an award-winning social entrepreneur dedicated to ensuring fair and equal access to education globally. Having witnessed inequalities in education firsthand as well as its potential to influence social mobility, Zubair founded ZNotes at the age of 16 in Jeddah, an online learning platform that ensures all students have a level playing field when tackling high-stakes, school exams. This youth-led platform has reached over four million students in 190+ countries, providing them with high-quality resources and a peer support community. In recognition of his global work in education, Zubair received the Diana Legacy Award and was appointed UNDP & Samsung Generation17 Young Leader for ZNotes' impact on UN SDG4. Speaking on international stages, he was the first-ever youth moderator at the ECOSOC Youth Forum and became one of the youngest commencement speakers in the history of UCL in the 2023 Graduation Ceremony. He currently serves as the UK Youth Leader for the GPE.

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Rose Kobusinge

Ambassador, IOM-AU Migration

Rose, a dedicated Migration, Environment, and Climate Change (MECC) Ambassador from Uganda, is at the forefront of leading climate action and rallying young people, policymakers, and diverse stakeholders to address the intersection of climate change and human mobility. Growing up amidst the challenges posed by the climate crisis, Rose is committed to amplifying Pan-African voices in climate action and collaborating with frontline communities, including climate migrants, refugees, and youth. Holding a master’s degree in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford, Rose is currently pursuing a doctorate in Sustainable Energy Futures in Refugee Settings at Coventry University. This academic journey equips her with a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge, and practical experience to address some of the 21st centuries socio-economic challenges. Beyond academia, Rose is a climate action educator and a migration4development.

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Deborah Mukundwa

Climate and Peace defender, EU Youth Sounding Board

Mukundwa Deborah, author of "Whispers of the Savannah," is a climate and human rights defender, currently serving as a European Union Youth Sounding Board member advising on environment, education, and governance for EU external action. Chair and trainer at "I ACT Rwanda," providing capacity-building opportunities to youth on Climate action and just energy transition. With experience in advocacy and climate negotiation, she is currently an IYCDP_COP28 and actively participates in global forums, i.e., Global Shapers, YOUNGO; she is dedicated to amplifying underrepresented voices for an inclusive pursuit of sustainable development goals.

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Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.

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Day 8, Youth, Children, Education & Skills


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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers, and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

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