April 20, 2023













April 20, 2023











April 20, 2023

Stockholm Climate Week – Exponential Solutions

Rewatch broadcast – April 20














April 20, 2023












April 20, 2023

Stockholm Climate Week – Exponential Solutions

Rewatch broadcast – April 20

Welcome to the Exponential Solutions Day of Stockholm Climate Week. We are excited to bring together world leaders in science, policy, and business to explore solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The goal of the Exponential Solutions Day is to change the narrative on the daunting challenge ahead of us to a narrative of exponential optimism. We have the evidence, the knowledge, the technology, and the creativity to transition to a sustainable future for all, and we can do so in a way that benefits people and the planet. Together, we can unleash the potential of exponential solutions to transform the way we all live, work, and thrive in a sustainable world.

April 20

Live today

11:00–12:00 CEST — Exponential Solutions: ‍Solutions to transform the way we live, work and thrive in a sustainable world

Welcome to the Exponential Solutions Day. We are excited to bring together world leaders in science, policy, and business to explore solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The session will introduce the narrative of exponential optimism, through Exponential Roadmap Initiative’s CEO & Co-founder Johan Falk, calling on all companies to halve emissions before 2030 in the Race to Zero. The session will also highlight the latest planetary science and how leading companies are taking action in line with science to cut their own emissions and the emissions they influence.


  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations
  • Bogolo Kenewendo, Special Adviser Africa and Africa Director, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
  • David Ekelund, CEO, Icebug
  • Solitaire Townsend, Chief Solutionst and Co-founder, Futerra
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — Exponential nature solutions: Accelerating the shift towards net zero emissions from land and food

Greenhouse gas emissions from land and food need to reach net zero by 2030. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to drive the biggest transformation of the food and land sectors in a century.

Now is the time to accelerate the shift towards regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry, healthier, plant-based food and protect and restore nature. We need a laser focus on becoming nature positive by 2030 by exponentially scaling food and nature solutions through enabling policy, technology and climate leadership.


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & UN Water Conference interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
  • Jim Andrew, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo
  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Heather Polinsky, President for Global Resilience, Arcadis
  • Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Exponential Energy Transformation: The race to more than 50% clean energy by 2030

This session explores the exponential scaling of wind and solar, storage and cutting energy waste. We will show the results of the rapid scaling of these solutions and how they can contribute to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.


  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
  • Laura Perez, Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Lina Håkansdotter, VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel
  • Sebastian Hald Buhl, Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted
  • Dr. Nafeez Ahmed Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–15:15 CEST — Exponential Transport Transformation: The race towards zero emission personal transport

The personal vehicles account for 15% of the global emissions. This session shows the key strategies to keep within the “1.5°C budget” for personal vehicles and focus on how to accelerate this transformation and remove the blockers.  

The exponential growth of electric vehicles, mobility as a service, and micro mobility in cities, driven by smart technologies. We recognize that electrifying cars is not enough and that we need to make zero-emission cars from zero-emission components, including steel and batteries and that we need cars to be shared – all of which however is possible this decade.


  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar
  • Klara Bergkvist, Head of GoMore Sweden
  • Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chief Sustainability, OfficerRivian
  • Mohammed Hegazy, Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15—16:00 CEST — Fika & UN Water Conference Interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Vedika Bhandarkar, COO, Water.org
  • Gary White, CEO & Co-founder, Water.org
  • Mina Guli, CEO, Thirst Foundation
  • Matthias Berninger, EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer
  • Anita Soina, Global Youth Champion, Sanitation and Water for All

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:00–16:45 CEST — Exponential Supply chains: Decarbonizing global supply chains

A significant share of global emissions resides from global supply chains and we need to transform the way we produce, transport and consume goods and services.

This session brings together leading companies which are halving emissions through their global supply chains and work to share and scale leading best practises globally.


  • Gabrielle Ginér, Head of environmental sustainability, BT Group
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson
  • Louise Rehbinder, Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Peder Weibull Hartman, Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group
  • Jenny Sandahl, Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson
  • Bessma Aljarbou, Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple
  • Mie Prehn Nygaard, Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted
  • Ana Stivanin Senatore, Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:15 CEST — Greening cash: A call to action to companies to green their cash and banks to support them

For many companies the carbon footprint by their investments and held in big banks are a significant or even the biggest source of their carbon emissions. We now need to support companies to shift their cash to become a positive force for climate, nature and people, supported by banks. At this event, we will present a greening cash action guide,  linked to the 1.5°C Business Playbook, which companies can apply immediately to take action.  


  • Jakob König, Project lead and research - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter
  • Paul Moinester, Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit
  • Allison Fajans-Turner, Founder, Strategy Advisor, BankFWD
  • Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:15–17:30 CEST — Exponential Solutions Closing

This session aims to look out to the 2023 climate year - the year that needs to be the year of  “game-changing climate action”, as UN Secretary-General António Guterres said.

Knowing that the solutions to halving emissions by 2030 are here and affordable, as per the latest scientific climate assessment - what needs to happen for them to scale exponentially? What are the concrete “game-changing” actions that companies, policy and finance can take as we look towards the UN Climate Ambition Summit and the Global Stocktake at COP28?


  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero
  • More speakers to be added

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Disruption for good: Food production and supply chain and how these are financed need to change

The nature of nature

Why do we need the wild? How to combine this with the need for more food for more people? What are the green solutions with exponential potential?

A  ”tipping point” of rainforest dieback

Agriculture is the leading driver of global deforestation, and an increasing demand for food and agricultural products in coming years will contribute to the high risk of reaching a ”tipping point” of forest dieback in certain biomes. The Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil and the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Argentina are at the center of this challenge.

Responsible production and trading of soy from Brazil

How to ensure that food is produced in ways that do not destroy tropical forests and ecosystems

Incentives to farmers

Why and how farmers can and want to change?


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Anna Turrell, Head of Environment at Tesco
  • José Pugas, Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and EngagementJGP Asset Management

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–19:30 CEST — An idiot's guide to saving the world: Live Podcast recording from Stockholm Climate Week

A live recording session of the award-winning podcast An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World, hosted by Project Everyone Co-Founder Gail Gallie and Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Loyiso Madinga. Back for a second series in March 2023, Gail and Loyiso demystify the gloomy narrative of a world in crisis, and harness some optimism to leave listeners feeling empowered and armed with new ideas and the confidence their actions can, too, change the world for the better. Join Gail, Loyiso and guests for a 90-minute Stockholm Climate Week special looking at how the 17 Global Goals can help unlock exponential solutions for both people and planet.


  • Gail Gallie, Co-Founder, Project Everyone
  • Loyiso Madinga, Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Innovation, climate policy and systems change


  • Sarah Hunter, Board Member, ARIA (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
  • Maya Rebermark, Communications Director, Earth Commission, Future Earth
  • Bengt Rittri, CEO, Bluewater Group

Product-led innovation, impact and systems change


  • Michael Smith, General Partner, Regeneration.VC
  • Sian Sutherland, Co-founder and Chief Changemaker, A Plastic Planet and PlasticFree
  • Dominique Souris, Social Entrepreneur & Climate Activist
  • Frances Simpson Allen, Ebb Carbon

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Energy Security in Ukraine / Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The first session will focus on UNDP's energy work in Ukraine, including the recent findings of a countrywide UNDP and World Bank energy assessment, and will discuss the importance –and challenges– of ensuring a sustainable and green energy sector recovery during times of war. In the second session, we will be discussing how creative storytelling can make an impact, influence public opinion, and motivate innovative solutions for climate change. We will highlight UNDP’s Don’t Choose Extinction campaign which has had enormous success since its launch in October 2021 with over 2.2 billion views. Frankie the Dino will be interviewed on how to Don’t Choose Extinction while unleashing the potential of exponential solutions. A greater impact can be made on behavioural change by telling the story in a way that people can relate to and not simply stressing on negative data. 

Energy Security in Ukraine


  • Jaco Cilliers, Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Mik Thobo-Carlsen, Founder, Chairman, Mitoca 
  • Frankie the Dino
  • Nick Garett, Partner​ and Global Leader, Deloitte Digital , Creative SYD​

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–21:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


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Stockholm Climate Week Day 3 – April 20

This broadcast is part of Stockholm Climate Week. Main page. April 18April 19April 22

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Click on sessions you want to rewatch.

April 20

11:00–12:00 CEST — Exponential Solutions: ‍Solutions to transform the way we live, work and thrive in a sustainable world

Welcome to the Exponential Solutions Day. We are excited to bring together world leaders in science, policy, and business to explore solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The session will introduce the narrative of exponential optimism, through Exponential Roadmap Initiative’s CEO & Co-founder Johan Falk, calling on all companies to halve emissions before 2030 in the Race to Zero. The session will also highlight the latest planetary science and how leading companies are taking action in line with science to cut their own emissions and the emissions they influence.


  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations
  • Bogolo Kenewendo, Special Adviser Africa and Africa Director, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
  • David Ekelund, CEO, Icebug
  • Solitaire Townsend, Chief Solutionst and Co-founder, Futerra
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — Exponential nature solutions: Accelerating the shift towards net zero emissions from land and food

Greenhouse gas emissions from land and food need to reach net zero by 2030. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to drive the biggest transformation of the food and land sectors in a century.

Now is the time to accelerate the shift towards regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry, healthier, plant-based food and protect and restore nature. We need a laser focus on becoming nature positive by 2030 by exponentially scaling food and nature solutions through enabling policy, technology and climate leadership.


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & UN Water Conference interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
  • Jim Andrew, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo
  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Heather Polinsky, President for Global Resilience, Arcadis
  • Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Exponential Energy Transformation: The race to more than 50% clean energy by 2030

This session explores the exponential scaling of wind and solar, storage and cutting energy waste. We will show the results of the rapid scaling of these solutions and how they can contribute to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.


  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
  • Laura Perez, Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Lina Håkansdotter, VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel
  • Sebastian Hald Buhl, Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted
  • Dr. Nafeez Ahmed Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–15:15 CEST — Exponential Transport Transformation: The race towards zero emission personal transport

The personal vehicles account for 15% of the global emissions. This session shows the key strategies to keep within the “1.5°C budget” for personal vehicles and focus on how to accelerate this transformation and remove the blockers.  

The exponential growth of electric vehicles, mobility as a service, and micro mobility in cities, driven by smart technologies. We recognize that electrifying cars is not enough and that we need to make zero-emission cars from zero-emission components, including steel and batteries and that we need cars to be shared – all of which however is possible this decade.


  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar
  • Klara Bergkvist, Head of GoMore Sweden
  • Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chief Sustainability, OfficerRivian
  • Mohammed Hegazy, Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15—16:00 CEST — Fika & UN Water Conference Interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Vedika Bhandarkar, COO, Water.org
  • Gary White, CEO & Co-founder, Water.org
  • Mina Guli, CEO, Thirst Foundation
  • Matthias Berninger, EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer
  • Anita Soina, Global Youth Champion, Sanitation and Water for All

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:00–16:45 CEST — Exponential Supply chains: Decarbonizing global supply chains

A significant share of global emissions resides from global supply chains and we need to transform the way we produce, transport and consume goods and services.

This session brings together leading companies which are halving emissions through their global supply chains and work to share and scale leading best practises globally.


  • Gabrielle Ginér, Head of environmental sustainability, BT Group
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson
  • Louise Rehbinder, Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Peder Weibull Hartman, Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group
  • Jenny Sandahl, Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson
  • Bessma Aljarbou, Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple
  • Mie Prehn Nygaard, Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted
  • Ana Stivanin Senatore, Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:15 CEST — Greening cash: A call to action to companies to green their cash and banks to support them

For many companies the carbon footprint by their investments and held in big banks are a significant or even the biggest source of their carbon emissions. We now need to support companies to shift their cash to become a positive force for climate, nature and people, supported by banks. At this event, we will present a greening cash action guide,  linked to the 1.5°C Business Playbook, which companies can apply immediately to take action.  


  • Jakob König, Project lead and research - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter
  • Paul Moinester, Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit
  • Allison Fajans-Turner, Founder, Strategy Advisor, BankFWD
  • Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:15–17:30 CEST — Exponential Solutions Closing

This session aims to look out to the 2023 climate year - the year that needs to be the year of  “game-changing climate action”, as UN Secretary-General António Guterres said.

Knowing that the solutions to halving emissions by 2030 are here and affordable, as per the latest scientific climate assessment - what needs to happen for them to scale exponentially? What are the concrete “game-changing” actions that companies, policy and finance can take as we look towards the UN Climate Ambition Summit and the Global Stocktake at COP28?


  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero
  • More speakers to be added

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Disruption for good: Food production and supply chain and how these are financed need to change

The nature of nature

Why do we need the wild? How to combine this with the need for more food for more people? What are the green solutions with exponential potential?

A  ”tipping point” of rainforest dieback

Agriculture is the leading driver of global deforestation, and an increasing demand for food and agricultural products in coming years will contribute to the high risk of reaching a ”tipping point” of forest dieback in certain biomes. The Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil and the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Argentina are at the center of this challenge.

Responsible production and trading of soy from Brazil

How to ensure that food is produced in ways that do not destroy tropical forests and ecosystems

Incentives to farmers

Why and how farmers can and want to change?


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Anna Turrell, Head of Environment at Tesco
  • José Pugas, Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and EngagementJGP Asset Management

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–19:30 CEST — An idiot's guide to saving the world: Live Podcast recording from Stockholm Climate Week

A live recording session of the award-winning podcast An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World, hosted by Project Everyone Co-Founder Gail Gallie and Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Loyiso Madinga. Back for a second series in March 2023, Gail and Loyiso demystify the gloomy narrative of a world in crisis, and harness some optimism to leave listeners feeling empowered and armed with new ideas and the confidence their actions can, too, change the world for the better. Join Gail, Loyiso and guests for a 90-minute Stockholm Climate Week special looking at how the 17 Global Goals can help unlock exponential solutions for both people and planet.


  • Gail Gallie, Co-Founder, Project Everyone
  • Loyiso Madinga, Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Innovation, climate policy and systems change


  • Sarah Hunter, Board Member, ARIA (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
  • Maya Rebermark, Communications Director, Earth Commission, Future Earth
  • Bengt Rittri, CEO, Bluewater Group

Product-led innovation, impact and systems change


  • Michael Smith, General Partner, Regeneration.VC
  • Sian Sutherland, Co-founder and Chief Changemaker, A Plastic Planet and PlasticFree
  • Dominique Souris, Social Entrepreneur & Climate Activist
  • Frances Simpson Allen, Ebb Carbon

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Energy Security in Ukraine / Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The first session will focus on UNDP's energy work in Ukraine, including the recent findings of a countrywide UNDP and World Bank energy assessment, and will discuss the importance –and challenges– of ensuring a sustainable and green energy sector recovery during times of war. In the second session, we will be discussing how creative storytelling can make an impact, influence public opinion, and motivate innovative solutions for climate change. We will highlight UNDP’s Don’t Choose Extinction campaign which has had enormous success since its launch in October 2021 with over 2.2 billion views. Frankie the Dino will be interviewed on how to Don’t Choose Extinction while unleashing the potential of exponential solutions. A greater impact can be made on behavioural change by telling the story in a way that people can relate to and not simply stressing on negative data. 

Energy Security in Ukraine


  • Jaco Cilliers, Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Mik Thobo-Carlsen, Founder, Chairman, Mitoca 
  • Frankie the Dino
  • Nick Garett, Partner​ and Global Leader, Deloitte Digital , Creative SYD​

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–21:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm Climate Week – Exponential Solutions


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (OLD)


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.



Selwin Hart

Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations

Mr. Hart was appointed as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the Climate Action Team by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 4 February 2020. Mr. Hart is currently the Executive Director for the Caribbean region at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). He was previously the Ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States for Barbados and Director of the Secretary-General’s Climate Change Support Team, leading the team’s delivery of the 2014 Climate Summit and the Secretary-General’s engagement in the process leading to the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.


Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.


Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Hon. Bogolo J Kenewendo

Africa Director, Special Advisor, UN Climate Change High Level Champions Team

Bogolo J. Kenewendo is a Global economist and Former Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry in Botswana. Kenewendo is also a vocal advocate for gender equity and the protection of children’s rights. She is a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council and a WPL Special Envoy to the G7 & G20. She is also a member of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and group on Financing for Development, a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council on Global Public Goods in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a WEF Young Global Leader. She currently serves as the Africa Director & Special Advisor for UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Managing Director of Kenewendo Advisory and Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Global Development

David Ekelund

CEO, Icebug

David Ekelund founded Icebug 2001 together with Elisabet Törnkvist, Rudolph Chang and Cyril Chiang. The company is headquartered in Jonsered, Sweden with subsidiaries in Norway, USA and Germany. The brand is sold in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. Icebug is a footwear brand specializing in traction technologies striving to lead in transforming a necessary but dirty industry.

Gabrielle Ginér

Head of Environmental Sustainability, BT

Gabrielle has managed BT Group’s thought leadership and external advocacy programmes on environmental sustainability since 2009. Her work has spanned developing BT's carbon targets, including BT's 1.5°C science-based target and carbon abatement methodologies for BT’s products and services as well as working with BT’s Procurement division on supplier engagement strategy. Gabrielle represents BT Group in numerous external fora and has chaired the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Awards Advisory Panel. She has previously held roles in public affairs and programme management at BT and has an MA from SAIS Johns Hopkins University and an MSc from University College London.

Solitaire Townsend

Chief Solutionist/Co-founder, Futerra

Solitaire has been selling sustainability for over 20 years. As Co-founder and Chief Solutionist of Futerra she advises governments, charities and brands on making sustainability so desirable it becomes normal. With Futerra offices in London, Stockholm, New York and Mexico City she admits that making the world a better place is a damn good business plan. You can watch her TED talks online and read her in the Guardian, Huffington Post, Forbes and more often as @GreenSolitaire. Solitaire was named ‘Ethical Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2008 and more recently was Chair of the UK Green Energy Scheme, a member of the United Nations Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce and a London Leader for Sustainability. Her new book The Happy Hero - How To Change Your Life By Changing The World is out now.

Jim Andrew

Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo

Jim Andrew is Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer for PepsiCo. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

Dr. Arunabha Ghosh

Founder-CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Arunabha Ghosh is a public policy professional, adviser, author, columnist, and institution builder. As founder-CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, since 2010, he has led CEEW to the top ranks among Asia's leading policy research institutions (8 years in a row); and among the world’s 20 best climate think-tanks. He conceptualized and designed the International Solar Alliance. He conceptualized and is a founding board member of the Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN). Co-author/editor of 4 books and with experience in 45 countries, he previously worked at Princeton, Oxford, UNDP (New York), and WTO (Geneva). In 2018, the UN Secretary-General nominated him to the UN's Committee for Development Policy.

Louise Rehbinder

Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Louise Rehbinder has 16 years of experience from the ICT Industry working with IT Management, IT Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing, and sustainable procurement of HW components and materials. Louise formed Ericsson’s Supplier climate action program, was part of the establishment of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leader program and the creation of the Supplier Engagement Guide. Louise is currently working as Director at Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

Jakob König

Sustainable finance expert and Head - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter

Jakob König is the Project lead and Head of Fair Finance Guide. The guide researches and ranks banks’ sustainability considerations when investing and lending money. Results are presented on a public website where consumers and bank clients can compare banks and send them a message to encourage improvements.

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand

Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand is Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken. She is a Board Member of Optimizer Foundation, and Founder of the nonprofit organization OmPolitik.

Paul Moinester

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Anisa Kamadoli Costa

Chief Sustainability Officer, Rivian

Anisa is an ESG and philanthropy executive with a track record of connecting environmental, social, and governance issues to business performance, reputation, and shareholder value. She currently serves as Chief Sustainability Officer at Rivian as well as President and Trustee of the Rivian Foundation. Previously Anisa worked at Tiffany & Co. for nearly two decades.

Allison Fajans-Turner

Strategy Advisor, BankFWD

Allison Fajans-Turner is Strategy Advisor at BankFWD. BankFWD aims to accelerate the transition to a just, zero-carbon economy in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement

Klara Bergkvist

Head, GoMore Sweden

Klara Bergkvist is the Head of Sweden at GoMore. Klara has experience in customer success, market growth, and user experience. Klara has a background in travel consulting and destination management. Klara has been with GoMore since January 2017 and in their current role since February 2018.

Laura Perez

Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Laura has a background in engineering with a focus on energy systems. As a Senior Project Manager at the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, she leads the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders - aiming to accelerate climate action within supply chains.

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is an award-winning 20+year systems theorist, transdisciplinary academic, investigative journalist and strategy consultant, leveraging his skills to understand and drive systems transformation in response to humanity’s biggest global challenges. A bestselling author of seven books (including six non-fiction and a science fiction novel), he has founded and led a range of innovative organisations seeking to generate social change. He is Director of the Futures Lab at Unitas Communications Ltd, where he leads on systems transformation advisory services to governments, businesses and charities, and a founding Director of the System Shift Lab, a nonprofit systems transformation consultancy

Mik Thobo-Carlsen

CEO/Founder, Mindpool

Mik Thobo-Carlsen is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindpool. He is a serial entrepreneur of more than 20+ companies. He is highly experienced in international strategic growth and SaaS platforms. Before Mindpool, Mik Thobo-Carlsen co-founded Tattoodo.com – a global platform that reaches more than 300 million people every month

Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

Lina Håkansdotter

VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel

Lina Håkansdotter works to enable and advance the transformation of the steel industry to sustainable operations at H2 Green Steel. She has leading expertise and experience, and a broad network within sustainability and public policy. She previously worked as Head of Sustainability and Infrastructure at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Peder Weibull Hartman

Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group

Peder Weibull Hartman is an experienced project manager and strategic business development professional with over a decade of experience. After spending several years working in Shanghai, Peder has recently relocated to Älmhult, Sweden at the heart of IKEA. He has a passion for decarbonizing supply chain and is focused on identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions throughout the IKEA value chain.

Jenny Sandahl

Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson

Jenny is Sustainability director for Design and Materials at Ericsson with responsibility for supply chain climate action and circular economy. She is an experienced Environmental Expert with a demonstrated history of working with Sustainable Development in an international arena in the information technology industry. Jenny has a Master of Science focused in Chemical and Environmental engineering from Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.

José Pugas

Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and Engagement, JGP Asset Management

José Pugas is Partner and Head of Responsible Investments and Engagement at JGP Asset Management. He is a political scientist with over 15 years of experience in sustainability and finances, leading different projects in Brazil and LATAM. Currently, José Pugas is an active member of think tanks and international forums dedicated to discussing regenerative finances, nature-based solutions and just transition.

Mohammed Hegazy

Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team

Transport Lead with the Climate Champions Team (PT), working towards an equitable Decarbonisation of transport. We work to align Non-State Actors (NSA)(Business, Finance, Civil Society) with the Paris Agreement. Founder & Director Transport for Cairo.

Anna Turrell

Group Sustainability Director, Tesco

Anna is Group Sustainability Director at Tesco, where she is responsible for the sustainability strategy. Anna is also a trustee

Tessa Vincent

Engagement Lead, Race to Zero

Tessa has a Law and Politics background and has worked for Judges, Members of Parliament and a Minister in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She has experience in the NGO sector enhancing climate philanthropy and setting up coalitions to improve food security and tackle food waste.

Bessma Aljarbou

Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple

Bessma Aljarbou leads Apple’s Supplier Carbon Solutions, which includes the Supplier Clean Energy Program and Supplier Energy Efficiency and Abatement Programs.

Mie Prehn Nygaard

Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted

Mie Prehn Nygaard is Decarbonisation manager at Ørsted.

Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

Sebastian Hald Buhl

Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted

Sebastian Hald Buhl is Ørsted’s Country Manager for Sweden and Norway. He has worked for Ørsted since 2013, predominantly within its Government Affairs team. During this time, he has covered RES tender design, energy market design and offshore wind energy regulation across Northern Europe, the USA and Asia Pacific.

Rebekah Shirley

Deputy Director, WRI Africa

Dr. Rebekah Shirley is the Deputy Director for Africa, at the World Resources Institute, where she works to create widespread public access to high-quality data and insights for mobilizing sustainable development solutions.

Jaco Cilliers

Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Jaco Cilliers has been the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine since 9 November 2022. Previously, he was Manager of Bangkok Regional Hub since August 2019, and prior to that, he served the organization as Chief, Regional Policy and Programme Support for Asia and the Pacific since September 2017. At the time, Cilliers also served as Senior Advisor for Innovation and Business Development at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. He has also served as the Country Director of UNDP India the Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP in Uzbekistan. In these roles ,he was responsible for the management and coordination of UNDP Programmes and Operations. From November 2005 to March 2011 he worked with UNDP Cyprus as Peace and Development Advisor (PDA), and Senior Programme Manager/Head of Office.

Ana Stivanin Senatore

Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

14 years of experience in sustainability and climate change strategy development and reporting as a leader for advisory and audit projects. Head of the environmental pillar of the ESG strategy of the largest telecommunications company in Brazil that was also the first carbon neutral in the sector in Latin America.

Ahmed Aboutaleb

Mayor of Rotterdam

Ahmed Aboutaleb has been Mayor of Rotterdam since 2009. Previously, he represented the PvdA (Labor Party) as State Secretary for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the fourth Balkenende cabinet (2007-2008) and as an alderman in Amsterdam (2004-2007). At the age of fifteen, Aboutaleb came to the Netherlands for family reunification. The family resided in The Hague, where Aboutaleb successively attended Junior Technical School, Intermediate Technical School and Technical College, graduating in Telecommunications in 1987. Ahmed Aboutaleb is a poetry enthusiast.

Monica Medina

Arnhold Distinguished Fellow, Conservation International

I am currently an Arnhold Distinguished Fellow at Conservation International. From 2021-23, I served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs and was the first ever US Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources. I have had a long career working at the intersection of government, policy, law and advocacy on conservation and climate change.

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Vice President, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an expert in the adaptation and mitigation of indigenous peoples to climate change. She is a member of the Mbororo pastoralist people in Chad and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT). She led several concrete projects that improved access to basic need of indigenous peoples, while promoting their unique contribution to the protection of the environment. 3D participatory mapping, for instance, helps to prevent resources-based conflicts in one of the poorest and most vulnerable region of the world. She is an advocate for the greater inclusion of indigenous people and their knowledge and traditions in the global movement to fight the effects of climate change. Hindou received the Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award and was appointed as a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. She serves as a Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues; Member of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC); Member of the Advisory Committee to the Secretary-General’s 2019 Climate Action Summit; and Conservation International Senior Indigenous Fellow. In 2019, she was listed by Time Magazine as one of 15 women championing action on climate change.

Vedika Bhandarkar

COO, Water.org

Vedika is responsible for the operating efficiency and effectiveness of Water.org, and for the attainment of strategic objectives and annual organizational goals. She works closely with the CEO, the executive team, and the President of WaterEquity to support the mission and vision of Water.org. She previously served as Water.org’s Chief Global Impact Officer and the Managing Director, India. Vedika has more than 25 years of experience building teams and businesses with Indian and international financial institutions. Prior to joining Water.org in January 2016, she served as Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited from 2010-2015. Previously, she served as the Managing Director & Head of Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan.

Gary White

CEO & Co-founder, Water.org

As Co-founder and CEO of Water.org and WaterEquity, Gary leads the organizations to create and execute market-driven solutions to the global water crisis. Gary's entrepreneurial vision drives innovations in the way water and sanitation projects are delivered and financed, innovations that now serve as a model in the water and sanitation sector. From a makeshift office in his home, Gary has led Water.org to become an international organization with more than 100 people changing lives in 11 countries around the world.

Mina Guli

CEO, Thirst Foundation

The founder and CEO of Thirst, Mina Guli is a global leader, entrepreneur and adventurer committed to making a difference in the world. Following a 15-year career in climate change, Mina established Thirst – a non-profit changing the way we think about water. Since its launch in 2012, Thirst has educated more than 2 million students in China, has had more than 600,000 participants in its water innovation competitions and now works with more than 1000 qualified volunteers and the support of the Chinese Government. Mina has been widely recognised for her leadership: named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, one of Australia’s most influential women, and by Fortune Magazine as one of the 50 greatest leaders in the world. Mina sits on the board of the Antarctic Science Foundation, the Global Water Partnership and the Academy of the $1million Global Teachers Prize.

Jane Madgwick

Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

Jane is an ecologist and author with 30 years of experience working internationally on the science, policy and practice of wetlands and water management. She became the first Executive Director of the Global Commons Alliance in May 2023. Previously Jane worked for Wetlands International, as well as WWF International and WWF Australia. As CEO of Wetlands International for 19 years, she led network of 20 offices operating mostly in the global south. This work helped to bring the values of wetlands into the global agenda and to mobilize communities, companies, governments and cities to conserve and restore wetland landscapes for biodiversity, human well-being and reduced climate risks.

Pär Larshans

Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

Heather Polinsky

President for Global Resilience, Arcadis

Heather Polinsky is the President for Global Resilience at Arcadis.

Matthias Berninger

EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer

Matthias Berninger is the Senior Vice President Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability, for Bayer AG. Matthias Berninger was born in Kassel, Germany where he studied chemistry and political science from 1990 to 1994. Between 1994 and 2007, Matthias was elected four times as a Member of the German Federal Parliament representing the Green Party of his home state Hessen focusing on agricultural reform in Germany and Europe including trade policy, food safety and renewable energy. Matthias was appointed Vice‐Minister for the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Nutrition and Agriculture 2001 – 2005 and led the Green Party in Hessen, Germany from 2004 to 2007, running political campaigns on elections at federal and state levels.

Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.


Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (OLD)

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Selwin Hart

Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations

Mr. Hart was appointed as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the Climate Action Team by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 4 February 2020. Mr. Hart is currently the Executive Director for the Caribbean region at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). He was previously the Ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States for Barbados and Director of the Secretary-General’s Climate Change Support Team, leading the team’s delivery of the 2014 Climate Summit and the Secretary-General’s engagement in the process leading to the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

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Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Hon. Bogolo J Kenewendo

Africa Director, Special Advisor, UN Climate Change High Level Champions Team

Bogolo J. Kenewendo is a Global economist and Former Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry in Botswana. Kenewendo is also a vocal advocate for gender equity and the protection of children’s rights. She is a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council and a WPL Special Envoy to the G7 & G20. She is also a member of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and group on Financing for Development, a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council on Global Public Goods in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a WEF Young Global Leader. She currently serves as the Africa Director & Special Advisor for UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Managing Director of Kenewendo Advisory and Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Global Development

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David Ekelund

CEO, Icebug

David Ekelund founded Icebug 2001 together with Elisabet Törnkvist, Rudolph Chang and Cyril Chiang. The company is headquartered in Jonsered, Sweden with subsidiaries in Norway, USA and Germany. The brand is sold in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. Icebug is a footwear brand specializing in traction technologies striving to lead in transforming a necessary but dirty industry.

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Gabrielle Ginér

Head of Environmental Sustainability, BT

Gabrielle has managed BT Group’s thought leadership and external advocacy programmes on environmental sustainability since 2009. Her work has spanned developing BT's carbon targets, including BT's 1.5°C science-based target and carbon abatement methodologies for BT’s products and services as well as working with BT’s Procurement division on supplier engagement strategy. Gabrielle represents BT Group in numerous external fora and has chaired the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Awards Advisory Panel. She has previously held roles in public affairs and programme management at BT and has an MA from SAIS Johns Hopkins University and an MSc from University College London.

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Solitaire Townsend

Chief Solutionist/Co-founder, Futerra

Solitaire has been selling sustainability for over 20 years. As Co-founder and Chief Solutionist of Futerra she advises governments, charities and brands on making sustainability so desirable it becomes normal. With Futerra offices in London, Stockholm, New York and Mexico City she admits that making the world a better place is a damn good business plan. You can watch her TED talks online and read her in the Guardian, Huffington Post, Forbes and more often as @GreenSolitaire. Solitaire was named ‘Ethical Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2008 and more recently was Chair of the UK Green Energy Scheme, a member of the United Nations Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce and a London Leader for Sustainability. Her new book The Happy Hero - How To Change Your Life By Changing The World is out now.

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Jim Andrew

Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo

Jim Andrew is Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer for PepsiCo. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

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Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

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Dr. Arunabha Ghosh

Founder-CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Arunabha Ghosh is a public policy professional, adviser, author, columnist, and institution builder. As founder-CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, since 2010, he has led CEEW to the top ranks among Asia's leading policy research institutions (8 years in a row); and among the world’s 20 best climate think-tanks. He conceptualized and designed the International Solar Alliance. He conceptualized and is a founding board member of the Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN). Co-author/editor of 4 books and with experience in 45 countries, he previously worked at Princeton, Oxford, UNDP (New York), and WTO (Geneva). In 2018, the UN Secretary-General nominated him to the UN's Committee for Development Policy.

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Louise Rehbinder

Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Louise Rehbinder has 16 years of experience from the ICT Industry working with IT Management, IT Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing, and sustainable procurement of HW components and materials. Louise formed Ericsson’s Supplier climate action program, was part of the establishment of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leader program and the creation of the Supplier Engagement Guide. Louise is currently working as Director at Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

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Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

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Jakob König

Sustainable finance expert and Head - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter

Jakob König is the Project lead and Head of Fair Finance Guide. The guide researches and ranks banks’ sustainability considerations when investing and lending money. Results are presented on a public website where consumers and bank clients can compare banks and send them a message to encourage improvements.

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Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand

Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand is Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken. She is a Board Member of Optimizer Foundation, and Founder of the nonprofit organization OmPolitik.

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Paul Moinester

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

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Anisa Kamadoli Costa

Chief Sustainability Officer, Rivian

Anisa is an ESG and philanthropy executive with a track record of connecting environmental, social, and governance issues to business performance, reputation, and shareholder value. She currently serves as Chief Sustainability Officer at Rivian as well as President and Trustee of the Rivian Foundation. Previously Anisa worked at Tiffany & Co. for nearly two decades.

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Allison Fajans-Turner

Strategy Advisor, BankFWD

Allison Fajans-Turner is Strategy Advisor at BankFWD. BankFWD aims to accelerate the transition to a just, zero-carbon economy in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement

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Klara Bergkvist

Head, GoMore Sweden

Klara Bergkvist is the Head of Sweden at GoMore. Klara has experience in customer success, market growth, and user experience. Klara has a background in travel consulting and destination management. Klara has been with GoMore since January 2017 and in their current role since February 2018.

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Laura Perez

Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Laura has a background in engineering with a focus on energy systems. As a Senior Project Manager at the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, she leads the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders - aiming to accelerate climate action within supply chains.

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Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is an award-winning 20+year systems theorist, transdisciplinary academic, investigative journalist and strategy consultant, leveraging his skills to understand and drive systems transformation in response to humanity’s biggest global challenges. A bestselling author of seven books (including six non-fiction and a science fiction novel), he has founded and led a range of innovative organisations seeking to generate social change. He is Director of the Futures Lab at Unitas Communications Ltd, where he leads on systems transformation advisory services to governments, businesses and charities, and a founding Director of the System Shift Lab, a nonprofit systems transformation consultancy

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Mik Thobo-Carlsen

CEO/Founder, Mindpool

Mik Thobo-Carlsen is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindpool. He is a serial entrepreneur of more than 20+ companies. He is highly experienced in international strategic growth and SaaS platforms. Before Mindpool, Mik Thobo-Carlsen co-founded Tattoodo.com – a global platform that reaches more than 300 million people every month

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Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

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Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

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Lina Håkansdotter

VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel

Lina Håkansdotter works to enable and advance the transformation of the steel industry to sustainable operations at H2 Green Steel. She has leading expertise and experience, and a broad network within sustainability and public policy. She previously worked as Head of Sustainability and Infrastructure at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

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Peder Weibull Hartman

Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group

Peder Weibull Hartman is an experienced project manager and strategic business development professional with over a decade of experience. After spending several years working in Shanghai, Peder has recently relocated to Älmhult, Sweden at the heart of IKEA. He has a passion for decarbonizing supply chain and is focused on identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions throughout the IKEA value chain.

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Jenny Sandahl

Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson

Jenny is Sustainability director for Design and Materials at Ericsson with responsibility for supply chain climate action and circular economy. She is an experienced Environmental Expert with a demonstrated history of working with Sustainable Development in an international arena in the information technology industry. Jenny has a Master of Science focused in Chemical and Environmental engineering from Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.

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José Pugas

Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and Engagement, JGP Asset Management

José Pugas is Partner and Head of Responsible Investments and Engagement at JGP Asset Management. He is a political scientist with over 15 years of experience in sustainability and finances, leading different projects in Brazil and LATAM. Currently, José Pugas is an active member of think tanks and international forums dedicated to discussing regenerative finances, nature-based solutions and just transition.

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Mohammed Hegazy

Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team

Transport Lead with the Climate Champions Team (PT), working towards an equitable Decarbonisation of transport. We work to align Non-State Actors (NSA)(Business, Finance, Civil Society) with the Paris Agreement. Founder & Director Transport for Cairo.

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Anna Turrell

Group Sustainability Director, Tesco

Anna is Group Sustainability Director at Tesco, where she is responsible for the sustainability strategy. Anna is also a trustee

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Tessa Vincent

Engagement Lead, Race to Zero

Tessa has a Law and Politics background and has worked for Judges, Members of Parliament and a Minister in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She has experience in the NGO sector enhancing climate philanthropy and setting up coalitions to improve food security and tackle food waste.

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Bessma Aljarbou

Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple

Bessma Aljarbou leads Apple’s Supplier Carbon Solutions, which includes the Supplier Clean Energy Program and Supplier Energy Efficiency and Abatement Programs.

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Mie Prehn Nygaard

Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted

Mie Prehn Nygaard is Decarbonisation manager at Ørsted.

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Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

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Sebastian Hald Buhl

Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted

Sebastian Hald Buhl is Ørsted’s Country Manager for Sweden and Norway. He has worked for Ørsted since 2013, predominantly within its Government Affairs team. During this time, he has covered RES tender design, energy market design and offshore wind energy regulation across Northern Europe, the USA and Asia Pacific.

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Rebekah Shirley

Deputy Director, WRI Africa

Dr. Rebekah Shirley is the Deputy Director for Africa, at the World Resources Institute, where she works to create widespread public access to high-quality data and insights for mobilizing sustainable development solutions.

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Jaco Cilliers

Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Jaco Cilliers has been the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine since 9 November 2022. Previously, he was Manager of Bangkok Regional Hub since August 2019, and prior to that, he served the organization as Chief, Regional Policy and Programme Support for Asia and the Pacific since September 2017. At the time, Cilliers also served as Senior Advisor for Innovation and Business Development at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. He has also served as the Country Director of UNDP India the Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP in Uzbekistan. In these roles ,he was responsible for the management and coordination of UNDP Programmes and Operations. From November 2005 to March 2011 he worked with UNDP Cyprus as Peace and Development Advisor (PDA), and Senior Programme Manager/Head of Office.

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Ana Stivanin Senatore

Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

14 years of experience in sustainability and climate change strategy development and reporting as a leader for advisory and audit projects. Head of the environmental pillar of the ESG strategy of the largest telecommunications company in Brazil that was also the first carbon neutral in the sector in Latin America.

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Ahmed Aboutaleb

Mayor of Rotterdam

Ahmed Aboutaleb has been Mayor of Rotterdam since 2009. Previously, he represented the PvdA (Labor Party) as State Secretary for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the fourth Balkenende cabinet (2007-2008) and as an alderman in Amsterdam (2004-2007). At the age of fifteen, Aboutaleb came to the Netherlands for family reunification. The family resided in The Hague, where Aboutaleb successively attended Junior Technical School, Intermediate Technical School and Technical College, graduating in Telecommunications in 1987. Ahmed Aboutaleb is a poetry enthusiast.

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Monica Medina

Arnhold Distinguished Fellow, Conservation International

I am currently an Arnhold Distinguished Fellow at Conservation International. From 2021-23, I served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs and was the first ever US Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources. I have had a long career working at the intersection of government, policy, law and advocacy on conservation and climate change.

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Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Vice President, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an expert in the adaptation and mitigation of indigenous peoples to climate change. She is a member of the Mbororo pastoralist people in Chad and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT). She led several concrete projects that improved access to basic need of indigenous peoples, while promoting their unique contribution to the protection of the environment. 3D participatory mapping, for instance, helps to prevent resources-based conflicts in one of the poorest and most vulnerable region of the world. She is an advocate for the greater inclusion of indigenous people and their knowledge and traditions in the global movement to fight the effects of climate change. Hindou received the Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award and was appointed as a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. She serves as a Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues; Member of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC); Member of the Advisory Committee to the Secretary-General’s 2019 Climate Action Summit; and Conservation International Senior Indigenous Fellow. In 2019, she was listed by Time Magazine as one of 15 women championing action on climate change.

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Vedika Bhandarkar

COO, Water.org

Vedika is responsible for the operating efficiency and effectiveness of Water.org, and for the attainment of strategic objectives and annual organizational goals. She works closely with the CEO, the executive team, and the President of WaterEquity to support the mission and vision of Water.org. She previously served as Water.org’s Chief Global Impact Officer and the Managing Director, India. Vedika has more than 25 years of experience building teams and businesses with Indian and international financial institutions. Prior to joining Water.org in January 2016, she served as Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited from 2010-2015. Previously, she served as the Managing Director & Head of Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan.

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Gary White

CEO & Co-founder, Water.org

As Co-founder and CEO of Water.org and WaterEquity, Gary leads the organizations to create and execute market-driven solutions to the global water crisis. Gary's entrepreneurial vision drives innovations in the way water and sanitation projects are delivered and financed, innovations that now serve as a model in the water and sanitation sector. From a makeshift office in his home, Gary has led Water.org to become an international organization with more than 100 people changing lives in 11 countries around the world.

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Mina Guli

CEO, Thirst Foundation

The founder and CEO of Thirst, Mina Guli is a global leader, entrepreneur and adventurer committed to making a difference in the world. Following a 15-year career in climate change, Mina established Thirst – a non-profit changing the way we think about water. Since its launch in 2012, Thirst has educated more than 2 million students in China, has had more than 600,000 participants in its water innovation competitions and now works with more than 1000 qualified volunteers and the support of the Chinese Government. Mina has been widely recognised for her leadership: named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, one of Australia’s most influential women, and by Fortune Magazine as one of the 50 greatest leaders in the world. Mina sits on the board of the Antarctic Science Foundation, the Global Water Partnership and the Academy of the $1million Global Teachers Prize.

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Jane Madgwick

Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

Jane is an ecologist and author with 30 years of experience working internationally on the science, policy and practice of wetlands and water management. She became the first Executive Director of the Global Commons Alliance in May 2023. Previously Jane worked for Wetlands International, as well as WWF International and WWF Australia. As CEO of Wetlands International for 19 years, she led network of 20 offices operating mostly in the global south. This work helped to bring the values of wetlands into the global agenda and to mobilize communities, companies, governments and cities to conserve and restore wetland landscapes for biodiversity, human well-being and reduced climate risks.

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Pär Larshans

Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

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Heather Polinsky

President for Global Resilience, Arcadis

Heather Polinsky is the President for Global Resilience at Arcadis.

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Matthias Berninger

EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer

Matthias Berninger is the Senior Vice President Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability, for Bayer AG. Matthias Berninger was born in Kassel, Germany where he studied chemistry and political science from 1990 to 1994. Between 1994 and 2007, Matthias was elected four times as a Member of the German Federal Parliament representing the Green Party of his home state Hessen focusing on agricultural reform in Germany and Europe including trade policy, food safety and renewable energy. Matthias was appointed Vice‐Minister for the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Nutrition and Agriculture 2001 – 2005 and led the Green Party in Hessen, Germany from 2004 to 2007, running political campaigns on elections at federal and state levels.

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Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate solutions. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on WeDontHaveTime.org

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by a President. The European Commission's Representative Office in Sweden promotes political dialogue, informs about current issues in the EU and keeps in touch with authorities, stakeholders, the media and the general public.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers, and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. Read more.

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