April 18–22, 2023













April 18–22, 2023











April 18–22, 2023

Stockholm Climate Week

Welcome to four days of live climate broadcasting during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm – leading up to Earth Day 2023. Join us on-site or online.

We Don't Have Time
Exponential Roadmap
European Commission
Earth Day Network














April 18–22, 2023












April 18–22, 2023

Stockholm Climate Week

Welcome to four days of live climate broadcasting during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm – leading up to Earth Day 2023. Join us on-site or online.

We Don't Have Time
Exponential Roadmap
European Commission
Earth Day Network

Welcome to the very first Stockholm Climate Week!

The very first Stockholm Climate Week is over. 20 million viewers and over 2500 people joined us from SPACE Arena duringthe week. We brought you four days of climate solutions, willingness, dedication, and human ingenuity. The solutions for massive emissions reductions are available and affordable, but they need scaling up - fast. We need honesty, transparency, and serious finance and policy to make this happen in time.

Click on the days and content you want to rewatch below.

April 18

Live today

11:00–11:30 CEST — Opening session

Join us for the opening session of day 1 of Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Host, We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder & CEO, We Don't Have Time
  • Karin Wanngård, Mayor of Stockholm

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


11:30–12:30 CEST — Green local governance

The town of Mariestad, Sweden, is one of the leading municipalities in effecting green local innovation. Listen to their story of how they turned around and formulated a vision for the future that is fully aligned with the global transformation to net-zero.


  • Susanné Wallner, Vice VD, Restart Earth and former Head of Industry, Mariestad Kommun
  • Gösta Lindmark, Sustainability strategist, Mariestad Kommun
  • Edvin Skogholm Sanne, Game Designer, University of Skövde
  • Iris Casado, Illustrator and 2D artist, University of Skövde
  • Maria Gustavsson, Urban Development Strategist, Mariestad Kommun
  • Elise Grosse, Head of sustainability, Sweco Architects Sweden
  • Claes Kollberg, CTO and founder, CemVision
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Karin Svensson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Volvo Group
  • Henrik Brodin, Head of Energy, Södra
  • Malin Olsson Lundqvist, Member of the municipal board in Mariestad, Municipality of Mariestad

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Screening of Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops & interview with Bonnie Waltch

Subtitled in 20 languages and narrated by Richard Gere, Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops is a series of five short films, featuring twelve leading climate scientists, that explores how human-caused emissions are triggering nature’s own warming loops.
Watch an interview with Senior Producer and Writer Bonnie Waltch and the 3 first parts: Introduction, Forests and Permafrost.

Speaker: Bonnie Waltch, Senior Producer and Writer Northern Light Productions

Rewatch the documentary: feedbackloopsclimate.com

Lunch sponsor: WWF


13:15–14:15 CEST — Time for Action: Business and the Biodiversity Crisis

Ecosystems are facing severe challenges, and with more than half of the global economy dependent on healthy ecosystems, the preservation of biodiversity has become a crucial concern for businesses. Join us for a session to learn more about the status of the planet, and the role that business can – and need to – play. We will highlight coming policy initiatives and how they relate to business, demonstrate new business tools for biodiversity action and interact with businesses that are making exciting progress in the field.


  • Alexandre Antonelli, Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  • Camilla Välimaa, Expert Business & Biodiversity, WWF Sweden
  • Helena Allard, Sustainability Innovator, Axfood
  • Jaco Du Toit, Biodiversity & Policy Manager, WWF and H&M Group Partnership, WWF
  • Rebecca Watkins, Global Production and Sustainability Manager, Gina Tricot
  • Guido Broekhoven, Head, Policy Research and Development, WWF International

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–14:45 CEST — Regenerative agriculture for sustainable food systems, part I

Transforming the way we grow food and how we eat is a crucial part to achieve the Paris goals. This requires whole new methods and practices where the way we grow food regenerate nature and secure our food supplies. Listen to leaders in this field give their perspectives.


  • Olga Grönvall Lund, Founder and General Secretary, Reformaten
  • Chris Armitage, CEO, Global EverGreening Alliance
  • Susanné Wallner, COO, Restart Earth, and former business manager, Mariestad Municipality
  • Guus ter Haar, Chief Operation Officer, reNature

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:45–15:15 CEST — Circularity in complex production

The manufacturing sector needs to reduce their emissions faster to be in line with the Paris agreement, and for this we need to rethink our production processes. In this session, Volvo Cars and Tacton discuss how emissions can be reduced in complex manufacturing processes involving many parts and different materials. How do we make these processes circular with low emissions?


  • Bo Gyldenvang, CEO,Tacton
  • Owain Griffiths, Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars
  • Stephanie Smith, Director, Global Product Sustainability, Xylem

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15–16:00 CEST — Fika & Screening of Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops

Subtitled in 20 languages and narrated by Richard Gere, Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops is a series of five short films, featuring twelve leading climate scientists, that explores how human-caused emissions are triggering nature’s own warming loops.
Watch parts 4 and 5: Atmosphere and Albedo.

Rewatch the documentary: feedbackloopsclimate.com


16:00–17:00 CEST — No more greenwashing – toward an honest approach to green products and finance

New laws are under discussion in the European Union and the United Kingdom to reduce greenwashing and deal with companies making misleading claims about the environmental benefits of their products. At the same time, the finance sector needs to step in to make companies report more honestly about their climate action and to build a more honest and transparent future. Join us as we explore these pressing issues at Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Lucas Boudet, Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)
  • George Harding-Rolls, Campaign Manager, Changing Markets Foundation
  • Johnny White, Lawyer, Accountable Corporations, ClientEarth
  • Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf, Head of Sustainability, SPP/Storebrand
  • Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Steve Smith, Managing Director, Bankers without Boundaries

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:00–17:30 CEST — Transition to plant-centric food systems for healthier planet and people

Climate change is among the greatest threats to public health, food security, ecosystems, and the economy. Radical measures are urgently needed to prevent further global warming and the food system is one of the areas where interventions are needed most. Current food system activities produce about one third of all global greenhouse gas emissions and of this about a half come from the livestock sector. The planet calls for a plant-centric shift to much more sustainable food systems - and so do a lot of the consumers. This provides a lot of opportunities to change the way we produce our food. It is the “wow, no cow” change.

Join us as we explore the drivers and opportunities for change and how we will make it happen in our time.


  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly
  • Gustav Johansson, Blogger and cookbook author, Jävligt Gott
  • David Bryngelsson, CEO & Founder, CarbonCloud
  • Maria Smith, Secretary General, Axfoundation

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Accelerating regenerative agriculture and nature-based solutions through finance and policy

Given depletion of the Earth’s natural resources, including forests and farmlands, regenerative practices that improve nutrient efficiency and recycling, diversify farming systems and agro-biodiversity, enhance soil health, and restore landscapes and associated ecosystem services, thereby increasing farmers and local communities’ livelihoods, improving resilience and global nutrition, are fundamental for scaling. Locally led scalable innovation, financing models and policy support would significantly contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

This panel seeks to amplify CGI’s commitment-makers who are driving tangible near-term action with the intent to inspire new efforts, as well as, accelerate and scale ongoing action in this domain.


  • Mayuri Ghosh, Director, Climate Resilience & Sustainability, Clinton Global Initiative
  • Katarina Kahlmann, Chief Program Officer, TechnoServe
  • Emma Dennis, Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture and Global Impact, Better Cotton Initiative
  • Neelam Chhiber, Co-Founder & Managing Trustee, Industree Foundation

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:00–18:30 CEST — Beyond Growth

Join us as we explore new ways of thinking about economic and social progress in the European Union and beyond. In this session, we challenge conventional policy-making in the European Union and redefine societal goals, in order to move away from the harmful focus on economic growth – that is, the growth of GDP – as the basis of our development model.


  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Anuna de Weaver Van des Heyden, Climate Activist

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:00 CEST — Regenerative agriculture for sustainable food systems, part II

Transforming the way we grow food and how we eat is a crucial part to achieve the Paris goals. This requires whole new methods and practices where the way we grow food regenerate nature and secure our food supplies. Listen to leaders in this field give their perspectives.


  • Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite, PhD Senior Director, Restoration Science, Conservation International
  • Ethan Soloviev, Chief Innovation Officer, HowGood
  • Nicola Renison, British farmer, Cannerheugh Farm
  • Jennifer Clapp, Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo & member, IPES food

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:00–19:30 CEST — Anger and optimism about the future

Join us for a world premiere of renown actor Peter Stormare and the song Screw You, a collaboration between Peter Stormare and We Don't Have Time to create a musical message to the ones destroying nature. This performance will be followed by a message about the importance of optimism in time of climate crisis.


  • Peter Stormare
  • Mathias Sundin, Co-founder & CEO, Warp News


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Climate action and sustainable development

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The session aims to focus on ways to achieve sustainable development, including nature-based solutions and change in the realm of food and agriculture. Looking at knowledge as a key driver of change, we will present a collective action research project taken to classrooms via a game that explores individual and collective actions with regards to overfishing. 


  • Sonia Tan, UNDP Global Campaigns Team, UNDP
  • Åsa Löfgren, Associate Professor in Economics, University of Gothenburg, and Visiting Professor at Luleå University of Technology
  • Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg, Zennström Professor of Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, and director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research)

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


April 19

11:00–11:30 CEST — Opening session

Join us for the opening session of day 2 of Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Dr. Friedericke Otto, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment, Imperial College London
  • Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


11:30–12:30 CEST — Accelerating energy efficiency solutions globally

Energy efficiency has never been more relevant than now. With an ongoing energy crisis and the need to stay on course for the 1.5°C target, the world needs to immediately respond and take action. While measures have been taken to change consumer behavior, we also need to unlock the potential of energy efficiency in industrial sectors. Here we are joined by global associations, solution providers, and governmental representatives exploring opportunities and barriers to accelerate energy efficiency and slow climate change.


  • Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP
  • Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency, International Energy Agency
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH
  • Ravichandra Kshirsagar, Vice President, Digital Building Commercial & Services, Schneider Electric
  • Peter Lemoine, Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Movement
  • Niels Fuglsang, Member of the European Parliament, The Social Democratic Party in Denmark
  • Kevin Lane, Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency
  • Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy
  • Adam Savitz, Sustainable Infrastructure Director, EMEALA, Johnson Controls
  • Helena Storckenfeldt, Member of Parliament, The Moderates


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Clean Technologies, Energy division, Alfa Laval
  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Interviews from the meeting of EU environment ministers

Listen to interviews conducted by We Don't Have Time during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm, and listen to climate innovations at New Lab.


  • Petr Hladík, Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic
  • Kathryn Carpenter, CEO & Founder, Cecilia Energy
  • Scott Cohen, Co-founder & partner, New Lab
  • Taras Kravtchouk, Founder & CEO, Tarform


13:15–15:15 CEST — The Baltic Sea: Europe’s new green energy hub

The Baltic Sea holds a huge potential to generate significant amounts of renewable energy, supporting Europe and the world’s efforts to combat climate change. In doing so, the Baltic can also play a key role in assisting the growth of green, hydrogen-powered shipping, provide supportive infrastructure for regional security and even boost marine biodiversity. Join us to learn from experts how this can happen sustainably and in ways that can get buy-in from the military to environmentalists.


  • Jaidev Dhavle Associate, Programme Officer, IRENA
  • Peter Tornberg, Chief Commercial Officer, OX2
  • Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen, Military Analyst, Commander Royal Danish Navy, Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Hillevi Priscar, Country Manager Sweden, OX2 Sweden
  • Anders Odell, Senior Scientist, Swedish Defence Research Agency
  • Lotta Nummelin, Permit Manager, OX2
  • Mathilda Karlsson, Baltic Sea Expert,WWF Sweden
  • Johan Byskov Svendsen, Program Manager, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
  • Anders Wiklund, Country Manager Åland, OX2
  • Pierre Tardieu, Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15–16:00 CEST — Coffee break & Interviews from the meeting of EU environment ministers

Listen to interviews conducted by We Don't Have Time during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm, and listen to climate innovations at New Lab.


  • Simonas Gentvilas, Minister for Environment of Lithuania
  • Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology of Austria
  • Tiya Gordon, Co-founder & COO, itselectric
  • Uyen Tran, CEO & Founder, TômTex


16:00–16:15 CEST — Circular energy solutions

Listen to Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability of Ragn-Sells, as he tells us about how we can produce energy, create heat and reduce our energy use through the use of circular solutions. Ragn-Sells looks at what is usually seen as waste and sees resources, and offers solutions that reduce our emissions and unlock new material flows.


  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:15–16:45 CEST — Driving sustainability, digitization and electrification amidst challenging times.

In this session Schneider Electric will, together with three customers, discuss a practical approach to drive sustainability, digitalization and electrification amidst challenging times.


  • Jenny Larsson, Country President Sweden, Schneider Electric Sweden
  • Valentin Monteiro, Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden
  • Kirsi Simola Laaksonen – CIO, Citycon Oyj
  • Lars Schedin, Senior Advisor and Co-founder, EcoDataCenter
  • Julien Gennetier, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:30 CEST — Reimagining Energy Solutions

We need to change how we produce and use energy. By scaling up new solutions that produce renewable energy, reduce energy consumption, and reimagine how energy is used, we can achieve significant emissions reductions. In this segment, we listen to We Don’t Have Time partners present concrete solutions to do this.


  • Sarwar Khan, Global Head of Digital Sustainability, BT
  • Jesper Wirén, CEO and Co-founder, Enjay
  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto AB
  • Marina Sundman, Business area manager, Solkompaniet

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Negative emissions – Sweden’s next export industry

Sweden has great potential to become a leading supplier of carbon dioxide removals if global trade and a global market for negative emissions is created. A conservative estimate is that Sweden could capture over 30 million tonnes biogenic CO2. A global market for negative emissions could create over 25,000 jobs and increase GDB by 2.4 billion a year. Stockholm Exergi is among the first companies in the world to be able to invite companies to acquire negative emissions in significant volumes, based on their large scale BECCS facility, with a predicted yearly capacity of 800,000 tonnes. Companies could use carbon removal certificates (CRC) to reach their climate objectives by neutralizing their residual emissions and also compensate other emissions still to be abated within a framework of emission reductions in line with the Paris agreement of limiting global warming.


  • Erik Rylander, Commercial Director Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson
  • Vanessa Butani, VP Sustainability, Electrolux

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:00–18:30 CEST — Decarbonisation of heavy transports – this is how we do it

Our world relies on the transportation of goods, but our current transportation system is not sustainable. In this session, Scania will tell us how they drive the transition to a system that can maintain all the necessary transports, without emitting greenhouse gasses or disrupting our environment. Join us as we discuss how we involve the whole value chain, and what we need from public policy to make it happen.


  • Gustaf Sundell, Executive Vice President and Head of Mobility Solutions, Scania
  • Vanessa Butani,VP Sustainability, Electrolux
  • Sara Elfsson, Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry, Northvolt
  • Mindaugas Pasilauskas, CEO, Girteka Europe West

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:30 CEST — The story of We Don’t Have Time – Beyond Trump & Greta

Get to know the true and previously untold story about We Don’t Have Time and the journey we’re on. In only six years' time, we have built the world’s largest social media for climate solutions. Listen to the founders tell their story of how they helped shape a global movement – from Trump and Greta, via Frankie the Dino and Rosie the Riveter – to their current plans to connect people and the world’s climate data.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Climate behavioral scientist & CEO North America
  • Patrick Kiarie, Head of Africa Chapter, We don't have Time
  • David Olsson, Co-founder & COO, We Don't Have Time
  • Anette Nordvall, Chairwoman, We Don't Have Time

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Carbon neutral energy and changing the narrative on fossil fuels

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The session aims to focus on UNDP’s work within the domain of transitioning to carbon neutral energy. UNDP’s Sustainable Energy Hub works with countries around the globe to build sustainable energy systems and advocates for phasing out fossil fuel subsidies. For example, UNDP’s Don't Choose Extinction campaign has had enormous success bringing this topic to a global audience. During this session we will also touch on the power of communication behind the sustainable development goal (SDGs) while changing the narrative, as a crucial step in fighting the climate crisis and transitioning to a carbon neutral world. 


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Riad Meddeb, Director of the Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP
  • Gail Gaille, Co-Founder Project Everyone
  • Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg, Zennström Professor of Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, and director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research)

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–22:00 CEST — Frankie the Dino Party at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us for a glass of sparkling wine, some green food, and mingle with our friends, partners, speakers, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Everyone registered to the day has access to Frankie the Dino Party.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


April 20

Live today

11:00–12:00 CEST — Exponential Solutions: ‍Solutions to transform the way we live, work and thrive in a sustainable world

Welcome to the Exponential Solutions Day. We are excited to bring together world leaders in science, policy, and business to explore solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The session will introduce the narrative of exponential optimism, through Exponential Roadmap Initiative’s CEO & Co-founder Johan Falk, calling on all companies to halve emissions before 2030 in the Race to Zero. The session will also highlight the latest planetary science and how leading companies are taking action in line with science to cut their own emissions and the emissions they influence.


  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations
  • Bogolo Kenewendo, Special Adviser Africa and Africa Director, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
  • David Ekelund, CEO, Icebug
  • Solitaire Townsend, Chief Solutionst and Co-founder, Futerra
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — Exponential nature solutions: Accelerating the shift towards net zero emissions from land and food

Greenhouse gas emissions from land and food need to reach net zero by 2030. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to drive the biggest transformation of the food and land sectors in a century.

Now is the time to accelerate the shift towards regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry, healthier, plant-based food and protect and restore nature. We need a laser focus on becoming nature positive by 2030 by exponentially scaling food and nature solutions through enabling policy, technology and climate leadership.


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & UN Water Conference interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
  • Jim Andrew, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo
  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Heather Polinsky, President for Global Resilience, Arcadis
  • Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Exponential Energy Transformation: The race to more than 50% clean energy by 2030

This session explores the exponential scaling of wind and solar, storage and cutting energy waste. We will show the results of the rapid scaling of these solutions and how they can contribute to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.


  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
  • Laura Perez, Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Lina Håkansdotter, VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel
  • Sebastian Hald Buhl, Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted
  • Dr. Nafeez Ahmed Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–15:15 CEST — Exponential Transport Transformation: The race towards zero emission personal transport

The personal vehicles account for 15% of the global emissions. This session shows the key strategies to keep within the “1.5°C budget” for personal vehicles and focus on how to accelerate this transformation and remove the blockers.  

The exponential growth of electric vehicles, mobility as a service, and micro mobility in cities, driven by smart technologies. We recognize that electrifying cars is not enough and that we need to make zero-emission cars from zero-emission components, including steel and batteries and that we need cars to be shared – all of which however is possible this decade.


  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar
  • Klara Bergkvist, Head of GoMore Sweden
  • Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chief Sustainability, OfficerRivian
  • Mohammed Hegazy, Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15—16:00 CEST — Fika & UN Water Conference Interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Vedika Bhandarkar, COO, Water.org
  • Gary White, CEO & Co-founder, Water.org
  • Mina Guli, CEO, Thirst Foundation
  • Matthias Berninger, EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer
  • Anita Soina, Global Youth Champion, Sanitation and Water for All

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:00–16:45 CEST — Exponential Supply chains: Decarbonizing global supply chains

A significant share of global emissions resides from global supply chains and we need to transform the way we produce, transport and consume goods and services.

This session brings together leading companies which are halving emissions through their global supply chains and work to share and scale leading best practises globally.


  • Gabrielle Ginér, Head of environmental sustainability, BT Group
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson
  • Louise Rehbinder, Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Peder Weibull Hartman, Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group
  • Jenny Sandahl, Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson
  • Bessma Aljarbou, Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple
  • Mie Prehn Nygaard, Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted
  • Ana Stivanin Senatore, Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:15 CEST — Greening cash: A call to action to companies to green their cash and banks to support them

For many companies the carbon footprint by their investments and held in big banks are a significant or even the biggest source of their carbon emissions. We now need to support companies to shift their cash to become a positive force for climate, nature and people, supported by banks. At this event, we will present a greening cash action guide,  linked to the 1.5°C Business Playbook, which companies can apply immediately to take action.  


  • Jakob König, Project lead and research - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter
  • Paul Moinester, Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit
  • Allison Fajans-Turner, Founder, Strategy Advisor, BankFWD
  • Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:15–17:30 CEST — Exponential Solutions Closing

This session aims to look out to the 2023 climate year - the year that needs to be the year of  “game-changing climate action”, as UN Secretary-General António Guterres said.

Knowing that the solutions to halving emissions by 2030 are here and affordable, as per the latest scientific climate assessment - what needs to happen for them to scale exponentially? What are the concrete “game-changing” actions that companies, policy and finance can take as we look towards the UN Climate Ambition Summit and the Global Stocktake at COP28?


  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero
  • More speakers to be added

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Disruption for good: Food production and supply chain and how these are financed need to change

The nature of nature

Why do we need the wild? How to combine this with the need for more food for more people? What are the green solutions with exponential potential?

A  ”tipping point” of rainforest dieback

Agriculture is the leading driver of global deforestation, and an increasing demand for food and agricultural products in coming years will contribute to the high risk of reaching a ”tipping point” of forest dieback in certain biomes. The Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil and the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Argentina are at the center of this challenge.

Responsible production and trading of soy from Brazil

How to ensure that food is produced in ways that do not destroy tropical forests and ecosystems

Incentives to farmers

Why and how farmers can and want to change?


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Anna Turrell, Head of Environment at Tesco
  • José Pugas, Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and EngagementJGP Asset Management

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–19:30 CEST — An idiot's guide to saving the world: Live Podcast recording from Stockholm Climate Week

A live recording session of the award-winning podcast An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World, hosted by Project Everyone Co-Founder Gail Gallie and Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Loyiso Madinga. Back for a second series in March 2023, Gail and Loyiso demystify the gloomy narrative of a world in crisis, and harness some optimism to leave listeners feeling empowered and armed with new ideas and the confidence their actions can, too, change the world for the better. Join Gail, Loyiso and guests for a 90-minute Stockholm Climate Week special looking at how the 17 Global Goals can help unlock exponential solutions for both people and planet.


  • Gail Gallie, Co-Founder, Project Everyone
  • Loyiso Madinga, Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Innovation, climate policy and systems change


  • Sarah Hunter, Board Member, ARIA (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
  • Maya Rebermark, Communications Director, Earth Commission, Future Earth
  • Bengt Rittri, CEO, Bluewater Group

Product-led innovation, impact and systems change


  • Michael Smith, General Partner, Regeneration.VC
  • Sian Sutherland, Co-founder and Chief Changemaker, A Plastic Planet and PlasticFree
  • Dominique Souris, Social Entrepreneur & Climate Activist
  • Frances Simpson Allen, Ebb Carbon

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Energy Security in Ukraine / Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The first session will focus on UNDP's energy work in Ukraine, including the recent findings of a countrywide UNDP and World Bank energy assessment, and will discuss the importance –and challenges– of ensuring a sustainable and green energy sector recovery during times of war. In the second session, we will be discussing how creative storytelling can make an impact, influence public opinion, and motivate innovative solutions for climate change. We will highlight UNDP’s Don’t Choose Extinction campaign which has had enormous success since its launch in October 2021 with over 2.2 billion views. Frankie the Dino will be interviewed on how to Don’t Choose Extinction while unleashing the potential of exponential solutions. A greater impact can be made on behavioural change by telling the story in a way that people can relate to and not simply stressing on negative data. 

Energy Security in Ukraine


  • Jaco Cilliers, Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Mik Thobo-Carlsen, Founder, Chairman, Mitoca 
  • Frankie the Dino
  • Nick Garett, Partner​ and Global Leader, Deloitte Digital , Creative SYD​

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–21:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


April 21

Live today

18:00–19:00 CEST — How Seeing Our Finite Planet From the Hostile Blackness of Space Can Drive Positive Change

Join us for a view from space and a discussion with the experts at Space Perspective (spaceperspective.com) about how seeing our finite planet from the hostile blackness of space can drive positive change.We Don't Have Time presents our partner Earth Day's broadcast.


April 22

11:00–12:00 CEST — Opening session

Join the opening of We Don’t Have Time’s Earth Day broadcast! Meet change famous activists from all walks of life – legendary chimpanzee experts, musicians, and long-distance swimmers – in a celebration of nature and the environmental movement.


  • Adam Met, Founder and Executive Director, Planet Reimagined
  • Lewis Pugh, UN Patron of the Oceans
  • Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
  • Bernadette La Hengst, Musical artist

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — What role can activism play?

Join us for a discussion on activism for climate and nature. And live music!


  • Pia Björstrand, Chairwoman, End Ecocide Sweden
  • Pontus Bergendahl, Full-time climate activist, Återställ Våtmarkerna
  • Koen Lemaire, Scientist Rebellion Netherlands

Musical performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Climate Conversation: How do we fight climate disaster?

The world is heating up – how do we fight climate disaster? Meet a climate justice activist, a science fiction author, and a scientist in a prerecorded conversation about our current situation, our reasons for hope, and the actions needed from world leaders. In collaboration with the Climate Crisis Advisory Group.


  • Mitzi Jonell Tan, Climate justice activist
  • Kim Stanley Robinson, Author
  • Sir David King, Founder and Chair at Centre for Climate Repair, Cambridge

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Solutions for Sustainable Lifestyles Part 1

We all have a part to play in solving the climate crisis. In choosing what energy we use, what food we eat, how we transport ourselves, and what we wear, we can lead a more sustainable lifestyle and influence the system that we are a part of. In this session, listen to We Don’t Have Time partners who work in these sectors and learn more about how to be a sustainable planetary citizen and contribute to solving the climate crisis.

Wash with care: How to make durable design last even longer

  • Eva Karlsson, CEO, Houdini
  • Vanessa Butani, VP Group Sustainability, Electrolux

Better fashion with recycled fibers

  • Patrik Lundström, CEO, Renewcell
  • Felicia Reuterswärd, Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group

Unlocking sustainable public transport on water

  • Erik Eklund, Chief Revenue Officer, Professional Vessels, Candela Technology
  • Gustav Hemming, County Commissioner - Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago infrastructure, Center Party, (Region Stockholm)
  • Jan Skjoldhammer, CEO & Founder, Novige AB, NoviOcean
  • Monika Martinsson, Co-founder, Deedster
  • Christoffer Bonde, CEO, Initiative 1415

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–14:45 CEST — Podcast premiere — Climate Punk: Airing Out Climate Issues to Find Actionable Solutions

On Earth Day, Thomas Kolster launches a new series of video interviews called “Climate Punk” tackling topics on climate-change. He’ll be speaking to various climate activists and the like in order to inspire people to take action and challenge the status quo. Thomas has been a pioneering voice in the advertising industry globally advocating for urgent change for more than 15 years and with these video interviews he want to cut through the noise and show a way forward.


Thomas Kolster, Mr. Goodvertising - post-purpose preacher, marketing & sustainability advisor, international keynote speaker & author

Margaret Klein Salamon, Executive Director at Climate Emergency Fund and author

14:00–14:45 CEST — Nature-based solutions for restoring our earth

Mark your calendar for Earth Day, April 22,2023, and join us for an interesting 45-minute roundtable discussion on Nature-Based Solutions for Restoring Our Earth. Our esteemed panel of experts will delve into the fundamentals, significance, and obstacles of nature-based solutions, sharing valuable insights into their vital role in mitigating climate change and inspiring success stories.


  • Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui, Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact
  • Dr Renuka Thakore, Founder, Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom
  • Professor Olga Laiza Kupika, Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Maun
  • Nancy Marangu, Environmental Writer and Advocate, Nairobi
  • Dr Kushal Adhikari, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, Juniata College, Pennsylvania


14:45–16:30 CEST — Fika & 'Beyond Crisis' screening and talk

Join us for the screening of the movie, followed by a panel discussion with high-level experts and scientists.

Also, learn more about Agora Awards and a special project to protect the Amazon rainforest.


  • Alice (Xia) Zhu, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
  • Kai Reimer-Watts, Artist, Director
  • Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, Executive Director, Climate Emergency Fund
  • Tom Rand, Founding Partner, ArcTern Ventures
  • Octavi Royo, CEO & Co-founder, Agora
  • Andy Amadi Okoroafor, Creative Director, Agora
  • Martina Donlon, Chief, Climate Section, Department of Global Communications, UN
  • Helena Lindemark, Founder & CEO, Sustainable Development Sweden AB

Music performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:30–17:30 CEST — Investing with Intent: the Case for Impact

Join us for a session on Impact Investing. Hear from experts in the space and learn more about the case for investing with intent.


  • Cara Williams, Global Head of ESG and Sustainability, Mercer
  • Max Messervy, Head of Sustainable Investment, Americas, Mercer
  • Silva Hanell, Wealth Leader & Partner Mercer Investment Solutions Sweden
  • Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, Co-founder & CEO, Chi Impact Capital
  • Pia Irell, Impact Partner, Trill Impact

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Towards new business models: public-private actions with innovative solutions

Towards longer-term farm lending

How to support the production of food with nature, climate and people benefit? Why is it needed? 

Investing in restoration and sustainable forest management

Quicker decision-making to fast-track actions

How to ramp up public-private partnerships for innovative finance to tackle the climate crisis? 


  • Ivo Mulder, Head of Finance Unit, UNEP
  • Hanna Skelly, Managing Director, Arbaro Advisors
  • Thiago Guedes, Sustainability Manager, Rabobank

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–18:30 CEST — Solutions for Sustainable Lifestyles - Part 2

We all have a part to play in solving the climate crisis. In choosing what energy we use, what food we eat, how we transport ourselves, and what we wear, we can lead a more sustainable lifestyle and influence the system that we are a part of. In this session, listen to We Don’t Have Time partners who work in these sectors and learn more about how to be a sustainable planetary citizen and contribute to solving the climate crisis.

You are what you eat: Alternative proteins for a better future

  • Julia Ragnell, Business development and corporate relations lead, Mycorena

What can you do today and every day?

  • Maria Jose Gutierrez, Senior Director of International Programs, Tradewater
  • Kirsten Love, Director, Market Development, Tradewater

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:00 CEST — An intelligence-fueled action engine for achieving the SDGs

Join the creators of SustainChain, the world's first free public service action platform built to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, using state of the art digital technology and AI design to unify sustainability leaders and organizations of all kinds! You'll hear the story of how they started on this journey, and how leading technology players have stepped in and up to co-develop and scale SustainChain’s unique ability to guide members with common goals toward the resources, partnerships and funding they need to achieve the Goals. Special welcome from Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and exciting announcements from Qlik, XPrize, LinkedIn, as well as the Chancellor from the largest public university system in the United States will show the powerful ways committed leaders are making real changes despite our challenging world environment, and how technology is being used as a force for good to achieve a just and sustainable world.


  • Jacqueline Corbelli, Founder, CEO, US Coalition on Sustainability
  • Joanna Hall, Executive Director, US Coalition on Sustainability
  • John B King Jr., Chancellor, SUNY
  • Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
  • Jim Mainard, CTO & EVP Deep Technologies, XPRIZE
  • Efrem Brycer, Senior Lead Manager, Public Policy and Economic Graph, LinkedIn
  • Julie Kae, Sustainability and DE&I, Executive Director, Qlik.org

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:00–19:30 CEST — Become a Climate Hero and win 5,000 SEK

Get the answers to all your questions about carbon footprints. What exactly is a carbon footprint? How does the definition differ for private people, companies and countries? What is a sustainable footprint? How can I reduce my footprint in line with a 1.5 degree trajectory? And much more...


  • Robert Sabelström, Founder, ClimateHero

Calculate your carbon footprint and win a 5,000 SEK gift card, the winner will be announced during the evening. Enter the competition now.

Music performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–19:45 CEST — Closing session and music performance

Join us for the closing session of Stockholm Climate Week. The first ever Stockholm Climate Week will pump to the beat of a new climate song written by We Don’t Have Time presenter Nick Nuttall and performed live on Earth Day with Bernadette La Hengst.


  • Nick Nuttall, Singer and Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Bernadette La Hengst, Singer


19:45–21:30 CEST — Special screening of My Octopus Teacher (film only on-site)

Join us at SPACE Arena for a very special viewing of My Octopus Teacher, starting with a live discussion with Pippa Ehrlich, Director of the documentary.

Take the opportunity to watch My Octopus Teacher on one of Europe's largest LED-screen.


  • Pippa Ehrlich, Director, My Octopus Teacher
  • Andreas Magnusson, Fridays for Future
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


18:30–22:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


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April 18

11:00–11:30 CEST — Opening session

Join us for the opening session of day 1 of Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Host, We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder & CEO, We Don't Have Time
  • Karin Wanngård, Mayor of Stockholm

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


11:30–12:30 CEST — Green local governance

The town of Mariestad, Sweden, is one of the leading municipalities in effecting green local innovation. Listen to their story of how they turned around and formulated a vision for the future that is fully aligned with the global transformation to net-zero.


  • Susanné Wallner, Vice VD, Restart Earth and former Head of Industry, Mariestad Kommun
  • Gösta Lindmark, Sustainability strategist, Mariestad Kommun
  • Edvin Skogholm Sanne, Game Designer, University of Skövde
  • Iris Casado, Illustrator and 2D artist, University of Skövde
  • Maria Gustavsson, Urban Development Strategist, Mariestad Kommun
  • Elise Grosse, Head of sustainability, Sweco Architects Sweden
  • Claes Kollberg, CTO and founder, CemVision
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Karin Svensson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Volvo Group
  • Henrik Brodin, Head of Energy, Södra
  • Malin Olsson Lundqvist, Member of the municipal board in Mariestad, Municipality of Mariestad

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Screening of Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops & interview with Bonnie Waltch

Subtitled in 20 languages and narrated by Richard Gere, Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops is a series of five short films, featuring twelve leading climate scientists, that explores how human-caused emissions are triggering nature’s own warming loops.
Watch an interview with Senior Producer and Writer Bonnie Waltch and the 3 first parts: Introduction, Forests and Permafrost.

Speaker: Bonnie Waltch, Senior Producer and Writer Northern Light Productions

Rewatch the documentary: feedbackloopsclimate.com

Lunch sponsor: WWF


13:15–14:15 CEST — Time for Action: Business and the Biodiversity Crisis

Ecosystems are facing severe challenges, and with more than half of the global economy dependent on healthy ecosystems, the preservation of biodiversity has become a crucial concern for businesses. Join us for a session to learn more about the status of the planet, and the role that business can – and need to – play. We will highlight coming policy initiatives and how they relate to business, demonstrate new business tools for biodiversity action and interact with businesses that are making exciting progress in the field.


  • Alexandre Antonelli, Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  • Camilla Välimaa, Expert Business & Biodiversity, WWF Sweden
  • Helena Allard, Sustainability Innovator, Axfood
  • Jaco Du Toit, Biodiversity & Policy Manager, WWF and H&M Group Partnership, WWF
  • Rebecca Watkins, Global Production and Sustainability Manager, Gina Tricot
  • Guido Broekhoven, Head, Policy Research and Development, WWF International

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–14:45 CEST — Regenerative agriculture for sustainable food systems, part I

Transforming the way we grow food and how we eat is a crucial part to achieve the Paris goals. This requires whole new methods and practices where the way we grow food regenerate nature and secure our food supplies. Listen to leaders in this field give their perspectives.


  • Olga Grönvall Lund, Founder and General Secretary, Reformaten
  • Chris Armitage, CEO, Global EverGreening Alliance
  • Susanné Wallner, COO, Restart Earth, and former business manager, Mariestad Municipality
  • Guus ter Haar, Chief Operation Officer, reNature

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:45–15:15 CEST — Circularity in complex production

The manufacturing sector needs to reduce their emissions faster to be in line with the Paris agreement, and for this we need to rethink our production processes. In this session, Volvo Cars and Tacton discuss how emissions can be reduced in complex manufacturing processes involving many parts and different materials. How do we make these processes circular with low emissions?


  • Bo Gyldenvang, CEO,Tacton
  • Owain Griffiths, Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars
  • Stephanie Smith, Director, Global Product Sustainability, Xylem

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15–16:00 CEST — Fika & Screening of Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops

Subtitled in 20 languages and narrated by Richard Gere, Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops is a series of five short films, featuring twelve leading climate scientists, that explores how human-caused emissions are triggering nature’s own warming loops.
Watch parts 4 and 5: Atmosphere and Albedo.

Rewatch the documentary: feedbackloopsclimate.com


16:00–17:00 CEST — No more greenwashing – toward an honest approach to green products and finance

New laws are under discussion in the European Union and the United Kingdom to reduce greenwashing and deal with companies making misleading claims about the environmental benefits of their products. At the same time, the finance sector needs to step in to make companies report more honestly about their climate action and to build a more honest and transparent future. Join us as we explore these pressing issues at Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Lucas Boudet, Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)
  • George Harding-Rolls, Campaign Manager, Changing Markets Foundation
  • Johnny White, Lawyer, Accountable Corporations, ClientEarth
  • Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf, Head of Sustainability, SPP/Storebrand
  • Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Steve Smith, Managing Director, Bankers without Boundaries

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:00–17:30 CEST — Transition to plant-centric food systems for healthier planet and people

Climate change is among the greatest threats to public health, food security, ecosystems, and the economy. Radical measures are urgently needed to prevent further global warming and the food system is one of the areas where interventions are needed most. Current food system activities produce about one third of all global greenhouse gas emissions and of this about a half come from the livestock sector. The planet calls for a plant-centric shift to much more sustainable food systems - and so do a lot of the consumers. This provides a lot of opportunities to change the way we produce our food. It is the “wow, no cow” change.

Join us as we explore the drivers and opportunities for change and how we will make it happen in our time.


  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly
  • Gustav Johansson, Blogger and cookbook author, Jävligt Gott
  • David Bryngelsson, CEO & Founder, CarbonCloud
  • Maria Smith, Secretary General, Axfoundation

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Accelerating regenerative agriculture and nature-based solutions through finance and policy

Given depletion of the Earth’s natural resources, including forests and farmlands, regenerative practices that improve nutrient efficiency and recycling, diversify farming systems and agro-biodiversity, enhance soil health, and restore landscapes and associated ecosystem services, thereby increasing farmers and local communities’ livelihoods, improving resilience and global nutrition, are fundamental for scaling. Locally led scalable innovation, financing models and policy support would significantly contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

This panel seeks to amplify CGI’s commitment-makers who are driving tangible near-term action with the intent to inspire new efforts, as well as, accelerate and scale ongoing action in this domain.


  • Mayuri Ghosh, Director, Climate Resilience & Sustainability, Clinton Global Initiative
  • Katarina Kahlmann, Chief Program Officer, TechnoServe
  • Emma Dennis, Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture and Global Impact, Better Cotton Initiative
  • Neelam Chhiber, Co-Founder & Managing Trustee, Industree Foundation

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:00–18:30 CEST — Beyond Growth

Join us as we explore new ways of thinking about economic and social progress in the European Union and beyond. In this session, we challenge conventional policy-making in the European Union and redefine societal goals, in order to move away from the harmful focus on economic growth – that is, the growth of GDP – as the basis of our development model.


  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Anuna de Weaver Van des Heyden, Climate Activist

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:00 CEST — Regenerative agriculture for sustainable food systems, part II

Transforming the way we grow food and how we eat is a crucial part to achieve the Paris goals. This requires whole new methods and practices where the way we grow food regenerate nature and secure our food supplies. Listen to leaders in this field give their perspectives.


  • Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite, PhD Senior Director, Restoration Science, Conservation International
  • Ethan Soloviev, Chief Innovation Officer, HowGood
  • Nicola Renison, British farmer, Cannerheugh Farm
  • Jennifer Clapp, Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo & member, IPES food

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:00–19:30 CEST — Anger and optimism about the future

Join us for a world premiere of renown actor Peter Stormare and the song Screw You, a collaboration between Peter Stormare and We Don't Have Time to create a musical message to the ones destroying nature. This performance will be followed by a message about the importance of optimism in time of climate crisis.


  • Peter Stormare
  • Mathias Sundin, Co-founder & CEO, Warp News


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Climate action and sustainable development

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The session aims to focus on ways to achieve sustainable development, including nature-based solutions and change in the realm of food and agriculture. Looking at knowledge as a key driver of change, we will present a collective action research project taken to classrooms via a game that explores individual and collective actions with regards to overfishing. 


  • Sonia Tan, UNDP Global Campaigns Team, UNDP
  • Åsa Löfgren, Associate Professor in Economics, University of Gothenburg, and Visiting Professor at Luleå University of Technology
  • Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg, Zennström Professor of Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, and director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research)

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


April 19

11:00–11:30 CEST — Opening session

Join us for the opening session of day 2 of Stockholm Climate Week.


  • Dr. Friedericke Otto, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment, Imperial College London
  • Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


11:30–12:30 CEST — Accelerating energy efficiency solutions globally

Energy efficiency has never been more relevant than now. With an ongoing energy crisis and the need to stay on course for the 1.5°C target, the world needs to immediately respond and take action. While measures have been taken to change consumer behavior, we also need to unlock the potential of energy efficiency in industrial sectors. Here we are joined by global associations, solution providers, and governmental representatives exploring opportunities and barriers to accelerate energy efficiency and slow climate change.


  • Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP
  • Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency, International Energy Agency
  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval
  • Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH
  • Ravichandra Kshirsagar, Vice President, Digital Building Commercial & Services, Schneider Electric
  • Peter Lemoine, Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Movement
  • Niels Fuglsang, Member of the European Parliament, The Social Democratic Party in Denmark
  • Kevin Lane, Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency
  • Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy
  • Adam Savitz, Sustainable Infrastructure Director, EMEALA, Johnson Controls
  • Helena Storckenfeldt, Member of Parliament, The Moderates


  • Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Clean Technologies, Energy division, Alfa Laval
  • Nick Nuttall, Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Interviews from the meeting of EU environment ministers

Listen to interviews conducted by We Don't Have Time during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm, and listen to climate innovations at New Lab.


  • Petr Hladík, Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic
  • Kathryn Carpenter, CEO & Founder, Cecilia Energy
  • Scott Cohen, Co-founder & partner, New Lab
  • Taras Kravtchouk, Founder & CEO, Tarform


13:15–15:15 CEST — The Baltic Sea: Europe’s new green energy hub

The Baltic Sea holds a huge potential to generate significant amounts of renewable energy, supporting Europe and the world’s efforts to combat climate change. In doing so, the Baltic can also play a key role in assisting the growth of green, hydrogen-powered shipping, provide supportive infrastructure for regional security and even boost marine biodiversity. Join us to learn from experts how this can happen sustainably and in ways that can get buy-in from the military to environmentalists.


  • Jaidev Dhavle Associate, Programme Officer, IRENA
  • Peter Tornberg, Chief Commercial Officer, OX2
  • Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen, Military Analyst, Commander Royal Danish Navy, Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Hillevi Priscar, Country Manager Sweden, OX2 Sweden
  • Anders Odell, Senior Scientist, Swedish Defence Research Agency
  • Lotta Nummelin, Permit Manager, OX2
  • Mathilda Karlsson, Baltic Sea Expert,WWF Sweden
  • Johan Byskov Svendsen, Program Manager, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
  • Anders Wiklund, Country Manager Åland, OX2
  • Pierre Tardieu, Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15–16:00 CEST — Coffee break & Interviews from the meeting of EU environment ministers

Listen to interviews conducted by We Don't Have Time during the EU environment ministers’ meeting in Stockholm, and listen to climate innovations at New Lab.


  • Simonas Gentvilas, Minister for Environment of Lithuania
  • Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology of Austria
  • Tiya Gordon, Co-founder & COO, itselectric
  • Uyen Tran, CEO & Founder, TômTex


16:00–16:15 CEST — Circular energy solutions

Listen to Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability of Ragn-Sells, as he tells us about how we can produce energy, create heat and reduce our energy use through the use of circular solutions. Ragn-Sells looks at what is usually seen as waste and sees resources, and offers solutions that reduce our emissions and unlock new material flows.


  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:15–16:45 CEST — Driving sustainability, digitization and electrification amidst challenging times.

In this session Schneider Electric will, together with three customers, discuss a practical approach to drive sustainability, digitalization and electrification amidst challenging times.


  • Jenny Larsson, Country President Sweden, Schneider Electric Sweden
  • Valentin Monteiro, Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden
  • Kirsi Simola Laaksonen – CIO, Citycon Oyj
  • Lars Schedin, Senior Advisor and Co-founder, EcoDataCenter
  • Julien Gennetier, Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:30 CEST — Reimagining Energy Solutions

We need to change how we produce and use energy. By scaling up new solutions that produce renewable energy, reduce energy consumption, and reimagine how energy is used, we can achieve significant emissions reductions. In this segment, we listen to We Don’t Have Time partners present concrete solutions to do this.


  • Sarwar Khan, Global Head of Digital Sustainability, BT
  • Jesper Wirén, CEO and Co-founder, Enjay
  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto AB
  • Marina Sundman, Business area manager, Solkompaniet

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Negative emissions – Sweden’s next export industry

Sweden has great potential to become a leading supplier of carbon dioxide removals if global trade and a global market for negative emissions is created. A conservative estimate is that Sweden could capture over 30 million tonnes biogenic CO2. A global market for negative emissions could create over 25,000 jobs and increase GDB by 2.4 billion a year. Stockholm Exergi is among the first companies in the world to be able to invite companies to acquire negative emissions in significant volumes, based on their large scale BECCS facility, with a predicted yearly capacity of 800,000 tonnes. Companies could use carbon removal certificates (CRC) to reach their climate objectives by neutralizing their residual emissions and also compensate other emissions still to be abated within a framework of emission reductions in line with the Paris agreement of limiting global warming.


  • Erik Rylander, Commercial Director Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson
  • Vanessa Butani, VP Sustainability, Electrolux

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:00–18:30 CEST — Decarbonisation of heavy transports – this is how we do it

Our world relies on the transportation of goods, but our current transportation system is not sustainable. In this session, Scania will tell us how they drive the transition to a system that can maintain all the necessary transports, without emitting greenhouse gasses or disrupting our environment. Join us as we discuss how we involve the whole value chain, and what we need from public policy to make it happen.


  • Gustaf Sundell, Executive Vice President and Head of Mobility Solutions, Scania
  • Vanessa Butani,VP Sustainability, Electrolux
  • Sara Elfsson, Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry, Northvolt
  • Mindaugas Pasilauskas, CEO, Girteka Europe West

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:30 CEST — The story of We Don’t Have Time – Beyond Trump & Greta

Get to know the true and previously untold story about We Don’t Have Time and the journey we’re on. In only six years' time, we have built the world’s largest social media for climate solutions. Listen to the founders tell their story of how they helped shape a global movement – from Trump and Greta, via Frankie the Dino and Rosie the Riveter – to their current plans to connect people and the world’s climate data.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Climate behavioral scientist & CEO North America
  • Patrick Kiarie, Head of Africa Chapter, We don't have Time
  • David Olsson, Co-founder & COO, We Don't Have Time
  • Anette Nordvall, Chairwoman, We Don't Have Time

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Carbon neutral energy and changing the narrative on fossil fuels

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The session aims to focus on UNDP’s work within the domain of transitioning to carbon neutral energy. UNDP’s Sustainable Energy Hub works with countries around the globe to build sustainable energy systems and advocates for phasing out fossil fuel subsidies. For example, UNDP’s Don't Choose Extinction campaign has had enormous success bringing this topic to a global audience. During this session we will also touch on the power of communication behind the sustainable development goal (SDGs) while changing the narrative, as a crucial step in fighting the climate crisis and transitioning to a carbon neutral world. 


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Riad Meddeb, Director of the Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP
  • Gail Gaille, Co-Founder Project Everyone
  • Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg, Zennström Professor of Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, and director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research)

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–22:00 CEST — Frankie the Dino Party at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us for a glass of sparkling wine, some green food, and mingle with our friends, partners, speakers, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Everyone registered to the day has access to Frankie the Dino Party.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


April 20

11:00–12:00 CEST — Exponential Solutions: ‍Solutions to transform the way we live, work and thrive in a sustainable world

Welcome to the Exponential Solutions Day. We are excited to bring together world leaders in science, policy, and business to explore solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The session will introduce the narrative of exponential optimism, through Exponential Roadmap Initiative’s CEO & Co-founder Johan Falk, calling on all companies to halve emissions before 2030 in the Race to Zero. The session will also highlight the latest planetary science and how leading companies are taking action in line with science to cut their own emissions and the emissions they influence.


  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations
  • Bogolo Kenewendo, Special Adviser Africa and Africa Director, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
  • David Ekelund, CEO, Icebug
  • Solitaire Townsend, Chief Solutionst and Co-founder, Futerra
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — Exponential nature solutions: Accelerating the shift towards net zero emissions from land and food

Greenhouse gas emissions from land and food need to reach net zero by 2030. This is a huge opportunity for businesses to drive the biggest transformation of the food and land sectors in a century.

Now is the time to accelerate the shift towards regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry, healthier, plant-based food and protect and restore nature. We need a laser focus on becoming nature positive by 2030 by exponentially scaling food and nature solutions through enabling policy, technology and climate leadership.


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director of Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & UN Water Conference interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Monica Medina, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
  • Jim Andrew, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo
  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance
  • Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
  • Heather Polinsky, President for Global Resilience, Arcadis
  • Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Exponential Energy Transformation: The race to more than 50% clean energy by 2030

This session explores the exponential scaling of wind and solar, storage and cutting energy waste. We will show the results of the rapid scaling of these solutions and how they can contribute to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.


  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
  • Laura Perez, Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Lina Håkansdotter, VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel
  • Sebastian Hald Buhl, Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted
  • Dr. Nafeez Ahmed Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–15:15 CEST — Exponential Transport Transformation: The race towards zero emission personal transport

The personal vehicles account for 15% of the global emissions. This session shows the key strategies to keep within the “1.5°C budget” for personal vehicles and focus on how to accelerate this transformation and remove the blockers.  

The exponential growth of electric vehicles, mobility as a service, and micro mobility in cities, driven by smart technologies. We recognize that electrifying cars is not enough and that we need to make zero-emission cars from zero-emission components, including steel and batteries and that we need cars to be shared – all of which however is possible this decade.


  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar
  • Klara Bergkvist, Head of GoMore Sweden
  • Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chief Sustainability, OfficerRivian
  • Mohammed Hegazy, Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


15:15—16:00 CEST — Fika & UN Water Conference Interviews

Listen to selected interviews from the UN Water Conference.


  • Vedika Bhandarkar, COO, Water.org
  • Gary White, CEO & Co-founder, Water.org
  • Mina Guli, CEO, Thirst Foundation
  • Matthias Berninger, EVP, Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE, Bayer
  • Anita Soina, Global Youth Champion, Sanitation and Water for All

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:00–16:45 CEST — Exponential Supply chains: Decarbonizing global supply chains

A significant share of global emissions resides from global supply chains and we need to transform the way we produce, transport and consume goods and services.

This session brings together leading companies which are halving emissions through their global supply chains and work to share and scale leading best practises globally.


  • Gabrielle Ginér, Head of environmental sustainability, BT Group
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson
  • Louise Rehbinder, Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Peder Weibull Hartman, Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group
  • Jenny Sandahl, Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson
  • Bessma Aljarbou, Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple
  • Mie Prehn Nygaard, Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted
  • Ana Stivanin Senatore, Sustainability Manager, Telefônica Brasil

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:45–17:15 CEST — Greening cash: A call to action to companies to green their cash and banks to support them

For many companies the carbon footprint by their investments and held in big banks are a significant or even the biggest source of their carbon emissions. We now need to support companies to shift their cash to become a positive force for climate, nature and people, supported by banks. At this event, we will present a greening cash action guide,  linked to the 1.5°C Business Playbook, which companies can apply immediately to take action.  


  • Jakob König, Project lead and research - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter
  • Paul Moinester, Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit
  • Allison Fajans-Turner, Founder, Strategy Advisor, BankFWD
  • Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken
  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:15–17:30 CEST — Exponential Solutions Closing

This session aims to look out to the 2023 climate year - the year that needs to be the year of  “game-changing climate action”, as UN Secretary-General António Guterres said.

Knowing that the solutions to halving emissions by 2030 are here and affordable, as per the latest scientific climate assessment - what needs to happen for them to scale exponentially? What are the concrete “game-changing” actions that companies, policy and finance can take as we look towards the UN Climate Ambition Summit and the Global Stocktake at COP28?


  • Johan Falk, CEO and Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero
  • More speakers to be added

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Disruption for good: Food production and supply chain and how these are financed need to change

The nature of nature

Why do we need the wild? How to combine this with the need for more food for more people? What are the green solutions with exponential potential?

A  ”tipping point” of rainforest dieback

Agriculture is the leading driver of global deforestation, and an increasing demand for food and agricultural products in coming years will contribute to the high risk of reaching a ”tipping point” of forest dieback in certain biomes. The Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil and the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Argentina are at the center of this challenge.

Responsible production and trading of soy from Brazil

How to ensure that food is produced in ways that do not destroy tropical forests and ecosystems

Incentives to farmers

Why and how farmers can and want to change?


  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Anna Turrell, Head of Environment at Tesco
  • José Pugas, Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and EngagementJGP Asset Management

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–19:30 CEST — An idiot's guide to saving the world: Live Podcast recording from Stockholm Climate Week

A live recording session of the award-winning podcast An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World, hosted by Project Everyone Co-Founder Gail Gallie and Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Loyiso Madinga. Back for a second series in March 2023, Gail and Loyiso demystify the gloomy narrative of a world in crisis, and harness some optimism to leave listeners feeling empowered and armed with new ideas and the confidence their actions can, too, change the world for the better. Join Gail, Loyiso and guests for a 90-minute Stockholm Climate Week special looking at how the 17 Global Goals can help unlock exponential solutions for both people and planet.


  • Gail Gallie, Co-Founder, Project Everyone
  • Loyiso Madinga, Comedian, Writer and former South African Correspondent for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Innovation, climate policy and systems change


  • Sarah Hunter, Board Member, ARIA (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
  • Maya Rebermark, Communications Director, Earth Commission, Future Earth
  • Bengt Rittri, CEO, Bluewater Group

Product-led innovation, impact and systems change


  • Michael Smith, General Partner, Regeneration.VC
  • Sian Sutherland, Co-founder and Chief Changemaker, A Plastic Planet and PlasticFree
  • Dominique Souris, Social Entrepreneur & Climate Activist
  • Frances Simpson Allen, Ebb Carbon

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–20:00 CEST — UNDP at Stockholm Climate Week – Energy Security in Ukraine / Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the most pressing climate concerns of our times. The first session will focus on UNDP's energy work in Ukraine, including the recent findings of a countrywide UNDP and World Bank energy assessment, and will discuss the importance –and challenges– of ensuring a sustainable and green energy sector recovery during times of war. In the second session, we will be discussing how creative storytelling can make an impact, influence public opinion, and motivate innovative solutions for climate change. We will highlight UNDP’s Don’t Choose Extinction campaign which has had enormous success since its launch in October 2021 with over 2.2 billion views. Frankie the Dino will be interviewed on how to Don’t Choose Extinction while unleashing the potential of exponential solutions. A greater impact can be made on behavioural change by telling the story in a way that people can relate to and not simply stressing on negative data. 

Energy Security in Ukraine


  • Jaco Cilliers, Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Don’t Choose Extinction and the power of creative storytelling


  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP 
  • Mik Thobo-Carlsen, Founder, Chairman, Mitoca 
  • Frankie the Dino
  • Nick Garett, Partner​ and Global Leader, Deloitte Digital , Creative SYD​

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


20:00–21:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests. And meet Frankie the Dino.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


April 21

18:00–19:00 CEST — How Seeing Our Finite Planet From the Hostile Blackness of Space Can Drive Positive Change

Join us for a view from space and a discussion with the experts at Space Perspective (spaceperspective.com) about how seeing our finite planet from the hostile blackness of space can drive positive change.We Don't Have Time presents our partner Earth Day's broadcast.


April 22

11:00–12:00 CEST — Opening session

Join the opening of We Don’t Have Time’s Earth Day broadcast! Meet change famous activists from all walks of life – legendary chimpanzee experts, musicians, and long-distance swimmers – in a celebration of nature and the environmental movement.


  • Adam Met, Founder and Executive Director, Planet Reimagined
  • Lewis Pugh, UN Patron of the Oceans
  • Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
  • Bernadette La Hengst, Musical artist

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:00–12:30 CEST — What role can activism play?

Join us for a discussion on activism for climate and nature. And live music!


  • Pia Björstrand, Chairwoman, End Ecocide Sweden
  • Pontus Bergendahl, Full-time climate activist, Återställ Våtmarkerna
  • Koen Lemaire, Scientist Rebellion Netherlands

Musical performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


12:30–13:15 CEST — Lunch & Climate Conversation: How do we fight climate disaster?

The world is heating up – how do we fight climate disaster? Meet a climate justice activist, a science fiction author, and a scientist in a prerecorded conversation about our current situation, our reasons for hope, and the actions needed from world leaders. In collaboration with the Climate Crisis Advisory Group.


  • Mitzi Jonell Tan, Climate justice activist
  • Kim Stanley Robinson, Author
  • Sir David King, Founder and Chair at Centre for Climate Repair, Cambridge

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


13:15–14:15 CEST — Solutions for Sustainable Lifestyles Part 1

We all have a part to play in solving the climate crisis. In choosing what energy we use, what food we eat, how we transport ourselves, and what we wear, we can lead a more sustainable lifestyle and influence the system that we are a part of. In this session, listen to We Don’t Have Time partners who work in these sectors and learn more about how to be a sustainable planetary citizen and contribute to solving the climate crisis.

Wash with care: How to make durable design last even longer

  • Eva Karlsson, CEO, Houdini
  • Vanessa Butani, VP Group Sustainability, Electrolux

Better fashion with recycled fibers

  • Patrik Lundström, CEO, Renewcell
  • Felicia Reuterswärd, Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group

Unlocking sustainable public transport on water

  • Erik Eklund, Chief Revenue Officer, Professional Vessels, Candela Technology
  • Gustav Hemming, County Commissioner - Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago infrastructure, Center Party, (Region Stockholm)
  • Jan Skjoldhammer, CEO & Founder, Novige AB, NoviOcean
  • Monika Martinsson, Co-founder, Deedster
  • Christoffer Bonde, CEO, Initiative 1415

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


14:15–14:45 CEST — Podcast premiere — Climate Punk: Airing Out Climate Issues to Find Actionable Solutions

On Earth Day, Thomas Kolster launches a new series of video interviews called “Climate Punk” tackling topics on climate-change. He’ll be speaking to various climate activists and the like in order to inspire people to take action and challenge the status quo. Thomas has been a pioneering voice in the advertising industry globally advocating for urgent change for more than 15 years and with these video interviews he want to cut through the noise and show a way forward.


Thomas Kolster, Mr. Goodvertising - post-purpose preacher, marketing & sustainability advisor, international keynote speaker & author

Margaret Klein Salamon, Executive Director at Climate Emergency Fund and author

14:00–14:45 CEST — Nature-based solutions for restoring our earth

Mark your calendar for Earth Day, April 22,2023, and join us for an interesting 45-minute roundtable discussion on Nature-Based Solutions for Restoring Our Earth. Our esteemed panel of experts will delve into the fundamentals, significance, and obstacles of nature-based solutions, sharing valuable insights into their vital role in mitigating climate change and inspiring success stories.


  • Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui, Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact
  • Dr Renuka Thakore, Founder, Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom
  • Professor Olga Laiza Kupika, Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Maun
  • Nancy Marangu, Environmental Writer and Advocate, Nairobi
  • Dr Kushal Adhikari, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, Juniata College, Pennsylvania


14:45–16:30 CEST — Fika & 'Beyond Crisis' screening and talk

Join us for the screening of the movie, followed by a panel discussion with high-level experts and scientists.

Also, learn more about Agora Awards and a special project to protect the Amazon rainforest.


  • Alice (Xia) Zhu, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
  • Kai Reimer-Watts, Artist, Director
  • Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, Executive Director, Climate Emergency Fund
  • Tom Rand, Founding Partner, ArcTern Ventures
  • Octavi Royo, CEO & Co-founder, Agora
  • Andy Amadi Okoroafor, Creative Director, Agora
  • Martina Donlon, Chief, Climate Section, Department of Global Communications, UN
  • Helena Lindemark, Founder & CEO, Sustainable Development Sweden AB

Music performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


16:30–17:30 CEST — Investing with Intent: the Case for Impact

Join us for a session on Impact Investing. Hear from experts in the space and learn more about the case for investing with intent.


  • Cara Williams, Global Head of ESG and Sustainability, Mercer
  • Max Messervy, Head of Sustainable Investment, Americas, Mercer
  • Silva Hanell, Wealth Leader & Partner Mercer Investment Solutions Sweden
  • Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, Co-founder & CEO, Chi Impact Capital
  • Pia Irell, Impact Partner, Trill Impact

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


17:30–18:00 CEST — Towards new business models: public-private actions with innovative solutions

Towards longer-term farm lending

How to support the production of food with nature, climate and people benefit? Why is it needed? 

Investing in restoration and sustainable forest management

Quicker decision-making to fast-track actions

How to ramp up public-private partnerships for innovative finance to tackle the climate crisis? 


  • Ivo Mulder, Head of Finance Unit, UNEP
  • Hanna Skelly, Managing Director, Arbaro Advisors
  • Thiago Guedes, Sustainability Manager, Rabobank

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


United Nations Environment Programme

18:00–18:30 CEST — Solutions for Sustainable Lifestyles - Part 2

We all have a part to play in solving the climate crisis. In choosing what energy we use, what food we eat, how we transport ourselves, and what we wear, we can lead a more sustainable lifestyle and influence the system that we are a part of. In this session, listen to We Don’t Have Time partners who work in these sectors and learn more about how to be a sustainable planetary citizen and contribute to solving the climate crisis.

You are what you eat: Alternative proteins for a better future

  • Julia Ragnell, Business development and corporate relations lead, Mycorena

What can you do today and every day?

  • Maria Jose Gutierrez, Senior Director of International Programs, Tradewater
  • Kirsten Love, Director, Market Development, Tradewater

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


18:30–19:00 CEST — An intelligence-fueled action engine for achieving the SDGs

Join the creators of SustainChain, the world's first free public service action platform built to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, using state of the art digital technology and AI design to unify sustainability leaders and organizations of all kinds! You'll hear the story of how they started on this journey, and how leading technology players have stepped in and up to co-develop and scale SustainChain’s unique ability to guide members with common goals toward the resources, partnerships and funding they need to achieve the Goals. Special welcome from Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and exciting announcements from Qlik, XPrize, LinkedIn, as well as the Chancellor from the largest public university system in the United States will show the powerful ways committed leaders are making real changes despite our challenging world environment, and how technology is being used as a force for good to achieve a just and sustainable world.


  • Jacqueline Corbelli, Founder, CEO, US Coalition on Sustainability
  • Joanna Hall, Executive Director, US Coalition on Sustainability
  • John B King Jr., Chancellor, SUNY
  • Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
  • Jim Mainard, CTO & EVP Deep Technologies, XPRIZE
  • Efrem Brycer, Senior Lead Manager, Public Policy and Economic Graph, LinkedIn
  • Julie Kae, Sustainability and DE&I, Executive Director, Qlik.org

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:00–19:30 CEST — Become a Climate Hero and win 5,000 SEK

Get the answers to all your questions about carbon footprints. What exactly is a carbon footprint? How does the definition differ for private people, companies and countries? What is a sustainable footprint? How can I reduce my footprint in line with a 1.5 degree trajectory? And much more...


  • Robert Sabelström, Founder, ClimateHero

Calculate your carbon footprint and win a 5,000 SEK gift card, the winner will be announced during the evening. Enter the competition now.

Music performance by Nick Nuttall and Bernadette La Hengst.

How to participate: From SPACE arena and online


19:30–19:45 CEST — Closing session and music performance

Join us for the closing session of Stockholm Climate Week. The first ever Stockholm Climate Week will pump to the beat of a new climate song written by We Don’t Have Time presenter Nick Nuttall and performed live on Earth Day with Bernadette La Hengst.


  • Nick Nuttall, Singer and Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time
  • Bernadette La Hengst, Singer


19:45–21:30 CEST — Special screening of My Octopus Teacher (film only on-site)

Join us at SPACE Arena for a very special viewing of My Octopus Teacher, starting with a live discussion with Pippa Ehrlich, Director of the documentary.

Take the opportunity to watch My Octopus Teacher on one of Europe's largest LED-screen.


  • Pippa Ehrlich, Director, My Octopus Teacher
  • Andreas Magnusson, Fridays for Future
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don't Have Time
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


18:30–22:00 CEST — Mingle and open-bar at Stockholm Climate Week

Join us to celebrate Stockholm Climate Week. Mingle with our friends, partners, business leaders, and international guests.

Tickets are free – but limited. Everyone registered to the day has access to the mingle.

How to participate: From SPACE arena, Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm Climate Week


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.


Selected speakers

Teresa Ribera

Deputy Prime Minister of Spain and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Teresa Ribera is Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Prior to that, Ms Ribera was Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) from 2014 to 2018, and enabled the Institute to play a key role in the negotiation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the transition towards sustainable development. She served as the Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change and Biodiversity from 2008 to 2011, responsible for environmental and climate policies, as well as the National Meteorological Agency. A public official from the Senior Corps of State Civil Administrators, she has also taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Dr Friederike Otto

Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment, Imperial College London

Dr Friederike Otto is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London, and a co-founder of the World Weather Attribution (WWA). Her main research interest is on extreme weather events and ‘attribution science’ – understanding whether and to what extent these are made more likely or intense due to climate change. Recently, Dr Otto was on the core writing team of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report.

Selwin Hart

Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations

Mr. Hart was appointed as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the Climate Action Team by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 4 February 2020. Mr. Hart is currently the Executive Director for the Caribbean region at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). He was previously the Ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States for Barbados and Director of the Secretary-General’s Climate Change Support Team, leading the team’s delivery of the 2014 Climate Summit and the Secretary-General’s engagement in the process leading to the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Damilola Ogunbiyi

CEO & Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, Co-Chair of UN-Energy

Damilola Ogunbiyi is a global leader and advocate for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on SDG7, which calls for access to reliable, affordable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Energy for All, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy.

Steve Waygood

Chief Responsible Investment, Aviva Investors

Steve has always been fascinated by the power of money to change the world. He has worked for Aviva Investors for the last 15 years where he founded its Global Responsible Investment team as well as its Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence, which seeks to transform capital markets so that they become more sustainable. He also co-founded the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, the World Benchmarking Alliance, and the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative. Steve started his career at WWF-UK in 1995, where he worked on its own ethical and environmental investment policy. He has subsequently advised the UK Government, the European Commission, the Financial Stability Board and the UN on the creation of sustainable capital markets. Steve was appointed to the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, and the UK Green Finance Taskforce, and is also a member of the Financial Stability Board Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). He was highlighted by the Financial Times in 2018 as being one of the warriors of climate change among Money Managers.

Mayuri Ghosh

Director, Climate Resilience & Sustainability, Clinton Global Initiative

Senior leader with broad international experience, driving strategic client engagements with leaders from business, government, international organizations, NGOs, and academia on Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) efforts. Strong focus on environmental sustainability & climate, health & well-being, and inclusive growth. Previously worked at the World Economic Forum (10 years) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University (2 years) in New York, and private sector in India (5 years) across rural and urban markets.

Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen

Military Analyst, Commander Royal Danish Navy, Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen is a military analyst working at the University of Copenhagen based on 37 years of experience in Danish Defence including command of several Danish warships. Recent research and publication deals with “Climatizing Security Policy” on climate change and implications for Danish Defence including the green transition.

Karin Wanngård

Mayor of Stockholm

Karin Wanngård is the Mayor of Stockholm, representing the Social Democratic party. This is her second mandate on the post, also claiming it from 2014-2018. Wanngård’s political focus is to make Stockholm an equal, green, and open city for all. With a bold goal to make Stockholm climate neutral by 2030, Wanngård takes lead to put Stockholm at the forefront of the climate transition.

Johan Byskov Svendsen

Head of Program: Catalyze Ecosystem Transition, Fonden Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

Johan Byskov Svendsen is the Head of Program Catalyze Ecosystem Transition at the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, where he leads the Center’s work on Green Corridors projects. This includes work in Namibia, Chile, Rotterdam-Singapore, Northern Europe, Baltic, US, South Korea, Australia, Panama and others. Before joining the Center, Johan was leading the development of Carbon Capture and Storage in Denmark, from a niche concept at universities, to one of the most important climate action measures in Denmark. He has previously worked for more than two decades on oil & gas exploration and development projects around the world, as well as being asset manager for a number of operated platforms in the North Sea. Johan has a scientific background as a geologist (1997) and holds a PhD in Geochemistry and Statistics from 2001.

Jaidev Dhavle

Associate Programme Officer, IRENA

Mr. Jaidev Dhavle is currently an Associate Programme Officer with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He is a member of the Innovation and End Use Sector team that is responsible for conducting analysis on the innovation trends on the potential and application of renewable energy (RE) solutions within key economic sectors. He holds 2 Master’s degrees from University College London and Technical University Vienna in Chemical Research and Renewable Energy Systems respectively.

Hillevi Priscar

Country Manager Sweden, OX2 Sweden

Hillevi Priscar is Country Manager OX2 Sweden. She holds a Master of Science in Materials Science & Engineering (EEIGM) and has a long experience from the energy sector working with different energy sources from hydropower, heat and power plants to renewable energy. She is leading the Swedish team in developing renewable energy projects in Sweden since 2014.

Anders Wiklund

Island Ambassador, OX2 Åland

Anders Wiklund is a Senior Business Leader with +15 years of experience in global management. He is a key-driving force for the transformation of Åland into the Nordic leading green energy hub. Leading a wide portfolio of OX2 projects on Åland incl. the world's largest offshore wind projects, large-scale solar parks, BESS, hydrogen, and Power-X.

Lotta Nummelin

Permit Manager, OX2

Lotta is a marine biologist from Åland who has worked with Baltic Sea issues within academia, public administration, NGOs and foundations, now in the private sector. She has a passion in combining renewable energy production, increased biodiversity and multiuse of energy production areas.

David Ekelund

CEO, Icebug

David Ekelund founded Icebug 2001 together with Elisabet Törnkvist, Rudolph Chang and Cyril Chiang. The company is headquartered in Jonsered, Sweden with subsidiaries in Norway, USA and Germany. The brand is sold in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. Icebug is a footwear brand specializing in traction technologies striving to lead in transforming a necessary but dirty industry.

Sarwar Khan

Global Head of Digital Sustainability, BT

Sarwar is responsible for integrating sustainability into the way we design, build, sell, market, and measure the performance of digital products and propositions. Sarwar has 12 years’ experience in developing decarbonisation strategies, products and propositions spanning across the telecoms, IT, and energy industries, working for both large corporates and start-ups.

Peter Tornberg

Chief Commercial Officer, OX2

Peter Tornberg has 15+ years of experience in the renewable industry in leading project development and execution organizations in Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind and PV.

Owain Griffiths

Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars

I lead global strategy on circular economy and the development of the roadmap and action plan to achieve our vision of becoming a circular business.

Johnny White

Lawyer, Accountable Corporations, ClientEarth

Johnny has led ClientEarth’s work on legal accountability for greenwashing since 2020. Before that, he was a senior commercial litigation lawyer at the international law firm Clifford Chance.

Louise Rehbinder

Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Louise Rehbinder has 16 years of experience from the ICT Industry working with IT Management, IT Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing, and sustainable procurement of HW components and materials. Louise formed Ericsson’s Supplier climate action program, was part of the establishment of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leader program and the creation of the Supplier Engagement Guide. Louise is currently working as Director at Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

Silva Hanell

Wealth Leader, Investment Solutions Sweden, Mercer

Silva Hanell is the Wealth Leader for Mercer Investment Solutions Sweden.

Åsa Löfgren

Åsa Löfgren, Associate Professor in Economics, University of Gothenburg, and Visiting Professor at Luleå University of Technology.

Åsa Löfgren is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. Löfgren is an expert in the area of climate economics; in particular, she has focused on climate change and behavioral economics. She is particularly interested in the effect and design of policy instruments, fairness, and industrial investment behavior, such as firms' carbon-reduction investment behavior in response to climate strategies. Löfgren has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as book chapters, policy papers and reports.

Sverker Carlsson Jagers

Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg

Sverker C. Jagers is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Göteborg University. His research interests include green political theory, international relations, environmental public opinion, and environmental management. He is also the Director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research).

Gail Gaille

Co-Founder, Project Everyone

Gail Gaille is a business leader with a strong sense of social purpose. She is the co-founder of Project Everyone - a UN Global Partner for SDG Advocacy and Outreach which seeks to put the power of communications behind the Global Goals. Gail started her career working for advertising agencies, before taking a role at the BBC - where she led the marketing of Radio 1, BBC News, Sport, CBeebies and BBC Three. After co-founding Project Everyone, Gail had a spell as CEO of the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. In 2019, she launched Project 17 - a consultancy helping the private sector orient their purpose around the Global Goals. Along with Loyiso Madinga, Gail is the co-host of the recently launched Global Goals podcast - ‘An Idiot’s Guide to Saving the World’.

Riad Meddeb

Director of the Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP

Riad has twenty-five years of experience in sustainable development and economics, focusing on technical cooperation and policy advisory support to governments in Africa, Arab States, and Asia and Pacific regions and is currently a Senior Principal Advisor on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), in the Bureau for Policy and Program Support/Global Policy Network. Prior to joining UNDP, Riad was an Economist at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), working on international trade and foreign direct investment, and at the International Labor Organization (ILO) on the impact of technology and job generation in developing countries. He has worked with the private sector and lectured at the University of Paris V. Over the past years at UNDP, Riad has worked closely with the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), on critical issues related to the implementation of SDGs and SAMOA Pathway in SIDS, including how to capitalize on digital transformation for SIDS.

Neelam Chhiber

Co-Founder & Managing Trustee, Industree Foundation

Neelam Chhiber is the Co-founder of Industree Foundation and Mother Earth. Neelam’s deep experience with enterprise growth models built on all kinds of impact capital- equity, debt, and philanthropy, makes her a strong proponent of Innovative Finance, as defined by the local needs of communities on the ground.

Mathilda Karlsson

Baltic Sea Expert, WWF Sweden

Mathilda Karlsson has a MSc in Marine Biology from Stockholm University. At WWF, she focuses on the sustainable use of the Baltic sea and the protection of important habitats to promote increased biodiversity.

Katarina Kahlmann

Chief Program Officer Organization, TechnoServe

Katarina leads TechnoServe's efforts across 30 countries to design, test, and scale solutions that restore nature and mitigate climate change while improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs--and the communities that count on them. She draws on more than 15 years of experience in the private and nonprofit sectors leading impactful partnerships in Africa, Latin America, and South Asia.

Laura Perez

Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Laura has a background in engineering with a focus on energy systems. As a Senior Project Manager at the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, she leads the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders - aiming to accelerate climate action within supply chains.

Klara Bergkvist

Head, GoMore Sweden

Klara Bergkvist is the Head of Sweden at GoMore. Klara has experience in customer success, market growth, and user experience. Klara has a background in travel consulting and destination management. Klara has been with GoMore since January 2017 and in their current role since February 2018.

Allison Fajans-Turner

Strategy Advisor, BankFWD

Allison Fajans-Turner is Strategy Advisor at BankFWD. BankFWD aims to accelerate the transition to a just, zero-carbon economy in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement

Paul Moinester

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand

Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand is Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken. She is a Board Member of Optimizer Foundation, and Founder of the nonprofit organization OmPolitik.

Jakob König

Sustainable finance expert and Head - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter

Jakob König is the Project lead and Head of Fair Finance Guide. The guide researches and ranks banks’ sustainability considerations when investing and lending money. Results are presented on a public website where consumers and bank clients can compare banks and send them a message to encourage improvements.

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is an award-winning 20+year systems theorist, transdisciplinary academic, investigative journalist and strategy consultant, leveraging his skills to understand and drive systems transformation in response to humanity’s biggest global challenges. A bestselling author of seven books (including six non-fiction and a science fiction novel), he has founded and led a range of innovative organisations seeking to generate social change. He is Director of the Futures Lab at Unitas Communications Ltd, where he leads on systems transformation advisory services to governments, businesses and charities, and a founding Director of the System Shift Lab, a nonprofit systems transformation consultancy

Anisa Kamadoli Costa

Chief Sustainability Officer, Rivian

Anisa is an ESG and philanthropy executive with a track record of connecting environmental, social, and governance issues to business performance, reputation, and shareholder value. She currently serves as Chief Sustainability Officer at Rivian as well as President and Trustee of the Rivian Foundation. Previously Anisa worked at Tiffany & Co. for nearly two decades.

Iris Casado

Illustrator and 2D artist, University of Skövde

Iris Casado studied illustration back in Spain, and then Game Development - 2d Graphics at University of Skövde. She is currently working on her thesis for the Master's program Digital Narration and Games, also at University of Skövde.

David Olsson

COO & Co-Founder, We Don't Have Time

David Olsson is the co-founder and COO of We Don't Have Time.

Anette Nordvall

Chairwoman, We Don't Have Time

Anette Nordvall is the chairwoman of We Don't Have Time. Active Early Stage Tech Investor and Environmentalist, focusing on the New Nordic markets on ICT, and Deep-tech Science based innovation; while adding for profit Impact, Diversity, Environment, and Global goals into the mist. Appreciated Board member, Public speaker and Business leader. Appointed by Swedish Business Magazine Di Digital as one of Sweden’s Most Powerful Tech-investors 2015, 2016. Named at Nordic100 Most Influential Person, 2017 and 2018. Nominated as Pay-it-forward Investor 2017 at Swedish Start-up Gala. Mentioned in EBAN 2018 report on 200+ most active Business Angels in Europe. Cored at Venture Cup Swedish Country final 2018 as "Sweden's nicest Business Angel”. Nominated by DI Digital as one of Sweden's most important tech Investor 2021.

Anders Odell

Senior Scientist, Swedish Defence Research Agency

Anders Odell is a Researcher in Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness with a special interest in resilience and security in the energy sector.

Jim Andrew

Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo

Jim Andrew is Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer for PepsiCo. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

Edvin Skogsholm Sanne

Game Designer, Skövde University

Game Designer with passion for strategy games and board games.

Henrik Brodin

Head of Energy, Södra

Mr Brodin is Head of Energy at the forest company Södra and Program Director of the group de-carbonization program aiming to be net zero 2040. He is also member of the board of Bioenergy Europe and the advanced biofuel company Silva Green Fuel.

Malin Olsson Lundqvist

Member of the municipal board in Mariestad, Municipality of Mariestad

Lives and are engaged as an elected official in the municipality of Mariestad. Works since 20 years as a rural developer and community planner.

Gustaf Sundell

Executive Vice President and Head of Mobility Solutions, Scania

Gustaf Sundell is a member of Scania’s Executive Board and heading Mobility Solutions, a unit formed in 2021 to capture market opportunities in the future transport ecosystem. Gustaf has a solid and international experience at Scania where he has had several positions over the years, previously Head of Strategy and Corporate Management. His contributions to making Scania equipped for an evolving ecosystem have been great.

Sara Elfsson

Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry, Northvolt

Sara Elfsson is the Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry of Northvolt.

Alice (Xia) Zhu

PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Alice (Xia) Zhu is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto studying the transport and fate of plastic pollution in the global ocean, and the interconnections between plastic pollution, carbon cycling, and climate change. She uses a combination of field sampling, laboratory analysis, and statistical modelling to study the behaviour of plastic pollution in the environment. On the side, she is heavily involved in environmental advocacy at the local, national, and international levels through organizations including Fridays for Future Toronto, People's Climate Movement Toronto/GTA, and the University of Toronto Trash Team.

Peder Weibull Hartman

Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group

Peder Weibull Hartman is an experienced project manager and strategic business development professional with over a decade of experience. After spending several years working in Shanghai, Peder has recently relocated to Älmhult, Sweden at the heart of IKEA. He has a passion for decarbonizing supply chain and is focused on identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions throughout the IKEA value chain.

Jenny Sandahl

Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson

Jenny is Sustainability director for Design and Materials at Ericsson with responsibility for supply chain climate action and circular economy. She is an experienced Environmental Expert with a demonstrated history of working with Sustainable Development in an international arena in the information technology industry. Jenny has a Master of Science focused in Chemical and Environmental engineering from Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.

Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui

Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact

Aniebiet Inyang Ntui is a Nigerian Professor who has served as the Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact since December 2022. She was named by the Web of Science as the "Most Read Researcher in Nigeria" and is the current University Librarian of the University of Calabar. She chaired panels at the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, Canada, the 2022 G20 Bali Summit in Indonesia, the United Nations Water Summit on Groundwater, held at the UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, and other international conferences.

Dr Renuka Thakore

Founder, Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom.

Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), PIEMA AFHEA, is the Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom. In this capacity, she leads a global network that administers multidisciplinary activities and research partnership development platforms. She has received several prestigious awards for her work, including the "Global Sustainability Award 2022," the "Development Leadership: Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto Award 2022," and the "Global SDG’s Women Ambassador Award 2022." With over 35 years of professional experience, Dr Thakore engages and connects with academics, businesses, and individuals from both the Global South and Global North to promote climate adaptation, resilience, and just transition. She applies systems thinking and transdisciplinarity to evaluate strategic realities and brings together technologies, emerging trends in data, skills, education and employment, and future scenarios to solve real-world problems.

Professor Olga Laiza Kupika

Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Maun

Associate Professor Olga Laiza Kupika is a Natural Resources Conservationist and Climate Change expert with over a decade of experience in research, teaching, and community service. Until April 2023, she served as the Chairperson of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe, and is recognized as the founding member of the Centre for Climatology and Applied Research (CCAR). As of 3rd April 2023, Olga is the Senior Research Fellow in Climate and Adaptation at Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana. Olga has experience leading and working with multidisciplinary teams and is skilled at communicating with stakeholders and research partners at local, national, regional, and international forums. She has expertise in Climate Resilience projects, Climate change advocacy, Agro-ecology and Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity Assessments, Community Based Natural Resources and Livelihoods Monitoring and Development Projects, Environmental Safeguards/ Social and Environmental Standards Assessments, Environmental Policy Development and engagement, Environmental education campaigns, Academic mentorship, Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Education 5.0.

Nancy Marangu

Environmental Writer and Advocate, Nairobi

Ms Nancy Marangu is a passionate advocate for inclusion, gender, and climate mainstreaming. With 15 years of experience in strategic communication, planning, and management, she has enhanced disability and gender mainstreaming, entrepreneurship, and risk monitoring, evaluation, and management in the public, private, and development sectors. Nancy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Relations) and an MBA in Strategic Management and Electronic Commerce. She is a gifted storyteller and writes on thematic areas of environment, technology, and inclusion for Kenya's local dailies and Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) Energy Scoop Magazine. As a volunteer board member at the Gifted Community Centre, she empowers youth with disabilities with entrepreneurial skills. She has taught public speaking and served as an application reader for the 2022 and 2023 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Nancy previously served on the board at Ukarimu Ministries Trust and as a mentor at the Global Give Back Circle-MasterCard Foundation Scholars Community Platform Mentoring Program.

Dr Kushal Adhikari

Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, Juniata College, Pennsylvania

Dr Kushal Adhikari, an Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, focuses on integrating sustainability dimensions into engineering to build a sustainable and resilient society, with an emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling. His research interests include water sustainability through reclamation and reuse, climate-smart agriculture, water resource management optimisation techniques, food-energy-water nexus, and materials sustainability. Dr Adhikari has published extensively in prestigious professional journals such as the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, and the Journal of Water Process Engineering, and has presented at multiple national and international conferences including ASCE-EWRI, AWWA, GSFN, and Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium 2022, where he recently served as a panel speaker.

Adam Savitz

Sustainable Infrastructure Director, EMEALA, Johnson Controls

Adam Savitz Title: Adam Savitz is a purpose-driven and highly networked sustainability leader, with 20 years of global experience inspiring CEOs and businesses across sectors, to design, build and execute pioneering sustainability strategies. He has worked with leaders across industry, government, NGOs, and the start-up world to take a systems-based, collaborative approach – resulting in impactful net zero transformations. Prior to Johnson Controls, he was a Managing Director at Xynteo, and helped develop PwC's leading Sustainability & Climate Change consulting business in London and New York. Adam graduated from Leeds University’s School of Earth and Environment, in the United Kingdom with a BSc in Environmental Science and an MA in Environment and Business.

John B King Jr.

Chancellor, SUNY

John B. King, Jr. is the 15th Chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY), the largest comprehensive system of public higher education in the United States. Prior to his appointment as Chancellor, King served as president of The Education Trust, a national civil rights nonprofit which seeks to identify and close opportunity and achievement gaps for students from preschool through college. Chancellor King also served in President Barack Obama’s cabinet as the 10th U.S. Secretary of Education.

Adam Met

Founder and Executive Director, Planet Reimagined

The interests of Adam Met PhD bridge music, sustainability, law, academia, policy, marketing, and technology. As the bassist for AJR, he has traveled the world on sold-out tours, achieved platinum certifications in numerous countries, and recorded a repertoire of music that has garnered more than 7 billion streams worldwide. In the 2021/2022 touring season, Adam has played live in front of over 1 Million fans. As the founder and Executive Director of Planet Reimagined, he leads a nonprofit that addresses climate change systems through media, academic research fellowships, and incentive-based initiatives. Adam’s work with the UN Development Programme as a Development Advocate fosters awareness on social media and beyond of sustainability, rights violations and solutions. In Washington DC, Adam has worked closely with the EPA, The Department of Energy, and The White House on innovative renewable energy policy, and with a bipartisan coalition in Congress to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act. He has brought his interdisciplinary perspective to his writing for publications including TIME, Rolling Stone, Billboard Magazine, Fortune, Mashable, and Quartz, and he is the host of the podcast Planet Reimagined.

José Pugas

Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and Engagement, JGP Asset Management

José Pugas is Partner and Head of Responsible Investments and Engagement at JGP Asset Management. He is a political scientist with over 15 years of experience in sustainability and finances, leading different projects in Brazil and LATAM. Currently, José Pugas is an active member of think tanks and international forums dedicated to discussing regenerative finances, nature-based solutions and just transition.

Emma Dennis

Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture and Global Impact, Better Cotton Initiative

Emma is part of the global programmes team, supporting the evolution of a global approach to capacity building that can deliver impact at scale. She is responsible for the development of the soil health and smallholder livelihoods 2030 targets areas. Before joining Better Cotton in 2020, she trained and worked as an agronomist and led the technical team at a rural development organization seeking to reduce poverty in East Africa through engagement with smallholders.

Mohammed Hegazy

Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team

Transport Lead with the Climate Champions Team (PT), working towards an equitable Decarbonisation of transport. We work to align Non-State Actors (NSA)(Business, Finance, Civil Society) with the Paris Agreement. Founder & Director Transport for Cairo.

Gustav Johansson

CEO & Founder, Jävligt Gott/ChouChou

Runs Sweden's largest vegan food blog, Jävligt Gott. Co-Founder and culinary leader of the plant-based restaurant ChouChou. Opinion maker, educator, and creator of and for all things plant-based and bloody good!

Anna Turrell

Group Sustainability Director, Tesco

Anna is Group Sustainability Director at Tesco, where she is responsible for the sustainability strategy. Anna is also a trustee

Helena Storckenfeldt

Member of Parliament, The Moderates

Moderate party’s spokesperson on environment and climate, member of the committee on environment and agriculture.

Rebekah Shirley

Deputy Director, WRI Africa

Dr. Rebekah Shirley is the Deputy Director for Africa, at the World Resources Institute, where she works to create widespread public access to high-quality data and insights for mobilizing sustainable development solutions.

Rebecca Watkins

Global Production and Sustainability Manager, Gina Tricot

Rebecca Watkins has thorough experience from working with sustainability in the textile industry, with brands such as Gina Tricot and Blåkläder. Watkins has studied fields such as textile technology, marketing and industrial ecology. Currently, she holds a position as Global Production and Sustainability Manager at Gina Tricot, where she has been working since 2012.

Guido Broekhoven

Head, Policy Research and Development, WWF International

Senior natural resources management advisor and programme manager with local, regional and global experience of nature conservation, policy and green governance. Currently leads WWF’s policy research and development team, which provides analysis of geo-political and policy trends to inform WWF’s conservation strategy. Leads WWF delegations to international fora such as the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.


Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

Jaco Cilliers

Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Jaco Cilliers has been the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine since 9 November 2022. Previously, he was Manager of Bangkok Regional Hub since August 2019, and prior to that, he served the organization as Chief, Regional Policy and Programme Support for Asia and the Pacific since September 2017. At the time, Cilliers also served as Senior Advisor for Innovation and Business Development at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. He has also served as the Country Director of UNDP India the Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP in Uzbekistan. In these roles ,he was responsible for the management and coordination of UNDP Programmes and Operations. From November 2005 to March 2011 he worked with UNDP Cyprus as Peace and Development Advisor (PDA), and Senior Programme Manager/Head of Office.

Eva Karlsson

CEO of Houdini

Eva Karlsson is the CEO of Houdini Sportswear, a progressive and rapidly growing Swedish outdoor brand and a trailblazer in corporate responsibility. Since 2001, Eva together with a team of likeminded, have been redesigning business to become a force for good – providing state-of-the-art circular products, offering product-as-a-service solutions and building a co-creative community for open-source innovation, sharing knowledge and inspiring to reconnect to nature. Rather than focusing on Houdini's outstanding track record in sustainable development, Eva emphasizes the journey ahead and the untapped opportunities and abundant value in designing attractive and regenerative lifestyle solutions.

Vanessa Butani

VP Sustainability, Electrolux

Canadian-Swedish Vanessa Butani is Electrolux Group VP Sustainability since 2021. Butani was previously Head of Sustainability for Electrolux Europe and before that Director of Sustainable Business at Scandic Hotel Group. She has held several senior managerial roles in connected appliances and sustainability. Vanessa is passionate about driving sustainable business and integrating sustainability thinking into every aspect of the business.

Felicia Reutersward

Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group

Felicia Reutersward is Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group.

Patrik Lundström

CEO, Renewcell

As CEO of Renewcell, Patrik Lundström leads a path-breaking textile-to-textile recycling business aiming to make fashion circular globally. He has led the scale-up of Renewcell’s operations from demo to industrial scale with the opening of the world’s first commercial scale textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant, Renewcell 1 in Sundsvall, in 2022. Prior to joining Renewcell, Patrik worked for international corporations such as Royal DSM and General Electric.

Erik Eklund

Chief Revenue Officer, Professional Vessels, Candela Technology

With an MSc Naval Architecture, Erik has experience from throughout the maritime industry, including in Sweden, Norway, France, Malta, and Dubai. At Candela Technology, Erik is leading the company’s development of its commercial vessels for professional use, including ferries and water taxis, and the accompanying system thinking for fossil-free and super energy efficient public transportation on water with the company’s 100% electric hydrofoiling vessels.

Gustav Hemming

County Commissioner - Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago infrastructure, Center Party (Region Stockholm)

Stockholm County, County Commissioner (Centre Party), 2006 – Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago. Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Board member as well as a member of the environmental working group (Centre Party), 2015 –.

Jan Skjoldhammer

CEO & Founder, Novige AB, NoviOcean

Background as an officer, economics degree, worked 25 years as an airline pilot / captain / instructor, display pilot, built own race car. Earlier business venture in real estate which made the foundation for NoviOcean. Having seen many of previous patent ideas come to market by others 25 years later, I found the need for this solution so huge that I went 100% for it six years ago.

Christoffer Bonde

CEO, Initiative 1415

Christoffer Bonde is the CEO of Initiative 1415.

Kai Reimer-Watts

Artist-Director, People's Climate Foundation works

Artist-Director of Beyond Crisis film, "a story of hope for a rapidly changing world." Master of Climate Change (MCC) graduate, and PhD candidate in Community Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, with a focus on engagement through the arts and movement-building for climate action, and climate justice. Community organizer, art-activist and 'big dreamer' of the society-wide systems changes we need to rescue a #SafeClimateFuture for us all. (https://www.peoplesclimatefoundation.org/)

Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD

Executive Director, Climate Emergency Fund

Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, is a clinical psychologist turned climate activist whose work helps people to face the truth of the climate emergency and transform their despair into effective, disruptive action. As executive director of Climate Emergency Fund, she raises funds for and makes grants to climate activists. She is the author of Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth, a radical self-help guide for the climate emergency.

Tom Rand

Founding Partner, ArcTern Ventures

Tom Rand’s focus is on carbon mitigation as an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author and speaker. He is Founding Partner of ArcTern Ventures and sits on the board of a number of clean energy companies and organizations. He’s written three books on the intersection of climate, economics, psychology and technology.

Cara Williams

Global Head of ESG and Sustainability, Mercer

Cara Williams is the Global ESG Strategy Leader for Mercer. Located in London, Cara works to articulate and amplify Mercer’s ESG value proposition and positioning, embed sustainability in the journey to a bright future, and drive highly-practical, relevant and value-added outcomes both internally and externally. Cara oversees the Mercer’s Private Wealth businesses in Canada and India, and also works with Mercer’s multinational clients to deliver the best of Mercer’s broad Wealth solutions to assure positive financial outcomes for organizations and their employees. Cara presents regularly on global ESG, sustainability, diversity and investment trends.

Max Messervy

Head of Sustainable Investment Americas, Mercer

Max Messervy leads Mercer’s Sustainable Investment team in the Americas region. Max provides advice on sustainable investment strategies, climate change, and impact investment approaches throughout investment processes. Max advises institutional investors across a range of segments, including pension funds, endowments, insurers, multi-lateral development finance institutions, and other stakeholders in the investment value chain. Max was a lead and/or co-author of reports on increasing institutional investors’ impactful allocations to African infrastructure and private market assets in 2018 and 2021, as well as a guide for integrating sustainable investment approaches into corporate retirement plans in a project with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Prior to joining Mercer, Max spent nearly four years working in the Insurance practice at Ceres in Boston, a leading non-profit sustainability advocacy organization. In that role, he worked with a range of stakeholders across the industry in making the business case for the sector to address climate and ESG risks and opportunities both as underwriters of weather risk and investors in physical infrastructure. This involved engagement with re/insurers, regulators, non-re/insurer investors and NGOs. Previously,Max worked in various capacities with Canadian federal and provincial governments, and with other environmental and sustainability entities as an independent consultant. Max holds a Master of Public Policy from the Luskin School of Public Affairs at UCLA, and an Honors Religious Studies degree from McGill University.

Ivo Mulder

Head - Climate Finance Unit, UNEP

Ivo Mulder has over sixteen years of professional experience working for UNEP, private consulting firms, and with non-governmental organizations. He has published more than fifty reports, blogs and articles and sits on the Steering Committee of a number of initiatives. Ivo is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and a member of the Dutch Association of Sustainable Investors (VBDO). Ivo leads UNEP’s Climate Finance Unit (CFU), and oversees a growing portfolio of various initiatives and finance facilities that actively unlock public and especially private capital towards sustainable land use with positive impacts for the climate, nature, and people.

Julia Ragnell

Business development and corporate relations lead, Mycorena

Julia Ragnell is a business development and corporate relations professional at Mycorena, a FoodTech company determined to accelerate the green transition in the food industry using fungi technology. As a graduate of the University of St Andrews and UCL with a background in sustainability, business management and global governance, Julia is passionate about driving meaningful change to address today’s global challenges.

María José Gutiérrez Murray

Senior Director of International Programs, Tradewater

María José Gutiérrez Murray is a climate change and sustainability expert. She is currently the Senior Director of International Programs for Tradewater, where she directs the search, collection and destruction of potent greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances in the form of older refrigerant gases and halons around the world. She is also Founder and Director of the consulting company RE Responsabilidad y Estrategia in Costa Rica. María José has a Licenciate in Industrial Engineering from the University of Costa Rica, and holds an M.Sc. in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford.

Kirsten Love

Director, Market Development, Tradewater

Kirsten Love is working to combat climate change using a diverse skill set developed over the course of her career. Her career began in Supply Chain, working in several functions including project management, marketing analytics, and strategy. When climate work chose Kirsten three years ago and she joined the Tradewater team, she put those various skills to use in helping to develop a market for the work Tradewater is doing globally. She is currently the Director of Market Development for Tradewater, where she works with partners and climate heroes of all types find a home for the carbon benefits that result from Tradewater’s work to collect, control and destroy potent non-CO2 greenhouse gases around the world. Kirsten holds a B.S. degree in Psychology and a B.S. degree in Business and Applied Math from The Illinois Institute of Technology.

Jacqueline Corbelli

Founder, US Coalition on Sustainability and Creator, SustainChain™

Jacqueline Corbelli is founder of the US Coalition on Sustainability, a nonprofit organization established in collaboration with the United Nations with a single purpose: to unify and accelerate progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Its solution, SustainChain TM, brings together innovators, impact investors, purpose-driven brands, NGOs and alliances with a shared mission of building a more sustainable supply chain.

Joanna Hall

Executive Director and Head of Product, US Coalition on Sustainability & SustainChain

Executive Director of the U.S. Coalition on Sustainability and co-founder of SustainChain™, a free public service platform built in partnership with the United Nations. Prior to the USCS, Managing Director at Originate, a world-class designer of custom software innovation products, leading large scale Digital transformation initiatives as well as enterprise innovation labs and accelerator projects for organizations including Chief, BlackRock and McKinsey.

Efrem Bycer

Senior Manager, Public Policy & Economic Graph, LinkedIn

Efrem Bycer leads global sustainability policy partnerships and North America workforce policy partnerships for LinkedIn. As part of LinkedIn's Economic Graph team, he works with data scientists to generate valuable insights for governments, NGOs, and business to help deepen their understanding of the economy. He lives in San Diego, California with his wife and three daughters. In his spare time, Efrem is an avid runner and homebrewer.

Robert Sabelström

Founder of ClimateHero

Robert founded ClimateHero in 2018 with the mission to help our planet's inhabitants to understand and reduce their environmental impact. He has previously founded two other digital start-ups, worked as a strategy consultant and written a book about growth hacking.

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.


Susanné Wallner

Vice VD, Restart.Earth

Susanné Wallner is Vice VD of Restart Earth. She was Business Manager ElectriVillage for Mariestad municipality, a UNESCO model area for sustainable development in Sweden. Mariestad’s unique ElectriVillage is testing and demonstrating sustainable transport and energy systems to meet climate goals. ElectriVillage includes renewable energy systems and is at the forefront when it comes to hydrogen, not least the hydrogen preschool that is currently being built with the same system solution and has the world's first solar-powered hydrogen filling stations. Susanné was previously Regional Councilor in the Jämtland / Härjedalen region with a focus on business. Susanné has also run her own company for 10 years in the wool industry.

Maria Gustavsson

Urban Development Strategist, City of Mariestad

Maria Gustavsson works with the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Mariestad municipality and is also project manager for the municipality's participation in Viable Cities. Her interest in sustainable development comes from practical work and studies in agriculture and forestry. Over the years, Maria has worked with rural development and as a coordinator for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Lake Vänern Archipelago and Mount Kinnekulle.

Claes Kollberg

CTO and Founder, CemVision

Cement plant manager in Europe and Africa, with world unique experience in climate cement, fossil free steel production and electrification.

Elise Grosse

Head of sustainability, Sweco Architects Sweden

Elise Grosse works in the forefront of development for the sustainable built environment at Sweco Architects, Sweden and has a Master’s in architecture, Building Biologist IBN and part-time Ph. D doctorate in multi-disciplinary co-creation. Elise has an international working background with an extensive international network of people with the same interest. Her ingenuity, great initiative, and strong belief in collaboration, has made her an expert in facilitating teams in developing innovative solutions - digital tools and new partnerships, accelerating the green transition of the built environment.

Pär Larshans

Co-host, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

Alexandre Antonelli

Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Antonelli’s passion is nature, and his mission mirrors that of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew’s: to understand and protect biodiversity for the well-being of people and the future of all life on Earth. To this end, he studies the distribution, evolution, threats, and sustainable uses of species and develops methods to speed up scientific discovery and innovation. Antonelli has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, received multiple awards and recognitions for his work, and in 2022, his first popular science book “The Hidden Universe – Adventures in Biodiversity”, was published in several countries and languages.

Camilla Välimaa

Expert Business & Biodiversity, WWF Sweden

Camilla Välimaa has 20 years of supporting sustainable transformation of businesses in Sweden and internationally, as sustainability director at the Lantmännen group and as senior advisor at the Natural Step. Välimaa is an educated agronomist with focus on sustainability, based in earth system science including Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) and planetary boundaries. She currently holds a position as Deputy Director Markets & Finance at WWF Sweden, where she has been since 2017.

Jaco Du Toit

Biodiversity & Policy Manager, WWF and H&M Group Partnership, WWF

Jaco served as policy lead for WWF’s international climate team in the lead up to the Paris agreement and as interim executive director for Business for Nature during its establishment. He has worked directly on translating global biodiversity and climate policy for companies through the Science Based Targets initiative and in his current role supporting H&M Group on biodiversity action.

Helena Allard

Sustainability Innovator, Axfood

Agronomist and former Sustainability manager at Sigill Kvalitetssystem.

Olga Grönvall Lund

Founder and General Secretary of non-profit organisation Reformaten

Olga Grönvall Lund is a Swedish entrepreneur who has worked with food-related projects her whole professional career. She has mainly been active in Stockholm and Berlin but has also hosted events, catered, and done productions in other parts of the world such as Hong Kong, London, Bologna, Copenhagen and Paris to name a few. In 2019 Olga founded Reformaten – a people’s movement for a positive food system where everyone’s winner – humans, animals and nature. The slogan, “Det ska vara lätt att äta rätt”, explains the purpose well; “it must be easy to eat right”.

Chris Armitage

CEO, Global EverGreening Alliance

Chris Armitage is a business development and strategic partnering professional, specialising in large-scale solutions to address the root causes and impacts of poverty, food insecurity and climate change in developing countries. Chris is currently the CEO and Executive Director of the Global EverGreening Alliance, which unites the world’s largest and most capable development NGOs and technical and research organisations. Chris’ experience leading the development of a diverse range of funding and programming models, the Alliance is working in diverse contexts around the world.

Guus ter Haar

Chief Operation Officer, reNature

Guus is reNature’s COO, in charge of structure and smooth global operations for the regenerative agriculture scale up. With an academic background in business and science, Guus has 10+ years of experience in sustainability strategy and has worked intensively in sustainable agriculture.

Bo Gyldenvang

CEO, Tacton

Bo Gyldenvang is the CEO of Tacton. He is the former COO of Software AG and occupied various leadership positions in the software industry for over 15 years. He is committed to customers and pursuing excellence.

Stephanie Smith

Director of Global Product Sustainability, Xylem

Stephanie has been at Xylem for 7 years, overseeing product management for environmental monitoring sensors and laboratory instrumentation used by water monitoring professional. Today she drives Xylem’s initiatives to build more sustainable products, reduce Xylem’s environmental impacts and reach Net Zero by 2050.

Lucas Boudet

Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)

Lucas Boudet is the Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation in Europe. It promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation. Before joining EASA in 2016, Mr. Boudet spent 12 years leading different self-financed independent French Chambers of Commerce abroad, in Belgium, Thailand, and South Korea.He holds a Master’s degree in entrepreneurial studies from the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po Paris) as well as a double degree in French and Anglo-American business law from the University of Paris.

George Harding-Rolls

Campaign Manager, Changing Markets Foundation

George is Campaign Manager at the Changing Markets Foundation, a Dutch non-profit formed to accelerate solutions to sustainability challenges by leveraging the power of markets. Much of their work involves exposing irresponsible corporate behavior, and George has worked across the fashion, fisheries, food, and plastics sectors pushing for corporate accountability. He leads the organization’s circular economy campaigns, exposing the fashion industry’s environmentally disastrous reliance on fossil fuels during the climate crisis as well as the organization’s latest project, greenwash.com. George is also an advisory board member of the Conscious Advertising Network.

Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf

Head of sustainability, SPP / Storebrand Sverige

Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf is Head of Sustainability at SPP – one of Sweden’s largest pension providers. Johanna holds a MSc in Economics from Stockholm School of Economics and has previous experience from strategy consulting at Qvartz (today part of Bain), and from being political advisor to the party leader of the Centre Party.

Steve Smith

Managing Director, Bankers without Boundaries

Steve worked at Morgan Stanley for 28 years in European and then Global equity sales. This included being engaged in cross-asset product and hosting the annual flagship macro conference. He was also actively involved in capital markets business, as a quorate member of European Equity Underwriting Committee, helping to oversee 150 IPOs. Steve is a graduate of University of York and holds a BA Hons degree in Economics & Politics and recently completed a course in Sustainable Finance at Cambridge University Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL).


Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

Maria Smith

Secretary General, Axfoundation

Maria has 20+ years of experience working with sustainability in food retail, industry and service sector. She holds a M.SC. in Chemical Engineering and executive MBA. Acting as the Secretary general of Axfoundation - a stand-alone, non-profit organization developing practical solutions to complex sustainability challenges.

David Bryngelsson

CEO & Founder, CarbonCloud

PhD David Bryngelsson has been CEO of CarbonCloud since its inception and has successfully taken the company through the bootstrapping phase the way up to backing of international venture capital and the mission of changing how the global food industry thinks about food and climate. With a deep understanding of the details in the science behind climate change and food production combined with a business mind he has a unique ability to package the science in ways to make it available and relevant for the food industry. Before CarbonCloud, David worked as researcher on climate change mitigation at Chalmers University of Technology for 8 years.

Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Co-President, The Club of Rome

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating change in business and policy models and advisory work. She holds several advisory positions for the European Commission: Chair, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR); Assembly Member, Climate Mitigation & Adaptation Mission (DGR&I); TEG Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Platform (DGFISMA); United Nations: Food Summit Action Track 5 Resilience and for companies/organisations/institutes such as BMW, UBM, Climate KIC, UCL-Bartlett School of Enviornment and the IEEP. Sandrine is also a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and a Senior Associate for E3G, Ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and WEALL. In 2017 Sandrine co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN).

Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite, PhD

Senior Director, Restoration Science, Conservation International

Dr. Sprenkle-Hyppolite is a restoration ecologist from California specializing in tree restoration and agroforestry and was a contributor to the Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions chapters on Climate Smart Farming and Grazing. Starry is the Senior Director of Restoration Science Conservation International (CI) and collaborates closely with The Nature Conservancy on agroforestry as a Natural Climate Solution. She leads CI’s approach to tree restoration monitoring, collaborating with the World Resources Institute. She is a Professor of Practice at Arizona State University, and holds a PhD from UC Davis.

Ethan Soloviev

Chief Innovation Officer, HowGood

Ethan is a farmer and the Chief Innovation Officer at HowGood, the Sustainability Intelligence Platform. He manages innovation partnerships with Fortune 500 Brands, Retailers, and Suppliers through the world's largest product sustainability database, which covers 247 impact attributes across 33,000 unique ingredients and 2 million+ UPCs. Ethan leads HowGood's Regenerative Innovation working groups and is the author of Regenerative Enterprise and the Levels of Regenerative Agriculture.

Nicola Renison


Nicola Renison farms with her husband Reno in Cumbria, Northern England. The daughter of dairy farmers, Nic grew up within the conventional, high production ag environment, growing food with little thought of the environment, ‘it just wasn’t on our radar’. It wasn’t until in 2012 when the Renison’s started farming their own land they started to think more regeneratively, this wasn’t because they wanted to save the world it was because they needed to pay the bills! The last ten years have been a journey of both practical ‘re-learning’ and a total change in mindset, they now farm 80 beef cattle who are 100% grass fed, with laying hens following the cows around in an ‘egg mobile’, also a handful of woodland pigs. No artificial fertilisers and sprays have been used for seven years, this along with extended rest periods for the grasslands, planting of hedges and tree the farm’s eco-system is well and truly thriving. Nicola and Reno are also founding members of ‘Carbon Calling’ a regenerative farming conference in the North of England.

Jennifer Clapp

Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo & member, IPES food

Jennifer Clapp is a Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and Sustainability and Professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo, Canada. She has published widely on the political economy of food security and sustainability in a global context. She is currently Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee of the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security and a member of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food).

Mathias Sundin

Co-founder & CEO, Warp News

Mathias Sundin is an angry optimist. He is the editor-in-Chief of Warp News, Co-Founder and Chairman of Warp Institute. He was a Member of the Swedish Parliament in 2012, and from 2014 to 2018.

Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

Madeleine Gilborne

Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Madeleine holds dual roles within the management team of Alfa Laval's Energy Division.She serves as the President of the Business Unit for Electrolyzer & Fuel Cell Technologies, in addition to her role as the Head of Clean Technologies. In her capacity as the Head of Clean Technologies, Madeleine oversees a wide range of responsibilities, including public affairs, investment and acquisitions, as well as the business development of various applications, such as Energy Storage, Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage. Madeleine's tenure with Alfa Laval began in 2014, during which she has held various positions related to strategy and business development. She is a holder of M.Sc. degrees in both Industrial Engineering and Management, as well as Biotechnology, earned from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.

Sheila Aggarwal-Khan

Director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP

Sheila is the Director of the Economy Division at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Sheila was previously the Director of the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility operations at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Sheila has served as an Environmental Specialist at a U.S. State Department of Environmental Protection, the Environment Liaison Centre International and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. At UNEP, she held positions ranging from Senior Advisor in the organization’s Strategic Implementation Team, to Acting Director of the Policy and Programme Division and Deputy Director of the GEF Division. She also served as external advisor in UNDP reviewing its business model in one of its global fund operations. She authored The Policy Process in International Environmental Governance and Promoting Coherence: Towards an Effective Global Environment Facility. Sheila holds a doctorate in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia.

Brian Motherway

Head of Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office, International Energy Agency

Dr. Brian Motherway is Head of the Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office at the International Energy Agency, overseeing a range of global programmes supporting energy efficiency and people-centred clean energy transitions. Prior to joining the IEA Brian was Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Dr. Kevin Lane

Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency

Kevin is Senior Programme Manager at the International Energy Agency, where he oversees the analytical work of the IEA’s Energy Efficiency Division. He has almost 30 years of experience working with different governments to develop, implement and evaluate policy and programmes to increase energy efficiency. He has a PhD in statistics and climatology, with postdoctoral research into energy efficiency at the University of Oxford.

Thomas Møller

President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Thomas is Executive Vice President in Alfa Laval and President of the Energy Division. The Division is responsible for the end to end process for the products and technologies sold in the energy and process industries. The Division has a turnover of approximately 1,3 BEUR with an operating margin above 15% and 5000 employees. After finishing his Chemical Engineering studies at the Technology University of Denmark, Thomas joined an American company for 5 years working with sales and business development of separation technologies in 2002 he joined Alfa Laval and has had several positions focusing on sales, business development, strategy development and execution.

Pierre Tardieu

Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope

Pierre Tardieu is the Chief Policy Officer at WindEurope. WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind energy across Europe on behalf of its more than 500 corporate members. Pierre has been with WindEurope since 2011.

Valentin Monteiro

Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden

Valentin Monteiro is Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden.

Jenny Larsson

Country President, Schneider Electric Sweden

Jenny Larsson is the Country President of Schneider Electric Sweden.

Lars Schedin

Senior Advisor & Co-founder, EcoDataCenter

Lars Schedin is a Senior Advisor & Co-founder of EcoDataCenter. He had previously diverse positions as CEO, COO, CFO and Board member. He is highly skilled in strategic planning, business development, performance management and business analysis.

Kirsi Simola Laaksonen

Chief Information Officer, Citycon Oyj

Kirsi Simola-Laaksonen serves as Chief Information Officer at Citycon, the leading owner, manager and developer of 33 mixed-use centers for urban living in the Nordics and Baltics. Today she leads the business technology, sustainability, business process improvement, operations development and HR teams. She is a passionate leading-by-data enthusiast, being a true “well at work” advocate and gets excited when talking about sustainable property management and development. Kirsi has +10 years of experience in the real estate industry and has also worked in the big4 professional accounting and consulting services network for almost a decade.

Julien Gennetier

VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Julien Gennetier has more than 20 years of experience in a wide range of industrial sectors, from Food and Process Industries to HVAC. Committed to a more energy efficient tomorrow. Today he is heading Alfa Laval’s business unit for gasketed plate heat exchangers.

Jesper Wirén

CEO and Co-founder, Enjay

Jesper has been an entrepreneur within HVAC and energy recovery his entire life, building, running and selling companies. The latest, except for Enjay, is UVtech AB who developed and launched UV-technology as the first company in the world to restaurant ventilation.

Martin Edlund

CEO, Minesto

Dr Martin Edlund has for the last 20 years combined management consulting and strategy research collaboration with world-class technology companies such as ABB, GE, LM Ericsson and SKF. He has been active in the marine energy industry for the last decade. Since 2016 Martin Edlund leads Minesto's company strategy to commercialise its unique product.

Marina Sundman

Business Unit Director Utility, Solkompaniet

Marina Sundman is Business Unit Director Utility, Solkompaniet

Emelie Öhlander

Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson

Emelie Öhlander is the Climate Action Program Manager at Ericsson, with responsibility for executing the climate strategy and Net Zero program objectives, maintaining Ericsson´s leadership position in the area of climate action. Emelie works with Ericsson´s Net Zero program, employee engagement, as well with external partners to demonstrate how connectivity, innovation drives exponential change in society i.e. how technology such as digitalization, AI and 5G can help mitigate climate change.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.


Patrick Kiarie

Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya

Patrick Kiarie is an Eco-Warrior, and the Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya and a small scale businessman. He is passionate about climate change and how to transform small business enterprises into circular and green businesses. Patrick won last year's WDHT Climate idea - Borrowing from the future. Borrowing from the future is an idea based to be a model program for educating young people on climate change and building a platform for the youth to contribute to innovations in climate change. Recently, Patrick was nominated among the top 10 most influential youths in Kenya.

Hon. Bogolo J Kenewendo

Africa Director, Special Advisor, UN Climate Change High Level Champions Team

Bogolo J. Kenewendo is a Global economist and Former Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry in Botswana. Kenewendo is also a vocal advocate for gender equity and the protection of children’s rights. She is a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council and a WPL Special Envoy to the G7 & G20. She is also a member of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and group on Financing for Development, a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council on Global Public Goods in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a WEF Young Global Leader. She currently serves as the Africa Director & Special Advisor for UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Managing Director of Kenewendo Advisory and Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Global Development

Solitaire Townsend

Chief Solutionist/Co-founder, Futerra

Solitaire has been selling sustainability for over 20 years. As Co-founder and Chief Solutionist of Futerra she advises governments, charities and brands on making sustainability so desirable it becomes normal. With Futerra offices in London, Stockholm, New York and Mexico City she admits that making the world a better place is a damn good business plan. You can watch her TED talks online and read her in the Guardian, Huffington Post, Forbes and more often as @GreenSolitaire. Solitaire was named ‘Ethical Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2008 and more recently was Chair of the UK Green Energy Scheme, a member of the United Nations Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce and a London Leader for Sustainability. Her new book The Happy Hero - How To Change Your Life By Changing The World is out now.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

Sebastian Hald Buhl

Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted

Sebastian Hald Buhl is Ørsted’s Country Manager for Sweden and Norway. He has worked for Ørsted since 2013, predominantly within its Government Affairs team. During this time, he has covered RES tender design, energy market design and offshore wind energy regulation across Northern Europe, the USA and Asia Pacific.

Lina Håkansdotter

VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel

Lina Håkansdotter works to enable and advance the transformation of the steel industry to sustainable operations at H2 Green Steel. She has leading expertise and experience, and a broad network within sustainability and public policy. She previously worked as Head of Sustainability and Infrastructure at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Dr. Arunabha Ghosh

Founder-CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Arunabha Ghosh is a public policy professional, adviser, author, columnist, and institution builder. As founder-CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, since 2010, he has led CEEW to the top ranks among Asia's leading policy research institutions (8 years in a row); and among the world’s 20 best climate think-tanks. He conceptualized and designed the International Solar Alliance. He conceptualized and is a founding board member of the Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN). Co-author/editor of 4 books and with experience in 45 countries, he previously worked at Princeton, Oxford, UNDP (New York), and WTO (Geneva). In 2018, the UN Secretary-General nominated him to the UN's Committee for Development Policy.

Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

Mie Prehn Nygaard

Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted

Mie Prehn Nygaard is Decarbonisation manager at Ørsted.

Bessma Aljarbou

Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple

Bessma Aljarbou leads Apple’s Supplier Carbon Solutions, which includes the Supplier Clean Energy Program and Supplier Energy Efficiency and Abatement Programs.

Gabrielle Ginér

Head of Environmental Sustainability, BT

Gabrielle has managed BT Group’s thought leadership and external advocacy programmes on environmental sustainability since 2009. Her work has spanned developing BT's carbon targets, including BT's 1.5°C science-based target and carbon abatement methodologies for BT’s products and services as well as working with BT’s Procurement division on supplier engagement strategy. Gabrielle represents BT Group in numerous external fora and has chaired the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Awards Advisory Panel. She has previously held roles in public affairs and programme management at BT and has an MA from SAIS Johns Hopkins University and an MSc from University College London.

Tessa Vincent

Engagement Lead, Race to Zero

Tessa has a Law and Politics background and has worked for Judges, Members of Parliament and a Minister in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She has experience in the NGO sector enhancing climate philanthropy and setting up coalitions to improve food security and tackle food waste.

Mik Thobo-Carlsen

CEO/Founder, Mindpool

Mik Thobo-Carlsen is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindpool. He is a serial entrepreneur of more than 20+ companies. He is highly experienced in international strategic growth and SaaS platforms. Before Mindpool, Mik Thobo-Carlsen co-founded Tattoodo.com – a global platform that reaches more than 300 million people every month

Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger

Co-founder & CEO, Chi Impact Capital

Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, LL.M. is the co-founder and CEO of Chi Impact Capital a Zurich based, independent impact investing advisor.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Science Fiction Writer, Orbit Books

Kim Stanley Robinson is an American science fiction writer. He is the author of about twenty books, including the internationally bestselling Mars trilogy. He was sent to the Antarctic by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists and Writers’ Program in 1995, and returned in their Antarctic media program in 2016. His work has been translated into 25 languages, and won a dozen awards in five countries, including the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and World Fantasy awards. His most recent novel is The Ministry for the Future.

Ahmed Aboutaleb

Mayor of Rotterdam

Ahmed Aboutaleb has been Mayor of Rotterdam since 2009. Previously, he represented the PvdA (Labor Party) as State Secretary for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the fourth Balkenende cabinet (2007-2008) and as an alderman in Amsterdam (2004-2007). At the age of fifteen, Aboutaleb came to the Netherlands for family reunification. The family resided in The Hague, where Aboutaleb successively attended Junior Technical School, Intermediate Technical School and Technical College, graduating in Telecommunications in 1987. Ahmed Aboutaleb is a poetry enthusiast.

Monica Medina

Arnhold Distinguished Fellow, Conservation International

I am currently an Arnhold Distinguished Fellow at Conservation International. From 2021-23, I served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs and was the first ever US Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources. I have had a long career working at the intersection of government, policy, law and advocacy on conservation and climate change.

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Vice President, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an expert in the adaptation and mitigation of indigenous peoples to climate change. She is a member of the Mbororo pastoralist people in Chad and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT). She led several concrete projects that improved access to basic need of indigenous peoples, while promoting their unique contribution to the protection of the environment. 3D participatory mapping, for instance, helps to prevent resources-based conflicts in one of the poorest and most vulnerable region of the world. She is an advocate for the greater inclusion of indigenous people and their knowledge and traditions in the global movement to fight the effects of climate change. Hindou received the Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award and was appointed as a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. She serves as a Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues; Member of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC); Member of the Advisory Committee to the Secretary-General’s 2019 Climate Action Summit; and Conservation International Senior Indigenous Fellow. In 2019, she was listed by Time Magazine as one of 15 women championing action on climate change.

Vedika Bhandarkar

COO, Water.org

Vedika is responsible for the operating efficiency and effectiveness of Water.org, and for the attainment of strategic objectives and annual organizational goals. She works closely with the CEO, the executive team, and the President of WaterEquity to support the mission and vision of Water.org. She previously served as Water.org’s Chief Global Impact Officer and the Managing Director, India. Vedika has more than 25 years of experience building teams and businesses with Indian and international financial institutions. Prior to joining Water.org in January 2016, she served as Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited from 2010-2015. Previously, she served as the Managing Director & Head of Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan.

Gary White

CEO & Co-founder, Water.org

As Co-founder and CEO of Water.org and WaterEquity, Gary leads the organizations to create and execute market-driven solutions to the global water crisis. Gary's entrepreneurial vision drives innovations in the way water and sanitation projects are delivered and financed, innovations that now serve as a model in the water and sanitation sector. From a makeshift office in his home, Gary has led Water.org to become an international organization with more than 100 people changing lives in 11 countries around the world.

Pia Irell

Founder, Investor & Advisor, Pike

With two decades of experience in private equity, venture capital, and business development, Pia Irell is dedicated to fostering value creation through sustainable solutions and responsible business practices. As the founder of Pike, she advises institutional investors and companies on creating long-term value with a positive societal impact. Pia previously contributed to shaping Trill Impact’s investment strategy and building a portfolio of purpose-driven companies. At Altor Equity Partners, she focused on driving value creation and integrating ESG across the portfolio. She has also held leadership roles at Gambro and ABB, and as CEO of the Young Shareholders Association, she worked to make the stock market more accessible to younger investors.

Scott Cohen

Co-Founder & Partner, New Lab

Scott Cohen is the Co-Founder of New Lab @ The Brooklyn Navy Yard. Cohen is a versatile artist and entrepreneur with a vast appetite to learn about new technologies and build bridges where none existed. He has a particular interest in people working across disciplines that are leveraging entrepreneurship, technology, and design to solve high-impact problems facing society. As an entrepreneur, investor, and artist, Cohen’s work is deeply rooted in endeavors that draw us closer to the natural environment, enliven civic life, and drive entrepreneurial wedges into legacy industries ripe for change. Beyond New Lab, his career has spanned many disciplines ranging from his partnerships with Belt, his own photographic works, and a narrative feature film he shot in Antarctica that won a FIPRESCI Grand Jury Award for Best New American Cinema.

Martina Donlon

Chief, Climate Section, Department of Global Communications, UN

Martina Donlon currently heads the Climate Communications Team at the United Nations Department of Global Communications in New York, managing campaigns and initiatives focused on climate action. Before that, she led a communications team on the Sustainable Development Goals, managed UN human rights campaigns, and headed communications and change management at the UN regional service center in Uganda. Before joining the UN, she worked as Assistant Director at the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as Special Assistant to the Swiss Ambassador to the UN, Deputy Cultural Attaché of Switzerland in New York, and as editor at the Wall Street Journal online.

Pia Björstrand

Chairwoman, End Ecocide Sweden

Pia Björstrand is a lawyer and the spokesperson for Climate Action Sweden. She has defended climate activists in court. She is the former chairwoman of the Nature Conservation Association Nyköping/Oxelösund.


Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Selected speakers

Teresa Ribera

Deputy Prime Minister of Spain and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Teresa Ribera is Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Prior to that, Ms Ribera was Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) from 2014 to 2018, and enabled the Institute to play a key role in the negotiation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the transition towards sustainable development. She served as the Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change and Biodiversity from 2008 to 2011, responsible for environmental and climate policies, as well as the National Meteorological Agency. A public official from the Senior Corps of State Civil Administrators, she has also taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

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Dr Friederike Otto

Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment, Imperial College London

Dr Friederike Otto is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London, and a co-founder of the World Weather Attribution (WWA). Her main research interest is on extreme weather events and ‘attribution science’ – understanding whether and to what extent these are made more likely or intense due to climate change. Recently, Dr Otto was on the core writing team of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report.

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Selwin Hart

Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team, United Nations

Mr. Hart was appointed as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the Climate Action Team by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 4 February 2020. Mr. Hart is currently the Executive Director for the Caribbean region at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). He was previously the Ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States for Barbados and Director of the Secretary-General’s Climate Change Support Team, leading the team’s delivery of the 2014 Climate Summit and the Secretary-General’s engagement in the process leading to the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

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Damilola Ogunbiyi

CEO & Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, Co-Chair of UN-Energy

Damilola Ogunbiyi is a global leader and advocate for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on SDG7, which calls for access to reliable, affordable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Energy for All, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy.

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Steve Waygood

Chief Responsible Investment, Aviva Investors

Steve has always been fascinated by the power of money to change the world. He has worked for Aviva Investors for the last 15 years where he founded its Global Responsible Investment team as well as its Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence, which seeks to transform capital markets so that they become more sustainable. He also co-founded the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, the World Benchmarking Alliance, and the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative. Steve started his career at WWF-UK in 1995, where he worked on its own ethical and environmental investment policy. He has subsequently advised the UK Government, the European Commission, the Financial Stability Board and the UN on the creation of sustainable capital markets. Steve was appointed to the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, and the UK Green Finance Taskforce, and is also a member of the Financial Stability Board Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). He was highlighted by the Financial Times in 2018 as being one of the warriors of climate change among Money Managers.

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Mayuri Ghosh

Director, Climate Resilience & Sustainability, Clinton Global Initiative

Senior leader with broad international experience, driving strategic client engagements with leaders from business, government, international organizations, NGOs, and academia on Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) efforts. Strong focus on environmental sustainability & climate, health & well-being, and inclusive growth. Previously worked at the World Economic Forum (10 years) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University (2 years) in New York, and private sector in India (5 years) across rural and urban markets.

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Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen

Military Analyst, Commander Royal Danish Navy, Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen is a military analyst working at the University of Copenhagen based on 37 years of experience in Danish Defence including command of several Danish warships. Recent research and publication deals with “Climatizing Security Policy” on climate change and implications for Danish Defence including the green transition.

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Karin Wanngård

Mayor of Stockholm

Karin Wanngård is the Mayor of Stockholm, representing the Social Democratic party. This is her second mandate on the post, also claiming it from 2014-2018. Wanngård’s political focus is to make Stockholm an equal, green, and open city for all. With a bold goal to make Stockholm climate neutral by 2030, Wanngård takes lead to put Stockholm at the forefront of the climate transition.

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Johan Byskov Svendsen

Head of Program: Catalyze Ecosystem Transition, Fonden Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

Johan Byskov Svendsen is the Head of Program Catalyze Ecosystem Transition at the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, where he leads the Center’s work on Green Corridors projects. This includes work in Namibia, Chile, Rotterdam-Singapore, Northern Europe, Baltic, US, South Korea, Australia, Panama and others. Before joining the Center, Johan was leading the development of Carbon Capture and Storage in Denmark, from a niche concept at universities, to one of the most important climate action measures in Denmark. He has previously worked for more than two decades on oil & gas exploration and development projects around the world, as well as being asset manager for a number of operated platforms in the North Sea. Johan has a scientific background as a geologist (1997) and holds a PhD in Geochemistry and Statistics from 2001.

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Jaidev Dhavle

Associate Programme Officer, IRENA

Mr. Jaidev Dhavle is currently an Associate Programme Officer with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He is a member of the Innovation and End Use Sector team that is responsible for conducting analysis on the innovation trends on the potential and application of renewable energy (RE) solutions within key economic sectors. He holds 2 Master’s degrees from University College London and Technical University Vienna in Chemical Research and Renewable Energy Systems respectively.

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Hillevi Priscar

Country Manager Sweden, OX2 Sweden

Hillevi Priscar is Country Manager OX2 Sweden. She holds a Master of Science in Materials Science & Engineering (EEIGM) and has a long experience from the energy sector working with different energy sources from hydropower, heat and power plants to renewable energy. She is leading the Swedish team in developing renewable energy projects in Sweden since 2014.

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Anders Wiklund

Island Ambassador, OX2 Åland

Anders Wiklund is a Senior Business Leader with +15 years of experience in global management. He is a key-driving force for the transformation of Åland into the Nordic leading green energy hub. Leading a wide portfolio of OX2 projects on Åland incl. the world's largest offshore wind projects, large-scale solar parks, BESS, hydrogen, and Power-X.

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Lotta Nummelin

Permit Manager, OX2

Lotta is a marine biologist from Åland who has worked with Baltic Sea issues within academia, public administration, NGOs and foundations, now in the private sector. She has a passion in combining renewable energy production, increased biodiversity and multiuse of energy production areas.

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David Ekelund

CEO, Icebug

David Ekelund founded Icebug 2001 together with Elisabet Törnkvist, Rudolph Chang and Cyril Chiang. The company is headquartered in Jonsered, Sweden with subsidiaries in Norway, USA and Germany. The brand is sold in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. Icebug is a footwear brand specializing in traction technologies striving to lead in transforming a necessary but dirty industry.

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Sarwar Khan

Global Head of Digital Sustainability, BT

Sarwar is responsible for integrating sustainability into the way we design, build, sell, market, and measure the performance of digital products and propositions. Sarwar has 12 years’ experience in developing decarbonisation strategies, products and propositions spanning across the telecoms, IT, and energy industries, working for both large corporates and start-ups.

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Peter Tornberg

Chief Commercial Officer, OX2

Peter Tornberg has 15+ years of experience in the renewable industry in leading project development and execution organizations in Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind and PV.

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Owain Griffiths

Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars

I lead global strategy on circular economy and the development of the roadmap and action plan to achieve our vision of becoming a circular business.

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Johnny White

Lawyer, Accountable Corporations, ClientEarth

Johnny has led ClientEarth’s work on legal accountability for greenwashing since 2020. Before that, he was a senior commercial litigation lawyer at the international law firm Clifford Chance.

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Louise Rehbinder

Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Louise Rehbinder has 16 years of experience from the ICT Industry working with IT Management, IT Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing, and sustainable procurement of HW components and materials. Louise formed Ericsson’s Supplier climate action program, was part of the establishment of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leader program and the creation of the Supplier Engagement Guide. Louise is currently working as Director at Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

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Silva Hanell

Wealth Leader, Investment Solutions Sweden, Mercer

Silva Hanell is the Wealth Leader for Mercer Investment Solutions Sweden.

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Åsa Löfgren

Åsa Löfgren, Associate Professor in Economics, University of Gothenburg, and Visiting Professor at Luleå University of Technology.

Åsa Löfgren is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. Löfgren is an expert in the area of climate economics; in particular, she has focused on climate change and behavioral economics. She is particularly interested in the effect and design of policy instruments, fairness, and industrial investment behavior, such as firms' carbon-reduction investment behavior in response to climate strategies. Löfgren has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as book chapters, policy papers and reports.

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Sverker Carlsson Jagers

Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg

Sverker C. Jagers is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Göteborg University. His research interests include green political theory, international relations, environmental public opinion, and environmental management. He is also the Director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research).

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Gail Gaille

Co-Founder, Project Everyone

Gail Gaille is a business leader with a strong sense of social purpose. She is the co-founder of Project Everyone - a UN Global Partner for SDG Advocacy and Outreach which seeks to put the power of communications behind the Global Goals. Gail started her career working for advertising agencies, before taking a role at the BBC - where she led the marketing of Radio 1, BBC News, Sport, CBeebies and BBC Three. After co-founding Project Everyone, Gail had a spell as CEO of the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. In 2019, she launched Project 17 - a consultancy helping the private sector orient their purpose around the Global Goals. Along with Loyiso Madinga, Gail is the co-host of the recently launched Global Goals podcast - ‘An Idiot’s Guide to Saving the World’.

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Riad Meddeb

Director of the Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP

Riad has twenty-five years of experience in sustainable development and economics, focusing on technical cooperation and policy advisory support to governments in Africa, Arab States, and Asia and Pacific regions and is currently a Senior Principal Advisor on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), in the Bureau for Policy and Program Support/Global Policy Network. Prior to joining UNDP, Riad was an Economist at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), working on international trade and foreign direct investment, and at the International Labor Organization (ILO) on the impact of technology and job generation in developing countries. He has worked with the private sector and lectured at the University of Paris V. Over the past years at UNDP, Riad has worked closely with the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), on critical issues related to the implementation of SDGs and SAMOA Pathway in SIDS, including how to capitalize on digital transformation for SIDS.

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Neelam Chhiber

Co-Founder & Managing Trustee, Industree Foundation

Neelam Chhiber is the Co-founder of Industree Foundation and Mother Earth. Neelam’s deep experience with enterprise growth models built on all kinds of impact capital- equity, debt, and philanthropy, makes her a strong proponent of Innovative Finance, as defined by the local needs of communities on the ground.

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Mathilda Karlsson

Baltic Sea Expert, WWF Sweden

Mathilda Karlsson has a MSc in Marine Biology from Stockholm University. At WWF, she focuses on the sustainable use of the Baltic sea and the protection of important habitats to promote increased biodiversity.

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Katarina Kahlmann

Chief Program Officer Organization, TechnoServe

Katarina leads TechnoServe's efforts across 30 countries to design, test, and scale solutions that restore nature and mitigate climate change while improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs--and the communities that count on them. She draws on more than 15 years of experience in the private and nonprofit sectors leading impactful partnerships in Africa, Latin America, and South Asia.

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Laura Perez

Senior Project Manager, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Laura has a background in engineering with a focus on energy systems. As a Senior Project Manager at the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, she leads the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders - aiming to accelerate climate action within supply chains.

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Klara Bergkvist

Head, GoMore Sweden

Klara Bergkvist is the Head of Sweden at GoMore. Klara has experience in customer success, market growth, and user experience. Klara has a background in travel consulting and destination management. Klara has been with GoMore since January 2017 and in their current role since February 2018.

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Allison Fajans-Turner

Strategy Advisor, BankFWD

Allison Fajans-Turner is Strategy Advisor at BankFWD. BankFWD aims to accelerate the transition to a just, zero-carbon economy in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement

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Paul Moinester

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

Founder and Executive Director, The Outdoor Policy Outfit

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Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand

Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken

Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand is Group Head of Sustainability, Handelsbanken. She is a Board Member of Optimizer Foundation, and Founder of the nonprofit organization OmPolitik.

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Jakob König

Sustainable finance expert and Head - Fair Finance Guide, Sveriges Konsumenter

Jakob König is the Project lead and Head of Fair Finance Guide. The guide researches and ranks banks’ sustainability considerations when investing and lending money. Results are presented on a public website where consumers and bank clients can compare banks and send them a message to encourage improvements.

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Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

Director, The Futures Lab, Unitas Communication

Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is an award-winning 20+year systems theorist, transdisciplinary academic, investigative journalist and strategy consultant, leveraging his skills to understand and drive systems transformation in response to humanity’s biggest global challenges. A bestselling author of seven books (including six non-fiction and a science fiction novel), he has founded and led a range of innovative organisations seeking to generate social change. He is Director of the Futures Lab at Unitas Communications Ltd, where he leads on systems transformation advisory services to governments, businesses and charities, and a founding Director of the System Shift Lab, a nonprofit systems transformation consultancy

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Anisa Kamadoli Costa

Chief Sustainability Officer, Rivian

Anisa is an ESG and philanthropy executive with a track record of connecting environmental, social, and governance issues to business performance, reputation, and shareholder value. She currently serves as Chief Sustainability Officer at Rivian as well as President and Trustee of the Rivian Foundation. Previously Anisa worked at Tiffany & Co. for nearly two decades.

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Iris Casado

Illustrator and 2D artist, University of Skövde

Iris Casado studied illustration back in Spain, and then Game Development - 2d Graphics at University of Skövde. She is currently working on her thesis for the Master's program Digital Narration and Games, also at University of Skövde.

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David Olsson

COO & Co-Founder, We Don't Have Time

David Olsson is the co-founder and COO of We Don't Have Time.

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Anette Nordvall

Chairwoman, We Don't Have Time

Anette Nordvall is the chairwoman of We Don't Have Time. Active Early Stage Tech Investor and Environmentalist, focusing on the New Nordic markets on ICT, and Deep-tech Science based innovation; while adding for profit Impact, Diversity, Environment, and Global goals into the mist. Appreciated Board member, Public speaker and Business leader. Appointed by Swedish Business Magazine Di Digital as one of Sweden’s Most Powerful Tech-investors 2015, 2016. Named at Nordic100 Most Influential Person, 2017 and 2018. Nominated as Pay-it-forward Investor 2017 at Swedish Start-up Gala. Mentioned in EBAN 2018 report on 200+ most active Business Angels in Europe. Cored at Venture Cup Swedish Country final 2018 as "Sweden's nicest Business Angel”. Nominated by DI Digital as one of Sweden's most important tech Investor 2021.

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Anders Odell

Senior Scientist, Swedish Defence Research Agency

Anders Odell is a Researcher in Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness with a special interest in resilience and security in the energy sector.

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Jim Andrew

Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo

Jim Andrew is Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer for PepsiCo. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

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Edvin Skogsholm Sanne

Game Designer, Skövde University

Game Designer with passion for strategy games and board games.

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Henrik Brodin

Head of Energy, Södra

Mr Brodin is Head of Energy at the forest company Södra and Program Director of the group de-carbonization program aiming to be net zero 2040. He is also member of the board of Bioenergy Europe and the advanced biofuel company Silva Green Fuel.

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Malin Olsson Lundqvist

Member of the municipal board in Mariestad, Municipality of Mariestad

Lives and are engaged as an elected official in the municipality of Mariestad. Works since 20 years as a rural developer and community planner.

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Gustaf Sundell

Executive Vice President and Head of Mobility Solutions, Scania

Gustaf Sundell is a member of Scania’s Executive Board and heading Mobility Solutions, a unit formed in 2021 to capture market opportunities in the future transport ecosystem. Gustaf has a solid and international experience at Scania where he has had several positions over the years, previously Head of Strategy and Corporate Management. His contributions to making Scania equipped for an evolving ecosystem have been great.

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Sara Elfsson

Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry, Northvolt

Sara Elfsson is the Senior Director Sales & Business Development, Automotive & Foundry of Northvolt.

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Alice (Xia) Zhu

PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Alice (Xia) Zhu is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto studying the transport and fate of plastic pollution in the global ocean, and the interconnections between plastic pollution, carbon cycling, and climate change. She uses a combination of field sampling, laboratory analysis, and statistical modelling to study the behaviour of plastic pollution in the environment. On the side, she is heavily involved in environmental advocacy at the local, national, and international levels through organizations including Fridays for Future Toronto, People's Climate Movement Toronto/GTA, and the University of Toronto Trash Team.

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Peder Weibull Hartman

Program Leader, Renewable Electricity for Supply Partners, Inter IKEA Group

Peder Weibull Hartman is an experienced project manager and strategic business development professional with over a decade of experience. After spending several years working in Shanghai, Peder has recently relocated to Älmhult, Sweden at the heart of IKEA. He has a passion for decarbonizing supply chain and is focused on identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions throughout the IKEA value chain.

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Jenny Sandahl

Sustainability Director for Design and Materials, Ericsson

Jenny is Sustainability director for Design and Materials at Ericsson with responsibility for supply chain climate action and circular economy. She is an experienced Environmental Expert with a demonstrated history of working with Sustainable Development in an international arena in the information technology industry. Jenny has a Master of Science focused in Chemical and Environmental engineering from Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.

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Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui

Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact

Aniebiet Inyang Ntui is a Nigerian Professor who has served as the Ambassador of the EU's European Climate Pact since December 2022. She was named by the Web of Science as the "Most Read Researcher in Nigeria" and is the current University Librarian of the University of Calabar. She chaired panels at the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, Canada, the 2022 G20 Bali Summit in Indonesia, the United Nations Water Summit on Groundwater, held at the UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, and other international conferences.

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Dr Renuka Thakore

Founder, Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom.

Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), PIEMA AFHEA, is the Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnerships Network, United Kingdom. In this capacity, she leads a global network that administers multidisciplinary activities and research partnership development platforms. She has received several prestigious awards for her work, including the "Global Sustainability Award 2022," the "Development Leadership: Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto Award 2022," and the "Global SDG’s Women Ambassador Award 2022." With over 35 years of professional experience, Dr Thakore engages and connects with academics, businesses, and individuals from both the Global South and Global North to promote climate adaptation, resilience, and just transition. She applies systems thinking and transdisciplinarity to evaluate strategic realities and brings together technologies, emerging trends in data, skills, education and employment, and future scenarios to solve real-world problems.

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Professor Olga Laiza Kupika

Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Maun

Associate Professor Olga Laiza Kupika is a Natural Resources Conservationist and Climate Change expert with over a decade of experience in research, teaching, and community service. Until April 2023, she served as the Chairperson of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe, and is recognized as the founding member of the Centre for Climatology and Applied Research (CCAR). As of 3rd April 2023, Olga is the Senior Research Fellow in Climate and Adaptation at Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana. Olga has experience leading and working with multidisciplinary teams and is skilled at communicating with stakeholders and research partners at local, national, regional, and international forums. She has expertise in Climate Resilience projects, Climate change advocacy, Agro-ecology and Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity Assessments, Community Based Natural Resources and Livelihoods Monitoring and Development Projects, Environmental Safeguards/ Social and Environmental Standards Assessments, Environmental Policy Development and engagement, Environmental education campaigns, Academic mentorship, Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Education 5.0.

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Nancy Marangu

Environmental Writer and Advocate, Nairobi

Ms Nancy Marangu is a passionate advocate for inclusion, gender, and climate mainstreaming. With 15 years of experience in strategic communication, planning, and management, she has enhanced disability and gender mainstreaming, entrepreneurship, and risk monitoring, evaluation, and management in the public, private, and development sectors. Nancy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Relations) and an MBA in Strategic Management and Electronic Commerce. She is a gifted storyteller and writes on thematic areas of environment, technology, and inclusion for Kenya's local dailies and Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) Energy Scoop Magazine. As a volunteer board member at the Gifted Community Centre, she empowers youth with disabilities with entrepreneurial skills. She has taught public speaking and served as an application reader for the 2022 and 2023 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Nancy previously served on the board at Ukarimu Ministries Trust and as a mentor at the Global Give Back Circle-MasterCard Foundation Scholars Community Platform Mentoring Program.

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Dr Kushal Adhikari

Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, Juniata College, Pennsylvania

Dr Kushal Adhikari, an Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, focuses on integrating sustainability dimensions into engineering to build a sustainable and resilient society, with an emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling. His research interests include water sustainability through reclamation and reuse, climate-smart agriculture, water resource management optimisation techniques, food-energy-water nexus, and materials sustainability. Dr Adhikari has published extensively in prestigious professional journals such as the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, and the Journal of Water Process Engineering, and has presented at multiple national and international conferences including ASCE-EWRI, AWWA, GSFN, and Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium 2022, where he recently served as a panel speaker.

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Adam Savitz

Sustainable Infrastructure Director, EMEALA, Johnson Controls

Adam Savitz Title: Adam Savitz is a purpose-driven and highly networked sustainability leader, with 20 years of global experience inspiring CEOs and businesses across sectors, to design, build and execute pioneering sustainability strategies. He has worked with leaders across industry, government, NGOs, and the start-up world to take a systems-based, collaborative approach – resulting in impactful net zero transformations. Prior to Johnson Controls, he was a Managing Director at Xynteo, and helped develop PwC's leading Sustainability & Climate Change consulting business in London and New York. Adam graduated from Leeds University’s School of Earth and Environment, in the United Kingdom with a BSc in Environmental Science and an MA in Environment and Business.

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John B King Jr.

Chancellor, SUNY

John B. King, Jr. is the 15th Chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY), the largest comprehensive system of public higher education in the United States. Prior to his appointment as Chancellor, King served as president of The Education Trust, a national civil rights nonprofit which seeks to identify and close opportunity and achievement gaps for students from preschool through college. Chancellor King also served in President Barack Obama’s cabinet as the 10th U.S. Secretary of Education.

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Adam Met

Founder and Executive Director, Planet Reimagined

The interests of Adam Met PhD bridge music, sustainability, law, academia, policy, marketing, and technology. As the bassist for AJR, he has traveled the world on sold-out tours, achieved platinum certifications in numerous countries, and recorded a repertoire of music that has garnered more than 7 billion streams worldwide. In the 2021/2022 touring season, Adam has played live in front of over 1 Million fans. As the founder and Executive Director of Planet Reimagined, he leads a nonprofit that addresses climate change systems through media, academic research fellowships, and incentive-based initiatives. Adam’s work with the UN Development Programme as a Development Advocate fosters awareness on social media and beyond of sustainability, rights violations and solutions. In Washington DC, Adam has worked closely with the EPA, The Department of Energy, and The White House on innovative renewable energy policy, and with a bipartisan coalition in Congress to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act. He has brought his interdisciplinary perspective to his writing for publications including TIME, Rolling Stone, Billboard Magazine, Fortune, Mashable, and Quartz, and he is the host of the podcast Planet Reimagined.

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José Pugas

Partner and Head of Sustainable Investments and Engagement, JGP Asset Management

José Pugas is Partner and Head of Responsible Investments and Engagement at JGP Asset Management. He is a political scientist with over 15 years of experience in sustainability and finances, leading different projects in Brazil and LATAM. Currently, José Pugas is an active member of think tanks and international forums dedicated to discussing regenerative finances, nature-based solutions and just transition.

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Emma Dennis

Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture and Global Impact, Better Cotton Initiative

Emma is part of the global programmes team, supporting the evolution of a global approach to capacity building that can deliver impact at scale. She is responsible for the development of the soil health and smallholder livelihoods 2030 targets areas. Before joining Better Cotton in 2020, she trained and worked as an agronomist and led the technical team at a rural development organization seeking to reduce poverty in East Africa through engagement with smallholders.

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Mohammed Hegazy

Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team

Transport Lead with the Climate Champions Team (PT), working towards an equitable Decarbonisation of transport. We work to align Non-State Actors (NSA)(Business, Finance, Civil Society) with the Paris Agreement. Founder & Director Transport for Cairo.

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Gustav Johansson

CEO & Founder, Jävligt Gott/ChouChou

Runs Sweden's largest vegan food blog, Jävligt Gott. Co-Founder and culinary leader of the plant-based restaurant ChouChou. Opinion maker, educator, and creator of and for all things plant-based and bloody good!

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Anna Turrell

Group Sustainability Director, Tesco

Anna is Group Sustainability Director at Tesco, where she is responsible for the sustainability strategy. Anna is also a trustee

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Helena Storckenfeldt

Member of Parliament, The Moderates

Moderate party’s spokesperson on environment and climate, member of the committee on environment and agriculture.

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Rebekah Shirley

Deputy Director, WRI Africa

Dr. Rebekah Shirley is the Deputy Director for Africa, at the World Resources Institute, where she works to create widespread public access to high-quality data and insights for mobilizing sustainable development solutions.

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Rebecca Watkins

Global Production and Sustainability Manager, Gina Tricot

Rebecca Watkins has thorough experience from working with sustainability in the textile industry, with brands such as Gina Tricot and Blåkläder. Watkins has studied fields such as textile technology, marketing and industrial ecology. Currently, she holds a position as Global Production and Sustainability Manager at Gina Tricot, where she has been working since 2012.

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Guido Broekhoven

Head, Policy Research and Development, WWF International

Senior natural resources management advisor and programme manager with local, regional and global experience of nature conservation, policy and green governance. Currently leads WWF’s policy research and development team, which provides analysis of geo-political and policy trends to inform WWF’s conservation strategy. Leads WWF delegations to international fora such as the Convention on Biological Diversity.

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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

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Jaco Cilliers

Resident Representative, UNDP Ukraine

Jaco Cilliers has been the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine since 9 November 2022. Previously, he was Manager of Bangkok Regional Hub since August 2019, and prior to that, he served the organization as Chief, Regional Policy and Programme Support for Asia and the Pacific since September 2017. At the time, Cilliers also served as Senior Advisor for Innovation and Business Development at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. He has also served as the Country Director of UNDP India the Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP in Uzbekistan. In these roles ,he was responsible for the management and coordination of UNDP Programmes and Operations. From November 2005 to March 2011 he worked with UNDP Cyprus as Peace and Development Advisor (PDA), and Senior Programme Manager/Head of Office.

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Eva Karlsson

CEO of Houdini

Eva Karlsson is the CEO of Houdini Sportswear, a progressive and rapidly growing Swedish outdoor brand and a trailblazer in corporate responsibility. Since 2001, Eva together with a team of likeminded, have been redesigning business to become a force for good – providing state-of-the-art circular products, offering product-as-a-service solutions and building a co-creative community for open-source innovation, sharing knowledge and inspiring to reconnect to nature. Rather than focusing on Houdini's outstanding track record in sustainable development, Eva emphasizes the journey ahead and the untapped opportunities and abundant value in designing attractive and regenerative lifestyle solutions.

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Vanessa Butani

VP Sustainability, Electrolux

Canadian-Swedish Vanessa Butani is Electrolux Group VP Sustainability since 2021. Butani was previously Head of Sustainability for Electrolux Europe and before that Director of Sustainable Business at Scandic Hotel Group. She has held several senior managerial roles in connected appliances and sustainability. Vanessa is passionate about driving sustainable business and integrating sustainability thinking into every aspect of the business.

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Felicia Reutersward

Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group

Felicia Reutersward is Impact lead Resource use & Circular impact, H&M Group.

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Patrik Lundström

CEO, Renewcell

As CEO of Renewcell, Patrik Lundström leads a path-breaking textile-to-textile recycling business aiming to make fashion circular globally. He has led the scale-up of Renewcell’s operations from demo to industrial scale with the opening of the world’s first commercial scale textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant, Renewcell 1 in Sundsvall, in 2022. Prior to joining Renewcell, Patrik worked for international corporations such as Royal DSM and General Electric.

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Erik Eklund

Chief Revenue Officer, Professional Vessels, Candela Technology

With an MSc Naval Architecture, Erik has experience from throughout the maritime industry, including in Sweden, Norway, France, Malta, and Dubai. At Candela Technology, Erik is leading the company’s development of its commercial vessels for professional use, including ferries and water taxis, and the accompanying system thinking for fossil-free and super energy efficient public transportation on water with the company’s 100% electric hydrofoiling vessels.

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Gustav Hemming

County Commissioner - Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago infrastructure, Center Party (Region Stockholm)

Stockholm County, County Commissioner (Centre Party), 2006 – Responsible for the Climate/ Environment, Regional planning and the Archipelago. Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Board member as well as a member of the environmental working group (Centre Party), 2015 –.

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Jan Skjoldhammer

CEO & Founder, Novige AB, NoviOcean

Background as an officer, economics degree, worked 25 years as an airline pilot / captain / instructor, display pilot, built own race car. Earlier business venture in real estate which made the foundation for NoviOcean. Having seen many of previous patent ideas come to market by others 25 years later, I found the need for this solution so huge that I went 100% for it six years ago.

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Christoffer Bonde

CEO, Initiative 1415

Christoffer Bonde is the CEO of Initiative 1415.

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Kai Reimer-Watts

Artist-Director, People's Climate Foundation works

Artist-Director of Beyond Crisis film, "a story of hope for a rapidly changing world." Master of Climate Change (MCC) graduate, and PhD candidate in Community Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, with a focus on engagement through the arts and movement-building for climate action, and climate justice. Community organizer, art-activist and 'big dreamer' of the society-wide systems changes we need to rescue a #SafeClimateFuture for us all. (https://www.peoplesclimatefoundation.org/)

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Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD

Executive Director, Climate Emergency Fund

Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, is a clinical psychologist turned climate activist whose work helps people to face the truth of the climate emergency and transform their despair into effective, disruptive action. As executive director of Climate Emergency Fund, she raises funds for and makes grants to climate activists. She is the author of Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth, a radical self-help guide for the climate emergency.

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Tom Rand

Founding Partner, ArcTern Ventures

Tom Rand’s focus is on carbon mitigation as an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author and speaker. He is Founding Partner of ArcTern Ventures and sits on the board of a number of clean energy companies and organizations. He’s written three books on the intersection of climate, economics, psychology and technology.

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Cara Williams

Global Head of ESG and Sustainability, Mercer

Cara Williams is the Global ESG Strategy Leader for Mercer. Located in London, Cara works to articulate and amplify Mercer’s ESG value proposition and positioning, embed sustainability in the journey to a bright future, and drive highly-practical, relevant and value-added outcomes both internally and externally. Cara oversees the Mercer’s Private Wealth businesses in Canada and India, and also works with Mercer’s multinational clients to deliver the best of Mercer’s broad Wealth solutions to assure positive financial outcomes for organizations and their employees. Cara presents regularly on global ESG, sustainability, diversity and investment trends.

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Max Messervy

Head of Sustainable Investment Americas, Mercer

Max Messervy leads Mercer’s Sustainable Investment team in the Americas region. Max provides advice on sustainable investment strategies, climate change, and impact investment approaches throughout investment processes. Max advises institutional investors across a range of segments, including pension funds, endowments, insurers, multi-lateral development finance institutions, and other stakeholders in the investment value chain. Max was a lead and/or co-author of reports on increasing institutional investors’ impactful allocations to African infrastructure and private market assets in 2018 and 2021, as well as a guide for integrating sustainable investment approaches into corporate retirement plans in a project with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Prior to joining Mercer, Max spent nearly four years working in the Insurance practice at Ceres in Boston, a leading non-profit sustainability advocacy organization. In that role, he worked with a range of stakeholders across the industry in making the business case for the sector to address climate and ESG risks and opportunities both as underwriters of weather risk and investors in physical infrastructure. This involved engagement with re/insurers, regulators, non-re/insurer investors and NGOs. Previously,Max worked in various capacities with Canadian federal and provincial governments, and with other environmental and sustainability entities as an independent consultant. Max holds a Master of Public Policy from the Luskin School of Public Affairs at UCLA, and an Honors Religious Studies degree from McGill University.

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Ivo Mulder

Head - Climate Finance Unit, UNEP

Ivo Mulder has over sixteen years of professional experience working for UNEP, private consulting firms, and with non-governmental organizations. He has published more than fifty reports, blogs and articles and sits on the Steering Committee of a number of initiatives. Ivo is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and a member of the Dutch Association of Sustainable Investors (VBDO). Ivo leads UNEP’s Climate Finance Unit (CFU), and oversees a growing portfolio of various initiatives and finance facilities that actively unlock public and especially private capital towards sustainable land use with positive impacts for the climate, nature, and people.

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Julia Ragnell

Business development and corporate relations lead, Mycorena

Julia Ragnell is a business development and corporate relations professional at Mycorena, a FoodTech company determined to accelerate the green transition in the food industry using fungi technology. As a graduate of the University of St Andrews and UCL with a background in sustainability, business management and global governance, Julia is passionate about driving meaningful change to address today’s global challenges.

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María José Gutiérrez Murray

Senior Director of International Programs, Tradewater

María José Gutiérrez Murray is a climate change and sustainability expert. She is currently the Senior Director of International Programs for Tradewater, where she directs the search, collection and destruction of potent greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances in the form of older refrigerant gases and halons around the world. She is also Founder and Director of the consulting company RE Responsabilidad y Estrategia in Costa Rica. María José has a Licenciate in Industrial Engineering from the University of Costa Rica, and holds an M.Sc. in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford.

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Kirsten Love

Director, Market Development, Tradewater

Kirsten Love is working to combat climate change using a diverse skill set developed over the course of her career. Her career began in Supply Chain, working in several functions including project management, marketing analytics, and strategy. When climate work chose Kirsten three years ago and she joined the Tradewater team, she put those various skills to use in helping to develop a market for the work Tradewater is doing globally. She is currently the Director of Market Development for Tradewater, where she works with partners and climate heroes of all types find a home for the carbon benefits that result from Tradewater’s work to collect, control and destroy potent non-CO2 greenhouse gases around the world. Kirsten holds a B.S. degree in Psychology and a B.S. degree in Business and Applied Math from The Illinois Institute of Technology.

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Jacqueline Corbelli

Founder, US Coalition on Sustainability and Creator, SustainChain™

Jacqueline Corbelli is founder of the US Coalition on Sustainability, a nonprofit organization established in collaboration with the United Nations with a single purpose: to unify and accelerate progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Its solution, SustainChain TM, brings together innovators, impact investors, purpose-driven brands, NGOs and alliances with a shared mission of building a more sustainable supply chain.

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Joanna Hall

Executive Director and Head of Product, US Coalition on Sustainability & SustainChain

Executive Director of the U.S. Coalition on Sustainability and co-founder of SustainChain™, a free public service platform built in partnership with the United Nations. Prior to the USCS, Managing Director at Originate, a world-class designer of custom software innovation products, leading large scale Digital transformation initiatives as well as enterprise innovation labs and accelerator projects for organizations including Chief, BlackRock and McKinsey.

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Efrem Bycer

Senior Manager, Public Policy & Economic Graph, LinkedIn

Efrem Bycer leads global sustainability policy partnerships and North America workforce policy partnerships for LinkedIn. As part of LinkedIn's Economic Graph team, he works with data scientists to generate valuable insights for governments, NGOs, and business to help deepen their understanding of the economy. He lives in San Diego, California with his wife and three daughters. In his spare time, Efrem is an avid runner and homebrewer.

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Robert Sabelström

Founder of ClimateHero

Robert founded ClimateHero in 2018 with the mission to help our planet's inhabitants to understand and reduce their environmental impact. He has previously founded two other digital start-ups, worked as a strategy consultant and written a book about growth hacking.

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Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

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Susanné Wallner

Vice VD, Restart.Earth

Susanné Wallner is Vice VD of Restart Earth. She was Business Manager ElectriVillage for Mariestad municipality, a UNESCO model area for sustainable development in Sweden. Mariestad’s unique ElectriVillage is testing and demonstrating sustainable transport and energy systems to meet climate goals. ElectriVillage includes renewable energy systems and is at the forefront when it comes to hydrogen, not least the hydrogen preschool that is currently being built with the same system solution and has the world's first solar-powered hydrogen filling stations. Susanné was previously Regional Councilor in the Jämtland / Härjedalen region with a focus on business. Susanné has also run her own company for 10 years in the wool industry.

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Maria Gustavsson

Urban Development Strategist, City of Mariestad

Maria Gustavsson works with the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Mariestad municipality and is also project manager for the municipality's participation in Viable Cities. Her interest in sustainable development comes from practical work and studies in agriculture and forestry. Over the years, Maria has worked with rural development and as a coordinator for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Lake Vänern Archipelago and Mount Kinnekulle.

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Claes Kollberg

CTO and Founder, CemVision

Cement plant manager in Europe and Africa, with world unique experience in climate cement, fossil free steel production and electrification.

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Elise Grosse

Head of sustainability, Sweco Architects Sweden

Elise Grosse works in the forefront of development for the sustainable built environment at Sweco Architects, Sweden and has a Master’s in architecture, Building Biologist IBN and part-time Ph. D doctorate in multi-disciplinary co-creation. Elise has an international working background with an extensive international network of people with the same interest. Her ingenuity, great initiative, and strong belief in collaboration, has made her an expert in facilitating teams in developing innovative solutions - digital tools and new partnerships, accelerating the green transition of the built environment.

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Pär Larshans

Co-host, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

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Alexandre Antonelli

Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Antonelli’s passion is nature, and his mission mirrors that of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew’s: to understand and protect biodiversity for the well-being of people and the future of all life on Earth. To this end, he studies the distribution, evolution, threats, and sustainable uses of species and develops methods to speed up scientific discovery and innovation. Antonelli has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, received multiple awards and recognitions for his work, and in 2022, his first popular science book “The Hidden Universe – Adventures in Biodiversity”, was published in several countries and languages.

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Camilla Välimaa

Expert Business & Biodiversity, WWF Sweden

Camilla Välimaa has 20 years of supporting sustainable transformation of businesses in Sweden and internationally, as sustainability director at the Lantmännen group and as senior advisor at the Natural Step. Välimaa is an educated agronomist with focus on sustainability, based in earth system science including Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) and planetary boundaries. She currently holds a position as Deputy Director Markets & Finance at WWF Sweden, where she has been since 2017.

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Jaco Du Toit

Biodiversity & Policy Manager, WWF and H&M Group Partnership, WWF

Jaco served as policy lead for WWF’s international climate team in the lead up to the Paris agreement and as interim executive director for Business for Nature during its establishment. He has worked directly on translating global biodiversity and climate policy for companies through the Science Based Targets initiative and in his current role supporting H&M Group on biodiversity action.

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Helena Allard

Sustainability Innovator, Axfood

Agronomist and former Sustainability manager at Sigill Kvalitetssystem.

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Olga Grönvall Lund

Founder and General Secretary of non-profit organisation Reformaten

Olga Grönvall Lund is a Swedish entrepreneur who has worked with food-related projects her whole professional career. She has mainly been active in Stockholm and Berlin but has also hosted events, catered, and done productions in other parts of the world such as Hong Kong, London, Bologna, Copenhagen and Paris to name a few. In 2019 Olga founded Reformaten – a people’s movement for a positive food system where everyone’s winner – humans, animals and nature. The slogan, “Det ska vara lätt att äta rätt”, explains the purpose well; “it must be easy to eat right”.

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Chris Armitage

CEO, Global EverGreening Alliance

Chris Armitage is a business development and strategic partnering professional, specialising in large-scale solutions to address the root causes and impacts of poverty, food insecurity and climate change in developing countries. Chris is currently the CEO and Executive Director of the Global EverGreening Alliance, which unites the world’s largest and most capable development NGOs and technical and research organisations. Chris’ experience leading the development of a diverse range of funding and programming models, the Alliance is working in diverse contexts around the world.

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Guus ter Haar

Chief Operation Officer, reNature

Guus is reNature’s COO, in charge of structure and smooth global operations for the regenerative agriculture scale up. With an academic background in business and science, Guus has 10+ years of experience in sustainability strategy and has worked intensively in sustainable agriculture.

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Bo Gyldenvang

CEO, Tacton

Bo Gyldenvang is the CEO of Tacton. He is the former COO of Software AG and occupied various leadership positions in the software industry for over 15 years. He is committed to customers and pursuing excellence.

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Stephanie Smith

Director of Global Product Sustainability, Xylem

Stephanie has been at Xylem for 7 years, overseeing product management for environmental monitoring sensors and laboratory instrumentation used by water monitoring professional. Today she drives Xylem’s initiatives to build more sustainable products, reduce Xylem’s environmental impacts and reach Net Zero by 2050.

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Lucas Boudet

Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)

Lucas Boudet is the Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation in Europe. It promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation. Before joining EASA in 2016, Mr. Boudet spent 12 years leading different self-financed independent French Chambers of Commerce abroad, in Belgium, Thailand, and South Korea.He holds a Master’s degree in entrepreneurial studies from the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po Paris) as well as a double degree in French and Anglo-American business law from the University of Paris.

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George Harding-Rolls

Campaign Manager, Changing Markets Foundation

George is Campaign Manager at the Changing Markets Foundation, a Dutch non-profit formed to accelerate solutions to sustainability challenges by leveraging the power of markets. Much of their work involves exposing irresponsible corporate behavior, and George has worked across the fashion, fisheries, food, and plastics sectors pushing for corporate accountability. He leads the organization’s circular economy campaigns, exposing the fashion industry’s environmentally disastrous reliance on fossil fuels during the climate crisis as well as the organization’s latest project, greenwash.com. George is also an advisory board member of the Conscious Advertising Network.

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Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf

Head of sustainability, SPP / Storebrand Sverige

Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf is Head of Sustainability at SPP – one of Sweden’s largest pension providers. Johanna holds a MSc in Economics from Stockholm School of Economics and has previous experience from strategy consulting at Qvartz (today part of Bain), and from being political advisor to the party leader of the Centre Party.

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Steve Smith

Managing Director, Bankers without Boundaries

Steve worked at Morgan Stanley for 28 years in European and then Global equity sales. This included being engaged in cross-asset product and hosting the annual flagship macro conference. He was also actively involved in capital markets business, as a quorate member of European Equity Underwriting Committee, helping to oversee 150 IPOs. Steve is a graduate of University of York and holds a BA Hons degree in Economics & Politics and recently completed a course in Sustainable Finance at Cambridge University Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL).

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Cecilia McAleavey

Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly

Cecilia McAleavey is the Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs at Oatly. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods, and has worked as Head of Corporate Communications at Orkla Foods Sverige AB.

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Maria Smith

Secretary General, Axfoundation

Maria has 20+ years of experience working with sustainability in food retail, industry and service sector. She holds a M.SC. in Chemical Engineering and executive MBA. Acting as the Secretary general of Axfoundation - a stand-alone, non-profit organization developing practical solutions to complex sustainability challenges.

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David Bryngelsson

CEO & Founder, CarbonCloud

PhD David Bryngelsson has been CEO of CarbonCloud since its inception and has successfully taken the company through the bootstrapping phase the way up to backing of international venture capital and the mission of changing how the global food industry thinks about food and climate. With a deep understanding of the details in the science behind climate change and food production combined with a business mind he has a unique ability to package the science in ways to make it available and relevant for the food industry. Before CarbonCloud, David worked as researcher on climate change mitigation at Chalmers University of Technology for 8 years.

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Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Co-President, The Club of Rome

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating change in business and policy models and advisory work. She holds several advisory positions for the European Commission: Chair, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR); Assembly Member, Climate Mitigation & Adaptation Mission (DGR&I); TEG Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Platform (DGFISMA); United Nations: Food Summit Action Track 5 Resilience and for companies/organisations/institutes such as BMW, UBM, Climate KIC, UCL-Bartlett School of Enviornment and the IEEP. Sandrine is also a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and a Senior Associate for E3G, Ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and WEALL. In 2017 Sandrine co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN).

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Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite, PhD

Senior Director, Restoration Science, Conservation International

Dr. Sprenkle-Hyppolite is a restoration ecologist from California specializing in tree restoration and agroforestry and was a contributor to the Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions chapters on Climate Smart Farming and Grazing. Starry is the Senior Director of Restoration Science Conservation International (CI) and collaborates closely with The Nature Conservancy on agroforestry as a Natural Climate Solution. She leads CI’s approach to tree restoration monitoring, collaborating with the World Resources Institute. She is a Professor of Practice at Arizona State University, and holds a PhD from UC Davis.

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Ethan Soloviev

Chief Innovation Officer, HowGood

Ethan is a farmer and the Chief Innovation Officer at HowGood, the Sustainability Intelligence Platform. He manages innovation partnerships with Fortune 500 Brands, Retailers, and Suppliers through the world's largest product sustainability database, which covers 247 impact attributes across 33,000 unique ingredients and 2 million+ UPCs. Ethan leads HowGood's Regenerative Innovation working groups and is the author of Regenerative Enterprise and the Levels of Regenerative Agriculture.

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Nicola Renison


Nicola Renison farms with her husband Reno in Cumbria, Northern England. The daughter of dairy farmers, Nic grew up within the conventional, high production ag environment, growing food with little thought of the environment, ‘it just wasn’t on our radar’. It wasn’t until in 2012 when the Renison’s started farming their own land they started to think more regeneratively, this wasn’t because they wanted to save the world it was because they needed to pay the bills! The last ten years have been a journey of both practical ‘re-learning’ and a total change in mindset, they now farm 80 beef cattle who are 100% grass fed, with laying hens following the cows around in an ‘egg mobile’, also a handful of woodland pigs. No artificial fertilisers and sprays have been used for seven years, this along with extended rest periods for the grasslands, planting of hedges and tree the farm’s eco-system is well and truly thriving. Nicola and Reno are also founding members of ‘Carbon Calling’ a regenerative farming conference in the North of England.

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Jennifer Clapp

Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo & member, IPES food

Jennifer Clapp is a Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and Sustainability and Professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo, Canada. She has published widely on the political economy of food security and sustainability in a global context. She is currently Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee of the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security and a member of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food).

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Mathias Sundin

Co-founder & CEO, Warp News

Mathias Sundin is an angry optimist. He is the editor-in-Chief of Warp News, Co-Founder and Chairman of Warp Institute. He was a Member of the Swedish Parliament in 2012, and from 2014 to 2018.

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Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

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Madeleine Gilborne

Vice President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Madeleine holds dual roles within the management team of Alfa Laval's Energy Division.She serves as the President of the Business Unit for Electrolyzer & Fuel Cell Technologies, in addition to her role as the Head of Clean Technologies. In her capacity as the Head of Clean Technologies, Madeleine oversees a wide range of responsibilities, including public affairs, investment and acquisitions, as well as the business development of various applications, such as Energy Storage, Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage. Madeleine's tenure with Alfa Laval began in 2014, during which she has held various positions related to strategy and business development. She is a holder of M.Sc. degrees in both Industrial Engineering and Management, as well as Biotechnology, earned from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.

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Sheila Aggarwal-Khan

Director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP

Sheila is the Director of the Economy Division at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Sheila was previously the Director of the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility operations at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Sheila has served as an Environmental Specialist at a U.S. State Department of Environmental Protection, the Environment Liaison Centre International and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. At UNEP, she held positions ranging from Senior Advisor in the organization’s Strategic Implementation Team, to Acting Director of the Policy and Programme Division and Deputy Director of the GEF Division. She also served as external advisor in UNDP reviewing its business model in one of its global fund operations. She authored The Policy Process in International Environmental Governance and Promoting Coherence: Towards an Effective Global Environment Facility. Sheila holds a doctorate in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia.

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Brian Motherway

Head of Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office, International Energy Agency

Dr. Brian Motherway is Head of the Energy Efficiency & Inclusive Transitions Office at the International Energy Agency, overseeing a range of global programmes supporting energy efficiency and people-centred clean energy transitions. Prior to joining the IEA Brian was Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

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Dr. Kevin Lane

Senior Programme Manager, International Energy Agency

Kevin is Senior Programme Manager at the International Energy Agency, where he oversees the analytical work of the IEA’s Energy Efficiency Division. He has almost 30 years of experience working with different governments to develop, implement and evaluate policy and programmes to increase energy efficiency. He has a PhD in statistics and climatology, with postdoctoral research into energy efficiency at the University of Oxford.

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Thomas Møller

President Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Thomas is Executive Vice President in Alfa Laval and President of the Energy Division. The Division is responsible for the end to end process for the products and technologies sold in the energy and process industries. The Division has a turnover of approximately 1,3 BEUR with an operating margin above 15% and 5000 employees. After finishing his Chemical Engineering studies at the Technology University of Denmark, Thomas joined an American company for 5 years working with sales and business development of separation technologies in 2002 he joined Alfa Laval and has had several positions focusing on sales, business development, strategy development and execution.

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Pierre Tardieu

Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope

Pierre Tardieu is the Chief Policy Officer at WindEurope. WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind energy across Europe on behalf of its more than 500 corporate members. Pierre has been with WindEurope since 2011.

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Valentin Monteiro

Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden

Valentin Monteiro is Head of Sustainability, Schneider Electric Sweden.

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Jenny Larsson

Country President, Schneider Electric Sweden

Jenny Larsson is the Country President of Schneider Electric Sweden.

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Lars Schedin

Senior Advisor & Co-founder, EcoDataCenter

Lars Schedin is a Senior Advisor & Co-founder of EcoDataCenter. He had previously diverse positions as CEO, COO, CFO and Board member. He is highly skilled in strategic planning, business development, performance management and business analysis.

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Kirsi Simola Laaksonen

Chief Information Officer, Citycon Oyj

Kirsi Simola-Laaksonen serves as Chief Information Officer at Citycon, the leading owner, manager and developer of 33 mixed-use centers for urban living in the Nordics and Baltics. Today she leads the business technology, sustainability, business process improvement, operations development and HR teams. She is a passionate leading-by-data enthusiast, being a true “well at work” advocate and gets excited when talking about sustainable property management and development. Kirsi has +10 years of experience in the real estate industry and has also worked in the big4 professional accounting and consulting services network for almost a decade.

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Julien Gennetier

VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval

Julien Gennetier has more than 20 years of experience in a wide range of industrial sectors, from Food and Process Industries to HVAC. Committed to a more energy efficient tomorrow. Today he is heading Alfa Laval’s business unit for gasketed plate heat exchangers.

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Jesper Wirén

CEO and Co-founder, Enjay

Jesper has been an entrepreneur within HVAC and energy recovery his entire life, building, running and selling companies. The latest, except for Enjay, is UVtech AB who developed and launched UV-technology as the first company in the world to restaurant ventilation.

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Martin Edlund

CEO, Minesto

Dr Martin Edlund has for the last 20 years combined management consulting and strategy research collaboration with world-class technology companies such as ABB, GE, LM Ericsson and SKF. He has been active in the marine energy industry for the last decade. Since 2016 Martin Edlund leads Minesto's company strategy to commercialise its unique product.

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Marina Sundman

Business Unit Director Utility, Solkompaniet

Marina Sundman is Business Unit Director Utility, Solkompaniet

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Emelie Öhlander

Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson

Emelie Öhlander is the Climate Action Program Manager at Ericsson, with responsibility for executing the climate strategy and Net Zero program objectives, maintaining Ericsson´s leadership position in the area of climate action. Emelie works with Ericsson´s Net Zero program, employee engagement, as well with external partners to demonstrate how connectivity, innovation drives exponential change in society i.e. how technology such as digitalization, AI and 5G can help mitigate climate change.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Patrick Kiarie

Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya

Patrick Kiarie is an Eco-Warrior, and the Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya and a small scale businessman. He is passionate about climate change and how to transform small business enterprises into circular and green businesses. Patrick won last year's WDHT Climate idea - Borrowing from the future. Borrowing from the future is an idea based to be a model program for educating young people on climate change and building a platform for the youth to contribute to innovations in climate change. Recently, Patrick was nominated among the top 10 most influential youths in Kenya.

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Hon. Bogolo J Kenewendo

Africa Director, Special Advisor, UN Climate Change High Level Champions Team

Bogolo J. Kenewendo is a Global economist and Former Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry in Botswana. Kenewendo is also a vocal advocate for gender equity and the protection of children’s rights. She is a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council and a WPL Special Envoy to the G7 & G20. She is also a member of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and group on Financing for Development, a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council on Global Public Goods in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a WEF Young Global Leader. She currently serves as the Africa Director & Special Advisor for UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Managing Director of Kenewendo Advisory and Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Global Development

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Solitaire Townsend

Chief Solutionist/Co-founder, Futerra

Solitaire has been selling sustainability for over 20 years. As Co-founder and Chief Solutionist of Futerra she advises governments, charities and brands on making sustainability so desirable it becomes normal. With Futerra offices in London, Stockholm, New York and Mexico City she admits that making the world a better place is a damn good business plan. You can watch her TED talks online and read her in the Guardian, Huffington Post, Forbes and more often as @GreenSolitaire. Solitaire was named ‘Ethical Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2008 and more recently was Chair of the UK Green Energy Scheme, a member of the United Nations Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce and a London Leader for Sustainability. Her new book The Happy Hero - How To Change Your Life By Changing The World is out now.

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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

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Sebastian Hald Buhl

Country Manager for Sweden and Norway, Ørsted

Sebastian Hald Buhl is Ørsted’s Country Manager for Sweden and Norway. He has worked for Ørsted since 2013, predominantly within its Government Affairs team. During this time, he has covered RES tender design, energy market design and offshore wind energy regulation across Northern Europe, the USA and Asia Pacific.

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Lina Håkansdotter

VP & Head of Public Affairs, H2 Green Steel

Lina Håkansdotter works to enable and advance the transformation of the steel industry to sustainable operations at H2 Green Steel. She has leading expertise and experience, and a broad network within sustainability and public policy. She previously worked as Head of Sustainability and Infrastructure at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

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Dr. Arunabha Ghosh

Founder-CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Arunabha Ghosh is a public policy professional, adviser, author, columnist, and institution builder. As founder-CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, since 2010, he has led CEEW to the top ranks among Asia's leading policy research institutions (8 years in a row); and among the world’s 20 best climate think-tanks. He conceptualized and designed the International Solar Alliance. He conceptualized and is a founding board member of the Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN). Co-author/editor of 4 books and with experience in 45 countries, he previously worked at Princeton, Oxford, UNDP (New York), and WTO (Geneva). In 2018, the UN Secretary-General nominated him to the UN's Committee for Development Policy.

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Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

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Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

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Mie Prehn Nygaard

Decarbonisation manager, Ørsted

Mie Prehn Nygaard is Decarbonisation manager at Ørsted.

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Bessma Aljarbou

Head of Supplier Carbon Solutions, Apple

Bessma Aljarbou leads Apple’s Supplier Carbon Solutions, which includes the Supplier Clean Energy Program and Supplier Energy Efficiency and Abatement Programs.

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Gabrielle Ginér

Head of Environmental Sustainability, BT

Gabrielle has managed BT Group’s thought leadership and external advocacy programmes on environmental sustainability since 2009. Her work has spanned developing BT's carbon targets, including BT's 1.5°C science-based target and carbon abatement methodologies for BT’s products and services as well as working with BT’s Procurement division on supplier engagement strategy. Gabrielle represents BT Group in numerous external fora and has chaired the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Awards Advisory Panel. She has previously held roles in public affairs and programme management at BT and has an MA from SAIS Johns Hopkins University and an MSc from University College London.

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Tessa Vincent

Engagement Lead, Race to Zero

Tessa has a Law and Politics background and has worked for Judges, Members of Parliament and a Minister in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She has experience in the NGO sector enhancing climate philanthropy and setting up coalitions to improve food security and tackle food waste.

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Mik Thobo-Carlsen

CEO/Founder, Mindpool

Mik Thobo-Carlsen is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindpool. He is a serial entrepreneur of more than 20+ companies. He is highly experienced in international strategic growth and SaaS platforms. Before Mindpool, Mik Thobo-Carlsen co-founded Tattoodo.com – a global platform that reaches more than 300 million people every month

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Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger

Co-founder & CEO, Chi Impact Capital

Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, LL.M. is the co-founder and CEO of Chi Impact Capital a Zurich based, independent impact investing advisor.

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Kim Stanley Robinson

Science Fiction Writer, Orbit Books

Kim Stanley Robinson is an American science fiction writer. He is the author of about twenty books, including the internationally bestselling Mars trilogy. He was sent to the Antarctic by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists and Writers’ Program in 1995, and returned in their Antarctic media program in 2016. His work has been translated into 25 languages, and won a dozen awards in five countries, including the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and World Fantasy awards. His most recent novel is The Ministry for the Future.

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Ahmed Aboutaleb

Mayor of Rotterdam

Ahmed Aboutaleb has been Mayor of Rotterdam since 2009. Previously, he represented the PvdA (Labor Party) as State Secretary for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the fourth Balkenende cabinet (2007-2008) and as an alderman in Amsterdam (2004-2007). At the age of fifteen, Aboutaleb came to the Netherlands for family reunification. The family resided in The Hague, where Aboutaleb successively attended Junior Technical School, Intermediate Technical School and Technical College, graduating in Telecommunications in 1987. Ahmed Aboutaleb is a poetry enthusiast.

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Monica Medina

Arnhold Distinguished Fellow, Conservation International

I am currently an Arnhold Distinguished Fellow at Conservation International. From 2021-23, I served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs and was the first ever US Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources. I have had a long career working at the intersection of government, policy, law and advocacy on conservation and climate change.

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Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Vice President, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an expert in the adaptation and mitigation of indigenous peoples to climate change. She is a member of the Mbororo pastoralist people in Chad and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT). She led several concrete projects that improved access to basic need of indigenous peoples, while promoting their unique contribution to the protection of the environment. 3D participatory mapping, for instance, helps to prevent resources-based conflicts in one of the poorest and most vulnerable region of the world. She is an advocate for the greater inclusion of indigenous people and their knowledge and traditions in the global movement to fight the effects of climate change. Hindou received the Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award and was appointed as a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. She serves as a Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues; Member of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC); Member of the Advisory Committee to the Secretary-General’s 2019 Climate Action Summit; and Conservation International Senior Indigenous Fellow. In 2019, she was listed by Time Magazine as one of 15 women championing action on climate change.

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Vedika Bhandarkar

COO, Water.org

Vedika is responsible for the operating efficiency and effectiveness of Water.org, and for the attainment of strategic objectives and annual organizational goals. She works closely with the CEO, the executive team, and the President of WaterEquity to support the mission and vision of Water.org. She previously served as Water.org’s Chief Global Impact Officer and the Managing Director, India. Vedika has more than 25 years of experience building teams and businesses with Indian and international financial institutions. Prior to joining Water.org in January 2016, she served as Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited from 2010-2015. Previously, she served as the Managing Director & Head of Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan.

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Gary White

CEO & Co-founder, Water.org

As Co-founder and CEO of Water.org and WaterEquity, Gary leads the organizations to create and execute market-driven solutions to the global water crisis. Gary's entrepreneurial vision drives innovations in the way water and sanitation projects are delivered and financed, innovations that now serve as a model in the water and sanitation sector. From a makeshift office in his home, Gary has led Water.org to become an international organization with more than 100 people changing lives in 11 countries around the world.

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Pia Irell

Founder, Investor & Advisor, Pike

With two decades of experience in private equity, venture capital, and business development, Pia Irell is dedicated to fostering value creation through sustainable solutions and responsible business practices. As the founder of Pike, she advises institutional investors and companies on creating long-term value with a positive societal impact. Pia previously contributed to shaping Trill Impact’s investment strategy and building a portfolio of purpose-driven companies. At Altor Equity Partners, she focused on driving value creation and integrating ESG across the portfolio. She has also held leadership roles at Gambro and ABB, and as CEO of the Young Shareholders Association, she worked to make the stock market more accessible to younger investors.

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Scott Cohen

Co-Founder & Partner, New Lab

Scott Cohen is the Co-Founder of New Lab @ The Brooklyn Navy Yard. Cohen is a versatile artist and entrepreneur with a vast appetite to learn about new technologies and build bridges where none existed. He has a particular interest in people working across disciplines that are leveraging entrepreneurship, technology, and design to solve high-impact problems facing society. As an entrepreneur, investor, and artist, Cohen’s work is deeply rooted in endeavors that draw us closer to the natural environment, enliven civic life, and drive entrepreneurial wedges into legacy industries ripe for change. Beyond New Lab, his career has spanned many disciplines ranging from his partnerships with Belt, his own photographic works, and a narrative feature film he shot in Antarctica that won a FIPRESCI Grand Jury Award for Best New American Cinema.

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Martina Donlon

Chief, Climate Section, Department of Global Communications, UN

Martina Donlon currently heads the Climate Communications Team at the United Nations Department of Global Communications in New York, managing campaigns and initiatives focused on climate action. Before that, she led a communications team on the Sustainable Development Goals, managed UN human rights campaigns, and headed communications and change management at the UN regional service center in Uganda. Before joining the UN, she worked as Assistant Director at the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as Special Assistant to the Swiss Ambassador to the UN, Deputy Cultural Attaché of Switzerland in New York, and as editor at the Wall Street Journal online.

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Pia Björstrand

Chairwoman, End Ecocide Sweden

Pia Björstrand is a lawyer and the spokesperson for Climate Action Sweden. She has defended climate activists in court. She is the former chairwoman of the Nature Conservation Association Nyköping/Oxelösund.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate solutions. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on WeDontHaveTime.org

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by a President. The European Commission's Representative Office in Sweden promotes political dialogue, informs about current issues in the EU and keeps in touch with authorities, stakeholders, the media and the general public.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers, and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. Read more.

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