Earth Day Week climate conference, April 20-25, 2020








Earth Day Week 2020. The public, free, online, no-fly climate conference.








"We know we have the finance to deliver the transition to sustainable development. Whether we achieve this is up to us.”

Earth Day Week climate conference, April 20-25, 2020








"We know we have the finance to deliver the transition to sustainable development. Whether we achieve this is up to us.”

April 20: Finance

The finance industry holds, many would claim, the key to securing the transition to a fossil-free society. Solutions need funding to scale exponentially, and the fossil fuel industry needs to be defunded. Climate-conscious stakeholders are already moving in this direction. Is the finance industry actually the climate movement’s best friend? Join us on April 20 and watch thinkers, doers, and industry leaders patch together an answer to this question.

15:00 CEST /  9:00 am EST – Stockholm studio

Opening remarks from hosts Ingmar Rentzhog, We Don’t Have Time, Owen Gaffney, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Nick Nuttall, Earth Day Network

Introduction Keynote – Finance
by Prof. Nick Robins,
Professor in Practice – Sustainable Finance, Grantham Institute/London School of Economics

Solutions in Finance – Part I
How to move pension funds, banks, and minds to work for the climate

Doers & Thinkers – Part I

16:00 CEST / 10:00 am EST - Washington D.C. studio
With host Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, US representative We Don’t Have Time

16:45 CEST / 10:45 am EST  – Stockholm studio

Keynote – “The Exponential Transformation of Finance”

by Owen Gaffney, Exponential Roadmap Initiative, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Potsdam Institute for Climate Research. The finance industry's path toward 1.5°C, based on the Exponential Roadmap's 36 solutions to halve emissions by 2030 and how to scale them.

Solutions in Finance – Part II
How to move pension funds, banks and minds to work for the climate—exponentially

Doers & Thinkers – Part II

Concluding Keynote – “Neoclassical economics and the root for the climate crisis” 

by Prof. Stephen Keen, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for Strategy, Resilience and Security, University College London

18:00 CEST /  12:00 noon EST  – Closing remarks

Closing remarks from hosts Ingmar Rentzhog, We Don’t Have Time, Owen Gaffney, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Nick Nuttall, Earth Day Network

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Paul Dickinson

Founder Chair, CDP & Outrage and Optimism podcast

Paul founded CDP in 2000 with an ambition of creating a global economic system that operates within sustainable environmental boundaries and prevents dangerous climate change. His book Beautiful Corporations published in 2000 by Financial Times Prentice Hall and introduced the concept of sustainability product marketing, which is growing in significance as a force in contemporary commerce.

Prof. Nick Robins

Professor in Practice - Sustainable Finance, LSE & Co-Founder Planet Tracker

Nick Robins is Professor in Practice for Sustainable Finance at the LSE’s Grantham Research Institute. The focus of his work is on how to mobilise finance for climate action in ways that support a just transition, promoting the role of central banks and regulators in achieving sustainable development and investigating how the financial system can support the restoration of nature. Nick is co-founder of Carbon Tracker and also co-founder of Planet Tracker and previously worked at UNEP, HSBC, Henderson Global Investors, the International Institute for Environment and Development, as well as the European Commission.

Bjørn Bruun

Entrepreneur and Investor

Impact investor, Business angel, EIFO angel, businessdevelopment, Mentor and serial entrepreneur from Denmark.

Prof. Stephen Keen

Honorary Professor, University College London

Author of Debunking Economics (with its third edition currently under development), Steve is one of a dozen economists credited with having warned of the 2007 global financial crisis and is the designer of the Open Source system dynamics program Minsky. He has authored about 70 refereed academic papers critical of mainstream economics and is a distinguished research fellow at the Institute for Strategy, Resilience and Security at University College London.

Sharryn Porter

Founder One Quick Change

Sharryn founded the Fire Your Fossil Bank pledge in 2020. The pledge calls on customers of fossil fuel funding banks to transfer their money to a sustainable alternative. With this simple action, we can apply additional pressure on these banks to divest from fossil fuels and support the movement towards a greener economy.

Joakim Jansson

Founder, Klimatbytet

Joakim is founder of #Klimatbytet - a non-profit initiative aiming at redirecting our money out of fossil to more climate friendly alternatives. So far more than 300 MSEK has been made more climate friendly through Joakim is also author of the best selling book Leading Digital Transformation, and originator of the Digital Maturity Matrix, a methodology for digital transformation used by a thousand+ companies. Joakims day job is to democratise transformation at DigJourney where he is a founder. His background is as entrepreneur and leader of media and online startups.

Anders Langworth

Head of Group Sustainable Finance, Nordea Bank

Anders heads one of the largest sustainability teams in the European financial sector. Anders has, as the only Nordic representative, one of eleven seats in the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) global Banking Committee, which steer the overall strategy and activities of the global Banking Programme. He is also the Founder of Bankers for Climate (, an independent non-profit climate change movement for all employees in the global financial industry.

Jillian Semaan

VP, Sustainability at Ketchum

.Jillian leads Sustainability at Ketchum where she drives initiatives and provides counsel related to ESGs, Food and Agriculture, Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. She has spent much of her career advocating for both human and planetary health centered around sustainable solutions like new technologies, regenerative agriculture, alternative proteins, biodiversity, and soil health. Previously she was appointed in the Obama Administration at the United States Department of Agriculture where she created and implemented government initiatives that focused on sustainable agriculture in food deserts, disadvantaged and low-income communities throughout the United States addressing food access issues and nutrition.

Peter Mckillop

Founder & Editor, Climate & Capital Media

Climate & Capital Media was founded by Peter and senior financial executive. Before founding Climate & Capital Media, he was a Managing Director at BlackRock where he led global communication campaigns to build strong sustainable brands focused on ESG, impact, sustainability, and climate change. Mr. McKillop spent most of his early career as a correspondent and bureau chief for Newsweek Magazine in New York, Tokyo, and Hong Kong where he covered key economic, financial, social, political, issues.

Philip Ripman

Portfolio Manager and Head of Solutions, Storebrand Asset Management

Ripman joined Storebrand Asset Management's sustainable investments team in 2006 and has been Fund Manager for Storebrand Global Solutions since May 2015. The fund focuses on companies with solutions to the challenges presented by the sustainable development goals. Ripman has held a numerous positions within the company including Group Head of Sustainability. Through his engagement with Sustainability he has advised several governments and institutions on topics ranging from coal exclusions, environmental impacts of human activities to policy requirements to achieve international climate agreement targets. He holds an MA in Chinese Studies and a Master’s in Political Science. Ripman specializes within the areas of politics, climate change, the commercialization of sustainability and how to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals as investment themes.

Rolly Montpellier

Co-founder and Managing Editor of Below2°C, Ambassador Canada, We Don't Have Time

Roland (Rolly) Montpellier is the co-founder and Editor of Below2°C. He’s a climate activist, a climate communicator and a blogger. He’s a member of Climate Reality Canada, 350.Org (Ottawa), Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Canada) and climate ambassador for We Don't Have Time. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin. This is one of Rolly's favourite qoutes: "We had better understand what is happening and make up our minds about it before it makes up our minds for us.", Yuval Noah Harari.

Simon Messenger

Director, 2 Degrees Investing Initiative

Simon is Director of 2 Degrees Investing Initiative in France and the UK, where he leads their technical research programmes, engagement with financial institutions and engagement with policy makers, regulators and supervisors. Prior to this, Simon was Managing Director at the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), Head of Consulting at the UK's Energy Saving Trust and worked at PwC and Deloitte. He holds a Masters Degree in Ecological Economics and an undergraduate degree in Environmental Geoscience.

Carolina Sundell

Journalist, board member of Positiva Pengar and an advocate for monetary reform

Positiva Pengar (Positive Money) is the Swedish branch of International Movement for Monetary Reform. They promote the Sovereign Money reform in which all money—our means to pay—is created without debt by the central bank instead of as it is today, when money is created by the commercial banks in connection with a loan. Carolina believes that the current monetary system where banks are allowed to create money is dysfunctional. The banking sector’s profit-seeking intentions consequently leads to unsustainable economic growth and not an optimum money supply for the planet's ecosystems. Monetary reform advocates around the world are now demanding the state to take back control over the money production and urges the sovereign government to recapture the monetary prerogative.

Catharina Lehto


Maria says: "It's time for a change, we need to redirect our investments to impact for a more sustainable and healthy world. It's time for individuals and companies to take action for Democracy 2.0 and to invest in their values. That time is now.". We better follow her lead.

Denis Hayes

Founder, Earth Day Network

President of the Bullitt Foundation. Former Director of US National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Former Stanford U professor of engineering and Silicon Valley Attorney. National Coordinator of first Earth Day in 1970.

Maria Flock Åhlander

CEO, Ekobanken

Maria started in Ekobanken 2007 and is the CEO since January 1, 2020. She has been in various positions within the bank and her most recent role was CFO and Head of Sustainability but also Deputy CEO. Maria´s background is in auditing, and also consulting within Sustainable Business Development at PWC. Maria can combine her experience and knowledge in Sustainable Development and Finance in the field of Sustainable Banking.

Katie Wood

Conservation and Biodiversity Manager, Earth Day Network

Katie runs conservation and biodiversity programs for Earth Day Network. Katie holds a Master of Science degree from University of Exeter in the U.K., where she worked on the conservation of marine and terrestrial environments around the world. Previously, she worked with Coral Restoration Foundation in the Florida Keys, running programs to restore reef environments.

Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

Hortense Bioy

Director of Sustainable Investing Research, EMEA, Morningstar

Hortense leads Morningstar’s Sustainable Investing Research efforts across EMEA. She has been focusing on ESG since 2017. Morningstar is a leading investment data and research organisation which partly own leading ESG ratings agency Sustainalytics.

Mohan Kumar

Campaigner, 350 Ottawa

Mohan Kumar is the lead for the "Switch to a non-fossil fuel bank" campaign. He has previously worked on projects related to carbon pricing and electric vehicles. Mohan resides in Ottawa, Canada. He will speak about reasons to re-invest away from fossil fuels and how easy it really is.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (OLD)




Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty



Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

http://swetachakraborty.comRead less
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Nick Nuttall



Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

https://www.earthday.orgRead less
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About Earth Day Week

Together with Earth Day Network and Exponential Roadmap we invite you to join us for Earth Day Week, April 20–25, 2020. We’ll be broadcasting live talks and other daily shows from Washington DC, Stockholm and with speakers, thinkers and doers from all over the world.

For the third consecutive year we bring you a public, free, online, no-fly climate conference. The program features the brightest minds to discuss solutions to the most daring challenge humanity has ever faced: the climate crisis.

We need climate action and an open dialogue. We need you and everyone to join in.

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Earth Day 1970, Washington DC

Day by day program

"We know we have the finance to deliver the transition to sustainable development. Whether we achieve this is up to us.”
"We know we have the finance to deliver the transition to sustainable development. Whether we achieve this is up to us.”






 CEST / 

9:00 am



"We cannot ask others to do what we have not done ourselves." Christiana Figueres
"We cannot ask others to do what we have not done ourselves." Christiana Figueres






 CEST / 

9:00 am


Circular economy and consumption

"We live on a human-dominated planet, putting unprecedented pressure on the systems on Earth." Johan Rockström
"We live on a human-dominated planet, putting unprecedented pressure on the systems on Earth." Johan Rockström






 CEST / 

9:00 am


Big ideas and education

"More than half of the world’s agricultural land is affected by degradation." Ibrahim Thiaw
"More than half of the world’s agricultural land is affected by degradation." Ibrahim Thiaw






 CEST / 

9:00 am


Food and agriculture

"Challenges are hidden opportunities." Jennifer Lenhart
"Challenges are hidden opportunities." Jennifer Lenhart






 CEST / 

9:00 am


Local government, city development and transportation






 CEST / 

9:00 am


Climate Hackathon

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"2020 must be a Super Year for climate action. We’ll be showcasing the action, the solutions and the fact everyone has a part to play.”

– Nick Nuttal, Earth Day Network

"The immediate priority are to halve global emissions by 2030, by scaling  green solutions exponentially. We must reach a critical mass with the new compass direction to enable a virtuous circle of change. Then it is achievable."

– Johan Falk, Exponential Roadmap


We Don't Have Time
Earth Day Network
Exponential Roadmap
Project Drawdown
Climate Reality Europe
Top Tier Impact
We Mean Business
The Years Project
Surge Africa
The Juice Media
The Energy Mix
The Planetary Press
Global Utmaning
A Sustainable Tomorrow
Medveten Konsumtion
Urban Green
Earth Day Switch
Climate Students
Power Circle
22 Initiative Foundation
Clarion Sign Hotel
Climate Reality Project Canada
Entrepreneurs Without Borders
Svenskt Sigill
Berlin School of Sustainable Future
GrandPa Electric
Scientists Warning
Desert Control
Planet Forward
Climate Collective Pune
Hack for Future
Stiftelsen Byggekologi
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Brittish embassy

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