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Davos & Online

We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Welcome to our digital hub during the World Economic Forum. January 15–26, 2024.

We Don't Have Time
Future io
Green Accelerator
Una Terra














Davos & Online












Davos & Online

We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Welcome to our digital hub during the World Economic Forum. January 15–26, 2024.

We Don't Have Time
Future io
Green Accelerator
Una Terra

Together with our partners, We Don’t Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos and the World Systemic Forum.

Join us for insightful dialogues on climate, the environment, and nature-based solutions with leading experts, including scientists, policymakers, NGOs, companies, and more – shared virtually to a global audience on We Don't Have Time.

How to watch and interact?

The best way to experience our interviews is with the help of our app. Download our app and join the dialogue: 📲 Apple App Store 📲 Google Play 🌐 Web app (browser version)

January 15

18:00–22:00 CET — CSO Awards /24 – Honouring the Leadership of European Chief Sustainability Officers

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The CSO Awards /24 celebrates the outstanding contributions of Chief Sustainability Officers who have demonstrated exemplary commitment and leadership in advancing sustainability practices within their organizations.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, learn more here.


January 16

8:15–9:00 CET — Energy amid Rivalry

Energy and geopolitics have become increasingly interlinked. Countries are openly competing to diversify their global energy supplies, including oil, gas and clean energy solutions, while enhancing the resilience of their energy supply chains, both geographically and for critical minerals.How can we leverage the findings from past crises to navigate this new reality and speed up the transition to a secure, sustainable and equitable energy future?


  • Tian Wei, Host, World Insight with Tian Wei, China Global Television Network (CGTN)
  • Shunichi Miyanaga, Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Meghan O'Sullivan, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
  • Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
  • Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India

8:15–9:00 CET — First Movers for Frontier Clean Technologies

The First Movers Coalition, launched at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, has garnered an unprecedented $16 billion in aggregated demand for emerging climate technologies and the support of 13 governments which together represent more than 50% of global GDP.

What are the lessons learnt and what lies ahead in the journey to speed up and scale these technologies?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry, Ministry of Manpower of Singapore
  • Takeshi Hashimoto, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd
  • Rachel Kyte, Visiting Professor of Practice, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Daniel Fisher, Chief Executive Officer, Ball Corporation
  • Carlos Torres Vila, Chair, BBVA SA
  • Anna Borg, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vattenfall AB

8:15–9:00 CET — The Right Stuff – A New Relationship with Materials

The equivalent surface area of São Paulo is built every week. Advances in new materials create options to build cities that are circular, affordable and beautiful.

What innovative approaches to construction materials can lead to more livable places across the globe?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nollaig Forrest, Chief Sustainability Officer; Member, Group Executive Committee, Holcim Ltd
  • Jeff Merritt, Head of Centre for Urban Transformation; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum LLC
  • Ed Conway, Economics Editor, Sky News
  • Cristina Gamboa, Chief Executive Officer, World Green Building Council
  • Coen van Oostrom, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OVG Real Estate BV
  • Arjun Dhawan, Vice-Chairman, HCC Ltd

9:30–10:15 CET — When Climate Impacts Your Health

From extreme heat to poor air quality, flooding and hazardous weather events, climate change poses threats to health systems while exposing socioeconomic inequities and increasing infectious disease exposure, non-communicable conditions and food insecurity globally.As the human dimension of climate change takes centre stage, what are the most promising approaches, evidence and data needed to mitigate the health impact of the climate crisis today?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Victor Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine
  • Vanessa Kerry, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seed Global Health
  • Shyam Bishen, Head, Centre for Health and Healthcare; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Nisia Trindade Lima, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Cheryl Moore, Chief Research Programmes Officer, Wellcome Trust
  • Bill Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Bayer AG

9:30–10:15 CET — On the Frontlines for Nature

In all corners of the world, local communities are working to protect their lands and traditions threatened by the climate and nature crisis and exacerbated by rising security challenges.

How are remarkable efforts in Latin America and Africa leading the way in restoring natural landscapes, supporting sustainable livelihoods and stabilizing some of the world’s most fragile geographies?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai, President of the Board of Directors, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Godfrey Mutizwa, Chief Editor, CNBC Africa
  • Emmanuel de Merode, Director, Virunga National Park, Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)
  • Atossa Soltani, Director, Global Strategy, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

9:30–10:15 CET — Transforming Energy Demand

By 2050, estimates indicate that the global economy will have doubled in size and will be serving a population of over 10 billion people. In this context, improving energy efficiency is critical to delivering an affordable, secure and climate-aligned future.

What can companies and governments do to enable economic growth with less energy?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Tania Bryer, Anchor, CNBC
  • Robert E. Moritz, Global Chair, PwC
  • Peter Herweck, Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric SE
  • Ilham Kadri, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Syensqo SA
  • Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
  • Anish Shah,Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Mahindra Group

13:00–13:45 CET — Brazil's Sustainable Transformation

Brazil is advancing a secular transformation to forge a new development model that reconciles robust economic growth and social change with environmental protection.

What reforms are under way and how is public-private cooperation envisioned?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nisia Trindade Lima, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Monica Scaramuzzo, Business Editor, Valor Econômico
  • Marina Silva, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
  • Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

13:00–13:45 CET — Where Nature Meets Conflict

Nature and climate crises impact food and water security, fuelling displacement and humanitarian emergencies and exacerbating risks to global peace and stability.

How do we integrate the nature-security nexus into decisions and investment mandates to better respond to the needs of communities that are most vulnerable and most affected?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Jojo Mehta, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stop Ecocide International
  • Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, President, Igarape Institute
  • Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
  • Antonella Di Ciano, Global Shaper, Caracas Hub
  • Amy Pope, Director-General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

15:00–15:45 CET — COP28 and the Road Ahead

The 28th Conference of the Parties and the conclusion of the global stocktake are significant milestones in the fight against climate change. However, multiple questions remain on how to accelerate inclusive climate action effectively.

What are COP28's achievements and disappointments and what lies ahead for the next COP?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sally Buzbee, Executive Editor, The Washington Post
  • Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
  • Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer, ENGIE Group

16:15–17:00 CET — Finding a Balance for the Amazon

Home to 10% of the world’s biodiversity, 20% of global freshwater resources and nearly 50 million people, the Amazon basin plays an essential role from an economic and ecological standpoint.

With the growing recognition that the basin will be instrumental in achieving international targets such as the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework, how can leaders in the region ensure the protection of the ecosystem and the sustainability of its economic prospects?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Luciano Huck, Host, Rede Globo
  • Ilan Goldfajn, President, The Inter-American Development Bank
  • Helder Barbalho, Governor of the State of Pará, Government of the State of Pará
  • Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, Office of the President of Colombia
  • Fany Kuiru, General Coordinator, Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin - COICA

16:15–16:45 CET — Forests as a Climate and Livelihood Solution

Forests represent a third of carbon sequestration potential to address the climate crisis and many local benefits if paired with steep emissions cuts from human sources. And blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangrove forests, seagrasses and salt marshes, store up to five times more carbon per acre than tropical rainforests.

With such immense potential, what are the new science, corporate and government commitments to safeguard forests both in land and coastal ecosystems and protect local livelihoods?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Thomas Crowther, Professor, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich
  • Jane Goodall, Founder, Jane Goodall Institute; United Nations Messenger of Peace
  • Gill Einhorn, Head of Innovation and Transformation, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Alfonso Escolar González, Global Shaper, Bogota Hub

19:00–20:30 CET — A Necessary Shift: Building Regenerative Businesses and Capturing Untapped Value

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Leaders globally are being put to the test as they face unceasing disruptions and economic uncertainty. With the ongoing cycle of challenges, ever-evolving trends, and sounding alarm of climate change, being agile isn't enough. For organizations to see the most value, it's no longer about preparedness for changing lanes at speed when directed or adapting to an endless state of reinvention, but rather about the ability to switch to a constant state of regeneration. It’s no surprise that this still boils down to a combination of design, and human and artificial intelligence, but what is the balance and approach? How do you not only move at speed, but interconnectedly? How do you build to regenerate?

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, please email Davos@Kearney.com


20:30–22:00 CET — We Don’t Have Time & Kearney Networking Reception

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, please email Davos@Kearney.com


January 17

9:00–9:45 CET — Putting a Price on Nature

Gross domestic product has more than doubled in the past three decades while natural capital has declined by nearly 40% within the same time frame.

With more than half of the world's GDP reliant on nature and its services, what is required to better connect ecology to economics, and conservation with development outcomes? Can the value of nature be quantified as a measure of economic performance?


  • Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai, President of the Board of Directors, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Ronald W. Hovsepian, Chief Executive Officer, Indigo Ag, Inc.
  • Nick Studer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Oliver Wyman (Marsh McLennan)
  • Marina Silva, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
  • Hubert Keller, Senior Managing Partner, Bank Lombard Odier & Co. Ltd
  • Gretchen Daily, Bing Professor in Environmental Science, Stanford University

11:30–12:15 CET — Avoiding a Crunch in Critical Minerals

The clean energy transition hinges on a radical increase in supply of critical minerals – by 2030, cobalt demand could rise by 150% and lithium and graphite by six to seven times from today's levels.

With long lead times for new supply, how can investments and new collaborations throughout the value chains prevent a crunch in critical minerals?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zeng Yuqun, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL)
  • Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco
  • Jason Bordoff, Founding Director, Center on Global Energy Policy; Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  • Benedikt Sobotka, Chief Executive Officer, Eurasian Resources Group Sàrl
  • Anil Agarwal, Executive Chairman, Vedanta Resources Ltd

12:30–13:30 CET — Open Forum: Sustaining Life on Earth

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, biodiversity is more at risk now than at any other point in human history. Yet $44 trillion of economic value generation – over half the world’s total GDP – is moderately or highly dependent on nature.

How can unprecedented collaboration between science, business and policy safeguard life and livelihoods on the planet?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Deep Saini, President and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University
  • David Obura, Director, Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) East Africa
  • Xiye Bastida, Founder, Re-Earth Initiative
  • Ursula Schneider Schüttel, President, Pro Natura - Friends of the Earth
  • Maria Susana Muhamad, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia
  • Sabrina Soussan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SUEZ

13:15–14:00 CET — Climate and Nature: Seed Capital Needed

To fast track a net-zero, nature-positive economy requires philanthropic and development support that are early-stage, risk-taking and catalytic.

How can governments, development finance and philanthropic institutions join forces with private capital to avert climate collapse?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Ray Dalio, Founder and Chief Investment Officer Mentor, Bridgewater Associates LP
  • Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Mafalda Duarte, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Desmond Kuek, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Temasek Trust
  • David Gelles, Managing Correspondent, The New York Times Company
  • Badr Jafar, Chief Executive Officer, Crescent Enterprises

14:15–15:15 CET — Climate and Nature: A Systemic Response Needed

The year 2023 is the hottest on record - 1.48°C above the pre-industrial averages - propelling economies and societies into unprecedented and risky territory. Leaders are increasingly called upon to transform the current growth and development models to better steward the global commons and serve humanity.

How can we enable a net-zero, nature-positive future that regenerates Earth’s finite resources and safeguards its peoples?

During the session, the 2024 Social Innovation Awards will be announced by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
  • Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair in Public Policy, Texas Tech University
  • Jesper Brodin, Chief Executive Officer, Ingka Group (IKEA)
  • Hilde Schwab, Chairperson and Co-Founder, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Gim Huay Neo, Managing Director, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Chief Putany Yawanawá, Chief of the Yawanawá Tribe, Yawanawá Tribe
  • Andre Hoffmann, Chairman, Massellaz SA
  • Ajay S. Banga, President, World Bank Group

15:00–15:45 CET — Tripling Renewables: Make It Rapid and Responsible

Renewable capacity must increase threefold in the next six years to meet climate and energy security goals. However, for countries to succeed in pursuing this massive infrastructure deployment, the transition must deal with questions on permitting, land use, community acceptance and biodiversity.

What strategies can leaders deploy to make this transition rapid and responsible?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy
  • Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola SA
  • Arunabha Ghosh, Chief Executive Officer, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

15:00–15:45 CET — Net Zero Industries

The manufacturing sector, which accounts for one-fifth of global carbon emissions and over half of the world's energy usage, is taking centre stage in the global race to net zero. Yet despite a raft of commitments and first steps, around 50% of companies are off track in achieving their targets.

How can manufacturers leverage new innovations and technologies to successfully negotiate the green transition while maintaining growth?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Petra De Sutter, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Enterprises, Public Administration, Telecommunications and Postal Services of Belgium, Office of the Prime Minister of Belgium
  • Martin Lundstedt, President and Chief Executive Officer, Volvo Group
  • Juliet Mann, TV Host, China Global Television Network (CGTN)
  • Holger Klein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
  • Gwenaelle Avice Huet, Executive Vice-President, Europe Operations, Schneider Electric SE
  • Brand Cheng, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Foxconn Industrial Internet

15:00–15:45 CET — Out of Balance with Water

The global water cycle is spiralling out of balance, with climate change aggravating torrential rains and intense droughts. The assumption that water supplies are stable, predictable and manageable is no longer true.

What are the most urgent levers to realize the potential of water as a catalyst and enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Ulrik Gernow, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Grundfos A/S
  • Tharman Shanmugaratnam, President of Singapore, Office of the President of Singapore
  • Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Chairperson, HCLTech
  • Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Kirsten Schuijt, Director-General, WWF International
  • Joyeeta Gupta, Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, University of Amsterdam

16:00–17:00 CET — Live from the Deep Sea

Below the ocean surface is a world that is vast, distant and alien. We are now able to understand and explore more of this realm with technology.

Join Caribbean marine biologist and explorer Diva Amon live from a deep-sea submersible examining the health of Mesophotic coral reefs off the coast of the Seychelles. She is joined by prominent experts and industry leaders to explore the potential of technology and how it can be harnessed to better steward ocean health.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Samuel Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief, TIME
  • Ray Dalio, Founder and Chief Investment Officer Mentor, Bridgewater Associates LP
  • Mattie Rodrigue, Director, Science Programme, OceanX
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy
  • Diva Amon, Science Adviser, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • David Obura, Director, Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) East Africa
  • Andrew Forrest, Chairman and Founder, Fortescue Ltd

17:30–18:00 CET — Working in Harmony with Nature

Indigenous peoples such as the Yawanawá of Brazil represent just 5% of the global population and yet protect over 80% of our remaining biodiversity. They offer nature-based solutions to climate change but are increasingly losing their natural resources, cultures and lands.

Join this visual story of how the creative thinking to use açai seeds harvested by the Yawanawá community built an economic model for sustainable and meaningful collaborations to enable them to stay in their ancestral home, working in harmony with nature and protecting it.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • M. Sanjayan, Chief Executive Officer, Conservation International
  • Joseph Fowler, Head, Arts and Culture, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Cameron Saul, Chief Executive Officer and Creative Director, Bottletop

17:30–18:15 CET — Energy Transition: Leaving No One Behind

After a period when energy security and sustainability were top of mind for policy-makers, the issue of energy equity is regaining prominence.

What are the critical obstacles to creating an equitable and just energy transition for all, and what existing models across geographies can be scaled up?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Veronica Nilsson, General Secretary, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
  • Roberto Bocca, Head of Centre for Energy and Materials; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Omar Andrés Camacho Morales, Minister of Energy and Mines, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia
  • John Defterios, Professor of Business, New York University Abu Dhabi
  • Jennifer Morgan, State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
  • Gurdeep Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, NTPC Ltd
  • Andrés Gluski, Chief Executive Officer, AES Corporation

17:30–18:15 CET — Landing an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty

In 2022, 175 countries resolved to develop a global plastics treaty and to fast-track negotiations to deliver the agreement by end 2024. This is a historic opportunity to unlock the systemic change needed to tackle the plastic crisis and end plastic pollution once and for all.

As we enter the final lap of the negotiations, what are the essential elements and issues that ensure a comprehensive, robust and inclusive agreement to effectively protect human health and the environment?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, Office of the President of Ghana
  • Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco
  • Jim Fitterling, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Dow
  • Javier González-Olaechea Franco, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru
  • Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Hein Schumacher, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever
  • Douglas McCauley, Director, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory; Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

January 18

9:00–9:45 CET — From Waste to Wardrobe: Making Circular Fashion Fashionable

The fashion industry accounts for 10% of annual global carbon emissions, is responsible for an estimated 20% of industrial wastewater pollution worldwide, and 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year.

The industry's huge environmental footprint requires a systemic rethink on production and consumption patterns, while promoting the use of recycled and regenerated materials. What are the pathways to transform fashion to “design out” waste?


  • Suchitra Lohia, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited
  • Patrice Louvet, Chief Executive Officer, Ralph Lauren Corporation
  • Margaret Zhang, Editor-in-Chief, Vogue China
  • Li Xin, Managing Editor, Caixin Global
  • Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation

9:00–9:45 CET — European Green Deal, Anyone?

In its ambition to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, the European Commission led the rollout of era-defining green legislation during its current term and aims to mobilize at least €1 trillion in sustainable investments over the next decade.

As the European Green Deal faces political headwinds in the run-up to the 2024 parliamentary elections, what does its future look like?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Maxim Timchenko, Chief Executive Officer, DTEK Group B.V.
  • Maros Sefcovic, Executive Vice-President for European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, European Commission
  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, Office of the Prime Minister of Greece
  • Jamil Edmond Anderlini, Editor-in-Chief, Europe, Politico
  • Ester Baiget, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes A/S

10:15–11:00 CET — Building Equitable Transitions: Green and Fair

The promise of net zero in energy, transport, agriculture, housing and infrastructure will be unmet if the societal impact on jobs, access and affordability is not considered.

How can we align ambitious sectoral transitions with equitable and socially responsible outcomes?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Ministry of International Cooperation of Egypt
  • Luc Triangle, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  • Josu Jon Imaz, Chief Executive Officer, Repsol SA
  • Jonas Prising, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ManpowerGroup Inc.
  • David Gelles, Managing Correspondent, The New York Times Company

10:15–11:00 CET — History-making in the High Seas

In 2023, the High Seas Treaty was signed into force, marking the end of more than a decade of multilateral negotiations. This agreement provides for the global governance of 95% of the ocean volume, addressing pollution, overfishing, climate change and biodiversity loss.

What are the implications for business and government in this new compact and how can stakeholders collaborate to exercise collective stewardship?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer, The United Nations Global Compact
  • Peter Thomson, United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, United Nations
  • Niclas Mårtensson, Chief Executive Officer, Stena Line AB
  • Monica Medina, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Arnoldo André, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica
  • Andrew Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bezos Earth Fund

11:30–12:15 CET — Industrial Clusters: Is there a Blueprint?

Industrial clusters around the world are essential in driving economic growth and employment, but their impact is limited by the lack of cooperation and common vision from co-located companies and governments.

What sort of standardized approach can help industrial clusters reach their full economic, employment and environmental potential?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zhang Lei, Chief Executive Officer, Envision Group
  • Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana
  • Nobumitsu Hayashi, Governor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
  • Martin Brudermüller, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE
  • Jacques Vandermeiren, Chief Executive Officer, Port of Antwerp-Bruges
  • Elena Cherney, Chief News Editor, The Wall Street Journal

12:00–17:00 CET — Green Accelerator

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The Green Accelerator celebrates this year its 5th Anniversary, gathering top-tier climate investors, family offices, VC funds, startups, and visionary leaders. Join us for an extraordinary event featuring visionary leaders and innovators at the forefront of environmental sustainability and transformative technologies. The doors open at 12:00, kicking off with a series of insightful presentations.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, register here.


12:30–13:30 CET — Open Forum: On Thin Ice

In June 2023, scientists announced that the first major component of the Earth's system has been irreversibly breached: Arctic summer sea ice. Consequences include accelerated global warming and extreme weather in the northern hemisphere amplifying a multitude of global risks affecting lives and livelihoods.

What is needed to respond appropriately to increasing climate volatility unlocked at the poles?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter
  • Aslak Holmberg, President, The Saami Council
  • Alexandra Baumann, Head, Prosperity and Sustainability Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Switzerland
  • Julienne Stroeve, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Ruzica Dadic, Head, Research Unit, Snow and Atmosphere, Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga, Founder and Executive Director, EmpoderaClima

13:15–14:00 CET — Decarbonizing Emerging Markets

Emerging economies need $5.8 trillion-$5.9 trillion by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, yet economic headwinds are obstructing efforts to close this financing gap.

What innovative financing models will deliver to reduce emissions while supporting economic growth and prosperity in developing markets?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Odile Françoise Renaud-Basso, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Joanna Messing, Chief Executive Officer, Growald Climate Fund
  • Haslinda Amin, Chief International Correspondent, South-East Asia, Bloomberg News
  • Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive, Standard Chartered Bank

13:15–14:00 CET — First Movers Coalition for Food

Food systems are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions yet receive less than 4% of climate financing. Notably, more investment is needed to scale the production of low-carbon, nature-positive food commodities, such as beef cattle, dairy, rice, row crops, soy and palm oil.

How can we harness the purchasing power of world’s leading companies and governments to accelerate more sustainable production methods?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Steve Sedgwick, Anchor, CNBC
  • Ramon Laguarta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo Inc.
  • Jeffrey Lu Minfang, Chief Executive Officer, China Mengniu Dairy Co., Ltd
  • Gilberto Tomazoni, Global Chief Executive Officer, JBS S/A
  • Axton Salim, Director and Member of the Board, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk

15:00–15:45 CET — Rolling out EVs: A Marathon or a Sprint?

Electric vehicles are a promising solution to decarbonize the automotive ecosystem but battery production is complex and carbon-intensive. To replace the global vehicles fleet of internal combustion engines and shift to electric vehicles, 3 billion tonnes of lithium are needed and 700 years to extract it.

Is the race to decarbonize the automotive industry a marathon or a sprint, and how do we tackle emissions across the value chain?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zeng Yuqun, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL)
  • Jim Rowan, Chief Executive Officer, Volvo Car Corporation
  • Hilde Merete Aasheim, President and Chief Executive Officer, Norsk Hydro ASA
  • Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, United States Office of the Governor
  • Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Dean, The Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po

15:00–15:30 CET — Alpine Economies at +2C

Alpine economies from the Himalayas to the Alps and Andes are experiencing over 2°C warmer climates, affecting the liveability, livelihoods and ecosystems of mountain communities that are home to over 1 billion people. There is an opportunity for government, business, sports and civil society to rally together to enhance the resilience of these ancient landscapes.

What are the strategies and business models needed for the alpine industry to adapt and thrive under new climate realities?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Urs Lehmann, President, Swiss-Ski
  • Nirvana Chaudhary, Managing Director, Chaudhary Group
  • Monica Medina, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  • Johan Eliasch, Chairman, HEAD

16:15–17:00 CET — Are the Financial Risks of Climate Change Under-Priced?

In the 1980s, in the US alone there were three $1 billion climate disasters a year; in 2023, this rose to one every two weeks.

With climate-related financial risks incurring unprecedented costs, how are decision-makers around the world future-proofing the financial system?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Steven van Rijswijk, Chief Executive Officer, ING Group
  • Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair in Public Policy, Texas Tech University
  • Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Christian Mumenthaler, Group Chief Executive Officer, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd

16:15–17:00 CET — Decongesting Cities

Consumer and business dependence on urban deliveries has surged in recent years. With an unprecedented number of delivery vehicles on the road, concerns for emissions, congestion and quality of life are uppermost for cities globally.

How can the private sector help to create delivery systems fit for the future and capitalize on the opportunity to transform the movement of goods in cities?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sriharsha Majety, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bundl Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Jeff Merritt, Head of Centre for Urban Transformation; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum LLC
  • Jane Burston, Chief Executive Officer, Clean Air Fund
  • Helena Leurent, Director-General, Consumers International
  • Eric Johnson, Mayor, City of Dallas

17:30–18:15 CET — Who Stole My Feedstock?

From sustainable biomass to green hydrogen, the demand for renewable energy is fast approaching the limits of resource supply.

What policy interventions and technological innovations are needed to address the feedstock challenge, secure the integrity of supply and ensure a fair distribution among competing industry sectors?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • María Mendiluce, Chief Executive Officer, We Mean Business Coalition
  • Marco Alverà, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Tree Energy Solutions Belgium BV
  • Maarten Wetselaar, Chief Executive Officer, Cepsa
  • Lorena Dellagiovanna, Senior Vice-President; Executive Officer; Chief Sustainability Officer; Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Hitachi Ltd
  • Jim Tankersley, Economics Correspondent, The New York Times Company

17:30–18:15 CET — Moving Forward with the Energy Transition

Security, equity, sustainability - the imperatives of an effective energy transition are constant, but achieving them remains elusive in an environment marked by economic and geopolitical shocks.

As the urgency of achieving a low-carbon economy grows, how can the business, economic and societal case be strengthened to create sufficient momentum for energy 2.0?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Vicki Hollub, President and Chief Executive Officer, Occidental Petroleum Corporation
  • Salil S. Parekh, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys Limited
  • Meghan O'Sullivan, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Andrew Forrest, Chairman and Founder, Fortescue Ltd
  • Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

January 19

10:15–11:00 CET — Earth's Wisdom Keepers

The transfer of knowledge across generations and cultures has shaped our evolutionary trajectory and our interactions with each other and the natural world.

How might intergenerational dialogue inform a path that is simultaneously guided by a realism to see the world as it is and an optimism that there is hope and possibilities in a challenging and uncertain future?


  • Xiye Bastida, Founder, Re-Earth Initiative
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Global Shaper, Zurich Hub
  • Jane Goodall, Founder, Jane Goodall Institute; United Nations Messenger of Peace
  • Ann Adeline Dumaliang, Global Shaper, Manila Hub

January 22-26

Interviews from the World Systemic Forum

Hosted within THE HUS.mountain at VersuchsStollen Hagerbach in Flums, Switzerland, the World Systemic Forum builds bridges to foster collaboration through roundtables and experiences that set the tone for a year of system change.

We Don’t Have Time conducted interviews with high-level speakers from the World Systemic Forum.


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Program Highlights

January 15

18:00–22:00 CET — CSO Awards /24 – Honouring the Leadership of European Chief Sustainability Officers

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The CSO Awards /24 celebrates the outstanding contributions of Chief Sustainability Officers who have demonstrated exemplary commitment and leadership in advancing sustainability practices within their organizations.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, learn more here.


January 16

8:15–9:00 CET — Energy amid Rivalry

Energy and geopolitics have become increasingly interlinked. Countries are openly competing to diversify their global energy supplies, including oil, gas and clean energy solutions, while enhancing the resilience of their energy supply chains, both geographically and for critical minerals.How can we leverage the findings from past crises to navigate this new reality and speed up the transition to a secure, sustainable and equitable energy future?


  • Tian Wei, Host, World Insight with Tian Wei, China Global Television Network (CGTN)
  • Shunichi Miyanaga, Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Meghan O'Sullivan, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
  • Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
  • Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India

8:15–9:00 CET — First Movers for Frontier Clean Technologies

The First Movers Coalition, launched at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, has garnered an unprecedented $16 billion in aggregated demand for emerging climate technologies and the support of 13 governments which together represent more than 50% of global GDP.

What are the lessons learnt and what lies ahead in the journey to speed up and scale these technologies?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry, Ministry of Manpower of Singapore
  • Takeshi Hashimoto, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd
  • Rachel Kyte, Visiting Professor of Practice, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Daniel Fisher, Chief Executive Officer, Ball Corporation
  • Carlos Torres Vila, Chair, BBVA SA
  • Anna Borg, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vattenfall AB

8:15–9:00 CET — The Right Stuff – A New Relationship with Materials

The equivalent surface area of São Paulo is built every week. Advances in new materials create options to build cities that are circular, affordable and beautiful.

What innovative approaches to construction materials can lead to more livable places across the globe?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nollaig Forrest, Chief Sustainability Officer; Member, Group Executive Committee, Holcim Ltd
  • Jeff Merritt, Head of Centre for Urban Transformation; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum LLC
  • Ed Conway, Economics Editor, Sky News
  • Cristina Gamboa, Chief Executive Officer, World Green Building Council
  • Coen van Oostrom, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OVG Real Estate BV
  • Arjun Dhawan, Vice-Chairman, HCC Ltd

9:30–10:15 CET — When Climate Impacts Your Health

From extreme heat to poor air quality, flooding and hazardous weather events, climate change poses threats to health systems while exposing socioeconomic inequities and increasing infectious disease exposure, non-communicable conditions and food insecurity globally.As the human dimension of climate change takes centre stage, what are the most promising approaches, evidence and data needed to mitigate the health impact of the climate crisis today?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Victor Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine
  • Vanessa Kerry, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seed Global Health
  • Shyam Bishen, Head, Centre for Health and Healthcare; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Nisia Trindade Lima, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Cheryl Moore, Chief Research Programmes Officer, Wellcome Trust
  • Bill Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Bayer AG

9:30–10:15 CET — On the Frontlines for Nature

In all corners of the world, local communities are working to protect their lands and traditions threatened by the climate and nature crisis and exacerbated by rising security challenges.

How are remarkable efforts in Latin America and Africa leading the way in restoring natural landscapes, supporting sustainable livelihoods and stabilizing some of the world’s most fragile geographies?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai, President of the Board of Directors, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Godfrey Mutizwa, Chief Editor, CNBC Africa
  • Emmanuel de Merode, Director, Virunga National Park, Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)
  • Atossa Soltani, Director, Global Strategy, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

9:30–10:15 CET — Transforming Energy Demand

By 2050, estimates indicate that the global economy will have doubled in size and will be serving a population of over 10 billion people. In this context, improving energy efficiency is critical to delivering an affordable, secure and climate-aligned future.

What can companies and governments do to enable economic growth with less energy?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Tania Bryer, Anchor, CNBC
  • Robert E. Moritz, Global Chair, PwC
  • Peter Herweck, Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric SE
  • Ilham Kadri, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Syensqo SA
  • Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
  • Anish Shah,Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Mahindra Group

13:00–13:45 CET — Brazil's Sustainable Transformation

Brazil is advancing a secular transformation to forge a new development model that reconciles robust economic growth and social change with environmental protection.

What reforms are under way and how is public-private cooperation envisioned?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nisia Trindade Lima, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Monica Scaramuzzo, Business Editor, Valor Econômico
  • Marina Silva, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
  • Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

13:00–13:45 CET — Where Nature Meets Conflict

Nature and climate crises impact food and water security, fuelling displacement and humanitarian emergencies and exacerbating risks to global peace and stability.

How do we integrate the nature-security nexus into decisions and investment mandates to better respond to the needs of communities that are most vulnerable and most affected?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Jojo Mehta, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stop Ecocide International
  • Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, President, Igarape Institute
  • Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
  • Antonella Di Ciano, Global Shaper, Caracas Hub
  • Amy Pope, Director-General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

15:00–15:45 CET — COP28 and the Road Ahead

The 28th Conference of the Parties and the conclusion of the global stocktake are significant milestones in the fight against climate change. However, multiple questions remain on how to accelerate inclusive climate action effectively.

What are COP28's achievements and disappointments and what lies ahead for the next COP?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sally Buzbee, Executive Editor, The Washington Post
  • Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
  • Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer, ENGIE Group

16:15–17:00 CET — Finding a Balance for the Amazon

Home to 10% of the world’s biodiversity, 20% of global freshwater resources and nearly 50 million people, the Amazon basin plays an essential role from an economic and ecological standpoint.

With the growing recognition that the basin will be instrumental in achieving international targets such as the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework, how can leaders in the region ensure the protection of the ecosystem and the sustainability of its economic prospects?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Luciano Huck, Host, Rede Globo
  • Ilan Goldfajn, President, The Inter-American Development Bank
  • Helder Barbalho, Governor of the State of Pará, Government of the State of Pará
  • Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, Office of the President of Colombia
  • Fany Kuiru, General Coordinator, Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin - COICA

16:15–16:45 CET — Forests as a Climate and Livelihood Solution

Forests represent a third of carbon sequestration potential to address the climate crisis and many local benefits if paired with steep emissions cuts from human sources. And blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangrove forests, seagrasses and salt marshes, store up to five times more carbon per acre than tropical rainforests.

With such immense potential, what are the new science, corporate and government commitments to safeguard forests both in land and coastal ecosystems and protect local livelihoods?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Thomas Crowther, Professor, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich
  • Jane Goodall, Founder, Jane Goodall Institute; United Nations Messenger of Peace
  • Gill Einhorn, Head of Innovation and Transformation, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Alfonso Escolar González, Global Shaper, Bogota Hub

19:00–20:30 CET — A Necessary Shift: Building Regenerative Businesses and Capturing Untapped Value

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Leaders globally are being put to the test as they face unceasing disruptions and economic uncertainty. With the ongoing cycle of challenges, ever-evolving trends, and sounding alarm of climate change, being agile isn't enough. For organizations to see the most value, it's no longer about preparedness for changing lanes at speed when directed or adapting to an endless state of reinvention, but rather about the ability to switch to a constant state of regeneration. It’s no surprise that this still boils down to a combination of design, and human and artificial intelligence, but what is the balance and approach? How do you not only move at speed, but interconnectedly? How do you build to regenerate?

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, please email Davos@Kearney.com


20:30–22:00 CET — We Don’t Have Time & Kearney Networking Reception

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, please email Davos@Kearney.com


January 17

9:00–9:45 CET — Putting a Price on Nature

Gross domestic product has more than doubled in the past three decades while natural capital has declined by nearly 40% within the same time frame.

With more than half of the world's GDP reliant on nature and its services, what is required to better connect ecology to economics, and conservation with development outcomes? Can the value of nature be quantified as a measure of economic performance?


  • Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai, President of the Board of Directors, Amazon Sacred Headwaters (Cuencas Sagradas Amazonicas)
  • Ronald W. Hovsepian, Chief Executive Officer, Indigo Ag, Inc.
  • Nick Studer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Oliver Wyman (Marsh McLennan)
  • Marina Silva, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
  • Hubert Keller, Senior Managing Partner, Bank Lombard Odier & Co. Ltd
  • Gretchen Daily, Bing Professor in Environmental Science, Stanford University

11:30–12:15 CET — Avoiding a Crunch in Critical Minerals

The clean energy transition hinges on a radical increase in supply of critical minerals – by 2030, cobalt demand could rise by 150% and lithium and graphite by six to seven times from today's levels.

With long lead times for new supply, how can investments and new collaborations throughout the value chains prevent a crunch in critical minerals?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zeng Yuqun, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL)
  • Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco
  • Jason Bordoff, Founding Director, Center on Global Energy Policy; Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  • Benedikt Sobotka, Chief Executive Officer, Eurasian Resources Group Sàrl
  • Anil Agarwal, Executive Chairman, Vedanta Resources Ltd

12:30–13:30 CET — Open Forum: Sustaining Life on Earth

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, biodiversity is more at risk now than at any other point in human history. Yet $44 trillion of economic value generation – over half the world’s total GDP – is moderately or highly dependent on nature.

How can unprecedented collaboration between science, business and policy safeguard life and livelihoods on the planet?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Deep Saini, President and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University
  • David Obura, Director, Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) East Africa
  • Xiye Bastida, Founder, Re-Earth Initiative
  • Ursula Schneider Schüttel, President, Pro Natura - Friends of the Earth
  • Maria Susana Muhamad, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia
  • Sabrina Soussan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SUEZ

13:15–14:00 CET — Climate and Nature: Seed Capital Needed

To fast track a net-zero, nature-positive economy requires philanthropic and development support that are early-stage, risk-taking and catalytic.

How can governments, development finance and philanthropic institutions join forces with private capital to avert climate collapse?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Ray Dalio, Founder and Chief Investment Officer Mentor, Bridgewater Associates LP
  • Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Mafalda Duarte, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Desmond Kuek, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Temasek Trust
  • David Gelles, Managing Correspondent, The New York Times Company
  • Badr Jafar, Chief Executive Officer, Crescent Enterprises

14:15–15:15 CET — Climate and Nature: A Systemic Response Needed

The year 2023 is the hottest on record - 1.48°C above the pre-industrial averages - propelling economies and societies into unprecedented and risky territory. Leaders are increasingly called upon to transform the current growth and development models to better steward the global commons and serve humanity.

How can we enable a net-zero, nature-positive future that regenerates Earth’s finite resources and safeguards its peoples?

During the session, the 2024 Social Innovation Awards will be announced by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
  • Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair in Public Policy, Texas Tech University
  • Jesper Brodin, Chief Executive Officer, Ingka Group (IKEA)
  • Hilde Schwab, Chairperson and Co-Founder, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Gim Huay Neo, Managing Director, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Chief Putany Yawanawá, Chief of the Yawanawá Tribe, Yawanawá Tribe
  • Andre Hoffmann, Chairman, Massellaz SA
  • Ajay S. Banga, President, World Bank Group

15:00–15:45 CET — Tripling Renewables: Make It Rapid and Responsible

Renewable capacity must increase threefold in the next six years to meet climate and energy security goals. However, for countries to succeed in pursuing this massive infrastructure deployment, the transition must deal with questions on permitting, land use, community acceptance and biodiversity.

What strategies can leaders deploy to make this transition rapid and responsible?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy
  • Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola SA
  • Arunabha Ghosh, Chief Executive Officer, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

15:00–15:45 CET — Net Zero Industries

The manufacturing sector, which accounts for one-fifth of global carbon emissions and over half of the world's energy usage, is taking centre stage in the global race to net zero. Yet despite a raft of commitments and first steps, around 50% of companies are off track in achieving their targets.

How can manufacturers leverage new innovations and technologies to successfully negotiate the green transition while maintaining growth?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Petra De Sutter, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Enterprises, Public Administration, Telecommunications and Postal Services of Belgium, Office of the Prime Minister of Belgium
  • Martin Lundstedt, President and Chief Executive Officer, Volvo Group
  • Juliet Mann, TV Host, China Global Television Network (CGTN)
  • Holger Klein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
  • Gwenaelle Avice Huet, Executive Vice-President, Europe Operations, Schneider Electric SE
  • Brand Cheng, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Foxconn Industrial Internet

15:00–15:45 CET — Out of Balance with Water

The global water cycle is spiralling out of balance, with climate change aggravating torrential rains and intense droughts. The assumption that water supplies are stable, predictable and manageable is no longer true.

What are the most urgent levers to realize the potential of water as a catalyst and enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Ulrik Gernow, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Grundfos A/S
  • Tharman Shanmugaratnam, President of Singapore, Office of the President of Singapore
  • Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Chairperson, HCLTech
  • Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Kirsten Schuijt, Director-General, WWF International
  • Joyeeta Gupta, Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, University of Amsterdam

16:00–17:00 CET — Live from the Deep Sea

Below the ocean surface is a world that is vast, distant and alien. We are now able to understand and explore more of this realm with technology.

Join Caribbean marine biologist and explorer Diva Amon live from a deep-sea submersible examining the health of Mesophotic coral reefs off the coast of the Seychelles. She is joined by prominent experts and industry leaders to explore the potential of technology and how it can be harnessed to better steward ocean health.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Samuel Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief, TIME
  • Ray Dalio, Founder and Chief Investment Officer Mentor, Bridgewater Associates LP
  • Mattie Rodrigue, Director, Science Programme, OceanX
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy
  • Diva Amon, Science Adviser, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • David Obura, Director, Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) East Africa
  • Andrew Forrest, Chairman and Founder, Fortescue Ltd

17:30–18:00 CET — Working in Harmony with Nature

Indigenous peoples such as the Yawanawá of Brazil represent just 5% of the global population and yet protect over 80% of our remaining biodiversity. They offer nature-based solutions to climate change but are increasingly losing their natural resources, cultures and lands.

Join this visual story of how the creative thinking to use açai seeds harvested by the Yawanawá community built an economic model for sustainable and meaningful collaborations to enable them to stay in their ancestral home, working in harmony with nature and protecting it.

Watch it on-demand here.


  • M. Sanjayan, Chief Executive Officer, Conservation International
  • Joseph Fowler, Head, Arts and Culture, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Cameron Saul, Chief Executive Officer and Creative Director, Bottletop

17:30–18:15 CET — Energy Transition: Leaving No One Behind

After a period when energy security and sustainability were top of mind for policy-makers, the issue of energy equity is regaining prominence.

What are the critical obstacles to creating an equitable and just energy transition for all, and what existing models across geographies can be scaled up?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Veronica Nilsson, General Secretary, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
  • Roberto Bocca, Head of Centre for Energy and Materials; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva
  • Omar Andrés Camacho Morales, Minister of Energy and Mines, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia
  • John Defterios, Professor of Business, New York University Abu Dhabi
  • Jennifer Morgan, State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
  • Gurdeep Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, NTPC Ltd
  • Andrés Gluski, Chief Executive Officer, AES Corporation

17:30–18:15 CET — Landing an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty

In 2022, 175 countries resolved to develop a global plastics treaty and to fast-track negotiations to deliver the agreement by end 2024. This is a historic opportunity to unlock the systemic change needed to tackle the plastic crisis and end plastic pollution once and for all.

As we enter the final lap of the negotiations, what are the essential elements and issues that ensure a comprehensive, robust and inclusive agreement to effectively protect human health and the environment?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, Office of the President of Ghana
  • Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco
  • Jim Fitterling, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Dow
  • Javier González-Olaechea Franco, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru
  • Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Hein Schumacher, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever
  • Douglas McCauley, Director, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory; Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

January 18

9:00–9:45 CET — From Waste to Wardrobe: Making Circular Fashion Fashionable

The fashion industry accounts for 10% of annual global carbon emissions, is responsible for an estimated 20% of industrial wastewater pollution worldwide, and 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year.

The industry's huge environmental footprint requires a systemic rethink on production and consumption patterns, while promoting the use of recycled and regenerated materials. What are the pathways to transform fashion to “design out” waste?


  • Suchitra Lohia, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited
  • Patrice Louvet, Chief Executive Officer, Ralph Lauren Corporation
  • Margaret Zhang, Editor-in-Chief, Vogue China
  • Li Xin, Managing Editor, Caixin Global
  • Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation

9:00–9:45 CET — European Green Deal, Anyone?

In its ambition to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, the European Commission led the rollout of era-defining green legislation during its current term and aims to mobilize at least €1 trillion in sustainable investments over the next decade.

As the European Green Deal faces political headwinds in the run-up to the 2024 parliamentary elections, what does its future look like?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Maxim Timchenko, Chief Executive Officer, DTEK Group B.V.
  • Maros Sefcovic, Executive Vice-President for European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, European Commission
  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, Office of the Prime Minister of Greece
  • Jamil Edmond Anderlini, Editor-in-Chief, Europe, Politico
  • Ester Baiget, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes A/S

10:15–11:00 CET — Building Equitable Transitions: Green and Fair

The promise of net zero in energy, transport, agriculture, housing and infrastructure will be unmet if the societal impact on jobs, access and affordability is not considered.

How can we align ambitious sectoral transitions with equitable and socially responsible outcomes?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Ministry of International Cooperation of Egypt
  • Luc Triangle, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  • Josu Jon Imaz, Chief Executive Officer, Repsol SA
  • Jonas Prising, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ManpowerGroup Inc.
  • David Gelles, Managing Correspondent, The New York Times Company

10:15–11:00 CET — History-making in the High Seas

In 2023, the High Seas Treaty was signed into force, marking the end of more than a decade of multilateral negotiations. This agreement provides for the global governance of 95% of the ocean volume, addressing pollution, overfishing, climate change and biodiversity loss.

What are the implications for business and government in this new compact and how can stakeholders collaborate to exercise collective stewardship?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer, The United Nations Global Compact
  • Peter Thomson, United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, United Nations
  • Niclas Mårtensson, Chief Executive Officer, Stena Line AB
  • Monica Medina, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Arnoldo André, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica
  • Andrew Steer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bezos Earth Fund

11:30–12:15 CET — Industrial Clusters: Is there a Blueprint?

Industrial clusters around the world are essential in driving economic growth and employment, but their impact is limited by the lack of cooperation and common vision from co-located companies and governments.

What sort of standardized approach can help industrial clusters reach their full economic, employment and environmental potential?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zhang Lei, Chief Executive Officer, Envision Group
  • Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana
  • Nobumitsu Hayashi, Governor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
  • Martin Brudermüller, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE
  • Jacques Vandermeiren, Chief Executive Officer, Port of Antwerp-Bruges
  • Elena Cherney, Chief News Editor, The Wall Street Journal

12:00–17:00 CET — Green Accelerator

We Don't Have Time will be conducting interviews with high-level speakers from selected events at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The Green Accelerator celebrates this year its 5th Anniversary, gathering top-tier climate investors, family offices, VC funds, startups, and visionary leaders. Join us for an extraordinary event featuring visionary leaders and innovators at the forefront of environmental sustainability and transformative technologies. The doors open at 12:00, kicking off with a series of insightful presentations.

If you are in Davos and wish to attend this event, register here.


12:30–13:30 CET — Open Forum: On Thin Ice

In June 2023, scientists announced that the first major component of the Earth's system has been irreversibly breached: Arctic summer sea ice. Consequences include accelerated global warming and extreme weather in the northern hemisphere amplifying a multitude of global risks affecting lives and livelihoods.

What is needed to respond appropriately to increasing climate volatility unlocked at the poles?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter
  • Aslak Holmberg, President, The Saami Council
  • Alexandra Baumann, Head, Prosperity and Sustainability Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Switzerland
  • Julienne Stroeve, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Ruzica Dadic, Head, Research Unit, Snow and Atmosphere, Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga, Founder and Executive Director, EmpoderaClima

13:15–14:00 CET — Decarbonizing Emerging Markets

Emerging economies need $5.8 trillion-$5.9 trillion by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, yet economic headwinds are obstructing efforts to close this financing gap.

What innovative financing models will deliver to reduce emissions while supporting economic growth and prosperity in developing markets?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Odile Françoise Renaud-Basso, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Joanna Messing, Chief Executive Officer, Growald Climate Fund
  • Haslinda Amin, Chief International Correspondent, South-East Asia, Bloomberg News
  • Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive, Standard Chartered Bank

13:15–14:00 CET — First Movers Coalition for Food

Food systems are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions yet receive less than 4% of climate financing. Notably, more investment is needed to scale the production of low-carbon, nature-positive food commodities, such as beef cattle, dairy, rice, row crops, soy and palm oil.

How can we harness the purchasing power of world’s leading companies and governments to accelerate more sustainable production methods?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Steve Sedgwick, Anchor, CNBC
  • Ramon Laguarta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo Inc.
  • Jeffrey Lu Minfang, Chief Executive Officer, China Mengniu Dairy Co., Ltd
  • Gilberto Tomazoni, Global Chief Executive Officer, JBS S/A
  • Axton Salim, Director and Member of the Board, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk

15:00–15:45 CET — Rolling out EVs: A Marathon or a Sprint?

Electric vehicles are a promising solution to decarbonize the automotive ecosystem but battery production is complex and carbon-intensive. To replace the global vehicles fleet of internal combustion engines and shift to electric vehicles, 3 billion tonnes of lithium are needed and 700 years to extract it.

Is the race to decarbonize the automotive industry a marathon or a sprint, and how do we tackle emissions across the value chain?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Zeng Yuqun, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL)
  • Jim Rowan, Chief Executive Officer, Volvo Car Corporation
  • Hilde Merete Aasheim, President and Chief Executive Officer, Norsk Hydro ASA
  • Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, United States Office of the Governor
  • Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Dean, The Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po

15:00–15:30 CET — Alpine Economies at +2C

Alpine economies from the Himalayas to the Alps and Andes are experiencing over 2°C warmer climates, affecting the liveability, livelihoods and ecosystems of mountain communities that are home to over 1 billion people. There is an opportunity for government, business, sports and civil society to rally together to enhance the resilience of these ancient landscapes.

What are the strategies and business models needed for the alpine industry to adapt and thrive under new climate realities?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Urs Lehmann, President, Swiss-Ski
  • Nirvana Chaudhary, Managing Director, Chaudhary Group
  • Monica Medina, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  • Johan Eliasch, Chairman, HEAD

16:15–17:00 CET — Are the Financial Risks of Climate Change Under-Priced?

In the 1980s, in the US alone there were three $1 billion climate disasters a year; in 2023, this rose to one every two weeks.

With climate-related financial risks incurring unprecedented costs, how are decision-makers around the world future-proofing the financial system?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Steven van Rijswijk, Chief Executive Officer, ING Group
  • Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, University College London (UCL)
  • Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist, Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair in Public Policy, Texas Tech University
  • Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Christian Mumenthaler, Group Chief Executive Officer, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd

16:15–17:00 CET — Decongesting Cities

Consumer and business dependence on urban deliveries has surged in recent years. With an unprecedented number of delivery vehicles on the road, concerns for emissions, congestion and quality of life are uppermost for cities globally.

How can the private sector help to create delivery systems fit for the future and capitalize on the opportunity to transform the movement of goods in cities?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Sriharsha Majety, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bundl Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Jeff Merritt, Head of Centre for Urban Transformation; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum LLC
  • Jane Burston, Chief Executive Officer, Clean Air Fund
  • Helena Leurent, Director-General, Consumers International
  • Eric Johnson, Mayor, City of Dallas

17:30–18:15 CET — Who Stole My Feedstock?

From sustainable biomass to green hydrogen, the demand for renewable energy is fast approaching the limits of resource supply.

What policy interventions and technological innovations are needed to address the feedstock challenge, secure the integrity of supply and ensure a fair distribution among competing industry sectors?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • María Mendiluce, Chief Executive Officer, We Mean Business Coalition
  • Marco Alverà, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Tree Energy Solutions Belgium BV
  • Maarten Wetselaar, Chief Executive Officer, Cepsa
  • Lorena Dellagiovanna, Senior Vice-President; Executive Officer; Chief Sustainability Officer; Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Hitachi Ltd
  • Jim Tankersley, Economics Correspondent, The New York Times Company

17:30–18:15 CET — Moving Forward with the Energy Transition

Security, equity, sustainability - the imperatives of an effective energy transition are constant, but achieving them remains elusive in an environment marked by economic and geopolitical shocks.

As the urgency of achieving a low-carbon economy grows, how can the business, economic and societal case be strengthened to create sufficient momentum for energy 2.0?

Watch it on-demand here.


  • Vicki Hollub, President and Chief Executive Officer, Occidental Petroleum Corporation
  • Salil S. Parekh, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys Limited
  • Meghan O'Sullivan, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
  • John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council (NSC)
  • Andrew Forrest, Chairman and Founder, Fortescue Ltd
  • Alexandre Silveira, Minister of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil

January 19

10:15–11:00 CET — Earth's Wisdom Keepers

The transfer of knowledge across generations and cultures has shaped our evolutionary trajectory and our interactions with each other and the natural world.

How might intergenerational dialogue inform a path that is simultaneously guided by a realism to see the world as it is and an optimism that there is hope and possibilities in a challenging and uncertain future?


  • Xiye Bastida, Founder, Re-Earth Initiative
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Global Shaper, Zurich Hub
  • Jane Goodall, Founder, Jane Goodall Institute; United Nations Messenger of Peace
  • Ann Adeline Dumaliang, Global Shaper, Manila Hub

January 22-26

Interviews from the World Systemic Forum

Hosted within THE HUS.mountain at VersuchsStollen Hagerbach in Flums, Switzerland, the World Systemic Forum builds bridges to foster collaboration through roundtables and experiences that set the tone for a year of system change.

We Don’t Have Time conducted interviews with high-level speakers from the World Systemic Forum.


We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Reporters on the Ground

Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.


Ingmar Rentzhog


CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.


Reporters on the Ground

Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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