Davos & Online













Davos & Online











Davos & Online

We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Conversations on climate and the environment broadcasted during the World Economic Forum. January 17–20, 2023.

We Don't Have Time
SDG Tent
The Hus.institute














Davos & Online












Davos & Online

We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Conversations on climate and the environment broadcasted during the World Economic Forum. January 17–20, 2023.

We Don't Have Time
SDG Tent
The Hus.institute

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In conjunction with our partners, the SDG Tent and the World Systemic Forum hosted by The HUS. institute, We Don’t Have Time will broadcast high-level discussions and keynotes from Davos.

Join us for insightful dialogues on climate, the environment, and nature-based solutions with leading experts, including scientists, policymakers, NGOs, companies, and more – shared virtually to a global audience on We Don't Have Time.

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Download the Skydweller presentation here.

January 17

SDG Tent: Nature-Based Solutions for Business in Practice

The loss of biodiversity threatens the very foundations of our society, posing risks to food security, our health and businesses. In order to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, the nature and climate crisis have to be addressed together. 

Unlocking corporate projects throughout the value chains will be essential to help deliver an equitable, net-zero, nature-positive world. However, working with nature to help meet corporate climate goals or mitigate other risks in the value chain is still largely uncharted territory for many businesses and their senior leadership teams.

This session will examine the biodiversity challenges and opportunities and will present various initiatives and approaches to show how Nature-based Solutions can help solve multiple challenges. Learn more.


  • Eliane Ubalijoro, Executive Director, Sustainability in the Digital Age & Future Earth Montreal Hib 


  • Tim Coles, CEO, rePlanet
  • Barbara Dubach, Board Member, Innovate for Nature 
  • Anthony Hobley, Executive Fellow, Strategic Engagement, Center for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum
  • Thomas Vellacott, CEO, WWF Switzerland 
  • Simon Zadek, Executive Director, Nature Finance
  • André Hoffmann, Vice Chairman, Roche, & Co-Founder, InTent

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SDG Tent: Responsible Business Education as the New Norm

Business schools have an extraordinary opportunity and obligation to reflect on their own practices and ensure they educate socially responsible leaders. They are coming under growing pressure from students, employers and faculty alike to enhance their focus on responsible business education in their teaching, research and operations. For example, schools are being criticised for curriculum content that is still based around the ‘shareholder primacy’ model and the pursuit of short-term returns rather than the long-term strategies needed to address issues such as inequality or climate change. Learn more.


  • Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times


  • Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School
  • Naoko Ishii, Professor and Executive Vice-President, University of Tokyo
  • Francisco Veloso, Dean, Imperial College Business School
  • Halla Tomasdottir, CEO, the BTeam

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SDG Tent: How Can We Change the Game for Local Millers to Enhance Nutrition? A Call for Action

Rising food prices and accelerating climate change continue to put millions of lives at risk of hunger and malnutrition, reinforcing the urgency of the UN Food Systems Summit’s agenda to transform food systems in ways that contribute to people’s nutrition, health and well-being, whilst providing decent jobs and inclusive economies. This event will shine a light on the vital role that local millers – food processors – can play to advance this agenda, especially for the most vulnerable, through the fortification of commonly consumed foods with essential micronutrients, which is a proven and effective public health nutrition intervention. Learn more.


  • Mauricio Adade, President Latin America & Global Malnutrition Partnerships and Programs, DSM
  • Md. Kutubul Alam, Senior General Manager, Meghna Group of Industries
  • Ruth Awour, Owner, Grainora Mills
  • Paloma Fernandes, CEO, Cereal Millers Association
  • Bernhard Kowatsch, Head, Innovation Accelerator, World Food Programme
  • Penjani Mkambula, Global Program Lead, Food Fortification, GAIN
  • Paul Newnham, Director, SDG 2 Hub
  • Ashish Pande, Country Head, Olam Nigeria
  • Md. Shafiur Rahman, Deputy Advisor, Meghna Group of Industries
  • Rodger Voorhies, President, Global Growth and Opportunity, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • William Warshauer, President and CEO, TechnoServe
  • Torsten Wywiol, CEO, Stern-Wywiol Gruppe

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SDG Tent: Capital for Impact & Nature: Why Family Business Ownership Matters?

Two-thirds of businesses worldwide are family-owned or managed, employing 60-70% of the workforce, and generating 70-90% of global GDP. 

After decades of being hidden and happy, business families are starting to embrace the new age of transparency and become more visible. As society becomes more polarized on key issues such as social equity and climate change, families are also looking for the right path forward for both their business and their future legacy. How they find the way to bridge the gap on these topics across generations will largely determine their future success. 

The session will feature family business leaders who have embarked on ambitious programs and investments to leverage their assets and business to bring impactful and regenerative solutions. Learn more.


  • Alexis du Roy de Blicquy, CEO, The Family Business Network International, Switzerland


  • Sabina Fluxà Thienemann, Vice-Chairman & CEO, Iberostar, Spain 
  • Andrea Illy, Chairman, Illy Coffee, Italy 
  • Alfonso Libano Daurella, Vice-Chairman & CEO, Cobega, Spain 
  • Khaled Sharbatly, CEO, Desert Technologies Investment, Saudi Arabia
  • Frederick Tsao, Chairman IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group, Singapore 

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January 18

SDG Tent: Half Way There, Not Nearly There

2023 will see us half way through the timeline of the 2030 Global Goals – the SDGs. Yet we are not nearly there in terms of achieving the Goals despite them being the road map to solve some of the most pressing social issues of our time.

The world is now facing a new set of challenges which were not upfront and centre in 2015 – an economic crisis, the energy crisis, COVID-19, war in Ukraine, increases in social unrest…… As we wrestle with the impact of all that is facing us, do we have time or energy to focus on the acceleration of the goals and crucially do we have funding to invest in achieving the goals. Funding for social good is all very well during times of economic stability but during times of crisis, is Shareholder value more important then Stakeholder value?

We think that the world is in a difficult place right now – and certainly for the foreseeable. But what is the impact if we take our feet “off the gas” from achieving the SDGs both from an economic model and a social impact model? Learn more.


  • Zahra Bahroloumi, CEO, Salesforce UK&I


  • Richard Curtis, Screenwriter, Director and UN SDG Advocate
  • Jennifer Lotito, President and COO, (RED)
  • Oren Zaslansky, CEO, Flock Freight
  • Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

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SDG Tent: Common Ground for Impact Investing

While the investor community is coming to terms with the idea that generating social and environmental returns can be good for business in the long run, the limits of ESG funds are being demonstrated as regulators clue-up and greenwashers are punished. As such, seeking real impact is of growing concern, as made evident by the multitude of funds, advisors, researchers, and bankers who propose many different ways into impact investing. This panel convenes stakeholders from different streams of impact. Given our common agenda to fund businesses that do good, can we find common ground in impact investing? Learn more.


  • Adela Villanueva, Co-founder, The Impact Office


  • Lina Constantinovici, Founder and CEO, Innovation 4.4
  • John Dutton, Head, Uplink, World Economic Forum 
  • Frederic Hoffmann, Board Member, MAVA Foundation
  • Alisee de Tonnac, CEO and Co-Founder, Seedstars
  • Alexander Wiese, Managing director, Global Head Biodiversity, Food and Agriculture, Bankers without Bondaries  

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SDG Tent: Opening Hearts and Minds for Regenerative Organisations

If “sustainable development” is the goal, regeneration has to become the social norm. Huge harm done to ecosystems and clear fractures between humans need to be addressed. The reinvention of organisations, including businesses, is critical for that purpose. The current framework fosters short-term profits and competitive growth at all costs.

The dissonance between how success is defined and what needs to be done for regeneration is clearly perceived by many professionals and decision-makers. It leads to frustration, possibly to cynicism and often to individualistic behaviours. But this dissonance can also fuel an explosion of positive energy when we recognise that the “politically correct” is not living up to the expectations.

Making possible the reinvention of human organisations requires more than technical approaches. This session will inquire into the conditions for the co-creation of regenerative business to become possible, viable and widespread. It certainly starts with the mobilisation of hearts and minds, until what seems impossible becomes inevitable. Learn more.


  • Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President, The Club of Rome 


  • Peter Blom, Member of Supervisory Board, Dutch Central Bank, and former CEO, Triodos
  • Louis de Montpellier, Chair, Board of Directors, rePlanet
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Karima Kadaoui, Co-Founder and Executive President, Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development
  • Lina Yassin, Operations Manager, Climate Tracker and Researcher, International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED)

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SDG Tent: The State of Cooperation: Navigating Common Challenges of the ESG Agenda

New ESG requirements in national and supranational legislations force businesses to focus on measuring and reporting on their activities. While the new reporting requirements put sustainability higher on the agenda, they also create a paradox where reporting correctly seems to be as important as doing the right thing.  We pose the question: Is increasing reporting enabling greenwashing or driving real action?

The “decade of action” is further unsettled by a series of consecutive crises. In this context, cooperation between sectors remains vital to achieve common objectives. Yet companies and civil society are not set up to work together effectively. Our session in Davos will look at the core of goal 17 (partnerships for the goals) and raise the question of what the best models are for cooperation in order to achieve sustainable progress. Learn more.


  • Lukasz Bochenek, Managing Director/Deputy CEO, Leidar


  • Arne Cartridge, Special Adviser, Yara International
  • Christy Hoffman, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
  • Judy Stenmark, Director General, The Global Self-Care Federation
  • Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research, Lombard Odier Investment Managers

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SDG Tent: Unlocking Leadership in Health Equity

Women have given disproportionately large contributions to healthcare by playing key roles in decision-making within families, communities and the broader healthcare system. We aim to spotlight the value of the work that women deliver as caregivers, healthcare practitioners, community activists, and leaders in diverse settings, and the risks associated with not making it sustainable for women in these roles. Learn more.

In this session, we will highlight the importance of leaders in health equity and explore the topic along four dimensions:

  • What is the role of gender equity in advancing health equity?
  • How have women contributed to health equity, particularly on the frontlines of healthcare delivery?
  • What are the key drivers for women to have impact, and what key barriers diminish this impact?
  • What do leaders believe is necessary to unlock women’s impact on health equity?


  • Joanne Steiner, Founding Partner, Apriori Consulting  


  • Belen Garjio, CEO, Merck 
  • Eva Mc Lellan, Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve and General Manager Roche Pharmaceuticals
  • Kerstin Vesna Petric, Chair of the Executive Board, World Health Organization
  • Kaye Vitug, Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve and CFO, Roche Diagnostics
  • Judith Wallenstein, Managing Director and Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group

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SDG Tent: A Path towards Carbon Free Healthcare: Leaving No One Behind

This panel will discuss critical opportunities to accelerate action towards sustainable and accessible healthcare. Insights driven and action focused, with best practices from the healthcare industry, showing that change can happen if we all contribute. Learn more.


  • Robert Metzke, Senior Vice-President, Global Head of Sustainability of Philips


  • Neema Kaseje, American pediatric surgeon and public health specialist, Doctors Without Borders and University Hospitals Geneva
  • Paul Baldassari, Executive Vice-President of Worldwide Operations, Flex
  • Eric Kostegan, Chief Development Officer, World Health Organization Foundation

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January 19

SDG Tent: Achieving the Goal of Universal Health Coverage by 2030: Successes and Challenges from Emerging Market Countries

Numerous world leaders have made a commitment to universal health coverage (UHC)—i.e., the provision of healthcare for all—by 2030. Attaining this goal is particularly critical in developing countries so that individuals and communities can access healthcare services without fear of catastrophic financial repercussions. The topic of UHC encompasses a number of issues, including healthcare financing, and cooperation between government and the private sector.

This panel will focus on emerging market countries at different stages of development with regard to their UHC programs. Indonesia, Kenya and India have made significant strides toward the UHC goal. At the same time, however, critical challenges remain. We will assemble a panel of experts to understand the progress achieved, lessons learned, and remaining challenges toward the 2030 goal, such as the use of public financing, structuring effective collaborations with the private sector, and improving quality of care. Learn more.


  • Mark Stabile, Professor of Economics, INSEAD 


  • Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India 
  • Wangari Ng’ang’a, Universal Health Coverage Technical Advisor, Executive Office of the President, Kenya 
  • Prastuti Soewondo, Special Advisor to the Minister of Health, Indonesia 
  • Robert Metzke, Senior Vice-President, Global Head of Sustainability, Philips

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SDG Tent: Tackling The Protein Dilemma

Royal DSM invites you to a high-level discussion on the future of animal farming. With the global population predicted to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, the demand for animal-based protein is expected to increase by around 70%. To keep the production of animal proteins within planetary boundaries, we need to make rapid, sustainable changes to methods of production, for instance by increasing efficiency, reducing land use, and cutting down greenhouse gas emissions.

Join us for an interactive session where we will explore various solutions to the protein dilemma, including more sustainable farming, innovation technology, and emissions reduction. Learn more.


  • Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Head Sustainability & Responsibility, Bain & Company


  • Mariana Vasconcelos, Co-Founder and CEO of Agrosmart
  • Ivo Lansbergen, President Animal Nutrition & Health at DSM
  • Arnold Puech d’Alissac, President, World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO)
  • Juan Lavista Ferres, VP, Chief Data Scientist and Lab Director, Microsoft AI For Good Lab

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SDG Tent: Impact Accounting & Finance Towards Sustainable Finance Models

The financial and accounting systems that underpin our economy focus on short term financial outcomes and do not adequately reflect the dependency of our economic success on the health and stability of our communities and the natural environment.

Companies, investors and governments are recognising that long term sustainable performance relies on an understanding of the interdependency between financial, social, human and natural capitals. Action and leadership is needed to drive change so that sustainability becomes embedded in organizations’ strategy, operations and reporting.

Experts from accounting and finance (CFOs, the global accounting community, investors, policymakers, business schools) will discuss how to  better harness finance for the good of people and the planet. This session will provide guidance and convene senior leadership to inspire action, transform decision making and scale up, and showcase best practices. Learn more.


  • Jessica Fries, Executive Chair, A4S


  • Alexandre Micheloud, Impact Investment Specialist, Cape Capital
  • Paul Bodnar, Managing Director and Head of Sustainability Policy and Engagement, BlackRock
  • Emma Cox, Global Climate Leader, PwC
  • Emma Crystal, Chief Sustainability Officer, Credit Suisse
  • Scott Herren, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Cisco
  • Edouard Janssen, Director of the Board, Solvay
  • Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research, Lombard Odier

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SDG Tent: Decarbonizing Supply Chains: Innovating for the Future and Creating Value

The next big supply chain challenge is decarbonization, but are companies prepared to compete? Leaders will need to look beyond the four walls of their company and work across the entire supply chain, exploring new business models, new forms of collaboration, and new technologies. Can we solve for carbon, cost, and resilience all at once? Join us for insights on how to do exactly that. Learn more.


  • Harry Morrison, Global Sustainability Lead, Consumer Products, Bain & Company

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SDG Tent: Moving Beyond Net Zero in Finance

Financial institutions have set their net zero targets, but what comes next? What does the sustainability journey ahead entail for the real economy, and how can banks and insurers support the broader climate transition? Learn more.


  • Camille Goossens, Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Lead, Global Financial Services Practice, Bain & Company

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SDG Tent: Circularity Gap: Meeting Societal Needs and Preserving Global Resources

The circular economy is fast emerging globally, as companies and governments increasingly recognize its potential to tackle the root causes of climate change and other global challenges while generating new and better growth opportunities. As no one manages this shift alone, new ways of collaboration and, in particular, private-public partnerships are key. In the past five years, many countries have launched circular economy reporting initiatives to showcase their industries and necessary shift to circularity. The Circularity Gap Report shows the power of the circular economy to fullfill our needs equitably but with radically fewer materials and emissions.

This session will showcase new models and instruments led by Swiss-based actors to accelerate the circular economy transition through an interactive cross-sector discussion and pitches of circular economy solutions and initiatives. At the same time, the hosts will call Swiss actors to action in co-creating the first circular roadmap for Switzerland. Learn more.


  • Felix Stahli, Co-founder, Impact Hub Geneva-Lausanne, & Executive Committee member, Circular Economy


  • Kathrin Fuchs, Co-director, Circular Economy
  • Carlo Giardinetti, Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor, Deloitte Consultin
  • Katka Letzing, Co-founder and CEO, Kickstart Innovation
  • Martijn Lopes Cardozo, Circle Economy

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SDG Tent: One Health Approach – From Principles to Action

The Global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted to the world the interconnectedness of human, environmental and animal health, as well as the growing political, and business risk of overlooking these intricate and complex interrelations. One Health recognizes the strong connections between human health, ecosystem health, and animal health. Its importance is currently shown by the accelerated emergence or re-emergence of diseases over the last few decades. Before the 20th century, global pandemics occurred on average every 100 years. This frequency is currently accelerating: in the last 30 years, it is easy to see that COVID-19 is just the most recent example in a relatively long and daunting list of emerging or re-emerging diseases (e.g., Zika, Ebola, H5N1, H1N1). We are clearly within the era of emergence. Until now, our approach has always been the same: we wait for the epidemics or pandemics to occur and then we try to control them, often in crisis situations and with variable success.

As a systemic movement designed to maximize public health outcomes, One Health is foreseen to change the business landscape in the years to come. This event will discuss One Health’s role in solving critical global health challenges with concrete examples of initiatives showing how businesses are increasingly embracing a more holistic approach toward health issues. Learn more.


  • Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times


  • Sir David Nabarro, Co-Director, Institute of Global Health; Special Envoy, UN World Health Organization Director General on COVID-19; co-lead of the Food Workstream, UN Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance (GCRG); & 4SD Strategic Director
  • Joanna Sickler, Vice President, Health Policy and External Affairs, Roche Diagnostics
  • Frederic Thomas, Research Director, CNRS

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SDG Tent: Governing Biodiversity Credit Markets

Biodiversity credit markets are on the rise, with a remarkable array of related initiatives on display at COP15 in Montreal. Considering recent carbon market experience, there is both considerable enthusiasm for the potential for biodiversity credit markets to generate finance for nature and concern that they might develop in ways that prove damaging to nature and inequitable in their economic impact. In bridging potential and concern, growing attention is being paid to the all-important definitions of biodiversity credits and their verifiability, including the use of standard certification approaches and digital platforms such as blockchain to ensure robust traceability. Beyond this, the need for high integrity credit markets is generating debate, design and advocacy for broader governance innovations, ranging from proposals for high level principles to radical disclosure, regulatory arrangements, and new legal frameworks. Learn more.


  • Ceandra Faria, Head of Communications, NatureFinance


  • Alexa Firmenich, co-Lead, SEED, ETH Zurich
  • Akanksha Khatri, Head, Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum
  • Revathi Sharma Kollegala, Executive Director, Regen Foundation
  • Rachel Kyte, Dean of the Fletcher School, Tufts University
  • Gregory Landua, Director, Regen Network
  • Louis de Montpellier, Chair, Board of Directors, rePlanet
  • Grant Wilson, Executive Director, Earth Law Centre
  • Simon Zadek, Executive Director, NatureFinance

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January 20

First Movers Coalition: Accelerating Decarbonization Through Procurement Innovation - Hosted by Volvo Group

Technology and purchasing must work hand in hand to speed up the development and implementation of low-carbon technologies. In this follow-up summit to the First Movers Coalition (FMC) Leaders Meeting, leaders from the private sector together with governmental representatives, will demonstrate why collaboration is key to speeding up vital innovation in the fight against climate change. Major players, including Volvo Group, wiII gather to share best practice and real-world proof points, to develop common methodologies, to encourage others to join their journey and to use the FMC momentum to speed up increased resilience within procurement.


  • Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO, Volvo Group
  • Sec. Kerry, US State Dept
  • Henrik Andersen, Group President & CEO, Vestas
  • Steve Varley, Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY
  • Julia Reinaud, Senior Director, Europe Breakthrough Energy
  • Andrea Fuder, CPO, Volvo Group
  • Lars Stenqvist, CTO, Volvo Group
  • Annie Hills, Senior Advisor Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry US State Dept.
  • Nancy Gillis, Program Head, First Movers Coalition

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World Systemic Forum

Watch our report from The Hus' annual event gathering some of the most respected and influential minds of our time, to collaborate on answering the most pressing global issues. Hosted within THE HUS.mountain at VersuchsStollen Hagerbach in Flums, Switzerland, the World Systemic Forum builds bridges to foster collaboration through roundtables and experiences that set the tone for a year of system change. Through interviews and performances, We Don’t Have Time and The Hus will approach topics such as Energy & Storage, Education & Communication, Changing Perspectives, Sport, Behavioral Change, Food Systems, Future Living & Space Exploration. Learn more.

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The Importance of Public-Private Partnerships to Support New Innovative Technologies

Just like how airbags in cars have revolutionized how we approach cars, the next generation of nuclear fuel can completely change how people imagine the future of nuclear energy. Many believe the next generation of nuclear fuels can steer the nuclear industry into a safer, more affordable, and more climate-friendly future. However, if these new technologies are to reach commercial viability, public-private partnerships will be crucial.

In this special broadcast from Davos, we speak to Seth Grae, CEO of Lightbridge Corporation. A company that just announced a strategic partnership with Idaho National Laboratory to start testing its next-generation nuclear fuel.

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SDG Tent: Nature Positive

The combined loss of nature and climate change is threatening our health, our wellbeing, our societies and our economies. It is no longer a theory or a distant risk but something that is happening right here and now. The recent COP15 Kunming-Montreal Agreement commits the world to halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. This must be the launch pad for action from governments, business, and society to transition towards a nature-positive world.

The ‘Nature Positive Dinner’ at Davos 2023 aims to be the impetus for the bold, wide-ranging and urgent action required to deliver a nature-positive world. We will dive into detail about how we can all contribute towards delivering the vision of more nature in 2030 than we had in 2020 through protection, restoration and sustainable use, and how to finance such a globally important and critical transition.  Action towards a nature-positive future must be swift and bold. We must all double down on nature-positive action as we move from discussion and negotiation to implementation, action and, most importantly, finance this delivery. Learn more.


  • Sweta Chakraborty, Climate Behavioral Scientist and CEO, We Don’t Have Time US
  • Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD 
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Coordinator, Association of Peul Women & Autochthonous Peoples of Chad
  • Marco Lambertini, Special Envoy, WWF International
  • Anushka Ratnayake, Founder and CEO, MyAgro, Senegal –  Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2020
  • ​Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  • Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business For Nature
  • Peter Bakker, President & CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Rohitesh Dhawan, CEO, International Council on Mining and Metals
  • Berry Marttin, Member of the Managing Board, Rabobank Group
  • James McCall, Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Mads Nipper, President and CEO, ORSTED
  • Cherie Nursalim, Vice Chairman, GITI Group
  • Noa, Singer, Israel
  • Carlos Nobre, Brazilian Scientist focused on Amazon
  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General; Executive Director & CEO of the United Nations Global Compact
  • André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman, Roche, Co-Founder, InTent
  • Alain Pilloux, Vice President, Banking, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Kirsten Schuijt, Director-General, WWF International
  • Andrew Steer, President & CEO, Bezos Earth Fund
  • Debbie Aung Din Taylor, Co-Founder, Proximity Designs
  • William Warshauer, CEO, Technoserve
  • Marina Silva, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Brazil

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Skydweller at Davos

NOAH and The HUS.insitute are hosting a private lunch for the company in this session from Davos during WEF.

The CEO of Skydweller, Robert Miller, will present his company and plans to a small and selected group of investors. The Skydweller plane is born from the famous Solar Impulse project by Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg. They completed the first ever round-the-world solar flight successfully in July 2016. Today, its use is multiple. Thanks to its solar energy and auto pilot, the plane can operate at lowest industry costs and stay in the sky permanently. Skydweller is an attractive alternative to telco towers to increase reach and quality of service in non metropolitan areas. Current revenues are from government for surveillance. The interest of the telecom industry is manifested by strong interest in countries like Brazil and several countries in Africa. Further important use cases are in the remote sensing field, providing an unmatched impact measurement for the carbon credit industry and decision support for agro-forestry and agriculture sector. Skydweller is a key data provider to the Nature Data Alliance, a network of 100 nature tech firms, enabling large scale environmental projects with continuous monitoring. The company is raising up to $100 million to kick start its serial production in Italy.

Download the Skydweller presentation here.



SDG Tent: Scaling ​Sustainable Tech: Greater Collaboration for Greater Impact

Companies are looking for effective ways to scale sustainable tech to help solve the industry’s toughest challenges. Partnership is the only way we can achieve scale and it will take contributions from across industries to address our challenges. This panel will explore promising solutions and ways forward. If you’re interested to gain insights and exchange on how to make tech available across the industry for systemic change, please join us. Together we can make the extraordinary happen. Learn more.


  • Michelle Gibbons, Director General AIM, European Brands Association/Holy Grail
  • Dustin Olson, CEO, Purecycle Technologies, Inc
  • Mary Wagner, CEO iMFLUX, Inc
  • Kristin Hughes, WEF Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership and Member of the Forum Executive Committee
  • R. Alexandra Keith, CEO, P&G Beauty; Executive Sponsor, P&G Corporate Sustainability

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Interviews in Davos, January 16

We Don't Have Time went to Davos to interview some of the most respected and influential minds of our time. Join us as we discuss pressing issues and the solutions we have to fight against climate change.


  • Rich Nuzum, Executive Director, Investments and Global Chief Investment Strategist, Mercer
  • Sophie Lambin, CEO, Kite Insights
  • Kunaal Patawari, CEO, Gemini
  • Omar Bawa, Co-founder, Goodwall
  • Elise Buckle, Co-founder, SHE Changes Climate
  • Frederic Hoffmann, Board Member, MAVA Foundation
  • Dr. Mandeep Rai, Author, “The Values Compass”
  • Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche, Tibetan lama and scholar


Interviews in Davos, January 17

We Don't Have Time went to Davos to interview some of the most respected and influential minds of our time. Join us as we discuss pressing issues and the solutions we have to fight against climate change.


  • Rupesh Madlani, Co-founder, Bankers Without Boundaries
  • Peggy Liu, Chief Tornado Officer, Mint Energy
  • Sarah-Chen Spellings, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Beyond The Billion
  • Abang Brian, Malaysian celebrity chef
  • Alexandra Rasch, CEO and Founder, Caban Systems
  • Gerrit Sindermann, Director Every Action Counts, Green Digital Finance Alliance
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Alvaro Guirao, CEO and Founder, Optimal XR


SDG Tent: Acting on Value – Integrating your Approach

This session will profile businesses who are applying an integrated approach through the ACT-D framework of Assess, Commit, Transform and Disclose, proving that it is not an alphabet soup, but a language that we can all learn.  

ACT-D was launched at the SDG tent in May 2022 and this session will show how it has been used to connect tools such as the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosure, Natural and Social Capital Protocols, and Science Based Targets. By the time of this event, we will also know if COP15 has succeeded in making the assessment and disclosure of impacts and dependencies mandatory or not. Business for Nature will provide a review of what this means and the implications for business. There will also be an update on the Value Commission, also launched here in 2022, which is guiding the development of an open access valuation database, and the participants will be the first to see the advances in integrating nature, people, society and economy in the new Integrated Capitals Protocol. Learn more.


  • Mark Gough, CEO, Capitals Coalition 


  • Magali Anderson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Holcim 
  • Erin Billman, ED, Science Based Targets Initiative 
  • Tony Goldner, Executive Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
  • Eliane Ubalijoro, Board Member and Vice Chair, Value Commission, Capitals Coalition 
  • Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business for Nature

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SDG Tent: Roadmap to long-term environmental and social resilience

The session will gather approximately 15 board members across the food, agriculture and livestock sector for a roundtable conversation on opportunities for long-term environmental and social resilient value chains. The conversation will focus on how companies can develop impactful incentives for suppliers and producers, such as smallholder farmers, for combined climate mitigation, adaptation and social objectives. This integrated approach is crucial to bring about systems change for long-term environmental and social resilience. Learn more.

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SDG Tent: Integrating Income & Impact – 3 Secrets

Every enterprise should aim to generate positive income AND positive impact. The pressure from ESG and other emerging stakeholder demands are here to stay. Executives and entrepreneurs must learn the secrets to integration (which, beyond innovation and internationalisation, is the third and new chapter in business). Drawing on a decade of research and reflection, the interactive session will share 3 secrets to squaring this circle and we will reserve time for discussion. Learn more.


  • Subramanian Rangan, Professor of Strategy, INSEAD
  • Katell Le Goulven, Director, HGIBS, INSEAD

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SDG Tent: Towards Responsible Remuneration

CEOs and board members are increasingly expected to lead the change and contribute to a more sustainable economy. This requires making different corporate decisions. Few levers are more effective at guiding a corporation’s behaviour than the financial incentives offered to its CEO and other executives. With corporate activities impacting billions of lives, executive remuneration has a critical role to play in the transition to a sustainable economy. The alignment of purpose, practice, profit, and pay is a key contributor to the change for good. Global principles of responsible remuneration will support businesses to accelerate change. To this end, and to advance the UN Global Compact SDGs, Reward Value together with InTent is launching the Principles of Responsible Remuneration (PRR). Information on the principles and how companies can activate them will be shared during the event. Learn more.


  • Frederic Barge, Managing Director, Reward Value


  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General to UN and CEO of UN Global Compact  
  • Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board 
  • Martha Cook, Partner, Ernst&Young People Advisory Services 
  • Colin Mayer, Professor Saïd Business School, University of Oxford 
  • Bruno Roche, Founder and Executive Director,  Economics of Mutuality Platform 
  • Katharine Savage, Partner, Ernst&Young People Advisory Services 
  • Julie Linn Teigland, Area Managing Partner, Ernst&Young

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January 17

SDG Tent: Nature-Based Solutions for Business in Practice

The loss of biodiversity threatens the very foundations of our society, posing risks to food security, our health and businesses. In order to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, the nature and climate crisis have to be addressed together. 

Unlocking corporate projects throughout the value chains will be essential to help deliver an equitable, net-zero, nature-positive world. However, working with nature to help meet corporate climate goals or mitigate other risks in the value chain is still largely uncharted territory for many businesses and their senior leadership teams.

This session will examine the biodiversity challenges and opportunities and will present various initiatives and approaches to show how Nature-based Solutions can help solve multiple challenges. Learn more.


  • Eliane Ubalijoro, Executive Director, Sustainability in the Digital Age & Future Earth Montreal Hib 


  • Tim Coles, CEO, rePlanet
  • Barbara Dubach, Board Member, Innovate for Nature 
  • Anthony Hobley, Executive Fellow, Strategic Engagement, Center for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum
  • Thomas Vellacott, CEO, WWF Switzerland 
  • Simon Zadek, Executive Director, Nature Finance
  • André Hoffmann, Vice Chairman, Roche, & Co-Founder, InTent

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SDG Tent: Responsible Business Education as the New Norm

Business schools have an extraordinary opportunity and obligation to reflect on their own practices and ensure they educate socially responsible leaders. They are coming under growing pressure from students, employers and faculty alike to enhance their focus on responsible business education in their teaching, research and operations. For example, schools are being criticised for curriculum content that is still based around the ‘shareholder primacy’ model and the pursuit of short-term returns rather than the long-term strategies needed to address issues such as inequality or climate change. Learn more.


  • Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times


  • Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School
  • Naoko Ishii, Professor and Executive Vice-President, University of Tokyo
  • Francisco Veloso, Dean, Imperial College Business School
  • Halla Tomasdottir, CEO, the BTeam

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SDG Tent: How Can We Change the Game for Local Millers to Enhance Nutrition? A Call for Action

Rising food prices and accelerating climate change continue to put millions of lives at risk of hunger and malnutrition, reinforcing the urgency of the UN Food Systems Summit’s agenda to transform food systems in ways that contribute to people’s nutrition, health and well-being, whilst providing decent jobs and inclusive economies. This event will shine a light on the vital role that local millers – food processors – can play to advance this agenda, especially for the most vulnerable, through the fortification of commonly consumed foods with essential micronutrients, which is a proven and effective public health nutrition intervention. Learn more.


  • Mauricio Adade, President Latin America & Global Malnutrition Partnerships and Programs, DSM
  • Md. Kutubul Alam, Senior General Manager, Meghna Group of Industries
  • Ruth Awour, Owner, Grainora Mills
  • Paloma Fernandes, CEO, Cereal Millers Association
  • Bernhard Kowatsch, Head, Innovation Accelerator, World Food Programme
  • Penjani Mkambula, Global Program Lead, Food Fortification, GAIN
  • Paul Newnham, Director, SDG 2 Hub
  • Ashish Pande, Country Head, Olam Nigeria
  • Md. Shafiur Rahman, Deputy Advisor, Meghna Group of Industries
  • Rodger Voorhies, President, Global Growth and Opportunity, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • William Warshauer, President and CEO, TechnoServe
  • Torsten Wywiol, CEO, Stern-Wywiol Gruppe

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SDG Tent: Capital for Impact & Nature: Why Family Business Ownership Matters?

Two-thirds of businesses worldwide are family-owned or managed, employing 60-70% of the workforce, and generating 70-90% of global GDP. 

After decades of being hidden and happy, business families are starting to embrace the new age of transparency and become more visible. As society becomes more polarized on key issues such as social equity and climate change, families are also looking for the right path forward for both their business and their future legacy. How they find the way to bridge the gap on these topics across generations will largely determine their future success. 

The session will feature family business leaders who have embarked on ambitious programs and investments to leverage their assets and business to bring impactful and regenerative solutions. Learn more.


  • Alexis du Roy de Blicquy, CEO, The Family Business Network International, Switzerland


  • Sabina Fluxà Thienemann, Vice-Chairman & CEO, Iberostar, Spain 
  • Andrea Illy, Chairman, Illy Coffee, Italy 
  • Alfonso Libano Daurella, Vice-Chairman & CEO, Cobega, Spain 
  • Khaled Sharbatly, CEO, Desert Technologies Investment, Saudi Arabia
  • Frederick Tsao, Chairman IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group, Singapore 

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January 18

SDG Tent: Half Way There, Not Nearly There

2023 will see us half way through the timeline of the 2030 Global Goals – the SDGs. Yet we are not nearly there in terms of achieving the Goals despite them being the road map to solve some of the most pressing social issues of our time.

The world is now facing a new set of challenges which were not upfront and centre in 2015 – an economic crisis, the energy crisis, COVID-19, war in Ukraine, increases in social unrest…… As we wrestle with the impact of all that is facing us, do we have time or energy to focus on the acceleration of the goals and crucially do we have funding to invest in achieving the goals. Funding for social good is all very well during times of economic stability but during times of crisis, is Shareholder value more important then Stakeholder value?

We think that the world is in a difficult place right now – and certainly for the foreseeable. But what is the impact if we take our feet “off the gas” from achieving the SDGs both from an economic model and a social impact model? Learn more.


  • Zahra Bahroloumi, CEO, Salesforce UK&I


  • Richard Curtis, Screenwriter, Director and UN SDG Advocate
  • Jennifer Lotito, President and COO, (RED)
  • Oren Zaslansky, CEO, Flock Freight
  • Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

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SDG Tent: Common Ground for Impact Investing

While the investor community is coming to terms with the idea that generating social and environmental returns can be good for business in the long run, the limits of ESG funds are being demonstrated as regulators clue-up and greenwashers are punished. As such, seeking real impact is of growing concern, as made evident by the multitude of funds, advisors, researchers, and bankers who propose many different ways into impact investing. This panel convenes stakeholders from different streams of impact. Given our common agenda to fund businesses that do good, can we find common ground in impact investing? Learn more.


  • Adela Villanueva, Co-founder, The Impact Office


  • Lina Constantinovici, Founder and CEO, Innovation 4.4
  • John Dutton, Head, Uplink, World Economic Forum 
  • Frederic Hoffmann, Board Member, MAVA Foundation
  • Alisee de Tonnac, CEO and Co-Founder, Seedstars
  • Alexander Wiese, Managing director, Global Head Biodiversity, Food and Agriculture, Bankers without Bondaries  

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SDG Tent: Opening Hearts and Minds for Regenerative Organisations

If “sustainable development” is the goal, regeneration has to become the social norm. Huge harm done to ecosystems and clear fractures between humans need to be addressed. The reinvention of organisations, including businesses, is critical for that purpose. The current framework fosters short-term profits and competitive growth at all costs.

The dissonance between how success is defined and what needs to be done for regeneration is clearly perceived by many professionals and decision-makers. It leads to frustration, possibly to cynicism and often to individualistic behaviours. But this dissonance can also fuel an explosion of positive energy when we recognise that the “politically correct” is not living up to the expectations.

Making possible the reinvention of human organisations requires more than technical approaches. This session will inquire into the conditions for the co-creation of regenerative business to become possible, viable and widespread. It certainly starts with the mobilisation of hearts and minds, until what seems impossible becomes inevitable. Learn more.


  • Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President, The Club of Rome 


  • Peter Blom, Member of Supervisory Board, Dutch Central Bank, and former CEO, Triodos
  • Louis de Montpellier, Chair, Board of Directors, rePlanet
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Karima Kadaoui, Co-Founder and Executive President, Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development
  • Lina Yassin, Operations Manager, Climate Tracker and Researcher, International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED)

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SDG Tent: The State of Cooperation: Navigating Common Challenges of the ESG Agenda

New ESG requirements in national and supranational legislations force businesses to focus on measuring and reporting on their activities. While the new reporting requirements put sustainability higher on the agenda, they also create a paradox where reporting correctly seems to be as important as doing the right thing.  We pose the question: Is increasing reporting enabling greenwashing or driving real action?

The “decade of action” is further unsettled by a series of consecutive crises. In this context, cooperation between sectors remains vital to achieve common objectives. Yet companies and civil society are not set up to work together effectively. Our session in Davos will look at the core of goal 17 (partnerships for the goals) and raise the question of what the best models are for cooperation in order to achieve sustainable progress. Learn more.


  • Lukasz Bochenek, Managing Director/Deputy CEO, Leidar


  • Arne Cartridge, Special Adviser, Yara International
  • Christy Hoffman, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
  • Judy Stenmark, Director General, The Global Self-Care Federation
  • Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research, Lombard Odier Investment Managers

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SDG Tent: Unlocking Leadership in Health Equity

Women have given disproportionately large contributions to healthcare by playing key roles in decision-making within families, communities and the broader healthcare system. We aim to spotlight the value of the work that women deliver as caregivers, healthcare practitioners, community activists, and leaders in diverse settings, and the risks associated with not making it sustainable for women in these roles. Learn more.

In this session, we will highlight the importance of leaders in health equity and explore the topic along four dimensions:

  • What is the role of gender equity in advancing health equity?
  • How have women contributed to health equity, particularly on the frontlines of healthcare delivery?
  • What are the key drivers for women to have impact, and what key barriers diminish this impact?
  • What do leaders believe is necessary to unlock women’s impact on health equity?


  • Joanne Steiner, Founding Partner, Apriori Consulting  


  • Belen Garjio, CEO, Merck 
  • Eva Mc Lellan, Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve and General Manager Roche Pharmaceuticals
  • Kerstin Vesna Petric, Chair of the Executive Board, World Health Organization
  • Kaye Vitug, Co-Founder, Unlocking Eve and CFO, Roche Diagnostics
  • Judith Wallenstein, Managing Director and Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group

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SDG Tent: A Path towards Carbon Free Healthcare: Leaving No One Behind

This panel will discuss critical opportunities to accelerate action towards sustainable and accessible healthcare. Insights driven and action focused, with best practices from the healthcare industry, showing that change can happen if we all contribute. Learn more.


  • Robert Metzke, Senior Vice-President, Global Head of Sustainability of Philips


  • Neema Kaseje, American pediatric surgeon and public health specialist, Doctors Without Borders and University Hospitals Geneva
  • Paul Baldassari, Executive Vice-President of Worldwide Operations, Flex
  • Eric Kostegan, Chief Development Officer, World Health Organization Foundation

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January 19

SDG Tent: Achieving the Goal of Universal Health Coverage by 2030: Successes and Challenges from Emerging Market Countries

Numerous world leaders have made a commitment to universal health coverage (UHC)—i.e., the provision of healthcare for all—by 2030. Attaining this goal is particularly critical in developing countries so that individuals and communities can access healthcare services without fear of catastrophic financial repercussions. The topic of UHC encompasses a number of issues, including healthcare financing, and cooperation between government and the private sector.

This panel will focus on emerging market countries at different stages of development with regard to their UHC programs. Indonesia, Kenya and India have made significant strides toward the UHC goal. At the same time, however, critical challenges remain. We will assemble a panel of experts to understand the progress achieved, lessons learned, and remaining challenges toward the 2030 goal, such as the use of public financing, structuring effective collaborations with the private sector, and improving quality of care. Learn more.


  • Mark Stabile, Professor of Economics, INSEAD 


  • Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India 
  • Wangari Ng’ang’a, Universal Health Coverage Technical Advisor, Executive Office of the President, Kenya 
  • Prastuti Soewondo, Special Advisor to the Minister of Health, Indonesia 
  • Robert Metzke, Senior Vice-President, Global Head of Sustainability, Philips

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SDG Tent: Tackling The Protein Dilemma

Royal DSM invites you to a high-level discussion on the future of animal farming. With the global population predicted to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, the demand for animal-based protein is expected to increase by around 70%. To keep the production of animal proteins within planetary boundaries, we need to make rapid, sustainable changes to methods of production, for instance by increasing efficiency, reducing land use, and cutting down greenhouse gas emissions.

Join us for an interactive session where we will explore various solutions to the protein dilemma, including more sustainable farming, innovation technology, and emissions reduction. Learn more.


  • Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Head Sustainability & Responsibility, Bain & Company


  • Mariana Vasconcelos, Co-Founder and CEO of Agrosmart
  • Ivo Lansbergen, President Animal Nutrition & Health at DSM
  • Arnold Puech d’Alissac, President, World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO)
  • Juan Lavista Ferres, VP, Chief Data Scientist and Lab Director, Microsoft AI For Good Lab

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SDG Tent: Impact Accounting & Finance Towards Sustainable Finance Models

The financial and accounting systems that underpin our economy focus on short term financial outcomes and do not adequately reflect the dependency of our economic success on the health and stability of our communities and the natural environment.

Companies, investors and governments are recognising that long term sustainable performance relies on an understanding of the interdependency between financial, social, human and natural capitals. Action and leadership is needed to drive change so that sustainability becomes embedded in organizations’ strategy, operations and reporting.

Experts from accounting and finance (CFOs, the global accounting community, investors, policymakers, business schools) will discuss how to  better harness finance for the good of people and the planet. This session will provide guidance and convene senior leadership to inspire action, transform decision making and scale up, and showcase best practices. Learn more.


  • Jessica Fries, Executive Chair, A4S


  • Alexandre Micheloud, Impact Investment Specialist, Cape Capital
  • Paul Bodnar, Managing Director and Head of Sustainability Policy and Engagement, BlackRock
  • Emma Cox, Global Climate Leader, PwC
  • Emma Crystal, Chief Sustainability Officer, Credit Suisse
  • Scott Herren, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Cisco
  • Edouard Janssen, Director of the Board, Solvay
  • Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research, Lombard Odier

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SDG Tent: Decarbonizing Supply Chains: Innovating for the Future and Creating Value

The next big supply chain challenge is decarbonization, but are companies prepared to compete? Leaders will need to look beyond the four walls of their company and work across the entire supply chain, exploring new business models, new forms of collaboration, and new technologies. Can we solve for carbon, cost, and resilience all at once? Join us for insights on how to do exactly that. Learn more.


  • Harry Morrison, Global Sustainability Lead, Consumer Products, Bain & Company

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SDG Tent: Moving Beyond Net Zero in Finance

Financial institutions have set their net zero targets, but what comes next? What does the sustainability journey ahead entail for the real economy, and how can banks and insurers support the broader climate transition? Learn more.


  • Camille Goossens, Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Lead, Global Financial Services Practice, Bain & Company

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SDG Tent: Circularity Gap: Meeting Societal Needs and Preserving Global Resources

The circular economy is fast emerging globally, as companies and governments increasingly recognize its potential to tackle the root causes of climate change and other global challenges while generating new and better growth opportunities. As no one manages this shift alone, new ways of collaboration and, in particular, private-public partnerships are key. In the past five years, many countries have launched circular economy reporting initiatives to showcase their industries and necessary shift to circularity. The Circularity Gap Report shows the power of the circular economy to fullfill our needs equitably but with radically fewer materials and emissions.

This session will showcase new models and instruments led by Swiss-based actors to accelerate the circular economy transition through an interactive cross-sector discussion and pitches of circular economy solutions and initiatives. At the same time, the hosts will call Swiss actors to action in co-creating the first circular roadmap for Switzerland. Learn more.


  • Felix Stahli, Co-founder, Impact Hub Geneva-Lausanne, & Executive Committee member, Circular Economy


  • Kathrin Fuchs, Co-director, Circular Economy
  • Carlo Giardinetti, Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor, Deloitte Consultin
  • Katka Letzing, Co-founder and CEO, Kickstart Innovation
  • Martijn Lopes Cardozo, Circle Economy

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SDG Tent: One Health Approach – From Principles to Action

The Global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted to the world the interconnectedness of human, environmental and animal health, as well as the growing political, and business risk of overlooking these intricate and complex interrelations. One Health recognizes the strong connections between human health, ecosystem health, and animal health. Its importance is currently shown by the accelerated emergence or re-emergence of diseases over the last few decades. Before the 20th century, global pandemics occurred on average every 100 years. This frequency is currently accelerating: in the last 30 years, it is easy to see that COVID-19 is just the most recent example in a relatively long and daunting list of emerging or re-emerging diseases (e.g., Zika, Ebola, H5N1, H1N1). We are clearly within the era of emergence. Until now, our approach has always been the same: we wait for the epidemics or pandemics to occur and then we try to control them, often in crisis situations and with variable success.

As a systemic movement designed to maximize public health outcomes, One Health is foreseen to change the business landscape in the years to come. This event will discuss One Health’s role in solving critical global health challenges with concrete examples of initiatives showing how businesses are increasingly embracing a more holistic approach toward health issues. Learn more.


  • Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times


  • Sir David Nabarro, Co-Director, Institute of Global Health; Special Envoy, UN World Health Organization Director General on COVID-19; co-lead of the Food Workstream, UN Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance (GCRG); & 4SD Strategic Director
  • Joanna Sickler, Vice President, Health Policy and External Affairs, Roche Diagnostics
  • Frederic Thomas, Research Director, CNRS

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SDG Tent: Governing Biodiversity Credit Markets

Biodiversity credit markets are on the rise, with a remarkable array of related initiatives on display at COP15 in Montreal. Considering recent carbon market experience, there is both considerable enthusiasm for the potential for biodiversity credit markets to generate finance for nature and concern that they might develop in ways that prove damaging to nature and inequitable in their economic impact. In bridging potential and concern, growing attention is being paid to the all-important definitions of biodiversity credits and their verifiability, including the use of standard certification approaches and digital platforms such as blockchain to ensure robust traceability. Beyond this, the need for high integrity credit markets is generating debate, design and advocacy for broader governance innovations, ranging from proposals for high level principles to radical disclosure, regulatory arrangements, and new legal frameworks. Learn more.


  • Ceandra Faria, Head of Communications, NatureFinance


  • Alexa Firmenich, co-Lead, SEED, ETH Zurich
  • Akanksha Khatri, Head, Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum
  • Revathi Sharma Kollegala, Executive Director, Regen Foundation
  • Rachel Kyte, Dean of the Fletcher School, Tufts University
  • Gregory Landua, Director, Regen Network
  • Louis de Montpellier, Chair, Board of Directors, rePlanet
  • Grant Wilson, Executive Director, Earth Law Centre
  • Simon Zadek, Executive Director, NatureFinance

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January 20

First Movers Coalition: Accelerating Decarbonization Through Procurement Innovation - Hosted by Volvo Group

Technology and purchasing must work hand in hand to speed up the development and implementation of low-carbon technologies. In this follow-up summit to the First Movers Coalition (FMC) Leaders Meeting, leaders from the private sector together with governmental representatives, will demonstrate why collaboration is key to speeding up vital innovation in the fight against climate change. Major players, including Volvo Group, wiII gather to share best practice and real-world proof points, to develop common methodologies, to encourage others to join their journey and to use the FMC momentum to speed up increased resilience within procurement.


  • Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO, Volvo Group
  • Sec. Kerry, US State Dept
  • Henrik Andersen, Group President & CEO, Vestas
  • Steve Varley, Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY
  • Julia Reinaud, Senior Director, Europe Breakthrough Energy
  • Andrea Fuder, CPO, Volvo Group
  • Lars Stenqvist, CTO, Volvo Group
  • Annie Hills, Senior Advisor Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry US State Dept.
  • Nancy Gillis, Program Head, First Movers Coalition

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World Systemic Forum

Watch our report from The Hus' annual event gathering some of the most respected and influential minds of our time, to collaborate on answering the most pressing global issues. Hosted within THE HUS.mountain at VersuchsStollen Hagerbach in Flums, Switzerland, the World Systemic Forum builds bridges to foster collaboration through roundtables and experiences that set the tone for a year of system change. Through interviews and performances, We Don’t Have Time and The Hus will approach topics such as Energy & Storage, Education & Communication, Changing Perspectives, Sport, Behavioral Change, Food Systems, Future Living & Space Exploration. Learn more.

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The Importance of Public-Private Partnerships to Support New Innovative Technologies

Just like how airbags in cars have revolutionized how we approach cars, the next generation of nuclear fuel can completely change how people imagine the future of nuclear energy. Many believe the next generation of nuclear fuels can steer the nuclear industry into a safer, more affordable, and more climate-friendly future. However, if these new technologies are to reach commercial viability, public-private partnerships will be crucial.

In this special broadcast from Davos, we speak to Seth Grae, CEO of Lightbridge Corporation. A company that just announced a strategic partnership with Idaho National Laboratory to start testing its next-generation nuclear fuel.

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SDG Tent: Nature Positive

The combined loss of nature and climate change is threatening our health, our wellbeing, our societies and our economies. It is no longer a theory or a distant risk but something that is happening right here and now. The recent COP15 Kunming-Montreal Agreement commits the world to halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. This must be the launch pad for action from governments, business, and society to transition towards a nature-positive world.

The ‘Nature Positive Dinner’ at Davos 2023 aims to be the impetus for the bold, wide-ranging and urgent action required to deliver a nature-positive world. We will dive into detail about how we can all contribute towards delivering the vision of more nature in 2030 than we had in 2020 through protection, restoration and sustainable use, and how to finance such a globally important and critical transition.  Action towards a nature-positive future must be swift and bold. We must all double down on nature-positive action as we move from discussion and negotiation to implementation, action and, most importantly, finance this delivery. Learn more.


  • Sweta Chakraborty, Climate Behavioral Scientist and CEO, We Don’t Have Time US
  • Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD 
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Coordinator, Association of Peul Women & Autochthonous Peoples of Chad
  • Marco Lambertini, Special Envoy, WWF International
  • Anushka Ratnayake, Founder and CEO, MyAgro, Senegal –  Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2020
  • ​Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  • Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business For Nature
  • Peter Bakker, President & CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Rohitesh Dhawan, CEO, International Council on Mining and Metals
  • Berry Marttin, Member of the Managing Board, Rabobank Group
  • James McCall, Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Mads Nipper, President and CEO, ORSTED
  • Cherie Nursalim, Vice Chairman, GITI Group
  • Noa, Singer, Israel
  • Carlos Nobre, Brazilian Scientist focused on Amazon
  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General; Executive Director & CEO of the United Nations Global Compact
  • André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman, Roche, Co-Founder, InTent
  • Alain Pilloux, Vice President, Banking, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Kirsten Schuijt, Director-General, WWF International
  • Andrew Steer, President & CEO, Bezos Earth Fund
  • Debbie Aung Din Taylor, Co-Founder, Proximity Designs
  • William Warshauer, CEO, Technoserve
  • Marina Silva, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Brazil

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Skydweller at Davos

NOAH and The HUS.insitute are hosting a private lunch for the company in this session from Davos during WEF.

The CEO of Skydweller, Robert Miller, will present his company and plans to a small and selected group of investors. The Skydweller plane is born from the famous Solar Impulse project by Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg. They completed the first ever round-the-world solar flight successfully in July 2016. Today, its use is multiple. Thanks to its solar energy and auto pilot, the plane can operate at lowest industry costs and stay in the sky permanently. Skydweller is an attractive alternative to telco towers to increase reach and quality of service in non metropolitan areas. Current revenues are from government for surveillance. The interest of the telecom industry is manifested by strong interest in countries like Brazil and several countries in Africa. Further important use cases are in the remote sensing field, providing an unmatched impact measurement for the carbon credit industry and decision support for agro-forestry and agriculture sector. Skydweller is a key data provider to the Nature Data Alliance, a network of 100 nature tech firms, enabling large scale environmental projects with continuous monitoring. The company is raising up to $100 million to kick start its serial production in Italy.

Download the Skydweller presentation here.



SDG Tent: Scaling ​Sustainable Tech: Greater Collaboration for Greater Impact

Companies are looking for effective ways to scale sustainable tech to help solve the industry’s toughest challenges. Partnership is the only way we can achieve scale and it will take contributions from across industries to address our challenges. This panel will explore promising solutions and ways forward. If you’re interested to gain insights and exchange on how to make tech available across the industry for systemic change, please join us. Together we can make the extraordinary happen. Learn more.


  • Michelle Gibbons, Director General AIM, European Brands Association/Holy Grail
  • Dustin Olson, CEO, Purecycle Technologies, Inc
  • Mary Wagner, CEO iMFLUX, Inc
  • Kristin Hughes, WEF Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership and Member of the Forum Executive Committee
  • R. Alexandra Keith, CEO, P&G Beauty; Executive Sponsor, P&G Corporate Sustainability

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Interviews in Davos, January 16

We Don't Have Time went to Davos to interview some of the most respected and influential minds of our time. Join us as we discuss pressing issues and the solutions we have to fight against climate change.


  • Rich Nuzum, Executive Director, Investments and Global Chief Investment Strategist, Mercer
  • Sophie Lambin, CEO, Kite Insights
  • Kunaal Patawari, CEO, Gemini
  • Omar Bawa, Co-founder, Goodwall
  • Elise Buckle, Co-founder, SHE Changes Climate
  • Frederic Hoffmann, Board Member, MAVA Foundation
  • Dr. Mandeep Rai, Author, “The Values Compass”
  • Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche, Tibetan lama and scholar


Interviews in Davos, January 17

We Don't Have Time went to Davos to interview some of the most respected and influential minds of our time. Join us as we discuss pressing issues and the solutions we have to fight against climate change.


  • Rupesh Madlani, Co-founder, Bankers Without Boundaries
  • Peggy Liu, Chief Tornado Officer, Mint Energy
  • Sarah-Chen Spellings, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Beyond The Billion
  • Abang Brian, Malaysian celebrity chef
  • Alexandra Rasch, CEO and Founder, Caban Systems
  • Gerrit Sindermann, Director Every Action Counts, Green Digital Finance Alliance
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Alvaro Guirao, CEO and Founder, Optimal XR


SDG Tent: Acting on Value – Integrating your Approach

This session will profile businesses who are applying an integrated approach through the ACT-D framework of Assess, Commit, Transform and Disclose, proving that it is not an alphabet soup, but a language that we can all learn.  

ACT-D was launched at the SDG tent in May 2022 and this session will show how it has been used to connect tools such as the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosure, Natural and Social Capital Protocols, and Science Based Targets. By the time of this event, we will also know if COP15 has succeeded in making the assessment and disclosure of impacts and dependencies mandatory or not. Business for Nature will provide a review of what this means and the implications for business. There will also be an update on the Value Commission, also launched here in 2022, which is guiding the development of an open access valuation database, and the participants will be the first to see the advances in integrating nature, people, society and economy in the new Integrated Capitals Protocol. Learn more.


  • Mark Gough, CEO, Capitals Coalition 


  • Magali Anderson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Holcim 
  • Erin Billman, ED, Science Based Targets Initiative 
  • Tony Goldner, Executive Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
  • Eliane Ubalijoro, Board Member and Vice Chair, Value Commission, Capitals Coalition 
  • Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business for Nature

Organized by:

SDG Tent: Roadmap to long-term environmental and social resilience

The session will gather approximately 15 board members across the food, agriculture and livestock sector for a roundtable conversation on opportunities for long-term environmental and social resilient value chains. The conversation will focus on how companies can develop impactful incentives for suppliers and producers, such as smallholder farmers, for combined climate mitigation, adaptation and social objectives. This integrated approach is crucial to bring about systems change for long-term environmental and social resilience. Learn more.

Organized by:

SDG Tent: Integrating Income & Impact – 3 Secrets

Every enterprise should aim to generate positive income AND positive impact. The pressure from ESG and other emerging stakeholder demands are here to stay. Executives and entrepreneurs must learn the secrets to integration (which, beyond innovation and internationalisation, is the third and new chapter in business). Drawing on a decade of research and reflection, the interactive session will share 3 secrets to squaring this circle and we will reserve time for discussion. Learn more.


  • Subramanian Rangan, Professor of Strategy, INSEAD
  • Katell Le Goulven, Director, HGIBS, INSEAD

Organized by:

SDG Tent: Towards Responsible Remuneration

CEOs and board members are increasingly expected to lead the change and contribute to a more sustainable economy. This requires making different corporate decisions. Few levers are more effective at guiding a corporation’s behaviour than the financial incentives offered to its CEO and other executives. With corporate activities impacting billions of lives, executive remuneration has a critical role to play in the transition to a sustainable economy. The alignment of purpose, practice, profit, and pay is a key contributor to the change for good. Global principles of responsible remuneration will support businesses to accelerate change. To this end, and to advance the UN Global Compact SDGs, Reward Value together with InTent is launching the Principles of Responsible Remuneration (PRR). Information on the principles and how companies can activate them will be shared during the event. Learn more.


  • Frederic Barge, Managing Director, Reward Value


  • Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General to UN and CEO of UN Global Compact  
  • Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board 
  • Martha Cook, Partner, Ernst&Young People Advisory Services 
  • Colin Mayer, Professor Saïd Business School, University of Oxford 
  • Bruno Roche, Founder and Executive Director,  Economics of Mutuality Platform 
  • Katharine Savage, Partner, Ernst&Young People Advisory Services 
  • Julie Linn Teigland, Area Managing Partner, Ernst&Young

Organized by:

We Don't Have Time's Davos Hub

Selected Speakers

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.


John Kerry


Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council, US

On January 20, 2021, John F. Kerry was sworn in as US’ first Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and the first-ever Principal to sit on the National Security Council entirely dedicated to climate change. In recent years, Kerry was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s first ever Visiting Distinguished Statesman, following his four years as the 68th United States Secretary of State. From 1985 to 2013, he served as a U.S. Senator representing Massachusetts, and was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2009 to 2013. Secretary Kerry served in the U.S. Navy.

Annie Hills


Senior Advisor, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, US State Dept.

Annie Hills is the Senior Advisor of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry of the US State Dept.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström


Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Mark Gough


CEO, Capitals Coalition

Mark Gough is the CEO of the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration of business, governments and civil society that is transforming the way decisions are made by including the value provided by nature and people. Previously, Mark led the Natural Capital Coalition and was on the board of the Social and Human Capital Coalition. He championed and delivered the uniting of these two communities, creating a unified, systemic, collaborative approach. Mark has worked extensively in the private sector, leading programs and strategy for the Crown Estate and Reed Elsevier (now RELX), as well as advising many more. Among other board and advisory positions, Mark is on the Steering Committee for the Global Commons Alliance and the Advisory Board for TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity).

Erin Billman


SBTN Executive Director

Erin Billman has over 20 years of experience in the private and non-profit sectors. She has focused her career on working with organizations – both for- and non-profit – to best steward the natural world as a strategy toward long-term success. Erin holds an MBA in sustainable business and the environment from Wharton. Erin has led the Science Based Targets Network since launch. She is also on the board of Earthwatch Institute, a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council for Nature-Based Solutions, and chair of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Expert Review Committee for its corporate nature benchmark.

Sandrine Dixson-Declève


Co-President of the Club of Rome

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating change in business and policy models and advisory work. She holds several advisory positions for the European Commission: Chair, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR); Assembly Member, Climate Mitigation & Adaptation Mission (DGR&I); TEG Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Platform (DGFISMA); United Nations: Food Summit Action Track 5 Resilience and for companies/organisations/institutes such as BMW, UBM, Climate KIC, UCL-Bartlett School of Enviornment and the IEEP. Sandrine is also a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and a Senior Associate for E3G, Ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and WEALL. In 2017 Sandrine co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN).

Hanneke Faber


President, Nutrition, Unilever’s Nutrition Business Group

In her current role, Hanneke leads Unilever’s Nutrition Business Group, including full P&L responsibility, strategy, M&A, innovation, marketing, digital and a supply chain of more than 200 factories and contract manufacturers around the world. Nutrition is a €12bn turnover business, present in more than 150 countries. It is known for iconic global brands Knorr and Hellmann’s, emerging brands like The Vegetarian Butcher and Maille, as well as local brand leaders like Horlicks in India, Bango soy sauce in Indonesia, and Calve peanut butter in Europe.

Jennifer Morris


Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy

Jennifer Morris is Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organization that partners with communities across the globe to overcome the barriers to climate and biodiversity solutions. Jennifer leads over 4,000 global staff working together to develop breakthrough tools and ideas, amplify local knowledge, influence decision-making, and forge new paths to funding in pursuit of a world where people and nature thrive. For more than 25 years, Jennifer has dedicated her life to protecting the environment for people and nature.

Marco Lambertini


Director General, World Wildlife Fund - WWF

Marco Lambertini’s critical mission is to save life on Earth. With 35 years of conservation leadership, Mr. Lambertini began as a youth volunteer in his native Italy. Prior to joining WWF, he served as Chief Executive of BirdLife International He managed a highly decentralized secretariat, overseeing a global partnership of over 120 civil society organizations based in countries and territories in all continents. Marco has a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Pisa and has published several books.


Akanksha Khatri


Head, Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum

Akanksha Khatri is Head of Nature Action Agenda for World Economic Forum’s Platform for Global Public Goods. In this role she has led the New Nature Economy Reports Series, advocating how to integrate the issue of nature and biodiversity in economic decision-making. Prior to this, she worked as Lead on Government Engagement for India and South Asia followed by an extended remit as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy and Performance for the Forum’s Regional and Government Engagement globally. She has also had experience working at HT Media Ltd. which is the second-largest media company in India. She holds a BA (Hons.) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University, USA. She was a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum (2013-16).

Simon Zadek


Executive Director, NatureFinance

Until recently Sherpa of UN Secretary General's Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals; Chair of the Migrant Nation Foundation, and Chair of Finance for Biodiversity

Andrew Jack


Global Education Editor, Financial Times

Andrew Jack is global education editor for the Financial Times, writing on educational issues around the world and editorial lead for the free FT schools programme. He was previously head of curated content, deputy editor of the big read section, pharmaceuticals correspondent, and a foreign correspondent in France and Russia.

Gail Whiteman


Executive Director Arctic Basecamp and Climate Basecamp, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School

Professor Gail Whiteman is an expert on global risk arising from the systemic changes occurring in the natural environment. Additionally, she is the founder of Arctic Basecamp, founding director of Climate Basecamp and Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter’s Business School (UK). She has over 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including in prestigious journals Nature, Nature Communication, and the Academy of Management Journal. Professor Whiteman is an experienced moderator at events including Reuters Impact in 2022 and the World Economic Forum in Davos. She is actively involved in building science-based targets collective business action, including those for a future low-carbon economy.

Sabina Fluxà Thienemann


Vice-Chairman & CEO, Iberostar

Sabina Fluxá has broad experience within tourism, with expertise in innovative business and environmental, social, and governance leadership (ESG). She is Vice-Chairman of the Spanish Family Business Network, member of the Regional Advisory Board of BBVA and member of the Governing Board of APD Balearic Islands. As CEO of Iberostar, Sabina Fluxá is leading the transformation of the company based on talent, digitalization and innovation. Together with her father Miguel Fluxá, Chairman and founder of Iberostar, and sister Gloria Fluxà, Vice-Chairman & Chief Sustainability Officer, they are positioning the Group as a global reference in responsible tourism, focused on caring for people and the environment. The Wave of Change movement reflects this commitment of the company and the wish to share it with the whole society.

Khaled Sharbatly


CEO, Desert Technologies Investment

Khaled is an elevating international entrepreneur, investor, and influencer of sustainability. Khaled joined dt in early 2018 as a Managing Partner, and led business development and capital markets, assisting in increasing the company value by securing multiple investments, partnerships, and projects across 24 countries. Khaled is an active sustainability and renewable energy influencer, as he spoke at over 15 international conferences, including B20 under G20, WFES and others.

Jennifer Lotito


President and COO, (RED)

Jennifer Lotito is President and Chief Operating Officer of the (RED) organization. Jennifer is Co-Founder and President of the JML Hope Foundation. She also serves as a Board Advisor to Hands Offering Hope.

Volker Türk


United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Mr. Türk is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. He took up his official functions as High Commissioner on 17 October 2022. He has devoted his long and distinguished career to advancing universal human rights, notably the international protection of some of the world's most vulnerable people - refugees and stateless persons.

Lina Constantinovici


Founder & CEO, Innovation 4.4

For over 20 years, Lina has been engaged in innovation in the public, private, and NGO sectors. In the domain of sustainable architecture and built environment innovation, Lina is the recipient of the international RE:STORE award for her future of retail design.

John Dutton


Head, Uplink; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

John Dutton is Head of UpLink and Member of the Executive Committee for the World Economic Forum. Previously John also served as the Head of the Forum Foundations and Head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders, also at the Forum. Prior to joining Forum, he was the Small Funds Initiative Coordinator for the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and has also spent several years as a French Teacher at the Trinity Pawling School. John has earned an MBA with a specialization in International Organizations from the University of Geneva and completed his undergraduate studies at Kenyon College with a BA in Economics.

Karima Kadaoui


Co-Founder and Executive President, Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development

Karima Kadaoiu is the executive president of the Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development, which was founded in 2009. This project represents the accumulation of 25 years of working experience in the private sector as a big 5 management consultant, in the public sector as the advisor to the Minister of Employment, Vocational Training and Housing in the Moroccan Government, and in various experiences in the social sector.

Belen Garjio


CEO, Merck

Belén Garijo is the Chair of the Executive Board and CEO of Merck. She joined Merck in 2011 as Chief Operating Officer of the Biopharma business, becoming President and CEO of Healthcare in 2015. Before taking her current office in May 2021, Belén Garijo served as Vice-Chair of the Executive Board and Deputy CEO.

Kerstin Vesna Petric


Chair of the Executive Board, World Health Organization

Dr Kerstin Vesna Petrič currently holds the position of Director-General of the Directorate for Public Health at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. From 1998 to 2004 she was the Head of Office for WHO relations at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia and acted as WHO Liaison Officer. She was a member of the WHO Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe (SCRC) from 2016 to 2019. Dr Kerstin Vesna Petrič is also a member of Executive Board of WHO from 2020.

Rudi Hilti


Founder, The System Change Foundation

Rudi Hilti is the Founding Chair of The System Change Foundation [THE HUS & World Systemic Forum], a Founding Board of Re-State Foundation and Impact Capitalist @RHEINEST Family Office.


Frederic Hoffmann


Board Member, MAVA Foundation

Frederic Hoffmann is currently based in London, where he devotes his time to urban sustainability and novel food models. Areas of interest and previous research topics range from urban farming policy, to valuation of afforestation programmes in northern China, to port development and mangrove degradation near the Panama Canal.

Shri Alok Kumar


Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India

Alok Kumar assumes charge as Secretary in the Ministry of Power. Before taking over as Secretary, Ministry of Power, he served as Principal Secretary (Power) of the state government of Uttar Pradesh. He was also Chairman of UP Power Transmission Corporation Limited.

Wangari Ng’ang’a


Universal Health Coverage Technical Advisor, Executive Office of the President, Kenya

Wangari Ng’ang’a, MD, is a physician, health economist and a political economy expert, masterfully navigating political realities to deliver technically sound systems reforms. She currently serves as a health advisor within the Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit in the Executive Office of the President in the Republic of Kenya.

Carlo Giardinetti


Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor, Deloitte Consulting

Carlo splits his time between Academia and Consulting. Since September 2020, he is the Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor at Deloitte Consulting Switzerland. His 25 years of experience is today multidisciplinary, from professional footballer, Hotel and Resort General Manager, Harvard Instructor, Learning Designer, Leadership Coach and Sustainability Senior Advisor.

Kristin Hughes


WEF Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership and Member of the Forum Executive Committee

Kristin Hughes is the Director of the Global Plastic Action Partnership and a member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum. Prior to this role, she founded Cranbrook International, a boutique firm based in London focusing on sustainability, communications, reputation, stakeholder engagement, and corporate responsibility. Kristin also worked at Mars serving as the Global Director of Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing in the UK and Global Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director in Belgium.

Subramanian Rangan


Professor of Strategy, INSEAD

Subramanian Rangan is a Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. His current work explores the future of capitalism and in particular how enterprises may better integrate performance and progress. In 2013 he initiated the Society for Progress. Their first work was published in a volume entitled Performance & Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society. Their second book is Capitalism Beyond Mutuality? Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science.

Frederic Barge


Managing Director, Reward Value

Frederic Barge is the founder of Reward Value. A former KPMG partner and HR executive at large organizations, Frederic has held several global positions for businesses and institutions at a management and supervisory level on executive remuneration.

Sanda Ojiambo


Assistant Secretary-General to UN & CEO of UN Global Compact

Sanda Ojiambo was appointed Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Global Compact in April 2022. For the past two years, Sanda Ojiambo served as the CEO & Executive Director of the UN Global Compact.

Patrick Frick


Lead Coordinator, Global Commons Alliance

Since 2016, Patrick Frick is the lead coordinator of the Global Commons Alliance. Patrick is a founding member of The Value Web. Patrick led The Value Web’s engagement with the World Economic Forum, the Forum of Young Global Leaders and with the New Vision for Agriculture. Patrick is also the Co-Founder and Chairman of Moving Walls.

Sarah Chen-Spellings


Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Beyond the Billion

Investor & entrepreneur Sarah Chen-Spellings is Co-Founder of Beyond The Billion (launched as The Billion Dollar Fund for Women), the world's first and largest global consortium of over 100 venture funds and limited partner investors that have pledged to invest and are actively deploying beyond $1B towards women-founded companies. Determined to see more women at the helm, she sits on multiple boards, including 131 & Counting; and Lean In Malaysia. She was named Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and Forbes Under 30 VC.

Abang Brian


Celebrity Chef, Culinary Director, Sea & Believe, & Sustainability Consultant, Founding Farmers

From an auditor to a man in an apron, Abang Brian of Masterchef Malaysia fame now continues to share his passion for all things food, family, and fitness as a celebrity chef, serial entrepreneur, and investor with close to a decade of experience in the food & media industry under his belt, and multiple-award-winning cookbooks. Today, he serves as Culinary Director at Sea & Believe. He also consults with Founding Farmers, one of America's largest farmers-owned restaurant groups.

Alexandra Rasch Castillo


Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Caban Systems

As an environmentalist, entrepreneur, engineer, and Chief Executive Officer of Caban Systems, Alexandra Rasch Castillo has brought a wealth of leadership and experience in scaling energy infrastructure solutions designed to transform energy systems and increase access to affordable clean power. Before founding Caban Systems in 2018, she was instrumental in the success of Proterra, Inc., an OEM of all-electric high-voltage batteries and zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers.

Simon Mulcahy


CEO, TIME CO2 & President, Sustainability, TIME Inc

Simon Mulcahy is CEO of CO2, and President, Sustainability at TIME Inc. Prior to CO2, Simon was at Salesforce for 14 years in a number of executive roles including Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, and General Manager of Financial Services. Simon spent 5 years as Head of Technology Industries at the World Economic Forum. Earlier in his career, Mulcahy was a strategy consultant, and before that, a British Army Officer. Mulcahy is a Global Leadership Fellow of the World Economic Forum. He has an MBA from Columbia University, London Business School and INSEAD.

Shyla Raghav


Co-Founder, Chief Portfolio & Partnership Officer, TIME CO2

Shyla Raghav is the Co-Founder and Chief Portfolio and Partnership Officer at CO2. She has had a long career working on both climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a focus on international policy and natural climate solutions. Her background includes serving as Vice President of Climate Change at Conservation International, and previously held roles at the World Bank, Adaptation Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She was named an InStyle BadAss woman in 2019, a Grist Top 50 Fixer, a AAAS/IfTHEN Ambassador for women in STEM, and has been featured on CNN, Vice News, and Elle Magazine.

Martin Lundstedt


President and CEO, Volvo Group

Martin Lundstedt is the President and CEO of the Volvo Group since 2015. Before joining Volvo group, he was the president and CEO at Scania. Martin has 25 years' experience of development, production and sales within the heavy automotive industry.

Henrik Andersen


Group President & CEO, Vestas

Henrik Andersen serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Vestas. He has previously been an Independent Member of the Board of Directors at Vestas Wind Systems since March 2013. He was the Group President & CEO of Hempel A/S. He is also a Member of the investment committee of Maj Invest Equity.

Steve Varley


Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY

Steve is the EY Global Vice Chair for Sustainability, leading EY’s climate change and sustainability agenda globally. Steve was previously EY UK&I Regional Managing Partner and Chair of EY UK. Steve was a member of the Business Advisory Group to both Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May and was also the UK Government’s Business Ambassador for the professional services industry during this time. He was part of the business delegation on the Prime Minister’s Trade Missions.

Julia Reinaud


Senior Director, Europe Breakthrough Energy

Julia has been working in the field of climate and energy for the past two decades, focused on decarbonizing the industry sector. She is an experienced business developer with a track record of spearheading international projects and integrating sustainability and innovation into businesses and governments strategies. Julia joined Breakthrough Energy in 2018. Prior to Breakthrough Energy, Julia served in a variety of leadership roles in the climate and energy sector – heading industry and energy innovation programs at the European Climate Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the Institute for Industrial Productivity. She started her career as an analyst at the International Energy Agency.

Andrea Fuder


Chief Purchasing Officer Volvo Group and Member of the Volvo Group Executive Board

Andrea Fuder holds the position Chief Purchasing Officer of Volvo Group and is a Member of Volvo Group Executive Board. The purchasing team drives diversity as an enabler and sustainability as a prerequisite. Currently the team is focusing on a net zero-greenhouse gas supply network by 2040, circularity, human centricity, supply network resiliency and digitalization. Andrea strongly believes that partnerships, new business models, and technology are needed to shape the world we want to live in, for generations to come.

Lars Stenqvist


CTO, Volvo Group

As the CTO of the Volvo Group, Stenqvist is responsible for determining the organization's technological needs, and is functionally responsible for all engineering technology activities for the Group’s products and services. The main focus is on developing products and solutions that reduce the CO2 footprint and includes electromobility, connectivity/digitalization and autonomous solutions. Prior to taking up his current position in 2016, Stenqvist was Head of R&D and CTO at Volkswagen Truck & Bus. Prior roles include Senior Vice President Vehicle Definition R&D at Scania, where he started his career in 1992.

Nancy Gillis


Program Head, First Movers Coalition

Nancy Gillis is the program head of the First Movers Coalition at the World Economic Forum focused on leveraging private sector purchasing power to draw forward the innovative technologies necessary to achieve transformative decarbonization of current hard-to-abate sectors. Prior to joining the Forum, Nancy was the CEO of the Global Electronics Council (GEC) and before that she served as the Global Lead for Resilient and Responsible Supply Chains at EY. During the Obama Administration, Nancy was the Director of the Federal Supply Chain Office at the General Services Administration (GSA).

Selected Speakers

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

http://swetachakraborty.comRead less
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Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

https://www.earthday.orgRead less
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John Kerry

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, National Security Council, US

On January 20, 2021, John F. Kerry was sworn in as US’ first Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and the first-ever Principal to sit on the National Security Council entirely dedicated to climate change. In recent years, Kerry was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s first ever Visiting Distinguished Statesman, following his four years as the 68th United States Secretary of State. From 1985 to 2013, he served as a U.S. Senator representing Massachusetts, and was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2009 to 2013. Secretary Kerry served in the U.S. Navy.

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Annie Hills

Senior Advisor, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, US State Dept.

Annie Hills is the Senior Advisor of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry of the US State Dept.

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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Mark Gough

CEO, Capitals Coalition

Mark Gough is the CEO of the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration of business, governments and civil society that is transforming the way decisions are made by including the value provided by nature and people. Previously, Mark led the Natural Capital Coalition and was on the board of the Social and Human Capital Coalition. He championed and delivered the uniting of these two communities, creating a unified, systemic, collaborative approach. Mark has worked extensively in the private sector, leading programs and strategy for the Crown Estate and Reed Elsevier (now RELX), as well as advising many more. Among other board and advisory positions, Mark is on the Steering Committee for the Global Commons Alliance and the Advisory Board for TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity).

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Erin Billman

SBTN Executive Director

Erin Billman has over 20 years of experience in the private and non-profit sectors. She has focused her career on working with organizations – both for- and non-profit – to best steward the natural world as a strategy toward long-term success. Erin holds an MBA in sustainable business and the environment from Wharton. Erin has led the Science Based Targets Network since launch. She is also on the board of Earthwatch Institute, a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council for Nature-Based Solutions, and chair of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Expert Review Committee for its corporate nature benchmark.

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Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Co-President of the Club of Rome

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating change in business and policy models and advisory work. She holds several advisory positions for the European Commission: Chair, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR); Assembly Member, Climate Mitigation & Adaptation Mission (DGR&I); TEG Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Platform (DGFISMA); United Nations: Food Summit Action Track 5 Resilience and for companies/organisations/institutes such as BMW, UBM, Climate KIC, UCL-Bartlett School of Enviornment and the IEEP. Sandrine is also a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and a Senior Associate for E3G, Ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and WEALL. In 2017 Sandrine co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN).

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Hanneke Faber

President, Nutrition, Unilever’s Nutrition Business Group

In her current role, Hanneke leads Unilever’s Nutrition Business Group, including full P&L responsibility, strategy, M&A, innovation, marketing, digital and a supply chain of more than 200 factories and contract manufacturers around the world. Nutrition is a €12bn turnover business, present in more than 150 countries. It is known for iconic global brands Knorr and Hellmann’s, emerging brands like The Vegetarian Butcher and Maille, as well as local brand leaders like Horlicks in India, Bango soy sauce in Indonesia, and Calve peanut butter in Europe.

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Jennifer Morris

Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy

Jennifer Morris is Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organization that partners with communities across the globe to overcome the barriers to climate and biodiversity solutions. Jennifer leads over 4,000 global staff working together to develop breakthrough tools and ideas, amplify local knowledge, influence decision-making, and forge new paths to funding in pursuit of a world where people and nature thrive. For more than 25 years, Jennifer has dedicated her life to protecting the environment for people and nature.

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Marco Lambertini

Director General, World Wildlife Fund - WWF

Marco Lambertini’s critical mission is to save life on Earth. With 35 years of conservation leadership, Mr. Lambertini began as a youth volunteer in his native Italy. Prior to joining WWF, he served as Chief Executive of BirdLife International He managed a highly decentralized secretariat, overseeing a global partnership of over 120 civil society organizations based in countries and territories in all continents. Marco has a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Pisa and has published several books.

https://wwf.panda.org/organization/dg_bios/Read less
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Akanksha Khatri

Head, Nature and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum

Akanksha Khatri is Head of Nature Action Agenda for World Economic Forum’s Platform for Global Public Goods. In this role she has led the New Nature Economy Reports Series, advocating how to integrate the issue of nature and biodiversity in economic decision-making. Prior to this, she worked as Lead on Government Engagement for India and South Asia followed by an extended remit as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy and Performance for the Forum’s Regional and Government Engagement globally. She has also had experience working at HT Media Ltd. which is the second-largest media company in India. She holds a BA (Hons.) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University, USA. She was a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum (2013-16).

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Simon Zadek

Executive Director, NatureFinance

Until recently Sherpa of UN Secretary General's Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals; Chair of the Migrant Nation Foundation, and Chair of Finance for Biodiversity

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Andrew Jack

Global Education Editor, Financial Times

Andrew Jack is global education editor for the Financial Times, writing on educational issues around the world and editorial lead for the free FT schools programme. He was previously head of curated content, deputy editor of the big read section, pharmaceuticals correspondent, and a foreign correspondent in France and Russia.

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Gail Whiteman

Executive Director Arctic Basecamp and Climate Basecamp, Professor of Sustainability, University of Exeter Business School

Professor Gail Whiteman is an expert on global risk arising from the systemic changes occurring in the natural environment. Additionally, she is the founder of Arctic Basecamp, founding director of Climate Basecamp and Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter’s Business School (UK). She has over 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including in prestigious journals Nature, Nature Communication, and the Academy of Management Journal. Professor Whiteman is an experienced moderator at events including Reuters Impact in 2022 and the World Economic Forum in Davos. She is actively involved in building science-based targets collective business action, including those for a future low-carbon economy.

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Sabina Fluxà Thienemann

Vice-Chairman & CEO, Iberostar

Sabina Fluxá has broad experience within tourism, with expertise in innovative business and environmental, social, and governance leadership (ESG). She is Vice-Chairman of the Spanish Family Business Network, member of the Regional Advisory Board of BBVA and member of the Governing Board of APD Balearic Islands. As CEO of Iberostar, Sabina Fluxá is leading the transformation of the company based on talent, digitalization and innovation. Together with her father Miguel Fluxá, Chairman and founder of Iberostar, and sister Gloria Fluxà, Vice-Chairman & Chief Sustainability Officer, they are positioning the Group as a global reference in responsible tourism, focused on caring for people and the environment. The Wave of Change movement reflects this commitment of the company and the wish to share it with the whole society.

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Khaled Sharbatly

CEO, Desert Technologies Investment

Khaled is an elevating international entrepreneur, investor, and influencer of sustainability. Khaled joined dt in early 2018 as a Managing Partner, and led business development and capital markets, assisting in increasing the company value by securing multiple investments, partnerships, and projects across 24 countries. Khaled is an active sustainability and renewable energy influencer, as he spoke at over 15 international conferences, including B20 under G20, WFES and others.

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Jennifer Lotito

President and COO, (RED)

Jennifer Lotito is President and Chief Operating Officer of the (RED) organization. Jennifer is Co-Founder and President of the JML Hope Foundation. She also serves as a Board Advisor to Hands Offering Hope.

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Volker Türk

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Mr. Türk is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. He took up his official functions as High Commissioner on 17 October 2022. He has devoted his long and distinguished career to advancing universal human rights, notably the international protection of some of the world's most vulnerable people - refugees and stateless persons.

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Lina Constantinovici

Founder & CEO, Innovation 4.4

For over 20 years, Lina has been engaged in innovation in the public, private, and NGO sectors. In the domain of sustainable architecture and built environment innovation, Lina is the recipient of the international RE:STORE award for her future of retail design.

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John Dutton

Head, Uplink; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

John Dutton is Head of UpLink and Member of the Executive Committee for the World Economic Forum. Previously John also served as the Head of the Forum Foundations and Head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders, also at the Forum. Prior to joining Forum, he was the Small Funds Initiative Coordinator for the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and has also spent several years as a French Teacher at the Trinity Pawling School. John has earned an MBA with a specialization in International Organizations from the University of Geneva and completed his undergraduate studies at Kenyon College with a BA in Economics.

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Karima Kadaoui

Co-Founder and Executive President, Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development

Karima Kadaoiu is the executive president of the Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development, which was founded in 2009. This project represents the accumulation of 25 years of working experience in the private sector as a big 5 management consultant, in the public sector as the advisor to the Minister of Employment, Vocational Training and Housing in the Moroccan Government, and in various experiences in the social sector.

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Belen Garjio

CEO, Merck

Belén Garijo is the Chair of the Executive Board and CEO of Merck. She joined Merck in 2011 as Chief Operating Officer of the Biopharma business, becoming President and CEO of Healthcare in 2015. Before taking her current office in May 2021, Belén Garijo served as Vice-Chair of the Executive Board and Deputy CEO.

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Kerstin Vesna Petric

Chair of the Executive Board, World Health Organization

Dr Kerstin Vesna Petrič currently holds the position of Director-General of the Directorate for Public Health at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. From 1998 to 2004 she was the Head of Office for WHO relations at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia and acted as WHO Liaison Officer. She was a member of the WHO Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe (SCRC) from 2016 to 2019. Dr Kerstin Vesna Petrič is also a member of Executive Board of WHO from 2020.

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Rudi Hilti

Founder, The System Change Foundation

Rudi Hilti is the Founding Chair of The System Change Foundation [THE HUS & World Systemic Forum], a Founding Board of Re-State Foundation and Impact Capitalist @RHEINEST Family Office.

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Frederic Hoffmann

Board Member, MAVA Foundation

Frederic Hoffmann is currently based in London, where he devotes his time to urban sustainability and novel food models. Areas of interest and previous research topics range from urban farming policy, to valuation of afforestation programmes in northern China, to port development and mangrove degradation near the Panama Canal.

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Shri Alok Kumar

Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India

Alok Kumar assumes charge as Secretary in the Ministry of Power. Before taking over as Secretary, Ministry of Power, he served as Principal Secretary (Power) of the state government of Uttar Pradesh. He was also Chairman of UP Power Transmission Corporation Limited.

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Wangari Ng’ang’a

Universal Health Coverage Technical Advisor, Executive Office of the President, Kenya

Wangari Ng’ang’a, MD, is a physician, health economist and a political economy expert, masterfully navigating political realities to deliver technically sound systems reforms. She currently serves as a health advisor within the Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit in the Executive Office of the President in the Republic of Kenya.

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Carlo Giardinetti

Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor, Deloitte Consulting

Carlo splits his time between Academia and Consulting. Since September 2020, he is the Sustainability Lead and Leadership Senior Advisor at Deloitte Consulting Switzerland. His 25 years of experience is today multidisciplinary, from professional footballer, Hotel and Resort General Manager, Harvard Instructor, Learning Designer, Leadership Coach and Sustainability Senior Advisor.

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Kristin Hughes

WEF Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership and Member of the Forum Executive Committee

Kristin Hughes is the Director of the Global Plastic Action Partnership and a member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum. Prior to this role, she founded Cranbrook International, a boutique firm based in London focusing on sustainability, communications, reputation, stakeholder engagement, and corporate responsibility. Kristin also worked at Mars serving as the Global Director of Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing in the UK and Global Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director in Belgium.

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Subramanian Rangan

Professor of Strategy, INSEAD

Subramanian Rangan is a Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. His current work explores the future of capitalism and in particular how enterprises may better integrate performance and progress. In 2013 he initiated the Society for Progress. Their first work was published in a volume entitled Performance & Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society. Their second book is Capitalism Beyond Mutuality? Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science.

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Frederic Barge

Managing Director, Reward Value

Frederic Barge is the founder of Reward Value. A former KPMG partner and HR executive at large organizations, Frederic has held several global positions for businesses and institutions at a management and supervisory level on executive remuneration.

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Sanda Ojiambo

Assistant Secretary-General to UN & CEO of UN Global Compact

Sanda Ojiambo was appointed Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Global Compact in April 2022. For the past two years, Sanda Ojiambo served as the CEO & Executive Director of the UN Global Compact.

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Patrick Frick

Lead Coordinator, Global Commons Alliance

Since 2016, Patrick Frick is the lead coordinator of the Global Commons Alliance. Patrick is a founding member of The Value Web. Patrick led The Value Web’s engagement with the World Economic Forum, the Forum of Young Global Leaders and with the New Vision for Agriculture. Patrick is also the Co-Founder and Chairman of Moving Walls.

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Sarah Chen-Spellings

Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Beyond the Billion

Investor & entrepreneur Sarah Chen-Spellings is Co-Founder of Beyond The Billion (launched as The Billion Dollar Fund for Women), the world's first and largest global consortium of over 100 venture funds and limited partner investors that have pledged to invest and are actively deploying beyond $1B towards women-founded companies. Determined to see more women at the helm, she sits on multiple boards, including 131 & Counting; and Lean In Malaysia. She was named Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and Forbes Under 30 VC.

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Abang Brian

Celebrity Chef, Culinary Director, Sea & Believe, & Sustainability Consultant, Founding Farmers

From an auditor to a man in an apron, Abang Brian of Masterchef Malaysia fame now continues to share his passion for all things food, family, and fitness as a celebrity chef, serial entrepreneur, and investor with close to a decade of experience in the food & media industry under his belt, and multiple-award-winning cookbooks. Today, he serves as Culinary Director at Sea & Believe. He also consults with Founding Farmers, one of America's largest farmers-owned restaurant groups.

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Alexandra Rasch Castillo

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Caban Systems

As an environmentalist, entrepreneur, engineer, and Chief Executive Officer of Caban Systems, Alexandra Rasch Castillo has brought a wealth of leadership and experience in scaling energy infrastructure solutions designed to transform energy systems and increase access to affordable clean power. Before founding Caban Systems in 2018, she was instrumental in the success of Proterra, Inc., an OEM of all-electric high-voltage batteries and zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers.

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Simon Mulcahy

CEO, TIME CO2 & President, Sustainability, TIME Inc

Simon Mulcahy is CEO of CO2, and President, Sustainability at TIME Inc. Prior to CO2, Simon was at Salesforce for 14 years in a number of executive roles including Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, and General Manager of Financial Services. Simon spent 5 years as Head of Technology Industries at the World Economic Forum. Earlier in his career, Mulcahy was a strategy consultant, and before that, a British Army Officer. Mulcahy is a Global Leadership Fellow of the World Economic Forum. He has an MBA from Columbia University, London Business School and INSEAD.

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Shyla Raghav

Co-Founder, Chief Portfolio & Partnership Officer, TIME CO2

Shyla Raghav is the Co-Founder and Chief Portfolio and Partnership Officer at CO2. She has had a long career working on both climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a focus on international policy and natural climate solutions. Her background includes serving as Vice President of Climate Change at Conservation International, and previously held roles at the World Bank, Adaptation Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She was named an InStyle BadAss woman in 2019, a Grist Top 50 Fixer, a AAAS/IfTHEN Ambassador for women in STEM, and has been featured on CNN, Vice News, and Elle Magazine.

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Martin Lundstedt

President and CEO, Volvo Group

Martin Lundstedt is the President and CEO of the Volvo Group since 2015. Before joining Volvo group, he was the president and CEO at Scania. Martin has 25 years' experience of development, production and sales within the heavy automotive industry.

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Henrik Andersen

Group President & CEO, Vestas

Henrik Andersen serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Vestas. He has previously been an Independent Member of the Board of Directors at Vestas Wind Systems since March 2013. He was the Group President & CEO of Hempel A/S. He is also a Member of the investment committee of Maj Invest Equity.

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Steve Varley

Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY

Steve is the EY Global Vice Chair for Sustainability, leading EY’s climate change and sustainability agenda globally. Steve was previously EY UK&I Regional Managing Partner and Chair of EY UK. Steve was a member of the Business Advisory Group to both Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May and was also the UK Government’s Business Ambassador for the professional services industry during this time. He was part of the business delegation on the Prime Minister’s Trade Missions.

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Julia Reinaud

Senior Director, Europe Breakthrough Energy

Julia has been working in the field of climate and energy for the past two decades, focused on decarbonizing the industry sector. She is an experienced business developer with a track record of spearheading international projects and integrating sustainability and innovation into businesses and governments strategies. Julia joined Breakthrough Energy in 2018. Prior to Breakthrough Energy, Julia served in a variety of leadership roles in the climate and energy sector – heading industry and energy innovation programs at the European Climate Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the Institute for Industrial Productivity. She started her career as an analyst at the International Energy Agency.

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Andrea Fuder

Chief Purchasing Officer Volvo Group and Member of the Volvo Group Executive Board

Andrea Fuder holds the position Chief Purchasing Officer of Volvo Group and is a Member of Volvo Group Executive Board. The purchasing team drives diversity as an enabler and sustainability as a prerequisite. Currently the team is focusing on a net zero-greenhouse gas supply network by 2040, circularity, human centricity, supply network resiliency and digitalization. Andrea strongly believes that partnerships, new business models, and technology are needed to shape the world we want to live in, for generations to come.

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Lars Stenqvist

CTO, Volvo Group

As the CTO of the Volvo Group, Stenqvist is responsible for determining the organization's technological needs, and is functionally responsible for all engineering technology activities for the Group’s products and services. The main focus is on developing products and solutions that reduce the CO2 footprint and includes electromobility, connectivity/digitalization and autonomous solutions. Prior to taking up his current position in 2016, Stenqvist was Head of R&D and CTO at Volkswagen Truck & Bus. Prior roles include Senior Vice President Vehicle Definition R&D at Scania, where he started his career in 1992.

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Nancy Gillis

Program Head, First Movers Coalition

Nancy Gillis is the program head of the First Movers Coalition at the World Economic Forum focused on leveraging private sector purchasing power to draw forward the innovative technologies necessary to achieve transformative decarbonization of current hard-to-abate sectors. Prior to joining the Forum, Nancy was the CEO of the Global Electronics Council (GEC) and before that she served as the Global Lead for Resilient and Responsible Supply Chains at EY. During the Obama Administration, Nancy was the Director of the Federal Supply Chain Office at the General Services Administration (GSA).

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We Don't Have Time is the world’s largest social media for climate solutions, connecting everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on WeDontHaveTime.org

The SDG Tent is an inclusive and collaborative partner-based community and meeting point for organizations to accelerate impactful change and deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), during the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos. Read more.

UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Read more

THE HUS.institute is The System Change Foundation's Institute for Imagination. THE HUS, meaning the house, simplifies the universal reality of complexity through inspiring Dialogue that begins at ‘home’. Read more

Volvo Group drives prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions, offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. We are committed to shaping the future landscape of sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. Our headquarter is located in Gothenburg, Sweden, and our shares are listed on Nasdaq in Stockholm, Sweden. Read more

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