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Global Online Broadcast






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Global Online Broadcast

Circularity and The Race to Zero

Welcome to Exponential Climate Action Summit III








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Global Online Broadcast







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Global Online Broadcast

Circularity and The Race to Zero

Welcome to Exponential Climate Action Summit III

Our third Exponential Climate Action Summit will focus on the challenges, opportunities, and creative solutions regarding circularity and resource efficiency. What role can circularity play across production chains in the Race to Zero? How quickly can it scale?

We bring together transformers, disruptors, and enablers to explore how a circular economy can contribute to lowering emissions while also addressing human needs. Join us.

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Program Highlights

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14:00 / 8.00 AM —
Towards COP26

14:40 — 8.40 AM — CIRCULARITY AND DIGITALIZATION: Keys in the Race to Zero

Rethinking the built environment

Introduction Keynote:

Panel debate:

15:45 / 9.45 AM — ON THE MOVE: Transitioning transport

Introduction Keynote:

Panel debate:

16:20 / 10.30 AM — Musical guests: We Are Climate Zombies

16:30 / 10.30 AM — NINE TO ZERO: Transforming work

Introduction Keynote:

Panel debate:

17:10 / 11.10 AM — Climate Crisis Film Festival Screening: A Failure of the Imagination

17:20 / 11.20 AM — FEEDING THE PEOPLE, NOT THE CLIMATE CRISIS: Circular and sustainable food production

Introduction Keynote:

Panel debate:

18:00 / 12.00 AM — LOOKING GOOD: Sustainable fashion for the future


Introduction Keynote:

Panel debate:

18:45 / 12.45 PM —
Bottom-up Approaches


20.00 / 14.00 PM — END OF BROADCAST

Circularity and The Race to Zero


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (OLD)


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

Selected speakers

Pär Larshans

Co-host, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

Per Klevnäs

Partner, Material Economics

Per Klevnäs has worked internationally with resource and climate issues as a consultant and researcher since the early 2000s. An economist by training, previous roles have included as an expert in McKinsey’s Sustainability Practice, Research Director of the New Climate Economy Project, a senior researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and managing director of an economic consultancy. At Material Economics, Per helps companies set the right direction in the face of new business requirements and opportunities connected with energy, resource, and sustainability topics. He has worked widely across energy, basic materials, packaging, manufacturing, banking, and utilities on topics ranging from investment due diligence and acquisition scanning, low-carbon growth strategies, investment planning, product and technology development, and regulatory strategy. He is lead author of several high-profile international reports on circular economy and climate themes, including The Circular Economy – a Powerful Force for GHG Mitigation, Industrial Transformation 2050, Completing the Picture and the New Climate Economy report.

Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

Anders Wijkman

Opinion leader, author & Honorary president Club of Rome

Anders Wijkman is a Swedish opinion leader and author. He is honorary chairman of the global think tank Club of Rome and chairman of the Governing Board of Climate-KIC – a major public-private partnership at EU level for the promotion of innovation of a low-carbon society. He has served as a Member of the European Parliament, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP.Since 2015 Anders is a member of the International Resource Panel (IRP) – a UN appointed expert body” to build and share the knowledge needed to improve the use of our resources worldwide”.

Gwen Cunningham

Lead Circle Textiles Programme at Circle Economy

Gwen was born in Ireland, and trained as an apparel designer in her home town of Dublin. In her role as designer, Gwen became critically aware of, and increasingly uncomfortable with, the linear nature of the apparel industry. A drive to inspire change - and to design new systems, not new products - led her to Amsterdam, the proclaimed 'circular hotspot of Europe'. Today, Gwen leads Circle Economy’s Textiles Programme, whose mission it is to achieve a zero waste industry through the practical implementation of circular solutions, together with its network of brands and solution providers. To get there, the programme focussed on two key pillars; firstly, enabling the technology and infrastructure needed to valorize textile waste at end-of-life (reducing the waste mountain) and secondly, building apparel brand's capacity to adopt circular design and circular business models (preventing the waste mountain). Recent and ongoing projects include the development and commercialization of the Fibersort (a breakthrough technology that automatically sorts post-consumer textiles by fibre composition, in order to generate consistent input for textile-to-textile recycling), the launch of On Course (an educational circular training programme for apparel brands) and Switching Gear (a project that guides 5 apparel brands in the design and launch of a rental or recommerce business model pilots).

Rachel Kyte

Co-chair, VCMI

Rachel Kyte is a climate diplomat, dean, educator, multilateralist, activist focused on making finance work for climate action and justice. Time is not on our side. We can’t afford to waste time or money and need politics to be as good as our science. Previously, she was chief executive officer of Sustainable Energy for All, and special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. She was World Bank Group vice president and special envoy for climate change. In that role, she oversaw work on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance across the institutions of the World Bank Group, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's fund for the poorest; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); as well as the World Bank Institute and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. She previously served as World Bank vice president for sustainable development and was the International Finance Corporation's vice president for business advisory services and a member of IFC's management team.​

Robin Chase

CoFounder, Zipcar, Veniam, NUMO

Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the world’s leading carsharing network; as well as co-founder of Veniam, a network company that moves terabytes of data between vehicles and the cloud. In 2019, she co-founded her first nonprofit, NUMO, a global alliance to channel the opportunities presented by new urban mobility technologies to build cities that are sustainable and just. Her book is Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism. She sits on the Boards of the World Resources Institute and Tucows (where she is Chair), and serves on the Dutch multinational DSM’s Sustainability Advisory Board.

Esther Goodwin Brown

Lead of the Circular Jobs Initiative at Circle Economy

Circle Economy is an impact organisation that connects and empowers a global community to create the conditions for transformation towards the circular economy. They do this by developing practical and scalable insights and solutions for cities, nations and businesses. The Circular Jobs Initiative guides governments and businesses on how to make the most of the employment opportunities offered by the circular economy—ensuring a transition that is positive for work and workers. With skills as one of its key focus areas, the Circular Jobs Initiative develops knowledge on the skills needed in the circular economy and how education and training pathways can both adapt to changes and be drivers of sustainable development. Esther leads the growth and strategic direction of the Circular Jobs Initiative. Her work focuses on bringing labour market issues central to agenda-setting around circular economy and green economic policies, and that the circular economy is understood by educators and decision-makers across the world more widely.

Manzoor Qadir

Assistant Director, Water and Human Development Programme

Manzoor Qadir is an environmental scientist with focus on policy, institutional and biophysical aspects of water recycling and safe reuse, water quality and environmental health, water and food security, and sustainable natural resources management under changing climate. He has implemented multidisciplinary projects and directed research teams in different parts of world, particularly in Central Asia and Middle East and North Africa regions. He led teams of eminent professionals to contribute to international and regional initiatives such as the Comprehensive Global Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, and the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development. In addition to supervising a number of post-doctoral fellows, postgraduate students, and interns, he has undertaken several international and regional capacity development initiatives such as organizing knowledge bridging workshops and training courses for young researchers; and regional workshops as part of UN-Water project, which brought together 143 participants from 71 UN member states from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Vikas Garg

CEO & Founder of abillion

Vikas Garg is the Founder & CEO of abillion, a global community on a mission to make sustainability a habit for everyone. Vikas launched abillion after a 15-year career in investment banks, hedge funds and government. Vikas is a dedicated supporter of education and conservation initiatives around the world. He's received Credit Suisse’s Global Citizenship Award, is a Young Leader of the Milken Institute, a Charter Member of The IndUS Entrepreneurs, and an Advisor to the Good Food Institute. With a vision to leverage technology as an instrument to impact positive social change, he set out to create a platform that would remove obstacles for individuals looking to lead a plant-based lifestyle.

Gonzalo Muñoz

High Level Climate Champion

Appointed by the Chilean presidency and the United Nations as High Level Climate Champion for the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, to mobilize climate action in non-state actors around the world. Previously, he co-founded and led TriCiclos, one of the most recognized Latin American companies in circular economy and recycling. Inspired by 10 years of running traditional food businesses where he witnessed the waste generated by the private sector, he set out to offer a transformative service that would help the environment while being financially sustainable. Using his entrepreneurial and business knowledge, he redirected his efforts towards the ideals and passion for sustainability and the environment.

Carly Gilbert-Patrick

Team Leader - Active Mobility, Digitalisation and Mode Integration at UNEP

Carly manages the UNEP team for Active Mobility, Digitalisation and Mode Integration working with countries around the world to decouple mobility from increasing emissions. Carly has been working in the field of sustainable mobility for fifteen years in the areas of active mobility, road safety, bus rapid transit, congestion charging, low emission zones, bike share systems and digitalisation. Prior to her time with UN Environment Carly was the Programme Manager for the UN-Habitat Sustainable Transport for East African Cities, working with city leaders in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Kampala on bus rapid transit planning. Before moving to Kenya, Carly worked for Transport for London supporting design, implementation and launch of the London Cycle Hire Scheme and the London Low Emission Zone. Carly is also a Council member of the World Economic Forum Future Council on Mobility and a Board Member of the Flone Initiative.

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

Arnaud Marquis

Group Sustainability Officer

Arnaud Marquis has been Group Sustainability Officer of Tarkett since July 2020. He joined Tarkett in 2016 as Vice President Hardflooring EMEA. Before joining Tarkett, he worked at Ahlstrom-Munksjö Group, a leading player in fiber products, for more than 20 years, in different international business roles related to Sales, Marketing, and Operations. He is a graduate of Grenoble engineering school (INPG) - Pagora and holds an Executive MBA from EM Lyon business school. Within the Executive Committee, Arnaud's mission is to intensify the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the deployment of circular solutions for our customers. He oversees innovation programs for the circular economy and the creation of associated business models. He also ensures that all Tarkett teams take full ownership of sustainability issues.

Dr. Pernilla Jonsson

Head of Ericsson Consumer & Industry Lab

Dr. Pernilla Jonsson is Head of Ericsson Consumer & Industry Lab. Through cutting edge research Consumer & IndustryLab drive Ericsson thought leadership of what connected intelligence means to people, different industries and society. Pernilla has worked with innovation, market strategy, business development for multinational companies for over 15 years. Pernilla is a board member of WASP HS, the Wallenberg foundation of AI research in the humanitarian and society context. Pernilla is an appreciated international key note speaker for large audiences as well as in boardrooms and executive committees. Further, international media frequently interviews her on areas relating to her expertise. In 2015 she launched a book on the digitalization of the purchasing process, “The one-click revolution” which earned the honorary prize as Sweden’s “Marketing Book of the Year 2016.”

Olav Kjørven

Senior Director of Strategy

Olav is part of EAT’s Leadership team and provides strategic oversight to EAT’s policy work, leads engagement on global policy arenas, and guides EAT’s science and knowledge initiatives for maximum impact on food systems policies and practices. Olav’s career spans political leadership roles for Norwegian development cooperation and several senior leadership posts at the United Nations. He led the Bureau for Development Policy of the United Nations Development Program for almost seven years, overseeing an international staff of some 360, programs delivering in the hundreds of millions every year, and policy work ranging from democratic governance to climate change. Olav played a central role in the complex and highly political process that led to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, including organizing the largest global consultation ever undertaken by the UN with millions of people engaged. Olav holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University and is a Norwegian national.

Oskar Storm

Architectural Projects Specification Manager at Saint-Gobain Glass SE/NO

Oskar Storm has worked in the glass business for Saint-Gobain for almost 25 years. Since 2014 he is responsible for technical marketing of glass in Sweden and Norway. These markets are sensitive to sustainability issues and open to new ideas. Oskar has taken advantage of this and adopted a system view on glass in facades. The most substantial results of his work is the book “Designing glass facades for near zero energy buildings” and a partnership with Ragn-Sells to realize circular use of flat glass in a market far away from float glass production.

Sacha Ghiglione

CEO & Boardmember of Prime Computer

Sacha is CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss climate neutral, green IT manufacturer Prime Computer. As a trusted Advisory Board Member he provides Start-Ups with knowledge, understanding, and strategic thinking of the industry or management of specific cases. Envisioning to motivate people to think and act in a more sustainable way towards our home, Earth, Sacha contributes in his role as Board Member of the European Technology Chamber & the Climate Action Commission, his valuable know-how to foster awareness and support the use of European technology to reach the sustainability goals (SDGs) of the UN around the world and reduce emissions that contribute to Climate Change.

Tim Elfring

Co-founder of Phood Farm

My name is Tim Elfring (30) graduated at Nyenrode Business Universiteit and together with Sabine Feron (32) Bachelor in Marketing, we found PHOOD. Our philosophy is to create the ‘PHOOD Standard’; where fresh, sustainable, healthy and hyper-locally grown food is the new norm. Through community gardening, urban farming and permaculture we want to change the current food production/industry into a more circular and sustainable one.

Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

Erik Perzon

Area Leader Textiles at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Material scientist turned circularity enabler. 10+ Years background in material-, technology- and system development of sustainable bio based and recycled textiles. Currently managing the SIPTEX-project, establishing the first industry scale automated sorting plant for textile waste. Developing the next project endeavor for textile innovation in Sweden.

Thomas Kimber

Founder and CEO, Karün

Inspired and connected to nature in Patagonia, Thomas Kimber (31) decided to prove through example that businesses can co-exist in harmony with our natural environment. Through his eyewear company, Karün, Thomas has given shape for over 12 years to a business that works alongside rural communities to protect nature, and strengthens the development of local family businesses in Patagonia. Leadership recognition: World Bank Summit Speaker “Extraordinary young people of Latin America” “100 young leaders of Chile”

Alexandra Davidsson

Secretary General of The Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption

Alexandra Davidsson is the Secretary General of the Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption, a non-profit which creates responsible consumers in the transition towards a smarter world, with the vision of that world being one of circulents. Alexandra is ranked as #56 of most influential in Sustainability in Sweden 2021, and as one of the Female Leaders of the Future 2021 & 2020 by Sweden’s professional organization for executives, Ledarna. Responsible Consumption organized the global circular campaign #circularmonday 2018-2019 which reached over 74 million in 2019, in 23 countries and launched the word "circulents" which became an official Swedish word 2020 and has been exposed 7 million times on social media. A circulent is a true sustainable consumer, the consumer of the future. Alexandra has great experience within national and international humanitarian work and has held over 500 lectures within Circular and Sustainable Consumption.

Kyle Wiens

CEO of iFixit

Kyle Wiens is the co-founder of iFixit, the repair community internationally known for open source repair manuals and product teardowns. iFixit has empowered hundreds of millions of people to repair their broken stuff. Kyle has testified before the US Copyright Office and the International Trade Commission, and he is involved in developing global environmental standards. Kyle regularly speaks on design for repair, service documentation, and the environmental impact of manufacturing. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Wired, Popular Mechanics, and the Wall Street Journal.

Marc de Wit

Director strategic alliances at Circle Economy

Marc de Wit is Director Strategic alliances at Circle Economy, an impact organisation that guides businesses, cities and nations towards adoption of a circular system. Marc is a recognized thought-leader on implementation of the circular economy. In 2018 he initiated the Circularity Gap Report: an annual yardstick for the circular state of the global economy. He brings nearly 15 years of strategy and implementation experience in advising companies and governments in developing circular strategies and implementing circular solutions.

Fredrik Uddenfeldt

VP Community Growth at ClimateView

Fredrik Uddenfeldt is a former Swedish diplomat who joined ClimateView in 2019. ClimateView is a climate action technology company that combines scientific modelling, machine learning and interface design to help cities understand and act on the complex climate challenge. Fredrik works closely with some of the leading cities to accelerate climate action.

Lars Lindén

Group CEO of Ragn-Sells

Lars Lindén is the CEO of Ragn-Sells Group since 2016. He has a long experience in the Recycling, Waste and Environment sector as well as telecom business.

Liz Ricketts

Co-founder of the OR Foundation

Liz Ricketts is an educator, designer and the co-founder of The OR Foundation, a USA and Ghana-based non-profit working at the intersection of environmental justice, education and fashion development. Under Liz’s leadership, The OR Foundation has been researching the global secondhand clothing economy since 2016 and is on a mission to catalyze a Justice-led Circular Textiles Economy in Accra. Liz holds a Masters in Education from Harvard University and graduated from the fashion design program at the University of Cincinnati.

Iain Stirling

Owner of Arbikie Distillery

I own the Arbikie Highland Estate with my brothers, John, Sandy & David where we grow, distil, mature & bottle our world award-winning, family of sustainable, luxury, field-to-bottle spirits on Scotland's sunny east coast in the ancient county of Angus. At Arbikie Distillery we aim to be one of the world’s most sustainable distilleries and we distil Nadar, the world’s first climate-positive gin & vodka and Highland Rye, the world’s only Rye Scotch Whisky.

Emma Modéer Wiking

Head of International Sustainable Business at Business Sweden

Emma Modéer Wiking is Head of International Sustainable Business at the Swedish Trade and Invest Council, Business Sweden. In her role, she is responsible for climate action and responsible business conduct. Emma has extensive experience in working with sustainability and enabling partnerships between business, public sector, academia and civil society. She is one of the initiators behind the strategic climate initiative Pioneer the Fossil Free which helps other countries to transform by mapping and matching the world’s largest polluting markets and industry sectors with sustainable solutions and disruptive technologies.

Dr. Katharina Eissing

CEO of Digimind GmbH

Katharina is a quantum physicist with a PhD from RWTH Aachen. After her dissertation she shifted her focus towards manufacturing related problems leveraging digital tools like simulation and machine learning. She worked for Siemens’ research department and as chief engineer in ETH Zurich, before she co-founded Digimind GmbH in 2020. Now Katharina’s mission is to develop the first AI empowered software for the packaging industry to become a sustainable and circular industry.

Edgar Hertwich

Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Edgar Hertwich is professor in Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a Fellow at the Yale School of the Environment. He leads the work on resource efficiency and climate change of the International Resource Panel. This work informed the EC's Circular Economy Action Plan and the Renovation Wave, part of its climate policy for the building sector. Hertwich is ranked among the top 100 researchers in the world in the fields of environmental science and climate change, according to separate assessments conducted by researchers at Stanford University and Reuters. Hertwich was a lead author of the energy systems chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC 5th assessment report. He has a PhD in energy and resources from the University of California, Berkeley.

William Rehm

Founder of DeedStack, Inc.

As a tech and product innovator William understands the promise of new thinking. Focused at the intersection where businesses and consumers meet around climate action, he works to close the trust and action gaps between the two, using new technology and systems thinking. He believes a new world of climate collaboration awaits us, and that impact urgently needs to integrate into products, services, downloads, reward programs and more. William loves to share research, explore concepts, talk about blockchain, and build stuff.

Eva Karlsson

CEO of Houdini

Eva Karlsson is the CEO of Houdini Sportswear, a progressive and rapidly growing Swedish outdoor brand and a trailblazer in corporate responsibility. Since 2001, Eva together with a team of likeminded, have been redesigning business to become a force for good – providing state-of-the-art circular products, offering product-as-a-service solutions and building a co-creative community for open-source innovation, sharing knowledge and inspiring to reconnect to nature. Rather than focusing on Houdini's outstanding track record in sustainable development, Eva emphasizes the journey ahead and the untapped opportunities and abundant value in designing attractive and regenerative lifestyle solutions.

Andreas Anderholm Pedersen

Sustainability Manager at GIAB

Andreas works as a sustainability manager for GIAB (Godsinlösen Nordic AB) – a company that since 2012 have been working with circular economy in practice by giving products a new life through circular economy principles. Before joining GIAB Andreas spent two years working for the Swedish Delegation for circular economy, an advisory body to the Swedish government. Today he leads one of the Delegation’s expert groups focusing on how Sweden can increase the amount reuse together with companies such as Inrego, Blocket, Tradera and Myrorna. Andreas has a university degree in environmental economics and has worked with sustainability issues at the city of Malmö, Sweden’s society for nature conservation and the Swedish ministry for foreign affairs.

Henrik Byström

Business Group Lead Modern Work & Security at Microsoft

Henrik Byström joined Microsoft in 2008 and now works as the business group lead for modern work and security. He leads Microsoft’s initiative around work not being a a place you go to, but something you do. A perspective Microsoft has had since 2012. He has more then 20 years of experience in discussing productivity solution and is an appreciated speaker on the topic where he challenges leader to think in new ways.

Galahad Clark

Founder, Vivobarefoot

Galahad Clark is the founder of Vivobarefoot, which is based on one simple insight - barefoot footwear is sustainable footwear. Galahad Clark has received a great deal of international attention for building a company that revolutionizes previous business models and creates success with a regenerative perspective. Vivobarefoot challenges the shoe, fashion and outdoor industries with new business behaviors and target groups. They take sustainability strategies and implementation one step further. Among other things, Clark has founded the initiative "Worn Again" together with H&M to reuse materials in the fashion industry.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Sara Marjani Zadeh

Land and Water Officer, FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and Turkey

A PhD in Land and Water Resource Management and Engineering, is the Land and Water Officer for the FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and Turkey. Her role is to oversee and coordinate the land and water portfolio for the sub-region covering both the project implementations and normative work. She joined FAO back in 2014 as a water officer in Rome, and was then transferred to Ankara back in 2018. Before joining FAO she has worked in different national and international institutions including International Water Management Institute, Ontario Ministry of Environment, and ICRC and has lectured at Tehran University and Ryerson University/Toronto.

Evie Evangelou

President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development

Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development (F4D) and Founding partner of Sustainia Living. She first introduced F4D’s global awareness campaign and the First Ladies Luncheon initiative in 2011, inspired by her career in the international arena of cultural diplomacy and international relations, specializing in Entertainment, Arts, Fashion, Beauty, Travel and Tourism, and Trade Development. Previously, Evie served as interim Deputy Secretary General for the World Federation of the United Nations in NYC, where she worked with more than 100 UN Member States and Countries and Missions, as well as numerous non-governmental bodies focused on education, cultural affairs and humanitarian causes. She received the appointment by Kensaku Hogen, a former Under Secretary General of the United Nations Department of Public Information, as a Special Consultant for Cultural and Educational Affairs and programs within UNDPI, one of the nine departments comprising the United Nations Secretariat. She was also appointed as a strategic consultant to the special representative of the UN Secretary-General for the United Nations themes “Dialogue among Civilizations and Diversity is Beautiful”. Throughout her career she has received acknowledgements by the U.S. Senate and honored by several international governments as well as served as Goodwill Ambassador. In 2013, Fashion Group International presented Evie Evangelou with the Humanitarian Award for her work of creating positive social change for humanity.

Emily Burnett

CEO and Creative Director of Burnett New York

Emily Burnett after tenure as Creative Director for Dennis Basso has gained international recognition within the luxury fashion industry for her infinitely feminine sensibility and cutting-edge innovation in Ready-To-Wear, eveningwear, and bridal. Attention to detail, craftsmanship, and effortless style characterize her signature aesthetic. Burnett has partnered with UNICEF’s Girls Education Program as well as numerous other foundations to support women’s initiatives worldwide. As the Founder, CEO, and Creative Director, Emily makes it her mission to empower women through creating tailored power dressing silhouettes to supporting women’s initiatives that showcase and highlight diversity and inclusion on the runway and in every aspect of the fashion industry.

Stephanie Dillon


Stephanie Dillon is founder of zero-manufacturing apparel company Citizen T, which sources clothing and other items from landfills and features the work of a number of artists in various collaboration. Based in Minneapolis, Minn., with more than 20 years of experience helping to produce art behind the scenes, Dillon began painting after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, an experience she marks as shifting radically her worldview and role. Interrogating and rejecting the idea of disposability, Dillon revives discarded items, exploring how to create beauty in something over and over and over. She is a member of Rolling Stone’s Culture Council. Her work can be found at and

Ola Stålebrink & Lasse Ugarph

Climate Zombies

Climate Zombies is Ola Stålebrink and Lasse Ugarph who just started to make some 80’s inspired Synthpop music. The inspiration is early Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Howard Jones and Human League.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (OLD)

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Selected speakers

Pär Larshans

Co-host, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells

Pär is an award winner in communication, social sustainability, and intrapreneurship, listed multiple times by Trust Across America as one of the Top Thought Leaders in Trust. He is the current appointed expert for setting environmental targets for sea and coastal regions in Sweden and for the coalition group for climate-neutral Swedish industry by 2045.

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Per Klevnäs

Partner, Material Economics

Per Klevnäs has worked internationally with resource and climate issues as a consultant and researcher since the early 2000s. An economist by training, previous roles have included as an expert in McKinsey’s Sustainability Practice, Research Director of the New Climate Economy Project, a senior researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and managing director of an economic consultancy. At Material Economics, Per helps companies set the right direction in the face of new business requirements and opportunities connected with energy, resource, and sustainability topics. He has worked widely across energy, basic materials, packaging, manufacturing, banking, and utilities on topics ranging from investment due diligence and acquisition scanning, low-carbon growth strategies, investment planning, product and technology development, and regulatory strategy. He is lead author of several high-profile international reports on circular economy and climate themes, including The Circular Economy – a Powerful Force for GHG Mitigation, Industrial Transformation 2050, Completing the Picture and the New Climate Economy report.

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Owen Gaffney

Project Lead, Earth4All

Owen is a global sustainability writer, analyst and strategist. He is based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a Future Earth Senior Fellow, an Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand) and he is on the faculty of Singularity University. He is interested in big-picture narratives of the past and future of people on Earth (and beyond). He has published in Science and Nature and is a regular contributor to New Scientist. He co-founded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine and is on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine.

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Fredrika Klarén

Head of Sustainability, Polestar

Fredrika Klarén is a firm believer in the role of business as a catalyst for sustainable development and has held sustainability positions over the past decade at IKEA and Swedish fashion retailer KappAhl. She studied Civil Engineering with a focus on Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Fredrika joined Polestar in April 2020 to drive the company’s sustainability ambitions forward on issues such as climate-neutrality, circularity, transparency and inclusion. Fredrika is chair of the board for Agenda 2030 West, an organisation enabling partnership between academia, business, civil society and public sector for the 17 SDGs. Fredrika is a reglular speaker at events such as The Next Web, Financial Times Live and Electronomous.

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Anders Wijkman

Opinion leader, author & Honorary president Club of Rome

Anders Wijkman is a Swedish opinion leader and author. He is honorary chairman of the global think tank Club of Rome and chairman of the Governing Board of Climate-KIC – a major public-private partnership at EU level for the promotion of innovation of a low-carbon society. He has served as a Member of the European Parliament, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP.Since 2015 Anders is a member of the International Resource Panel (IRP) – a UN appointed expert body” to build and share the knowledge needed to improve the use of our resources worldwide”.

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Gwen Cunningham

Lead Circle Textiles Programme at Circle Economy

Gwen was born in Ireland, and trained as an apparel designer in her home town of Dublin. In her role as designer, Gwen became critically aware of, and increasingly uncomfortable with, the linear nature of the apparel industry. A drive to inspire change - and to design new systems, not new products - led her to Amsterdam, the proclaimed 'circular hotspot of Europe'. Today, Gwen leads Circle Economy’s Textiles Programme, whose mission it is to achieve a zero waste industry through the practical implementation of circular solutions, together with its network of brands and solution providers. To get there, the programme focussed on two key pillars; firstly, enabling the technology and infrastructure needed to valorize textile waste at end-of-life (reducing the waste mountain) and secondly, building apparel brand's capacity to adopt circular design and circular business models (preventing the waste mountain). Recent and ongoing projects include the development and commercialization of the Fibersort (a breakthrough technology that automatically sorts post-consumer textiles by fibre composition, in order to generate consistent input for textile-to-textile recycling), the launch of On Course (an educational circular training programme for apparel brands) and Switching Gear (a project that guides 5 apparel brands in the design and launch of a rental or recommerce business model pilots).

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Rachel Kyte

Co-chair, VCMI

Rachel Kyte is a climate diplomat, dean, educator, multilateralist, activist focused on making finance work for climate action and justice. Time is not on our side. We can’t afford to waste time or money and need politics to be as good as our science. Previously, she was chief executive officer of Sustainable Energy for All, and special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. She was World Bank Group vice president and special envoy for climate change. In that role, she oversaw work on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance across the institutions of the World Bank Group, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's fund for the poorest; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); as well as the World Bank Institute and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. She previously served as World Bank vice president for sustainable development and was the International Finance Corporation's vice president for business advisory services and a member of IFC's management team.​

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Robin Chase

CoFounder, Zipcar, Veniam, NUMO

Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the world’s leading carsharing network; as well as co-founder of Veniam, a network company that moves terabytes of data between vehicles and the cloud. In 2019, she co-founded her first nonprofit, NUMO, a global alliance to channel the opportunities presented by new urban mobility technologies to build cities that are sustainable and just. Her book is Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism. She sits on the Boards of the World Resources Institute and Tucows (where she is Chair), and serves on the Dutch multinational DSM’s Sustainability Advisory Board.

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Esther Goodwin Brown

Lead of the Circular Jobs Initiative at Circle Economy

Circle Economy is an impact organisation that connects and empowers a global community to create the conditions for transformation towards the circular economy. They do this by developing practical and scalable insights and solutions for cities, nations and businesses. The Circular Jobs Initiative guides governments and businesses on how to make the most of the employment opportunities offered by the circular economy—ensuring a transition that is positive for work and workers. With skills as one of its key focus areas, the Circular Jobs Initiative develops knowledge on the skills needed in the circular economy and how education and training pathways can both adapt to changes and be drivers of sustainable development. Esther leads the growth and strategic direction of the Circular Jobs Initiative. Her work focuses on bringing labour market issues central to agenda-setting around circular economy and green economic policies, and that the circular economy is understood by educators and decision-makers across the world more widely.

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Manzoor Qadir

Assistant Director, Water and Human Development Programme

Manzoor Qadir is an environmental scientist with focus on policy, institutional and biophysical aspects of water recycling and safe reuse, water quality and environmental health, water and food security, and sustainable natural resources management under changing climate. He has implemented multidisciplinary projects and directed research teams in different parts of world, particularly in Central Asia and Middle East and North Africa regions. He led teams of eminent professionals to contribute to international and regional initiatives such as the Comprehensive Global Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, and the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development. In addition to supervising a number of post-doctoral fellows, postgraduate students, and interns, he has undertaken several international and regional capacity development initiatives such as organizing knowledge bridging workshops and training courses for young researchers; and regional workshops as part of UN-Water project, which brought together 143 participants from 71 UN member states from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

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Vikas Garg

CEO & Founder of abillion

Vikas Garg is the Founder & CEO of abillion, a global community on a mission to make sustainability a habit for everyone. Vikas launched abillion after a 15-year career in investment banks, hedge funds and government. Vikas is a dedicated supporter of education and conservation initiatives around the world. He's received Credit Suisse’s Global Citizenship Award, is a Young Leader of the Milken Institute, a Charter Member of The IndUS Entrepreneurs, and an Advisor to the Good Food Institute. With a vision to leverage technology as an instrument to impact positive social change, he set out to create a platform that would remove obstacles for individuals looking to lead a plant-based lifestyle.

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Gonzalo Muñoz

High Level Climate Champion

Appointed by the Chilean presidency and the United Nations as High Level Climate Champion for the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, to mobilize climate action in non-state actors around the world. Previously, he co-founded and led TriCiclos, one of the most recognized Latin American companies in circular economy and recycling. Inspired by 10 years of running traditional food businesses where he witnessed the waste generated by the private sector, he set out to offer a transformative service that would help the environment while being financially sustainable. Using his entrepreneurial and business knowledge, he redirected his efforts towards the ideals and passion for sustainability and the environment.

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Carly Gilbert-Patrick

Team Leader - Active Mobility, Digitalisation and Mode Integration at UNEP

Carly manages the UNEP team for Active Mobility, Digitalisation and Mode Integration working with countries around the world to decouple mobility from increasing emissions. Carly has been working in the field of sustainable mobility for fifteen years in the areas of active mobility, road safety, bus rapid transit, congestion charging, low emission zones, bike share systems and digitalisation. Prior to her time with UN Environment Carly was the Programme Manager for the UN-Habitat Sustainable Transport for East African Cities, working with city leaders in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Kampala on bus rapid transit planning. Before moving to Kenya, Carly worked for Transport for London supporting design, implementation and launch of the London Cycle Hire Scheme and the London Low Emission Zone. Carly is also a Council member of the World Economic Forum Future Council on Mobility and a Board Member of the Flone Initiative.

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Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business. less
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Mats Pellbäck Scharp

Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats is Head of Sustainability at Ericsson with responsibility for climate action, circular economy, energy performance and triple bottom line impact of products, services and company operations. Taking this role after restructuring the Health & Safety organization in the company. During mats leadership the company has set targets that are accepted to be on a 1.5°C by the Science Based Target initiative. Mats has initiated and participated in various research projects e.g. as a member of the steering group for the Exponential Climate Action Roadmap report as well as the ICT & SDGs Report with Columbia University on how information technology has the potential to accelerate halving of global carbon emissions as well as reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Before rejoining Ericsson, among several other leading roles e.g. Head of Sustainability at Sony Ericsson launching the Green Heart brand for mobile phones and accessories.

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Arnaud Marquis

Group Sustainability Officer

Arnaud Marquis has been Group Sustainability Officer of Tarkett since July 2020. He joined Tarkett in 2016 as Vice President Hardflooring EMEA. Before joining Tarkett, he worked at Ahlstrom-Munksjö Group, a leading player in fiber products, for more than 20 years, in different international business roles related to Sales, Marketing, and Operations. He is a graduate of Grenoble engineering school (INPG) - Pagora and holds an Executive MBA from EM Lyon business school. Within the Executive Committee, Arnaud's mission is to intensify the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the deployment of circular solutions for our customers. He oversees innovation programs for the circular economy and the creation of associated business models. He also ensures that all Tarkett teams take full ownership of sustainability issues.

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Dr. Pernilla Jonsson

Head of Ericsson Consumer & Industry Lab

Dr. Pernilla Jonsson is Head of Ericsson Consumer & Industry Lab. Through cutting edge research Consumer & IndustryLab drive Ericsson thought leadership of what connected intelligence means to people, different industries and society. Pernilla has worked with innovation, market strategy, business development for multinational companies for over 15 years. Pernilla is a board member of WASP HS, the Wallenberg foundation of AI research in the humanitarian and society context. Pernilla is an appreciated international key note speaker for large audiences as well as in boardrooms and executive committees. Further, international media frequently interviews her on areas relating to her expertise. In 2015 she launched a book on the digitalization of the purchasing process, “The one-click revolution” which earned the honorary prize as Sweden’s “Marketing Book of the Year 2016.”

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Olav Kjørven

Senior Director of Strategy

Olav is part of EAT’s Leadership team and provides strategic oversight to EAT’s policy work, leads engagement on global policy arenas, and guides EAT’s science and knowledge initiatives for maximum impact on food systems policies and practices. Olav’s career spans political leadership roles for Norwegian development cooperation and several senior leadership posts at the United Nations. He led the Bureau for Development Policy of the United Nations Development Program for almost seven years, overseeing an international staff of some 360, programs delivering in the hundreds of millions every year, and policy work ranging from democratic governance to climate change. Olav played a central role in the complex and highly political process that led to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, including organizing the largest global consultation ever undertaken by the UN with millions of people engaged. Olav holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University and is a Norwegian national.

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Oskar Storm

Architectural Projects Specification Manager at Saint-Gobain Glass SE/NO

Oskar Storm has worked in the glass business for Saint-Gobain for almost 25 years. Since 2014 he is responsible for technical marketing of glass in Sweden and Norway. These markets are sensitive to sustainability issues and open to new ideas. Oskar has taken advantage of this and adopted a system view on glass in facades. The most substantial results of his work is the book “Designing glass facades for near zero energy buildings” and a partnership with Ragn-Sells to realize circular use of flat glass in a market far away from float glass production.

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Sacha Ghiglione

CEO & Boardmember of Prime Computer

Sacha is CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss climate neutral, green IT manufacturer Prime Computer. As a trusted Advisory Board Member he provides Start-Ups with knowledge, understanding, and strategic thinking of the industry or management of specific cases. Envisioning to motivate people to think and act in a more sustainable way towards our home, Earth, Sacha contributes in his role as Board Member of the European Technology Chamber & the Climate Action Commission, his valuable know-how to foster awareness and support the use of European technology to reach the sustainability goals (SDGs) of the UN around the world and reduce emissions that contribute to Climate Change. less
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Tim Elfring

Co-founder of Phood Farm

My name is Tim Elfring (30) graduated at Nyenrode Business Universiteit and together with Sabine Feron (32) Bachelor in Marketing, we found PHOOD. Our philosophy is to create the ‘PHOOD Standard’; where fresh, sustainable, healthy and hyper-locally grown food is the new norm. Through community gardening, urban farming and permaculture we want to change the current food production/industry into a more circular and sustainable one.

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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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Erik Perzon

Area Leader Textiles at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Material scientist turned circularity enabler. 10+ Years background in material-, technology- and system development of sustainable bio based and recycled textiles. Currently managing the SIPTEX-project, establishing the first industry scale automated sorting plant for textile waste. Developing the next project endeavor for textile innovation in Sweden.

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Thomas Kimber

Founder and CEO, Karün

Inspired and connected to nature in Patagonia, Thomas Kimber (31) decided to prove through example that businesses can co-exist in harmony with our natural environment. Through his eyewear company, Karün, Thomas has given shape for over 12 years to a business that works alongside rural communities to protect nature, and strengthens the development of local family businesses in Patagonia. Leadership recognition: World Bank Summit Speaker “Extraordinary young people of Latin America” “100 young leaders of Chile”

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Alexandra Davidsson

Secretary General of The Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption

Alexandra Davidsson is the Secretary General of the Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption, a non-profit which creates responsible consumers in the transition towards a smarter world, with the vision of that world being one of circulents. Alexandra is ranked as #56 of most influential in Sustainability in Sweden 2021, and as one of the Female Leaders of the Future 2021 & 2020 by Sweden’s professional organization for executives, Ledarna. Responsible Consumption organized the global circular campaign #circularmonday 2018-2019 which reached over 74 million in 2019, in 23 countries and launched the word "circulents" which became an official Swedish word 2020 and has been exposed 7 million times on social media. A circulent is a true sustainable consumer, the consumer of the future. Alexandra has great experience within national and international humanitarian work and has held over 500 lectures within Circular and Sustainable Consumption.

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Kyle Wiens

CEO of iFixit

Kyle Wiens is the co-founder of iFixit, the repair community internationally known for open source repair manuals and product teardowns. iFixit has empowered hundreds of millions of people to repair their broken stuff. Kyle has testified before the US Copyright Office and the International Trade Commission, and he is involved in developing global environmental standards. Kyle regularly speaks on design for repair, service documentation, and the environmental impact of manufacturing. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Wired, Popular Mechanics, and the Wall Street Journal.

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Marc de Wit

Director strategic alliances at Circle Economy

Marc de Wit is Director Strategic alliances at Circle Economy, an impact organisation that guides businesses, cities and nations towards adoption of a circular system. Marc is a recognized thought-leader on implementation of the circular economy. In 2018 he initiated the Circularity Gap Report: an annual yardstick for the circular state of the global economy. He brings nearly 15 years of strategy and implementation experience in advising companies and governments in developing circular strategies and implementing circular solutions.

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Fredrik Uddenfeldt

VP Community Growth at ClimateView

Fredrik Uddenfeldt is a former Swedish diplomat who joined ClimateView in 2019. ClimateView is a climate action technology company that combines scientific modelling, machine learning and interface design to help cities understand and act on the complex climate challenge. Fredrik works closely with some of the leading cities to accelerate climate action.

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Lars Lindén

Group CEO of Ragn-Sells

Lars Lindén is the CEO of Ragn-Sells Group since 2016. He has a long experience in the Recycling, Waste and Environment sector as well as telecom business.

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Liz Ricketts

Co-founder of the OR Foundation

Liz Ricketts is an educator, designer and the co-founder of The OR Foundation, a USA and Ghana-based non-profit working at the intersection of environmental justice, education and fashion development. Under Liz’s leadership, The OR Foundation has been researching the global secondhand clothing economy since 2016 and is on a mission to catalyze a Justice-led Circular Textiles Economy in Accra. Liz holds a Masters in Education from Harvard University and graduated from the fashion design program at the University of Cincinnati.

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Iain Stirling

Owner of Arbikie Distillery

I own the Arbikie Highland Estate with my brothers, John, Sandy & David where we grow, distil, mature & bottle our world award-winning, family of sustainable, luxury, field-to-bottle spirits on Scotland's sunny east coast in the ancient county of Angus. At Arbikie Distillery we aim to be one of the world’s most sustainable distilleries and we distil Nadar, the world’s first climate-positive gin & vodka and Highland Rye, the world’s only Rye Scotch Whisky.

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Emma Modéer Wiking

Head of International Sustainable Business at Business Sweden

Emma Modéer Wiking is Head of International Sustainable Business at the Swedish Trade and Invest Council, Business Sweden. In her role, she is responsible for climate action and responsible business conduct. Emma has extensive experience in working with sustainability and enabling partnerships between business, public sector, academia and civil society. She is one of the initiators behind the strategic climate initiative Pioneer the Fossil Free which helps other countries to transform by mapping and matching the world’s largest polluting markets and industry sectors with sustainable solutions and disruptive technologies.

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Dr. Katharina Eissing

CEO of Digimind GmbH

Katharina is a quantum physicist with a PhD from RWTH Aachen. After her dissertation she shifted her focus towards manufacturing related problems leveraging digital tools like simulation and machine learning. She worked for Siemens’ research department and as chief engineer in ETH Zurich, before she co-founded Digimind GmbH in 2020. Now Katharina’s mission is to develop the first AI empowered software for the packaging industry to become a sustainable and circular industry.

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Edgar Hertwich

Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Edgar Hertwich is professor in Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a Fellow at the Yale School of the Environment. He leads the work on resource efficiency and climate change of the International Resource Panel. This work informed the EC's Circular Economy Action Plan and the Renovation Wave, part of its climate policy for the building sector. Hertwich is ranked among the top 100 researchers in the world in the fields of environmental science and climate change, according to separate assessments conducted by researchers at Stanford University and Reuters. Hertwich was a lead author of the energy systems chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC 5th assessment report. He has a PhD in energy and resources from the University of California, Berkeley.

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William Rehm

Founder of DeedStack, Inc.

As a tech and product innovator William understands the promise of new thinking. Focused at the intersection where businesses and consumers meet around climate action, he works to close the trust and action gaps between the two, using new technology and systems thinking. He believes a new world of climate collaboration awaits us, and that impact urgently needs to integrate into products, services, downloads, reward programs and more. William loves to share research, explore concepts, talk about blockchain, and build stuff.

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Eva Karlsson

CEO of Houdini

Eva Karlsson is the CEO of Houdini Sportswear, a progressive and rapidly growing Swedish outdoor brand and a trailblazer in corporate responsibility. Since 2001, Eva together with a team of likeminded, have been redesigning business to become a force for good – providing state-of-the-art circular products, offering product-as-a-service solutions and building a co-creative community for open-source innovation, sharing knowledge and inspiring to reconnect to nature. Rather than focusing on Houdini's outstanding track record in sustainable development, Eva emphasizes the journey ahead and the untapped opportunities and abundant value in designing attractive and regenerative lifestyle solutions.

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Andreas Anderholm Pedersen

Sustainability Manager at GIAB

Andreas works as a sustainability manager for GIAB (Godsinlösen Nordic AB) – a company that since 2012 have been working with circular economy in practice by giving products a new life through circular economy principles. Before joining GIAB Andreas spent two years working for the Swedish Delegation for circular economy, an advisory body to the Swedish government. Today he leads one of the Delegation’s expert groups focusing on how Sweden can increase the amount reuse together with companies such as Inrego, Blocket, Tradera and Myrorna. Andreas has a university degree in environmental economics and has worked with sustainability issues at the city of Malmö, Sweden’s society for nature conservation and the Swedish ministry for foreign affairs.

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Henrik Byström

Business Group Lead Modern Work & Security at Microsoft

Henrik Byström joined Microsoft in 2008 and now works as the business group lead for modern work and security. He leads Microsoft’s initiative around work not being a a place you go to, but something you do. A perspective Microsoft has had since 2012. He has more then 20 years of experience in discussing productivity solution and is an appreciated speaker on the topic where he challenges leader to think in new ways.

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Galahad Clark

Founder, Vivobarefoot

Galahad Clark is the founder of Vivobarefoot, which is based on one simple insight - barefoot footwear is sustainable footwear. Galahad Clark has received a great deal of international attention for building a company that revolutionizes previous business models and creates success with a regenerative perspective. Vivobarefoot challenges the shoe, fashion and outdoor industries with new business behaviors and target groups. They take sustainability strategies and implementation one step further. Among other things, Clark has founded the initiative "Worn Again" together with H&M to reuse materials in the fashion industry.

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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Sara Marjani Zadeh

Land and Water Officer, FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and Turkey

A PhD in Land and Water Resource Management and Engineering, is the Land and Water Officer for the FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and Turkey. Her role is to oversee and coordinate the land and water portfolio for the sub-region covering both the project implementations and normative work. She joined FAO back in 2014 as a water officer in Rome, and was then transferred to Ankara back in 2018. Before joining FAO she has worked in different national and international institutions including International Water Management Institute, Ontario Ministry of Environment, and ICRC and has lectured at Tehran University and Ryerson University/Toronto.

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Evie Evangelou

President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development

Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development (F4D) and Founding partner of Sustainia Living. She first introduced F4D’s global awareness campaign and the First Ladies Luncheon initiative in 2011, inspired by her career in the international arena of cultural diplomacy and international relations, specializing in Entertainment, Arts, Fashion, Beauty, Travel and Tourism, and Trade Development. Previously, Evie served as interim Deputy Secretary General for the World Federation of the United Nations in NYC, where she worked with more than 100 UN Member States and Countries and Missions, as well as numerous non-governmental bodies focused on education, cultural affairs and humanitarian causes. She received the appointment by Kensaku Hogen, a former Under Secretary General of the United Nations Department of Public Information, as a Special Consultant for Cultural and Educational Affairs and programs within UNDPI, one of the nine departments comprising the United Nations Secretariat. She was also appointed as a strategic consultant to the special representative of the UN Secretary-General for the United Nations themes “Dialogue among Civilizations and Diversity is Beautiful”. Throughout her career she has received acknowledgements by the U.S. Senate and honored by several international governments as well as served as Goodwill Ambassador. In 2013, Fashion Group International presented Evie Evangelou with the Humanitarian Award for her work of creating positive social change for humanity.

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Emily Burnett

CEO and Creative Director of Burnett New York

Emily Burnett after tenure as Creative Director for Dennis Basso has gained international recognition within the luxury fashion industry for her infinitely feminine sensibility and cutting-edge innovation in Ready-To-Wear, eveningwear, and bridal. Attention to detail, craftsmanship, and effortless style characterize her signature aesthetic. Burnett has partnered with UNICEF’s Girls Education Program as well as numerous other foundations to support women’s initiatives worldwide. As the Founder, CEO, and Creative Director, Emily makes it her mission to empower women through creating tailored power dressing silhouettes to supporting women’s initiatives that showcase and highlight diversity and inclusion on the runway and in every aspect of the fashion industry.

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Stephanie Dillon


Stephanie Dillon is founder of zero-manufacturing apparel company Citizen T, which sources clothing and other items from landfills and features the work of a number of artists in various collaboration. Based in Minneapolis, Minn., with more than 20 years of experience helping to produce art behind the scenes, Dillon began painting after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, an experience she marks as shifting radically her worldview and role. Interrogating and rejecting the idea of disposability, Dillon revives discarded items, exploring how to create beauty in something over and over and over. She is a member of Rolling Stone’s Culture Council. Her work can be found at and

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Ola Stålebrink & Lasse Ugarph

Climate Zombies

Climate Zombies is Ola Stålebrink and Lasse Ugarph who just started to make some 80’s inspired Synthpop music. The inspiration is early Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Howard Jones and Human League. less
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Circularity and The Race to Zero


The Exponential Climate Action Summits is a collaboration between We Don't Have Time, Ericsson and The Exponential Roadmap Initiative. The summits focuses on bringing together stakeholders, experts and activists in a conversation about how to scale exponential solutions to the climate crisis. Upcoming installments of the series in 2021 are ”Sustainable Consumption” at Climate Week NYC in September and ”Exponential Solutions" at COP 26 in November.

We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social network for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue  with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. Sustainability is at the heart of our company purpose “Empowering an intelligent, sustainable and connected world” and it is integrated into Ericsson’s strategy becoming an ever more fundamental part of creating business and societal value. Read more.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, scientists, companies and NGOs which are taking action in line with the 1.5°C ambition, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. It shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and wealth- within the planetary boundaries. All companies and organisations must halve emissions by 2030 in the Race to Zero. The 1.5°C Business Playbook is a guideline for companies and organisations of all sizes to set a 1.5°C aligned strategy and move to action. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it is anchored in the latest science.

Ragn-Sells is an environmental company that turns waste into pure raw materials so that they can be used over and over again. Ragn-Sells drives the transition to a circular economy through solutions that reduce the environmental and climate impact of others.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest media platform for climate action—with a mission to democratize knowledge about climate solutions and inspire and mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. The content of the We Don't Have Time media platform is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. The platform is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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